help spmat note


spmat note -- Manipulate note attached to an spmat object


Append text to the note in objname

spmat note objname : "text"

Replace the note associated with objname

spmat note objname : "text" , replace

Display the note associated with objname

spmat note objname

Drop the note associated with objname

spmat note objname drop


spmat note manipulates the note associated with the spmat object objname. Unlike in Stata datasets, spmat objects can have only one note associated with them. It is possible to store multiple comments by repeatedly appending text to the note.


Setup . spmat use cobj using pollute.spmat

Add a note to the spmat object cobj . spmat note cobj: "Simulated data for spmat"

Display the note . spmat note cobj Simulated data for spmat

Append another comment to the note . spmat note cobj: "- queen contiguity"

Display the note . spmat note cobj Simulated data for spmat - queen contiguity

Replace the note . spmat note cobj: `"Is this "queen" contiguity?"', replace Display the note . spmat note cobj Is this "queen" contiguity?

Drop the note . spmat note cobj drop

Also see

Online: spmat, spreg, spivreg, spmap, shp2dta, mif2dta (if installed)