{smcl} {* 22december2017} {title: Title} {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates} - Stata module for merging U.S. state identifiers {title: Syntax} {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates}, [{cmdab:a:bbreviation}({it:string}) {cmdab:f:ips}({it:string}) {cmdab:n:ame}({it:string})] {cmdab:nogen:erate} {title: Description} {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates} is a simple Stata module for adding U.S. state identifiers (abbreviation, FIPS code, and name) that may be missing from your dataset. {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates} is compatible with Stata v12.1+. While it may be compatible with earlier versions, it has not been tested in those environments. {title: Options} {p 4 8}{bf:Required:} Make sure to include {cmdab:one} of the following arguments. {p 4 8}{cmdab:a:bbreviation}({it:string}) Use this option if you would like to merge using the two-letter state abbreviation and to specify the relevant variable name in your master dataset. {p 4 8}{cmdab:f:ips}({it:string}) Use this option if you would like to merge using the one or two-digit state FIPS code and to specify the relevant variable name in your master dataset. {p 4 8}{cmdab:n:ame}({it:string}) Use this option if you would like to merge using the full state name and to specify the relevant variable name in your master dataset. {p 4 8}{bf:Optional:} {p 4 8}{cmdab:nogen:erate} Use this option if you do not want to mark merge results with the new variable {cmdab:_merge}. This option will also limit your dataset to matched observations and unmatched master observations. {title: Examples} {p 4 8}statastates is pretty easy to use. Just run the command and include the relevant option, which is contingent on whether you would like to merge using the two-letter state abbreviation, FIPS code, or name. {p 4 8}For example, if you have the state abbreviations in your dataset under the variable "state" and want to merge state FIPS codes and names using that variable, enter the following: {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates}, {cmdab:a:bbreviation}({it:state}) {p 4 8}If you have the state FIPS codes in your dataset under the variable "state" and want to merge state abbreviations and names using that variable, enter the following: {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates}, {cmdab:f:ips}({it:state}) {p 4 8}Lastly, if you have the state names in your dataset under the variable "state" and want to merge state abbreviations and FIPS codes using that variable, enter the following: {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates}, {cmdab:n:ame}({it:state}) {p 4 8}By default, statastates will generate a new variable, {cmdab:_merge}, to mark merge results. If you do not want to create this variable, specify {cmdab:nogen:erate}. This will keep matched observations and unmatched master observations. {p 4 8}{cmd:statastates}, {cmdab:n:ame}({it:state}) {cmdab:nogen:erate} {title: Author} {p 4 4}William L. Schpero {title: Contact} {p 4 4}{browse "mailto:william.schpero@yale.edu":william.schpero@yale.edu}{break}