*! Endogenous-treatment Sample Selection Poisson by MSL *! Version 4.0 *! Author: Alfonso Miranda *! Date: 06.01.2011 capture program drop setpoisson program define setpoisson, eclass version 11 if replay() { if "`e(cmd)'" != "setpoisson" { error 301 } Display `0' exit } capture noisily Estimate `0' exit _rc end program define Estimate, eclass /* Parse equations*/ local i = 1 local parent "(" while "`parent'" != "" { gettoken e`i' 0:0, parse (" ,[") match(parent) if "`parent'" == "" { local i = `i' - 1 continue } local left "`0'" local junk: subinstr local e`i' ":" ":", count(local number) if "`number'" == "1" { gettoken eqname`i' e`i':e`i', parse(":") gettoken junk e`i':e`i', parse(":") } local e`i': subinstr local e`i' "=" " " gettoken endogv`i' 0:e`i', parse(" ,[") unab endogv`i':`endogv`i'' local endogvs "`endogvs' `endogv`i''" confirm variable `endogv`i'' if "`eqname`i''" == "" { local eqname`i' "`endogv`i''" } syntax [varlist(fv default=none)] [, noCONstant] local exogv`i' `varlist' local nexogv`i' : word count `exogv`i'' if "`constant'" == "" { local nexogv`i' = `nexogv`i'' + 1 } local exogvs "`exogvs' `exogv`i''" local nc`i' `constant' local 0 "`left'" gettoken check:left, parse(" ,[") match(paren) local i = `i' + 1 } if `i' > 3 { di in red "only three equations are allowed" error 198 } /* sort out constants */ if "`nc1'" == "" { local ncedv = 1 } else { local ncedv = 0 } if "`nc2'" == "" { local ncssv = 1 } else { local ncssv = 0 } if "`nc3'" == "" { local ncordv = 1 } else { local ncordv = 0 } /* Remaining options */ local 0 "`left'" syntax [if] [in], [rep(integer 50) CONSTRaints(passthru) /* */ METHod(integer 1) FROM(string) HVECtor(string) cluster(string) /* */ CONSTRaint(passthru) TRace EVALuate MLOpts ROBust HBased *] /* hvector option */ if "`hvector'" != "" { tokenize `hvector' local c = 1 while "`1'" != "" { if `c' > 3 { di in red "hvector takes 3 arguments" error 198 } global S_hv_`c'=`1' local c = `c' + 1 mac shift } } else{ global S_hv_1=1 global S_hv_2=1 global S_hv_3=0 } /* Deal with eval + HBbased + trace */ if "`evaluate'"~="" & "`from'" == "" { disp in red "eval option only allowed with" in gre "from()" exit 198 } /* Generate id */ preserve marksample touse gen id=_n /* Expand data */ qui gen vartype1=1 qui gen vartype2=2 qui gen vartype3=3 qui reshape long vartype, i(id) qui gen edv=cond(vartype==1,1,0) qui gen ssv=cond(vartype==2,1,0) qui gen ordv=cond(vartype==3,1,0) /* Sort data */ tempvar last qui sort id vartype qui by id: gen `last'=(_n==_N) /* Response */ qui gen resp=`endogv1' qui replace resp=`endogv2' if ssv==1 qui replace resp=`endogv3' if ordv==1 /* remove collinear variables */ _rmcoll `exogv1', expand local exogv1 `r(varlist)' _rmcoll `exogv2', expand local exogv2 `r(varlist)' _rmcoll `exogv3', expand local exogv3 `r(varlist)' /* Select sample */ tempvar nouse qui gen nouse=1 sort id vartype foreach s of local exogv1 { qui replace `touse' = 0 if `s'==. & vartype==1 } foreach s of local exogv2 { qui replace `touse' = 0 if `s'==. & vartype==2 } foreach s of local exogv3 { qui replace `touse' = 0 if `s'==. & vartype==3 } qui replace `touse'=0 if resp==. qui { by id: replace `touse'=0 if resp[1]==. | `touse'[1]==0 by id: replace `touse'=0 if resp[2]==. | `touse'[2]==0 } /* get list of included variables */ foreach var of local exogv1 { _ms_parse_parts `var' if !`r(omit)' { local exogv1_il `exogv1_il' `var' } } foreach var of local exogv2 { _ms_parse_parts `var' if !`r(omit)' { local exogv2_il `exogv2_il' `var' } } foreach var of local exogv3 { _ms_parse_parts `var' if !`r(omit)' { local exogv3_il `exogv3_il' `var' } } /*Keep relevant sample */ qui keep if `touse'==1 /* Create globals */ #delimit ; foreach x in S_slambda_f S_sigma { ; global `x'; }; #delimit cr global S_id "id" global S_neq "`i'" global S_endogvs "`endogvs'" global S_vartype "vartype" global S_resp "resp" global S_rep "`rep'" global S_method `method' global S_stouse "`touse'" global S_sncedv=`ncedv' global S_sncssv=`ncssv' global S_sncord=`ncordv' /* locals for exogv in each equation */ local nex1: word count `exogv1' local nex2: word count `exogv2' local nex3: word count `exogv3' local nex1_il: word count `exogv1_il' local nex2_il: word count `exogv2_il' local nex3_il: word count `exogv3_il' /* Initiate globals + initial values */ tempname b0 aux cat forval i=1/$S_neq { if `i' < 3 { qui probit resp `exogv`i'' if `touse' & vartype==`i', `nc`i'' } else { qui poisson resp `exogv`i'' if `touse' & vartype==`i', `nc`i'' } tempname junk`i' mat `junk`i'' = e(b) if `i' == 1 { mat `b0' = `junk`i'' local ll0 = e(ll) } if `i'>1 { mat `b0' = `b0', `junk`i'' local ll0 = e(ll) + `ll0' } if `i' < 3 { #delimit ; global S_eqs "$S_eqs (`eqname`i'': resp = `exogv`i'', `nc`i'') " ; #delimit cr } else { #delimit ; global S_eqs "$S_eqs (`eqname`i'': resp = `exogv`i'', `nc`i'') " ; #delimit cr } } local aux_names local lambda lambda_1 lambda_2 foreach v in `lambda' { local aux_names "`aux_names' `v':_cons" global S_slambda "$S_slambda (`v':)" } local sigma_u sigma_u foreach v in `sigma_u' { local aux_names "`aux_names' `v':_cons" global S_sigma_u "$S_sigma_u (`v':)" } mat `aux' = (0.5,0.5,0) mat `b0' = (`b0',`aux') local df : word count `exogv1_il' `exogv2_il' `exogv3_il' local l0 "lf0(`df' `ll0')" if "`from'" != "" { iniscaleOP `from' `nex1' `nex2' `nex3' id `ncedv' `ncssv' `ncordv' mat `b0' = `from' local ll0 = . } /* create some additional globals */ global S_x_1 "`exogv1'" global S_x_2 "`exogv2'" global S_x_3 "`exogv3'" global S_x_1_il "`exogv1_il'" global S_x_2_il "`exogv2_il'" global S_x_3_il "`exogv3_il'" /* create globals for scores */ global S_snex1= `nexogv1' global S_snex2= `nexogv2' global S_snex3= `nexogv3' global S_snex1_il= `nex1_il' global S_snex2_il= `nex2_il' global S_snex3_il= `nex3_il' global S_snames "" global S_nscores_il : word count `exogv1_il' `exogv2_il' `exogv3_il' global S_nscores_il = $S_nscores_il + `ncedv' + `ncssv' + `ncordv' + 3 global S_nscores : word count `exogv1' `exogv2' `exogv3' global S_nscores = $S_nscores + `ncedv' + `ncssv' + `ncordv' + 3 forval x = 1/$S_nscores { tempvar s_names_`x' gen double `s_names_`x'' = 0 global S_snames "$S_snames `s_names_`x''" } /* Calculate number of obs at level 1 and 2 */ tempname N Nf qui duplicates report id if `touse' scalar `Nf' = r(unique_value) qui su id if `touse' scalar `N' = r(N) /* Keep relevant sample */ qui keep if `touse' /* Estimate full model */ if "`hbased'" == "" { if "`evaluate'" != "" { #delimit ; capture ml model d2 setpoisson_ll $S_eqs $S_slambda $S_sigma_u, init(`b0', copy) `mlopts' `l0' search(off) `trace' missing negh novce nowarn nolog iterate(0) nopreserve max; #delimit cr } else { #delimit ; ml model d2 setpoisson_ll $S_eqs $S_slambda $S_sigma_u, init(`b0', copy) missing `constraints' `options' negh max `trace' search(off) `l0' nopreserve ; #delimit cr } } else { if "`evaluate'" != "" { #delimit ; capture ml model d1 setpoisson_ll $S_eqs $S_slambda $S_sigma_u, init(`b0', copy) `options' `l0' search(off) `trace' missing novce nowarn nolog iterate(0) nopreserve max ; #delimit cr } else { #delimit ; ml model d1 setpoisson_ll $S_eqs $S_slambda $S_sigma_u, init(`b0', copy) `options' `l0' search(off) `trace' missing `constraints' nopreserve max; #delimit cr } } /* save convergence status locals */ tempname converged gradient scalar `converged' = e(converged) matrix `gradient' = e(gradient) /* Deal with robust option */ local K = $S_nscores if "`robust'" != "" { tempname eV rV eb mat `eb' = e(b) if "`hbased'" == "" { #delimit ; ml model d1 setpoisson_ll $S_eqs $S_slambda $S_sigma_u, init(`eb', copy) `l0' `mlopts' iter(0) nolog nowarning max missing nopreserve; #delimit cr } mat `rV' = e(V) local Vnames: colfullnames `rV' local junk "" forval x = 1/`K' { local junk "`junk' eq`x':_cons" } if "`cluster'" != "" { tempvar clast global cS_snames "" sort `cluster' id by `cluster': gen `clast' = (_n==_N) forval x = 1/$S_nscores { qui { tempvar cs_names_`x' global cS_snames "$cS_snames `cs_names_`x''" gen double `cs_names_`x'' = 0 by `cluster' id: replace `cs_names_`x'' = `s_names_`x'' if `last'==1 by `cluster': replace `cs_names_`x'' = sum(`cs_names_`x'') } } } matrix colnames `rV' = `junk' matrix rownames `rV' = `junk' if "`cluster'" != "" { mata: RobustV("`clast'", "`rV'","cS_snames") } else { mata: RobustV("`last'", "`rV'","S_snames") } matrix colnames `rV' = `junk' matrix rownames `rV' = `junk' ereturn repost b=`eb' V=`rV', esample(`touse') } /* POST-ESTIMATION ISSUES */ /* Re-scale Coefficients */ tempname b1 V mat `b1' = e(b) mat `V' = e(V) local colnames : colfullnames(`b1') scaleOP `b1' `V' `nex1' `nex2' `nex3' id `ncedv' `ncssv' `ncordv' mat coleq `b1' = `colnames' mat coleq `V' = `colnames' mat roweq `V' = `colnames' /* Wald test */ if (`ncedv' + `ncssv' + `ncordv' == 3) { local tot = `nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+3 tempname R q chi2 matrix `R'=J(`tot',`tot',0) matrix `q'=J(`tot',1,0) local i=1 while `i'<=(`nex1'){ matrix `R'[`i',`i']=1 local i = `i'+1 } local i = `i' + 1 while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2') { matrix `R'[`i',`i']=1 local i =`i' +1 } local i = `i' + 1 while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3') { matrix `R'[`i',`i']=1 local i =`i' +1 } matrix `chi2'=(`R'*`b1''-`q')'*syminv(`R'*`V'*`R'')*(`R'*`b1''-`q') local chi2_df = `nex1'+`nex2'+`nex3' local chi2 = `chi2'[1,1] local pchi=chiprob(`chi2_df',`chi2') } else{ local chi2=. local chi2_df=. local pchi=. } /* Sort out type of random draws */ if `method'==1 { local drawM "Halton" } if `method'==2 { local drawM "Hammersley" } if `method'==3 { local drawM "pseudo-random" } /* get rho's */ tempname rho_1 rho_2 rho_12 rhoV eRho `b1' `V' `rho_1' `rho_2' `rho_12' `rhoV' tempname arho_1 arho_2 arho_12 arho_1_se arho_2_se arho_12_se scalar `arho_1' = `rho_1' scalar `arho_1_se' = sqrt(`rhoV'[1,1]) scalar `arho_2' = `rho_2' scalar `arho_2_se' = sqrt(`rhoV'[2,2]) scalar `arho_12' = `rho_12' scalar `arho_12_se' = sqrt(`rhoV'[3,3]) mata: aRho("`arho_1'","`arho_1_se'") mata: aRho("`arho_2'","`arho_2_se'") mata: aRho("`arho_12'","`arho_12_se'") /* Post new estimates */ local ell=e(ll) local ek =e(k) local ekeq=e(k_eq) local en=e(N) ereturn post `b1' `V' ereturn local cmd "setpoisson" ereturn local edv "`endogv1'" ereturn local sv "`endogv2'" ereturn local ordv "`endogv3'" ereturn local robust "`robust'" ereturn local exedv "`exogv1'" ereturn local exsv "`exogv2'" ereturn local exordv "`exogv3'" ereturn local chi2type "Wald" ereturn local drawM "`drawM'" ereturn scalar lambda_1=_b[lambda_1:_cons] ereturn scalar lambda_2=_b[lambda_2:_cons] ereturn scalar sigma_u=_b[sigma_u:_cons] ereturn scalar ncedv=`ncedv' ereturn scalar ncsv=`ncssv' ereturn scalar ncordv=`ncordv' ereturn scalar rep = `rep' ereturn scalar ll=`ell' ereturn scalar ll_0 = `ll0' ereturn scalar k = `ek' ereturn scalar k_eq=`ekeq' ereturn scalar N=`N' ereturn scalar Nf=`Nf' ereturn scalar chi2=`chi2' ereturn scalar chi2_df=`chi2_df' ereturn scalar pchi=`pchi' ereturn scalar rho_Ty = `rho_1' ereturn scalar rho_Ty_se = sqrt(`rhoV'[1,1]) ereturn scalar arho_Ty = `arho_1' ereturn scalar arho_Ty_se = `arho_1_se' ereturn scalar rho_Sy = `rho_2' ereturn scalar rho_Sy_se = sqrt(`rhoV'[2,2]) ereturn scalar arho_Sy = `arho_2' ereturn scalar arho_Sy_se = `arho_2_se' ereturn scalar rho_TS = `rho_12' ereturn scalar rho_TS_se = sqrt(`rhoV'[3,3]) ereturn scalar arho_TS = `arho_12' ereturn scalar arho_TS_se = `arho_12_se' ereturn scalar converged = `converged' ereturn matrix gradient = `gradient' if ("`robust'" != "") { ereturn local vcetype "Robust" } if ("`robust'" == "" & "`hbased'"== "") { ereturn local vcetype "OPG" } if ("`robust'" == "" & "`hbased'" != "") { ereturn local vcetype "" } restore /* Drop globals no longer needed */ mac drop S_s* S_cat S_x* S_n* S_eqs S_e* S_r* S_i* /* Display */ Display end program define scaleOP version 7 tokenize "`0'" tempname eb eV G g V load_1 load_2 sigma_u matrix `eb'= `1' matrix `eV'= `2' local nex1 = `3' local nex2 = `4' local nex3 = `5' local id "`6'" local ncedv = `7' local ncssv = `8' local ncordv = `9' local nt1 = `nex1'+`nex2'+`nex3'+ `ncedv' + `ncssv' + `ncordv' + 3 scalar `load_1' = _b[lambda_1:_cons] scalar `load_2' = _b[lambda_2:_cons] scalar `sigma_u' = _b[sigma_u:_cons] scalar `sigma_u' = exp(`sigma_u') /* Transformation matrix */ matrix `G'=J(`nt1',`nt1',0) local i=1 while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv') { matrix `G'[`i',`i']=1/sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*`load_1'^2 + 1) local i = `i'+1 } while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv') { matrix `G'[`i',`i']=1/sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*`load_2'^2 + 1) local i =`i' +1 } while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv') { matrix `G'[`i',`i']=1 local i = `i' + 1 } matrix `G'[(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+1),(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`nex3'+`ncssv'+`ncordv'+1)]=1 matrix `G'[(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+2),(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`nex3'+`ncssv'+`ncordv'+2)]=1 matrix `G'[(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+3),(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`nex3'+`ncssv'+`ncordv'+3)]=1 /*Derivative of the transformation */ matrix `g'=`G' /* for most coefficients g=G, only when derivative wrt to */ local i = 1 /* lambdas is taken we need to adjust g */ local j = `nt1'-2 local k = `nt1' while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv') { /* Fix DF(coeff)/Dlambda_1 */ matrix `g'[`i',`j']=-(`eb'[1,`i']*`sigma_u'^2*`load_1')/(1+`sigma_u'^2*`load_1'^2)^(3/2) local i = `i' + 1 } local j = `nt1'-1 local i = `nex1'+`ncedv'+1 /* Fix DF(coeff)/Dlambda_2 */ while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv') { matrix `g'[`i',`j']=-(`eb'[1,`i']*`sigma_u'^2*`load_2')/(1+`sigma_u'^2*`load_2'^2)^(3/2) local i = `i' + 1 } local j = `nt1' local i = 1 while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv') { /* Fix DF(coeff)/Dsigma_u */ matrix `g'[`i',`j']=-(`eb'[1,`i']*`sigma_u'^2*`load_1'^2)/(1+`sigma_u'^2*`load_1'^2)^(3/2) local i = `i' + 1 } local i = `nex1'+`ncedv'+1 while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv') { matrix `g'[`i',`j']=-(`eb'[1,`i']*`sigma_u'^2*`load_2'^2)/(1+`sigma_u'^2*`load_2'^2)^(3/2) local i = `i' + 1 } /*Use Delta method*/ mat `1'=(`G'*`eb'')' mat `2'=`g'*`eV'*`g'' end program define iniscaleOP version 7 tokenize "`0'" tempname ib iG rr load_1 load_2 sigma_u matrix `ib'= `1' local nex1 = `2' local nex2 = `3' local nex3 = `4' local id "`5'" local ncedv = `6' local ncssv = `7' local ncordv = `8' local nt1 = `nex1'+`nex2'+`nex3'+ `ncedv' + `ncssv' + `ncordv' + 3 matrix `iG'=J(`nt1',`nt1',0) mat `rr' = `ib'[1,1..`nex1'+`nex2'+`nex3'+`ncedv'+`ncssv'+`ncordv'] scalar `load_1' = `ib'[1,`nex1'+`nex2'+`nex3'+`ncedv'+`ncssv'+`ncordv'+1] scalar `load_2' = `ib'[1,`nex1'+`nex2'+`nex3'+`ncedv'+`ncssv'+`ncordv'+2] scalar `sigma_u' = `ib'[1,`nex1'+`nex2'+`nex3'+`ncedv'+`ncssv'+`ncordv'+3] scalar `sigma_u' = exp(`sigma_u') local i=1 while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv') { matrix `iG'[`i',`i']=sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*`load_1'^2 + 1) local i = `i'+1 } while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv') { matrix `iG'[`i',`i']=sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*`load_2'^2 + 1) local i =`i' +1 } while `i'<=(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv') { matrix `iG'[`i',`i']=1 local i =`i' +1 } matrix `iG'[(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+1),(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+1)]=1 matrix `iG'[(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+2),(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+2)]=1 matrix `iG'[(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+3),(`nex1'+`ncedv'+`nex2'+`ncssv'+`nex3'+`ncordv'+3)]=1 mat `1'=(`iG'*`ib'')' /* `ib'' is a column vector and `G' a transformation matrix */ end program define Display di _newline(3) if (e(ncedv)==1 & e(ncsv)==1 & e(ncordv)==1) { local flag=1 } else{ local flag=0 } tempname b V Wrho pWrho mat `b' = e(b) mat `V' = e(V) scalar `Wrho' = . scalar `pWrho' = . WaldRho `b' `V' `Wrho' `pWrho' if `Wrho' < 1e-5 { scalar `Wrho' = 0 } if `Wrho'==0 { scalar `pWrho' = 1 } if (`Wrho' > 0.005) & (`Wrho'<1e4) | (`Wrho')==0 { local fmt "%8.5g" } #delimit ; di as text "Selection Endogenous Treatment Poisson Model by MSL"; di as text "(# " as text e(drawM) " draws = " as res e(rep) as text ")" ; di _skip(12); di as text _col(47) "Number of level 2 obs = " as res %8.0g e(Nf); di as text _col(47) "Number of level 1 obs = " as res %8.0g e(N); di as text _col(47) "Log likelihood = " as res %8.5g e(ll); if `flag'==1 {; di as text _col(47) "Wald chi2(" as res %1.0f e(chi2_df) as text ") = " as res %8.5g e(chi2); di as text _col(47) "Prob > chi2 =" " " as ye %8.4f e(pchi); }; #delimit cr #delimit cr _coef_table, noempty neq(3) plus local sigma_u "exp(@2)" local load_1 "@1" local load_2 "@1" local junk13 "sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk23 "sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*(1+`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk12 "sqrt((1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2)*(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk1 "(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2)" local junk2 "(1+`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2)" #delimit ; _diparm lambda_1 sigma_u, f((`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2)/`junk13') d((`sigma_u'^2*`junk13'-`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^6*`junk13'^(-1))/`junk13'^2 (2*`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk13'-`load_1'*`sigma_u'^4*(2*`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2+1)*`junk13'^(-1))/`junk13'^2 ) pr label(rho_Ty) ci(atanh); _diparm lambda_2 sigma_u, f((`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2)/`junk23') d((`sigma_u'^2*`junk23'-`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^6*`junk23'^(-1))/`junk23'^2 (2*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk23'-`load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*(2*`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2+1)*`junk23'^(-1))/`junk23'^2) pr label(rho_Sy) ci(atanh); #delimit cr local load_1 "@1" local load_2 "@2" local sigma_u "exp(@3)" local junk1 "(1+(`load_1')^2*(`sigma_u')^2)" local junk2 "(1+(`load_2')^2*(`sigma_u')^2)" #delimit ; _diparm lambda_1 lambda_2 sigma_u, func((`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2)/sqrt(`junk1'*`junk2')) der((`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'^2*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*`junk2'*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 (`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'*`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^4*`junk1'*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 (2*`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*(`load_1'^2*`junk2'+`load_2'^2*`junk1')*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2) pr label(rho_TS) ci(atanh); #delimit cr di in smcl in gr "{hline 13}{c +}{hline 64}" _diparm sigma_u, exp prob label(sigma_u) di in smcl in gr "{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 64}" di as text "Wald test for rho_Ty=rho_Sy=rho_TS=0:" _col(40) as txt "chi2(" as res "3" as txt") = " as res `fmt' `Wrho' /* */ in gre " Prob > chi2 = " in ye %5.4f `pWrho' di in smcl in gr "{hline 13}{hline 65}" di as text "Note: Endogenous treatment eqn reported in top panel and selection dummy" di as text " eqn reported in second from top panel." end program define WaldRho version 7 tokenize "`0'" tempname b V rho_1 rho_2 rho_12 load_1 load_2 sigma_u G g R q chi2 matrix `b'= `1' matrix `V' = `2' local ncols = colsof(`b') matrix `V'=`V'[(`ncols'-2)..`ncols',(`ncols'-2)..`ncols'] scalar `load_1' = `b'[1,`ncols'-2] scalar `load_2' = `b'[1,`ncols'-1] scalar `sigma_u' = `b'[1,`ncols'] scalar `sigma_u' = exp(`sigma_u') local junk13 "sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk23 "sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*(1+`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk12 "sqrt((1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2)*(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk1 "(1+(`load_1')^2*(`sigma_u')^2)" local junk2 "(1+(`load_2')^2*(`sigma_u')^2)" scalar `rho_1' = (`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2)/`junk13' scalar `rho_2' = (`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2)/`junk23' scalar `rho_12' = (`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2)/sqrt(`junk1'*`junk2') matrix `G'=J(1,3,0) matrix `g'=J(3,3,0) matrix `G'[1,1]=`rho_1' matrix `G'[1,2]=`rho_2' matrix `G'[1,3] = `rho_12' matrix `g'[1,1]= (`sigma_u'^2*`junk13' - `load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^6*`junk13'^(-1))/`junk13'^2 matrix `g'[1,3]= (2*`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk13' - `load_1'*`sigma_u'^4*(2*`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2+1)*`junk13'^(-1))/`junk13'^2 matrix `g'[2,2]= (`sigma_u'^2*`junk23' - `load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^6*`junk23'^(-1))/`junk23'^2 matrix `g'[2,3]= (2*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk23' - `load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*(2*`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2+1)*`junk23'^(-1))/`junk23'^2 matrix `g'[3,1] = (`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'^2*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*`junk2'*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 matrix `g'[3,2] = (`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'*`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^4*`junk1'*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 matrix `g'[3,3] = (2*`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*(`load_1'^2*`junk2'+`load_2'^2*`junk1')*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 /* Get covariance matrix for rho_1 and rho_2 --- Delta method */ mat `V'=`g'*`V'*`g'' /* Now do the wald test */ matrix `R'=J(3,3,0) matrix `q'=J(3,1,0) local i=1 forval i = 1/3 { matrix `R'[`i',`i']=1 } matrix `chi2'=(`R'*`G''-`q')'*syminv(`R'*`V'*`R'')*(`R'*`G''-`q') scalar `3' = `chi2'[1,1] scalar `4' = chiprob(3,`3') end program define eRho version 7 tokenize "`0'" tempname b V rho_1 rho_2 rho_12 load_1 load_2 sigma_u G g matrix `b'= `1' matrix `V' = `2' local ncols = colsof(`b') matrix `V'=`V'[(`ncols'-2)..`ncols',(`ncols'-2)..`ncols'] scalar `load_1' = `b'[1,`ncols'-2] scalar `load_2' = `b'[1,`ncols'-1] scalar `sigma_u' = `b'[1,`ncols'] scalar `sigma_u' = exp(`sigma_u') local junk13 "sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk23 "sqrt(`sigma_u'^2*(1+`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk12 "sqrt((1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2)*(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2))" local junk1 "(1+`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2)" local junk2 "(1+`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2)" scalar `rho_1' = (`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2)/`junk13' scalar `rho_2' = (`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2)/`junk23' scalar `rho_12' = (`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2)/sqrt(`junk1'*`junk2') matrix `G'=J(1,3,0) matrix `g'=J(3,3,0) matrix `G'[1,1]=`rho_1' matrix `G'[1,2]=`rho_2' matrix `G'[1,3] = `rho_12' matrix `g'[1,1]= (`sigma_u'^2*`junk13' - `load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^6*`junk13'^(-1))/`junk13'^2 matrix `g'[1,3]= (2*`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk13' - `load_1'*`sigma_u'^4*(2*`load_1'^2*`sigma_u'^2+1)*`junk13'^(-1))/`junk13'^2 matrix `g'[2,2]= (`sigma_u'^2*`junk23' - `load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^6*`junk23'^(-1))/`junk23'^2 matrix `g'[2,3]= (2*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk23' - `load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*(2*`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^2+1)*`junk23'^(-1))/`junk23'^2 matrix `g'[3,1] = (`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'^2*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*`junk2'*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 matrix `g'[3,2] = (`load_1'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'*`load_2'^2*`sigma_u'^4*`junk1'*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 matrix `g'[3,3] = (2*`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^2*`junk12'-`load_1'*`load_2'*`sigma_u'^4*(`load_1'^2*`junk2'+`load_2'^2*`junk1')*(`junk12')^(-1))/`junk12'^2 /* Get covariance matrix for rho_1 and rho_2 --- Delta method */ mat `V'=`g'*`V'*`g'' scalar `3' = `rho_1' scalar `4' = `rho_2' scalar `5' = `rho_12' matrix `6' = `V' end exit