*! version 1.0.0 // 08feb2019 Ariel Linden program define sequences version 11.0 syntax newvarname, [ From(numlist max=1) To(numlist max=1) by(numlist max=1) ] quietly { ********************************************* // When _N == 0 (no observations in the data) ********************************************* if _N == 0 { if "`to'" == "" { di as err "A value for -to- must be specified if there are no observations currently in the data" exit 198 } if "`from'" == "" & "`by'" != "" { local from = mod(`to', `by') } if "`from'" != "" & "`by'" == "" { local by = abs((`to' - `from') / (`to'- 1)) } if "`from'" == "" & "`by'" == "" { local from = 1 local by = 1 } // Ensure correct value specifications if `to' <= `from' { di as err " -to(`to')- must be greater than -from(`from')-" exit 198 } if `by' < 0 { di as err " -by(`by')- must be a positive value" exit 198 } // set number of observations if `from' < 0 { local obs = 1 + ceil((`to'- `from')/`by') } *** else local obs = 1 + ceil((`to'- 1)/`by') else local obs = 1 + ceil((`to')/`by') set obs `obs' } // end if _N == 0 ****************************************** // When _N > 0 (the data has observations) ****************************************** else if _N > 0 { if "`by'" != "" { di as err " -by()- is not an available option when there are observations currently in the data" exit 198 } if "`to'" == "" { local to = _N } if "`from'" == "" { local from = 1 } // Ensure correct ordering if `to' <= `from' { di as err " -to(`to')- must be greater than -from(`from')-" exit 198 } local by = (`to' - `from') / (_N-1) } // end _N > 0 ************************** // generate the sequence! ************************** gen `varlist' = `from' + (_n - 1) * `by' drop if (`varlist' > `to') } // end quietly end