/////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// Generate Splines ////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// program define stpm3_gensplines, syntax [if], [ /// allknots(passthru) /// allknotstvc(passthru) /// bknots(passthru) /// bknotstvc(passthru) /// df(numlist max=1 int >0) /// knots(passthru) /// tvc(string) /// dftvc(passthru) /// ttrans(string) /// knotstvc(passthru) /// type(string) /// degree(integer 3) /// hasdelentry(string) /// timevar(varname) /// subcentile(string) /// nolocalreturn /// scale(string) /// toffset(string) /// wtvar(string) /// ] local tt `varlist' marksample touse // ttrans() option tempvar tt tt0 if "`toffset'" == "" local toffset 0 if "`timevar'" == "" local timevar _t + `toffset' if "`ttrans'" == "lnt" qui gen double `tt' = ln(`timevar' + `toffset') if `touse' else if "`ttrans'" == "none" qui gen double `tt' = `timevar' + `toffset' if `touse' else qui gen double `tt' = `ttrans' if `touse' // should not work with timevar option if `hasdelentry' { if "`ttrans'" == "lnt" qui gen double `tt0' = ln(_t0 + `toffset') if `touse' else if "`ttrans'" == "none" qui gen double `tt0' = _t0 + `toffset' if `touse' else { local ttrans0 = subinstr("`ttrans'","_t","_t0") qui gen double `tt0' = `ttrans0' if `touse' } } getknots `tt' if `touse', `allknots' `knots' `bknots' ttrans(`ttrans') // basesline splines if "`intknots'" != "" local gensplinesopt knots(`intknots') if "`allknots'" != "" local gensplinesopt allknots(`allknots') if "`bknots'" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' bknots(`bknots') if "`df'" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' df(`df') if "`subcentile'" != "" local subcentile subcentile(`subcentile') if "`wtvar'" != "" local iw iw(`wtvar') if inlist("`scale'","lncumhazard","probit","lnodds") local dgen dgen(_d`type') if "`scale'" == "hazard" { // need to add intercept option gensplines `tt' if `touse', `gensplinesopt' gen(_`type') /// degree(`degree') type(`type') /// `subcentile' intercept /// bknots(0,`r(max)') `iw' } else { gensplines `tt' if `touse', `gensplinesopt' gen(_`type') `dgen' /// degree(`degree') type(`type') /// `subcentile' `iw' } local intknots `r(internal_knots)' local knots `r(knots)' local bknots_original `bknots' local bknots `r(bknots)' local splinelist `r(splinevarlist)' local dsplinelist `r(dsplinevarlist)' // labels local splinename = cond("`type'" == "ns","Natural cubic spline","B-spline") local k = 1 foreach v in `r(splinevarlist)' { label variable `v' "`splinename' `k'" local k = `k' + 1 } if `hasdelentry' & "`scale'" != "lnhazard" { local gensplineopt = cond("`df'" == "1","df(1)","allknots(`knots')") gensplines `tt0' if `touse' & _t0>0, `gensplineopt' gen(_ns_t0_) /// only for ch models!!!!!!!!!!! type(`type') degree(`degree') local delentryvars `delentryvars' `r(splinevarlist)' local k = 1 foreach v in `r(splinevarlist)' { label variable `v' "`splinename' `k' (delayed entry)" local k = `k' + 1 } } local df = wordcount("`splinelist'") // tvc splines if "`tvc'" != "" { // inherit bknotstvc from bknots if not specified. if "`bknotstvc'" == "" { local bknotstvc `bknots_original' local bknotsopt bknotstvc(`bknotstvc') } parsetvc `tt' if `touse', tvc(`tvc') `dftvc' `allknotstvc' `knotstvc' `bknotsopt' ttrans(`ttrans') if `sharedtvc_knots' { //if "`bknots'" != "" local gensplineopt `gensplineopt' bknots(`bknots') local gensplinesopt if "`dftvc'" != "" local gensplinesopt df(`dftvc') if "`allknotstvc'" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' allknots(`allknotstvc') if "`knotstvc'" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' knots(`knotstvc') if "`bknotstvc'" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' bknots(`bknotstvc') if inlist("`scale'","lncumhazard","probit","lnodds") local dgen dgen(_d`type'_tvc) gensplines `tt' if `touse', `gensplinesopt' gen(_`type'_tvc) `dgen' /// type(`type') degree(`degree') `subcentile' `iw' local dftvc = wordcount("`r(splinevarlist)'") local splinevars_tvc `splinevars_tvc' `r(splinevarlist)' local intknots_tvc `r(internal_knots)' local knots_tvc `r(knots)' local bknots_tvc `r(bknots)' local k = 1 foreach v in `r(splinevarlist)' { label variable `v' "`splinename' `k' (tvc)" local k = `k' + 1 } if `hasdelentry' & "`scale'" != "lnhazard" { local gensplineopt = cond("`dftvc'" == "1","df(1)","allknots(`knots_tvc')") gensplines `tt0' if `touse' , `gensplineopt' gen(_`type'_t0_tvc) /// type(`type') local k = 1 foreach v in `r(splinevarlist)' { label variable `v' "`splinename' `k' (tvc - delayed entry)" local k = `k' + 1 } } } else { // separate df / knots fvrevar `tvc', list local tvcvars `r(varlist)' foreach v in `tvcvars' { local gensplinesopt if "`dftvc_`v''" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' df(`dftvc_`v'') if "`knotstvc_`v''" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' knots(`knotstvc_`v'') if "`allknotstvc_`v''" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' allknots(`allknotstvc_`v'') if "`bknotstvc'" != "" local gensplinesopt `gensplinesopt' bknots(`bknotstvc') // add bknots local dgen if inlist("`scale'","lncumhazard","probit","lnodds") local dgen dgen(_d`type'_tvc_`v') gensplines `tt' if `touse', `gensplinesopt' gen(_`type'_tvc_`v') `dgen' /// type(`type') degree(`degree') `subcentile' `iw' local dftvc_`v' = wordcount("`r(splinevarlist)'") local splinevars_tvc_`v' `splinevars_tvc' `r(splinevarlist)' local intknots_tvc_`v' `r(internal_knots)' local knots_tvc_`v' `r(knots)' local bknots_tvc_`v' `r(bknots)' local k = 1 foreach z in `r(splinevarlist)' { label variable `z' "`splinename' `k' (`v' tvc)" local k = `k' + 1 } if `hasdelentry' & "`scale'" != "lnhazard" { local gensplineopt = cond("`df'" == "1","df(1)","allknots(`knots_tvc_`v'')") gensplines `tt0' if `touse' , `gensplineopt' gen(_`type'_t0_tvc_`v') /// type(`type') local k = 1 foreach v in `r(splinevarlist)' { label variable `v' "`splinename' `k' (`v' tvc - delayed entry)" local k = `k' + 1 } } } } fvexpand `tvc' local tvc_expand `r(varlist)' foreach v in `tvc_expand' { _ms_parse_parts `v' local v_nofactor `r(name)' if !`r(omit)' { local tvc_included `tvc_included' `v' local addc = cond("`r(type)'" == "variable","c.","") if `sharedtvc_knots' { forvalues j = 1/`dftvc' { local newterm `addc'`v'#c._`type'_tvc`j' local dnewterm `addc'`v'#c._d`type'_tvc`j' if `hasdelentry' { local delentryvars `delentryvars' `addc'`v'#c._`type'_t0_tvc`j' } local splinelist_tvc `splinelist_tvc' `newterm' local dsplinelist_tvc `dsplinelist_tvc' `dnewterm' } } else { forvalues j = 1/`dftvc_`v_nofactor'' { local newterm `addc'`v'#c._`type'_tvc_`v_nofactor'`j' local dnewterm `addc'`v'#c._d`type'_tvc_`v_nofactor'`j' if `hasdelentry' { local delentryvars `delentryvars' `addc'`v'#c._`type'_t0_tvc_`v_nofactor'`j' } local splinelist_tvc `splinelist_tvc' `newterm' local dsplinelist_tvc `dsplinelist_tvc' `dnewterm' } } } } } // need to return by tvc (df / knots etc) // then add to ereturn // then update stpm3_predict c_local knots `knots' c_local intknots `intknots' c_local bknots `bknots' c_local splinelist `splinelist' c_local dsplinelist `dsplinelist' c_local df `df' c_local sharedtvc_knots `sharedtvc_knots' if "`tvc'" != "" { if `sharedtvc_knots' { c_local dftvc `dftvc' c_local knots_tvc `knots_tvc' c_local intknots_tvc `intknots_tvc' c_local bknots_tvc `bknots_tvc' } else { foreach v in `tvcvars' { c_local dftvc_`v' `dftvc_`v'' c_local knots_tvc_`v' `knots_tvc_`v'' c_local intknots_tvc_`v' `intknots_tvc_`v'' c_local bknots_tvc_`v' `bknots_tvc_`v'' c_local splinevars_tvc_`v' `splinevars_tvc_`v'' } } } c_local splinelist_tvc `splinelist_tvc' c_local splinevars_tvc `splinevars_tvc' c_local dsplinelist_tvc `dsplinelist_tvc' c_local delentryvars `delentryvars' c_local tvc_included `tvc_included' end // getknots options program define getknots , syntax varname [if][in],[allknots(string) knots(string) bknots(string) /// allknotstvc(string) knotstvc(string) /// ttrans(string)] marksample touse local tt `varlist' // in case 0 or 100 specified if "`knots'`bknots'`knotstvc'`bknotstvc'`allknots'`allknotstvc'" != "" { capture confirm var _d if !_rc { summ `tt' if _d & `touse', meanonly local tmin `r(min)' local tmax `r(max)' } } // bknots() option if "`bknots'" != "" { knotsscaleoptions `bknots' numlist "`knumlist'", ascending min(2) max(2) local klist `r(numlist)' local b1 = word("`klist'",1) local b2 = word("`klist'",2) // percentile option if "`knotscale'" == "percentile" { forvalues i = 1/2 { local tmpk = word("`klist'",`i') if "`tmpk'" == "0" local b1 `tmin' else if "`tmpk'" == "100" local b1 `tmax' else { _pctile `tt' if _d==1, percentile(`b`i'') local b`i' `r(r1)' } } } // transform to correct time scale if "`knotscale'" == "time" & "`ttrans'" == "lnt" { local b1 = log(`b1') local b2 = log(`b2') } if "`knotscale'" == "lntime" & "`ttrans'" == "none" { local b1 = exp(`b1') local b2 = exp(`b2') } } // knots & allknots option if "`knots'`allknots'" != "" { knotsscaleoptions `knots'`allknots' numlist "`knumlist'", ascending local klist `r(numlist)' local Nk = wordcount("`klist'") forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = word("`klist'",`i') } // percentile option if "`knotscale'" == "percentile" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local tmpk = word("`klist'",`i') if "`tmpk'" == "0" local k1 `tmin' else if "`tmpk'" == "100" local k`Nk' `tmax' else { _pctile `tt' if _d==1, percentile(`tmpk') local k`i' `r(r1)' } } } // transform to correct time scale if "`knotscale'" == "time" & "`ttrans'" == "lnt" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = log(`k`i'') } } if "`knotscale'" == "lntime" & "`ttrans'" == "none" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = exp(`k`i'') } } forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local retknots `retknots' `k`i'' } } c_local bknots `b1' `b2' if "`allknots'" != "" c_local allknots `retknots' if "`knots'" != "" c_local intknots `retknots' end // extract knotscale program define knotsscaleoptions, rclass syntax anything, [LNTime LOGTime PERCentile] if "`logtime'" != "" local lntime lntime if wordcount("`lntime' `percentile'") >1 { di as error "Only one scale for knots can be given" exit 198 } if wordcount("`lntime' `logtime' `percentile'") == 0 { local knotscale = "time" } else { local knotscale `lntime' `percentile' } c_local knotscale `knotscale' c_local knumlist `anything' end // extract tvcknots knotscale program define knotsoptionstvc syntax anything, [t(string) LNTime LOGTime PERCentile] if "`logtime'" != "" local lntime lntime if wordcount("`lntime' `percentile'") >1 { di as error "Only one scale for knots can be given" exit 198 } if wordcount("`lntime' `logtime' `percentile'") == 0 { local knotscale = "time" } else { local knotscale `lntime' `percentile' } c_local knotscale `knotscale' c_local knumlist `anything' end // parse tvc option program define parsetvc, syntax varname [if][in],[tvc(string) dftvc(string) /// bknotstvc(string) allknotstvc(string) knotstvc(string) ttrans(string)] marksample touse local tt `varlist' if "`knotstvc'`bknotstvc'`allknotstvc'" != "" { capture confirm var _d if !_rc { summ `tt' if _d & `touse', meanonly local tmin `r(min)' local tmax `r(max)' } } fvunab tvcunab: `tvc' if "`dftvc'" != "" { capture confirm number `dftvc' if !_rc { c_local sharedtvc_knots 1 c_local dftvc `dftvc' exit } else { c_local sharedtvc_knots 0 tokenize `dftvc' while "`1'"!="" { unab 1: `1' cap confirm var `1' if _rc { di as err "invalid variable in dftvc(... `1' `2' ...)" exit 198 } cap confirm number `2' if _rc { di as err "invalid number in dftvc(... `1' `2' ...)" exit 198 } if strpos("`tvcunab'","`1'")==0 { di as err "Error in dftvc: variable `1' not specified in tvc() option." exit 198 } c_local dftvc_`1' `2' mac shift 2 } } } if "`allknotstvc'`knotstvc'" != "" { local rettvc = cond("`allknotstvc'" != "","allknotstvc","knotstvc") local tmpk = word("`allknotstvc'`knotstvc'",1) capture confirm number `tmpk' local sharedtvc_knots = _rc==0 if `sharedtvc_knots' { knotsscaleoptions `allknotstvc'`knotstvc' numlist "`knumlist'", ascending local klist `r(numlist)' local Nk = wordcount("`klist'") forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = word("`klist'",`i') } // percentile option if "`knotscale'" == "percentile" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local tmpk = word("`klist'",`i') if "`tmpk'" == "0" local k1 `tmin' else if "`tmpk'" == "100" local k`Nk' `tmax' else { _pctile `tt' if _d==1, percentile(`tmpk') local k`i' `r(r1)' } } } // transform to correct time scale if "`knotscale'" == "time" & "`ttrans'" == "lnt" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = log(`k`i'') } } if "`knotscale'" == "lntime" & "`ttrans'" == "none" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = exp(`k`i'') } } forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local retknots `retknots' `k`i'' } c_local `rettvc' `retknots' c_local sharedtvc_knots 1 } else { c_local sharedtvc_knots `sharedtvc_knots' knotsscaleoptions `allknotstvc'`knotstvc' tokenize `knumlist' while "`1'"!="" { cap confirm var `1' if _rc { di as err "invalid variable in (all)knotstvc(... `1' `2' ...)" exit 198 } // could check in tvc local v `1' local nextvar 0 local tmpklist local retknots while !`nextvar' { capture confirm number `2' if _rc { numlist "`tmpklist'", ascending local klist `r(numlist)' local Nk = wordcount("`klist'") forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = word("`klist'",`i') } // percentile option if "`knotscale'" == "percentile" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local tmpk = word("`klist'",`i') if "`tmpk'" == "0" local k1 `tmin' else if "`tmpk'" == "100" local k`Nk' `tmax' else { _pctile `tt' if _d==1, percentile(`tmpk') local k`i' `r(r1)' } } } // transform to correct time scale if "`knotscale'" == "time" & "`ttrans'" == "lnt" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = log(`k`i'') } } if "`knotscale'" == "lntime" & "`ttrans'" == "none" { forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local k`i' = exp(`k`i'') } } forvalues i = 1/`Nk' { local retknots `retknots' `k`i'' } c_local `rettvc'_`v' `retknots' capture confirm var `2' if _rc & "`2'" != "" { di as err "invalid variable in dftvc(... `1' `2' ...)" exit 198 } local nextvar 1 mac shift 1 continue, break } else local tmpklist `tmpklist' `2' mac shift 1 } } } } // does not vary by variable if "`bknotstvc'" != "" { knotsscaleoptions `bknotstvc' numlist "`knumlist'", ascending min(2) max(2) local klist `r(numlist)' local b1 = word("`klist'",1) local b2 = word("`klist'",2) // percentile option if "`knotscale'" == "percentile" { forvalues i = 1/2 { local tmpk = word("`klist'",`i') if "`tmpk'" == "0" local b1 `tmin' else if "`tmpk'" == "100" local b1 `tmax' else _pctile `tt' if _d==1, percentile(`b`i'') local b`i' `r(r1)' } } // transform to correct time scale if "`knotscale'" == "time" & "`ttrans'" == "lnt" { local b1 = log(`b1') local b2 = log(`b2') } if "`knotscale'" == "lntime" & "`ttrans'" == "none" { local b1 = exp(`b1') local b2 = exp(`b2') } } c_local bknotstvc `b1' `b2' end