{smcl} {* 25march2006}{...} {cmd:help sqparcoord}{right:(SJ6-4: st0111)} {hline} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 11 13 2}{...} {p2col :{hi:sqparcoord} {hline 2} Parallel-coordinates plot for sequence data}{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2} {cmdab:sqparcoord} {ifin} [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {synoptset 20}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {synopt:{opt ranks(numlist)}}restrict tabulation on most frequent {it:numlist}{p_end} {synopt:{opt so}}apply same order similarity{p_end} {synopt:{opt offset(#)}}add random noise to vertical position of sequence lines{p_end} {synopt:{opt wlines(#)}}highlight sequence lines according to frequency{p_end} {synopt:{opt gapinclude}}include sequences with gaps in the tabulation{p_end} {synopt:{opt subseq:uence(a,b)}}use only subsequence between positions a and b{p_end} {synopt:{it:twoway_options}}options allowed for {helpb graph twoway}{p_end} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:sqparcoord} draws sequences as a parallel-coordinates plot, with some trickery added. {title:Options} {phang}{opt ranks(numlist)} is used to restrict the output to the most frequent sequences. {it:{help numlist}} refers to the position of the sequences in the sorted frequency table. Hence, {cmd:ranks(1)} refers to the most frequent sequence, whereas {cmd:ranks(1/10)} refers to the 10 most frequent sequences. You can also specify {cmd:ranks(2(2)20)}. {phang}{cmd:so} is used to request a plot where only the order of elements is shown (same-order similarity). With this option the sequences A-B-B-A and A-B-A-A would both be drawn as if they were A-B-A. Option {cmd:se}, which is available for many other SQ-Ados, is not applicable here. {phang}{opt offset(#)} adds random noise to the vertical position of sequence lines. {phang}{cmd:wlines(#)} is used draw more frequent sequences thicker than le,ss frequent ones. Within the parentheses a number is used to specify the factor by which the thickness is increased. The number given is multiplied with the relative frequency of the sequences and passed as {it:{help relativesize}} to the option {cmd:lwidth()} of {helpb graph twoway line} (also see {it:{help linewidthstyle}}). {phang}{cmd:gapinclude} is used to include sequences with gaps. The default behavior is to drop sequences with gaps from the graph. The gaps will be not visible in the parallel-coordinates plot. The term gap refers only to missing values on the element variable within a sequence. Sequences with missing values at the beginning and at the end of a sequence are included in any case. You might consider using {cmd:sqset} with option {cmd:trim} to get rid of superfluous missings (see {help sq##3:sq} for details.){p_end} {phang}{cmd:subsequence(a,b)} is used to include only the part of the sequence that is between position a and b, whereby a and b refer to the position defined in the order variable. {p_end} {phang} {it:twoway_options} are a set of common options supported by all {cmd:twoway} commands; see {it:{help twoway_options}}. {title:Author} {pstd}Ulrich Kohler, WZB, kohler@wz-berlin.de{p_end} {title:Examples} {phang}{cmd:. sqparcoord, wline(3)} {phang}{cmd:. sqparcoord, ranks(1/10) offset(.2)} {title:Also see} {psee} Manual: {bf:[G] graph}, {bf:[G] graph twoway rbar}, {bf:[G] barlook options} {psee} Online: {helpb parcoord} (if installed), {helpb sq}, {helpb sqdemo}, {helpb sqset}, {helpb sqdes}, {helpb sqegen}, {helpb sqstat}, {helpb sqindexplot}, {helpb sqparcoord}, {helpb sqom}, {helpb sqclusterdat}, {helpb sqclustermat} {p_end}