{smcl} {* June 15, 2024} {hline} Help for {cmd:stata_sage} {hline} {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2} {cmdab:stata_sage} {it:"question"} {pstd} {it:"question"} is the question you want to ask Stata's sage. Enclose your question in quotes. {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:stata_sage} generates a fun, random answer to any question you ask. Use it to lighten the mood or to make decisions when you're feeling indecisive.{p_end} {title:Examples} {phang2}. {stata stata_sage "Will it rain tomorrow?"}{p_end} {phang2}. {stata stata_sage "Should I take that job offer?"}{p_end} {phang2}. {stata stata_sage "Is it a good time to invest in stocks?"}{p_end} {phang2}. {stata stata_sage "Will I win the lottery?"}{p_end} {phang2}. {stata stata_sage "Will I ever figure out how to reshape data without looking at the help file?"}{p_end} {title:Acknowledgements} {pstd} Special thanks to Ketki Samel for the code review and valuable suggestions. {title:Authors} {pstd}Prabhmeet Kaur Matta, University of Oxford {break} prabhmeet.matta@economics.ox.ac.uk {pstd}Kabira Namit, World Bank {break} knamit@worldbank.org