0 1 2 3 p sadi Sequence analysis distance measures p sankey module for Sankey diagrams p scatterfit module to produce scatter plots with fit lines p scheme_scientific module to provide a graphic scheme favored by many scientific journals p setroot module to find the root path of a project and set it as a global variable p simsum module to perform analyses of simulation studies including Monte Carlo error p simulate2 module enhancing and parallelising simulate p sivqr module to perform smoothed IV quantile regression p skewreg module to estimate skewness and kurtosis regressions p sotable module to produce tests and confidence bands for multiple comparisons of two-sided or one-sided hypotheses p spgen module to generate spatially lagged variables p spider module for spider plots p sq module for sequence analysis p staggered module implementing R staggered package based on Roth and Sant'Anna (2023) p standsurv module to compute standardized (marginal) survival and related functions p stata_linter module providing a tool to detect and correct bad Stata coding practices p stckar module to draw stacked area graphs p step3 module to relate latent class membership to external variables p stocdom module to compute bounds assuming stochastic dominance p stpm3 module to fit flexible parametric survival models p stpp module to compute Pohar-Perme non-parametric estimate of marginal relative (net) survival p streamplot module to produce streamplots p stripplot module for strip plots (one-way dot plots) p styletextab module to style LaTeX tables exported by collect suite of commands p submatrix module to perform advanced matrix subscripting p summclust module to compute cluster level measures of leverage, influence, and a cluster jackknife variance estimator p summtab module to compute summary statistics overall and/or across levels of a categorical variable p sunburst module for (half) sunburst plots p susoapi module to provide Survey Solutions API client class for Stata p svycanon module to assess the statistical significance of the canonical correlations incorporating complex survey design factors p swpermute module to compute Permutation tests for Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomised Trials p synth2 module to implement synthetic control method (SCM) with placebo tests, robustness test and visualization