/* Statx Package : JavaScript Syntax Highlighter for Stata Developed by E. F. Haghish (2014) Center for Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics University of Freiburg, Germany haghish@imbi.uni-freiburg.de The Statax Package comes with no warranty Developed by E.F. Haghish for SHJS engine to highlight Stata syntax Contact the author about copyrights license Statax Versions ============================== Statax 1.0 September, 2015 Statax version 1.1 October, 2015 Statax version 1.2 October, 2015 */ program define stataxsyn version 11 syntax tempname canvas capture file open `canvas' using $statax , write text append ******************************************************************** * This is the main engine ******************************************************************** file write `canvas' _n(4) /// "" _n(4) /// `"" _n(4) **************************************************************************** * Running the program **************************************************************************** // Weaver package includes another JavaScript for running all the JavaScript // programs. Therefore, avoid adding the JQuery and loading the syntax // highlighter in Weaver package. // ADD JQUERY if missing("$weaverstatax") file write `canvas' _n(4) /// /// `""' _n(4) file write `canvas' "" _n(5) file close `canvas' end