/* statapushpref: Stata module to save preferences for statapush Authors: William L. Schpero and Vikram Jambulapati Contact: william.schpero@yale.edu Date: 022016 Version: 1.0 */ capture program drop statapushpref program define statapushpref version 12.1 syntax, Token(string) Userid(string) Provider(string) local provider = lower("`provider'") quietly findfile statapushconfig.ado local statapushconfig "`r(fn)'" quietly file open statapushpref_ado using "`statapushconfig'", write append quietly file write statapushpref_ado "local default_provider `provider'" _n quietly file write statapushpref_ado "local `provider'_token `token'" _n quietly file write statapushpref_ado "local `provider'_userid `userid'" _n quietly file close statapushpref_ado if _rc == 0 { display as result "Your preferences have been saved in statapushconfig.ado." } end