local st_dir: sysdir STATA use `st_dir'systolic *------------------------------------------------- * the simple contrast *------------------------------------------------- desmat drug=sim(99) table drug, contents(min _x_1 min _x_2 min _x_3) regress systolic _x_* desrep * the constant is the mean value of the category means * (26.06667+25.53333+8.75+13.5)/4=18.4625 sort drug by drug: summarize systolic * coding using the simple contrast: table drug, contents(min _x_1 min _x_2 min _x_3) /* predicted values per category of drug using the simple contrast: constant + b[i]*code[i] drug==1: 18.463 -.250*-.533 -.250*-17.317 -.250*-12.567 = 26.067 drug==2: 18.463 .750*-.533 -.250*-17.317 -.250*-12.567 = 25.533 drug==3: 18.463 -.250*-.533 +.750*-17.317 -.250*-12.567 = 8.750 drug==4: 18.463 -.250*-.533 -.250*-17.317 +.750*-12.567 = 13.500 */ *------------------------------------------------- * the indicator contrast *------------------------------------------------- desmat drug=ind(1) regress systolic _x_* desrep * the constant is the mean within category 1 * coding using the indicator contrast: table drug, contents(min _x_1 min _x_2 min _x_3) /* predicted values per category of drug using the indicator contrast: drug==1: 26.067 = 26.067 drug==2: 26.067 -.533 = 25.533 drug==3: 26.067 -17.317 = 8.750 drug==4: 26.067 -12.567 = 13.500 */