/* spregcs *! VERSION 1.0 25/01/2016 */ VERSION 11.0 INCLUDE _std_xlarge DEFINE _dlght 425 INCLUDE header HELP hlp1, view("help spregcs") RESET res1 SCRIPT PREINIT BEGIN program parseMessage script se_createAsSvyOLS script se_setBias_on program svy_check_title END PROGRAM parseMessage BEGIN if __MESSAGE.contains("__MI__") { call script se_setMI_on } END SCRIPT POSTINIT BEGIN program check_bytab program se_setFinalInitState END PROGRAM check_bytab BEGIN if ! __MESSAGE.contains("__MI__") { call script sub_set_by_on } END SCRIPT svy_is_on BEGIN script max_setDefaultNoLog END SCRIPT svy_is_off BEGIN script max_setDefaultLog END DIALOG main, label("spregCS- Spatial Cross Sections Econometric Regression Models: Stata Module Toolkit") /// tabtitle("Main") BEGIN DEFINE wlabel 130 DEFINE cmdx 320 DEFINE cmdw 170 DEFINE _x _xsetbu DEFINE _y _top TEXT tx_cmd1 _lft _top 100 ., /// label("Model:") TEXT tx_fn1 130 @ 400 ., /// label("Weight Matrix File Name (dta):") COMBOBOX cb_cmd1 _lft _ss 100 ., /// label("Model") /// contents(cmd1_con ) /// value(cmd11_con) option(model) /// onselchangelist(cmd1_sel ) dropdownlist FILE fi_fn1 130 @ 400 ., /// label("Brows...") /// option("wmfile") /// filter("Stata dta File (*.dta)|*.dta|All (*.*)|*.*") /// defext(dta) GROUPBOX gb_group1 _lft _ss _iwd _ht9 , TEXT tx_yvar _ilft +15 _vnwd ., /* */ label("Dependent Variable:") /* */ TEXT tx_xvar _vlx @ _cwd2 ., /* */ label("Independent Variables:") /* */ VARNAME vn_yvar _ilft _ss _vnwd ., /* */ label("Dependent Variable") /* */ VARLIST vl_xvar _vlx @ 380 ., /* */ label("Independent Variables") TEXT tx_vary2 _ilft _ls 170 ., /// label("Endogenous Variables (GS2SLS)") TEXT tx_varz2 200 @ 250 ., /// label("Instrumental Variables (GS2SLS):") VARLIST vl_vary2 _ilft _ss 170 ., /// label("Endogenous Variables (GS2SLS)") /// option(endog) VARLIST vl_varz2 200 @ 330 ., /// label("Instrumental Variables (GS2SLS)") /// option(inst) VARLIST vl_aux _ilft _xxls 350 ., /// label("Auxiliary Variables") /// option(aux) TEXT tx_aux 380 @ 160 ., /// label("Auxiliary Variables") VARLIST vl_mhet _ilft _ls 350 ., /// label("Heteroscedasticity Variables") /// option(mhet) TEXT tx_mhet 380 @ 160 ., /// label("Heteroscedasticity Variables") VARLIST vl_vhet _ilft _ls 350 ., /// label("Frontier Error Variance Variables") /// option(vhet) TEXT tx_vhet 380 @ 160 ., /// label("Frontier Error Variance Variables") VARLIST vl_varq _ilft _ls 350 ., /// label("Eq2 Variables (GS3SLS)") /// option(var2) TEXT tx_varq 380 @ 160 ., /// label("EQ2 Variables (GS3SLS)") */ CHECKBOX ck_optdst _lft _ls _iwd _ht1 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_dist_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_dist_off) /// label("Distribution:") RADIO rb_norm _ilft _ss 100 ., /* */ label("Normal") /* */ first /* */ option("dist(norm)") /* */ RADIO rb_exp 100 @ 100 ., /* */ label("Exponential") /* */ option("dist(exp)") /* */ RADIO rb_weib 200 @ 100 ., /* */ label("Weibull") /* */ option("dist(weib)") /* */ RADIO rb_hn 300 @ 100 ., /* */ label("Half-Normal") /* */ option("dist(hn)") /* */ RADIO rb_tn 400 @ 110 ., /* */ label("Truncated-Normal") /* */ last /* */ option("dist(tn)") /* */ CHECKBOX ck_mfx _lft _ls _iwd _ht2 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_mfx_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_mfx_off) /// label("Spatial Autocorrelation Coef. Type: " " " " " " Total, Direct, and Indirect Marginal Effects - Elasticities:") RADIO rb_sprho _ilft _ss 80 ., /* */ label("Rho") /* */ first /* */ option("spar(rho)") /* */ DEFINE y @y RADIO rb_splam 100 y @ ., /* */ label("Lambda") /* */ clickon(program main_gmm_on) /* */ last /* */ option("spar(lam)") /* */ RADIO rb_lin 230 y 100 ., /* */ label("Linear") /* */ first /* */ option("mfx(lin)") /* */ RADIO rb_log 300 y @ ., /* */ label("Log-Log") /* */ last /* */ option("mfx(log)") /* */ CHECKBOX ck_tolog 390 y 120 ., option("tolog") /* */ label("Log Transform Varlist") /* */ END DIALOG est1 , tabtitle("Options") BEGIN CHECKBOX ck_model11 _lft _top _ibwd _ht20 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_model11_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_model11_off) /// label("Tests:") CHECKBOX ck_tests _ilft _ss 350 ., option("tests") /* */ label("Display ALL Tests") CHECKBOX ck_lmspac _ilft _ss 350 ., option("lmspac") /* */ label("Spatial Autocorrelation Tests") CHECKBOX ck_diag @ _ss @ ., option("diag") /* */ label("Model Selection Diagnostic Criteria") CHECKBOX ck_lmhet _ilft _ss 350 ., option("lmhet") /* */ label("Heteroscedasticity Tests") CHECKBOX ck_lmnorm _ilft _ss 350 ., option("lmnorm") /* */ label("Non Normality Tests") CHECKBOX ck_hausman _ilft _ss 350 ., option("hausman") /* */ label("Hausman Specification OLS/IV-2SLS Test") CHECKBOX ck_lmiden _ilft _ss 350 ., option("lmiden") /* */ label("Identification Restrictions Tests") CHECKBOX ck_reset _ilft _ss 350 ., option("reset") /* */ label("REgression Specification Error Tests (RESET)") CHECKBOX ck_lmform _ilft _ss 350 ., option("lmform") /* */ label("Linear vs Log-Linear Functional Form Tests") CHECKBOX ck_lmcl _ilft _ss 350 ., option("lmcl") /* */ label("Multicollinearity Diagnostic Tests") CHECKBOX ck_model12 _lft _xls _ibwd _ht14 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_model12_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_model12_off) /// label("Options:") CHECKBOX ck_coll _ilft _ss 400 ., option("coll") /* */ label("coll: Keep Collinear Variables") CHECKBOX ck_first _ilft _ss 400 ., option("first") /* */ label("first: Display First Stage Regression") CHECKBOX ck_robust _ilft _ss 350 ., option("robust") /* */ label("robust: Use Huber-White Variance-Covariance Matrix") CHECKBOX ck_nocons _ilft _ss 400 ., option("noconstant") /* */ label("noconstant: No Constant in RHS Equation only") CHECKBOX ck_nocong _ilft _ss 400 ., option("noconexog") /* */ label("noconexog: No Constant in RHS and Instrumental Equations") CHECKBOX ck_twostep _ilft _ss 300 ., option("twostep") /* */ label("twostep: Use Newey Two-Step Estimator; default is MLE") CHECKBOX ck_dn @ _ss @ ., option("dn") /* */ label("Use (N) divisor instead of (N-K) for DF") */ END DIALOG est2, tabtitle("Model1") BEGIN CHECKBOX ck_model2 _lft _top _ibwd _ht12 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_model21_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_model21_off) /// label("GS2SLS Model Options:") RADIO rb_m1 _indent _ss _inwd ., /// first /// option(run(2sls)) /// label("Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS)") /// onclickon(script ck_gmms_off) RADIO rb_m2 @ _ss @ ., /// option(run(liml)) /// label("Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (LIML)") /// onclickon(script ck_gmms_off) RADIO rb_m3 @ _ss @ ., /// option(run(melo)) /// label("Minimum Expected Loss (MELO)") /// onclickon(script ck_gmms_off) RADIO rb_m4 @ _ss @ ., /// option(run(fuller)) /// label("Fuller k - Class LIML") /// onclickon(script fuller_on) EDIT ed_fuller 170 @ 70 ., /* */ label("fuller") /* */ option("kf") TEXT tx_fuler 250 @ 70 ., /* */ label("k-Class Value") /* */ RADIO rb_m5 _ilft _ms _iwd ., /// option(run(kclass)) /// label("Theil k - Class LIML") /// onclickon(script kclass_on) EDIT ed_kclass 170 @ 70 ., /* */ label("kclass") /* */ option("kc") TEXT tx_kclass 250 @ 100 ., /* */ label("k-Class Value") /* */ RADIO rb_m6 _ilft _ss _iwd ., /// last /// option(run(gmm)) /// label("Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)") /// onclickon(script ck_gmms_on) GROUPBOX gb_optgmm _lft _ls _ibwd _ht9 , /// label("GMM - Generalized Method of Moments Options:") RADIO rb_g0 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("White Method") /* */ first /* */ option("hetcov(white)") /* */ DEFINE y @y RADIO rb_g1 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Bartlet Method") /* */ option("hetcov(bart)") /* */ RADIO rb_g2 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Daniell Method") /* */ option("hetcov(dan)") /* */ RADIO rb_g3 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Newey-West Method") /* */ option("hetcov(nwest)") /* */ RADIO rb_g4 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Parzen Method") /* */ option("hetcov(parzen)") /* */ RADIO rb_g5 _ilft2 y 300 ., /* */ label("Quadratic spectral Method") /* */ option("hetcov(quad)") /* */ RADIO rb_g6 @ _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Tent Method") /* */ option("hetcov(tent)") /* */ RADIO rb_g7 @ _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Truncated Method") /* */ option("hetcov(trunc)") /* */ RADIO rb_g8 @ _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Tukey-Hamming Method") /* */ option("hetcov(tukeym)") /* */ RADIO rb_g9 @ _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Tukey-Hanning Method") /* */ last /* */ option("hetcov(tukeyn)") /* */ CHECKBOX ck_model22 _lft _ls _ibwd _ht9 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_model22_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_model22_off) /// label("GS3SLS Model Options:") RADIO rb_3sls _ilft _ss _ibwd ., /// label("Three-Stage Least Squares [3SLS]") /// first /// option(NONE) RADIO rb_2sls @ _ss @ ., /// label("Two-Stage Least Squares [2SLS]") /// option("2sls") RADIO rb_ols _ilft _ss @ ., /// label("Ordinary Least Squares [OLS]") /// option("ols") RADIO rb_sure @ _ss @ ., /// label("Seemingly Unrelated Regression [SURE]") /// option("sure") RADIO rb_mvreg @ _ss @ ., /// last /// option("mvreg") /// label("SURE with OLS Degree-of-Freedom Adjustment [MVReg]") */ END DIALOG est3 , tabtitle("Model2") BEGIN CHECKBOX ck_rest _ilft _top _ckwd ., /* */ clickon("gaction est3.ed_rest.enable") /* */ clickoff("gaction est3.ed_rest.disable") EDIT ed_rest _cksep @ _spwd ., /* */ label("Restrictions Range") /* */ option("rest") TEXT tx_rest _spsep @ _rbsprb ., /* */ label("Restrictions Range") CHECKBOX ck_model3 _lft _ls _ibwd _ht15 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_model31_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_model31_off) /// label("Additional Options:") TEXT tx_predict _ilft _ss 150 ., /// label("Predicted Variable") TEXT tx_resid 200 @ 150 ., /// label("Residuals Variable") VARNAME vn_predict _ilft _ss 150 ., /// label("predict") /// option(predict) VARNAME vn_resid 200 @ 150 ., /// label("resid") /// option(resid) EDIT ed_grids _ilft _ls 50 ., /* */ label("gridsearch") /* */ option("grids") TEXT tx_grids 80 @ 250 ., /* */ label("Grid Search Initial Values (SARARML)") EDIT ed_impower _ilft _ls 50 ., /* */ label("impower") /* */ option("impower") TEXT tx_impower 80 @ 250 ., /* */ label("Impower Initial Values (SARARGS / SARARIV)") CHECKBOX ck_tobit _ilft _ls @ ., option("tobit") /* */ label("tobit: Use Tobit Regression") EDIT ed_llt _ilft _ms 50 ., /* */ label("llt") /* */ option("ll") TEXT tx_llt 80 @ 250 ., /* */ label("ll: Minimum Left-Censoring Dependent Variable Value") CHECKBOX ck_hetero _ilft _ls 450 ., option("het") /* */ label("Use Heterockedasticy Model (SARARML/SARARGS/SARARIV), default Homoscedasticity") */ CHECKBOX ck_lagw _lft _xls _ibwd _ht3 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_lagw_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_lagw_off) /// label("Initial Values:") CHECKBOX ck_inrho _ilft _ls 70 ., /* */ clickon("gaction est3.sp_inrho.enable") /* */ clickoff("gaction est3.sp_inrho.disable") SPINNER sp_inrho _cksep @ 40 ., /* */ min(0) max(1) default(0.1) /* */ option("inrho") /* */ label("inrho") TEXT tx_inrho 95 @ _sprb ., /* */ label("Rho") CHECKBOX ck_inlam 130 @ 20 ., /* */ clickon("gaction est3.sp_inlam.enable") /* */ clickoff("gaction est3.sp_inlam.disable") SPINNER sp_inlam _cksep @ 40 ., /* */ min(0) max(1) default(0.1) /* */ option("inlambda") /* */ label("inlambda") TEXT tx_inlam 200 @ _sprb ., /* */ label("Lambda") CHECKBOX ck_ord 260 @ 70 ., /* */ clickon("gaction est3.sp_ord.enable") /* */ clickoff("gaction est3.sp_ord.disable") SPINNER sp_ord _cksep @ 40 ., /* */ min(1) max(4) default(1) /* */ option("order") /* */ label("Order") TEXT tx_ord 330 @ _sprb ., /* */ label("Order") CHECKBOX ck_nw 380 @ 70 ., /* */ clickon("gaction est3.sp_nw.enable") /* */ clickoff("gaction est3.sp_nw.disable") SPINNER sp_nw _cksep @ 40 ., /* */ min(1) max(4) default(1) /* */ option("nwmat") /* */ label("nwmat") TEXT tx_nw 450 @ _sprb ., /* */ label("nwmat") /* */ CHECKBOX ck_model0 _lft _xls _ibwd _ht5 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_model0_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_model0_off) /// label("Standardized Weight Matrix Type:") RADIO rb_ws1 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Standardized Weight Matrix - (W)") /* */ first /* */ option("stand") /* */ RADIO rb_ws2 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Inverse Standardized Weight Matrix - (1/W)") /* */ option("stand inv") /* */ RADIO rb_ws3 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("Inverse Squared Standardized Weight Matrix - (1/W^2)") /* */ last /* */ option("stand inv2") /* */ END DIALOG est4, tabtitle("Ridge/Weight") BEGIN CHECKBOX ck_ridgero _lft _top _ibwd _ht8 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_ridger_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_ridger_off) /// label("Ridge Regression Panel Data:") RADIO rb_orr _ilft _ss _iwd ., /// option("ridge(orr)") /// first /// label("ORR - Ordinary Ridge Regression") /// onclickon(script kridge_on) EDIT ed_ridge 250 @ 70 ., /* */ label("Ridge Value") /* */ option("kr") TEXT tx_ridge 330 @ 100 ., /* */ label("Ridge Value") /* */ RADIO rb_grr1 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("GRR1 - Generalized Ridge Regression") /* */ onclickon(script kridge_off) /* */ option("ridge(grr1)") /* */ RADIO rb_grr2 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("GRR2 - Iterative Generalized Ridge Regression") /* */ onclickon(script kridge_off) /* */ option("ridge(grr2)") /* */ RADIO rb_grr3 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ label("GRR3 - Adaptive Generalized Ridge Regression") /* */ onclickon(script kridge_off) /* */ last /* */ option("ridge(grr3)") /* */ CHECKBOX ck_model41 _lft _xls _ibwd _ht22 , /// groupbox /// onclickon(script ck_model41_on) /// onclickoff(script ck_model41_off) /// label("Weighted Variable Type:") TEXT tx_wv _ilft _ss 140 ., /// label("Weighted Variable (X)") VARNAME vn_wv _ilft _ss 140 ., /// ts /// label("Weighted Variable") /// option("wvar") RADIO rb_w1 _ilft _ls 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_off) /* */ label("Yh - Predicted Value (Default)") /* */ first /* */ option("weights(yh)") /* */ RADIO rb_w2 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_off) /* */ label("Yh^2 - Predicted Value Squared") /* */ option("weights(yh2)") /* */ RADIO rb_w3 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_off) /* */ label("abs(E) - Residual Absolute Value") /* */ option("weights(abse)") /* */ RADIO rb_w4 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_off) /* */ label("E^2 - Residual Squared") /* */ option("weights(e2)") /* */ RADIO rb_w5 _ilft _ls 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_on) /* */ label("(X) Variable") /* */ option("weights(x)") /* */ RADIO rb_w6 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_on) /* */ label("(1/X) Inverse Variable") /* */ option("weights(xi)") /* */ RADIO rb_w7 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_on) /* */ label("(X^2) Squared Variable") /* */ option("weights(x2)") /* */ RADIO rb_w8 _ilft _ss 300 ., /* */ onclickon(script vn_on) /* */ label("(1/X^2) Inverse Squared Variable") /* */ last /* */ option("weights(xi2)") /* */ END LIST cmd1_con BEGIN sar sem sdm sac -------------- mstar mstard -------------- ivtobit -------------- sararml spgmm -------------- sarargs sarariv gs2sls gs2slsar -------------- gs3sls gs3slsar -------------- gwr ols lag durbin -------------- END LIST cmd11_sel BEGIN sar sem sdm sac mstar mstard ivtobit sararml spgmm sarargs sarariv gs2sls gs2slsar gs3sls gs3slsar gwr ols lag durbin END SCRIPT ck_dist_on BEGIN main.rb_norm.enable main.rb_exp.enable main.rb_weib.enable main.rb_hn.enable main.rb_tn.enable END SCRIPT ck_dist_off BEGIN main.rb_norm.disable main.rb_exp.disable main.rb_weib.disable main.rb_hn.disable main.rb_tn.disable END SCRIPT ck_mfx_on BEGIN main.rb_sprho.enable main.rb_splam.enable main.rb_lin.enable main.rb_log.enable END SCRIPT ck_mfx_off BEGIN main.rb_sprho.disable main.rb_splam.disable main.rb_lin.disable main.rb_log.disable END SCRIPT ck_model0_on BEGIN est3.rb_ws1.enable est3.rb_ws2.enable est3.rb_ws3.enable END SCRIPT ck_model0_off BEGIN est3.rb_ws1.disable est3.rb_ws2.disable est3.rb_ws3.disable END SCRIPT ck_model11_on BEGIN est1.ck_tests.enable est1.ck_lmspac.enable est1.ck_lmhet.enable est1.ck_lmnorm.enable est1.ck_lmform.enable est1.ck_lmcl.enable est1.ck_reset.enable est1.ck_diag.enable est1.ck_lmiden.enable est1.ck_hausman.enable END SCRIPT ck_model11_off BEGIN est1.ck_lmspac.disable est1.ck_lmhet.disable est1.ck_lmnorm.disable est1.ck_lmform.disable est1.ck_lmcl.disable est1.ck_reset.disable est1.ck_diag.disable est1.ck_lmiden.disable est1.ck_hausman.disable est1.ck_tests.disable END SCRIPT ck_model12_on BEGIN est1.ck_coll.enable est1.ck_first.enable est1.ck_robust.enable est1.ck_nocons.enable est1.ck_nocong.enable est1.ck_twostep.enable est1.ck_dn.enable END SCRIPT ck_model12_off BEGIN est1.ck_coll.disable est1.ck_first.disable est1.ck_robust.disable est1.ck_nocons.disable est1.ck_nocong.disable est1.ck_twostep.disable est1.ck_dn.disable END SCRIPT ck_model21_on BEGIN est2.rb_m1.enable est2.rb_m2.enable est2.rb_m3.enable est2.rb_m4.enable est2.rb_m5.enable est2.rb_m6.enable END SCRIPT ck_model21_off BEGIN est2.rb_m1.disable est2.rb_m2.disable est2.rb_m3.disable est2.rb_m4.disable est2.rb_m5.disable est2.rb_m6.disable END SCRIPT ck_rest_on BEGIN est3.ed_rest.enable END SCRIPT ck_rest_off BEGIN est3.ed_rest.disable END SCRIPT fuller_on BEGIN est2.ed_fuller.enable est2.ed_kclass.disable END SCRIPT fuller_off BEGIN est2.ed_fuller.disable est2.ed_kclass.disable END SCRIPT kclass_on BEGIN est2.ed_fuller.disable est2.ed_kclass.enable END SCRIPT kclass_off BEGIN est2.ed_fuller.disable est2.ed_kclass.disable END SCRIPT ck_gmms_on BEGIN est2.rb_g0.enable est2.rb_g1.enable est2.rb_g2.enable est2.rb_g3.enable est2.rb_g4.enable est2.rb_g5.enable est2.rb_g6.enable est2.rb_g7.enable est2.rb_g8.enable est2.rb_g9.enable END SCRIPT ck_gmms_off BEGIN est2.rb_g0.disable est2.rb_g1.disable est2.rb_g2.disable est2.rb_g3.disable est2.rb_g4.disable est2.rb_g5.disable est2.rb_g6.disable est2.rb_g7.disable est2.rb_g8.disable est2.rb_g9.disable END SCRIPT ck_model22_on BEGIN est2.rb_3sls.enable est2.rb_2sls.enable est2.rb_sure.enable est2.rb_mvreg.enable est2.rb_ols.enable END SCRIPT ck_model22_off BEGIN est2.rb_3sls.disable est2.rb_2sls.disable est2.rb_sure.disable est2.rb_mvreg.disable est2.rb_ols.disable END SCRIPT ck_model31_on BEGIN est3.vn_predict.enable est3.vn_resid.enable est3.ed_grids.enable est3.ed_impower.enable est3.ck_tobit.enable est3.ed_llt.enable est3.ck_hetero.enable END SCRIPT ck_model31_off BEGIN est3.vn_predict.disable est3.vn_resid.disable est3.ed_grids.disable est3.ed_impower.disable est3.ck_tobit.disable est3.ed_llt.disable est3.ck_hetero.disable END SCRIPT ck_lagw_on BEGIN est3.sp_inrho.enable est3.sp_inlam.enable est3.sp_ord.enable est3.sp_nw.enable END SCRIPT ck_lagw_off BEGIN est3.sp_inrho.disable est3.sp_inlam.disable est3.sp_ord.disable est3.sp_nw.disable END SCRIPT ck_model41_on BEGIN est4.rb_w1.enable est4.rb_w2.enable est4.rb_w3.enable est4.rb_w4.enable est4.rb_w5.enable est4.rb_w6.enable est4.rb_w7.enable est4.rb_w8.enable est4.vn_wv.enable END SCRIPT ck_model41_off BEGIN est4.rb_w1.disable est4.rb_w2.disable est4.rb_w3.disable est4.rb_w4.disable est4.rb_w5.disable est4.rb_w6.disable est4.rb_w7.disable est4.rb_w8.disable est4.vn_wv.disable END SCRIPT kridge_on BEGIN est4.ed_ridge.enable END SCRIPT kridge_off BEGIN est4.ed_ridge.disable END SCRIPT ck_ridger_on BEGIN est4.rb_orr.enable est4.rb_grr1.enable est4.rb_grr2.enable est4.rb_grr3.enable END SCRIPT ck_ridger_off BEGIN est4.rb_orr.disable est4.rb_grr1.disable est4.rb_grr2.disable est4.rb_grr3.disable END SCRIPT vn_on BEGIN est4.vn_wv.enable END SCRIPT vn_off BEGIN est4.vn_wv.disable END INCLUDE byifin INCLUDE se INCLUDE max_ml PROGRAM command BEGIN put /program by_output put "spregcs " varlist main.vn_yvar [main.vl_xvar] put " " /program ifin_output put /program se_prefix_output require main.fi_fn1 beginoptions optionarg main.fi_fn1 optionarg main.cb_cmd1 option radio(main rb_norm rb_exp rb_weib rb_hn rb_tn) optionarg main.vl_mhet optionarg main.vl_vhet optionarg main.vl_varq optionarg main.vl_aux optionarg main.vl_vary2 optionarg main.vl_varz2 option radio(main rb_lin rb_log) option radio(main rb_sprho rb_splam) option main.ck_tolog option radio(est3 rb_ws1 rb_ws2 rb_ws3) option est1.ck_lmspac option est1.ck_lmhet option est1.ck_lmnorm option est1.ck_lmform option est1.ck_diag option est1.ck_hausman option est1.ck_lmiden option est1.ck_reset option est1.ck_tests option est1.ck_lmcl option est1.ck_coll option est1.ck_first option est1.ck_robust option est1.ck_nocons option est1.ck_nocong option est1.ck_twostep option est1.ck_dn option radio(est2 rb_m1 rb_m2 rb_m3 rb_m4 rb_m5 rb_m6) optionarg est2.ed_fuller optionarg est2.ed_kclass option radio(est2 rb_g0 rb_g1 rb_g2 rb_g3 rb_g4 rb_g5 rb_g6 rb_g7 rb_g8 rb_g9) option radio(est2 rb_ols rb_mvreg rb_sure rb_2sls rb_3sls) option est3.ck_hetero option est3.ck_tobit optionarg est3.ed_grids optionarg est3.ed_impower optionarg est3.ed_llt optionarg est3.vn_predict optionarg est3.vn_resid optionarg est3.sp_inrho optionarg est3.sp_inlam optionarg est3.sp_ord optionarg est3.ed_rest optionarg est3.sp_nw optionarg est4.vn_wv option radio(est4 rb_w1 rb_w2 rb_w3 rb_w4 rb_w5 rb_w6 rb_w7 rb_w8) option radio(est4 rb_orr rb_grr1 rb_grr2 rb_grr3) optionarg est4.ed_ridge put " " /program se_output put " " /program max_output endoptions END