*! Part of package matrixtools v. 0.31 *! Support: Niels Henrik Bruun, niels.henrik.bruun@gmail.com *! 2024-02-29 > Bugfix: double if *! 2024-02-25 > Handling mixed regression *! 2024-02-23 > Option todocx added *TODO lookfor option: If the argument isn't a varlist then the varlist generated from using -lookfor- on the argument should be the argument * 2023-08-04 > Regression generator simplified, now handles mixed regressions correct - not working replay is set to 1 * 2023-05-25 > s removed from code. Did prevent code from working * 2023-01-01 > Option nozero added * 2022-12-29 > st_ regressions added as stregmat * 2022-12-29 > se(b) = . for base * 2022-12-29 > When convergence isn't achieved, missings are inserted * 2022-12-29 > run_regressions renamed to nhb_mt_run_regressions and moved to matrixtools * 2022-12-29 > tolabels renamed to nhb_mt_tolabels and moved to matrixtools * 2021-01-03 > Option names for alternative adjustment names * 2021-01-03 > toxl added * 2021-01-03 > Option btext for alternative column name for b added * TODO: n and x as option in front of regmat table - Based on crossmat * TODO: Enter adjustments variables at a level, force certain adjustment variables * TODO: Option summary (sumat) of outcome by values of exposure * 2019-03-11 > s(if) and s(in) added to regressions * 2019-03-11 > Option verbose added * 2018-12-16 > Changed to manual eform * 2018-12-03 > Handling mixed regression * 2018-12-03 > Fixed: keep b implies selecting se(b) BUG! * 2018-06-05 > Created program define stregmat, rclass version 12.1 st_is 2 analysis if `c(version)' >= 13 set prefix regmat sreturn clear _prefix_clear capture _on_colon_parse `0' local 0 `s(before)' local after `s(after)' _prefix_command regmat: `s(after)' local _cmd `s(cmdname)' local _options = subinstr("`after'", "`_cmd'", "", .) syntax [using], /* */Exposures(varlist min=1 fv) /* */[ /* */Adjustments(string asis) /* */noQuietly /* */Labels /* */BAse /* */Keep(string) /* */DRop(string) /* */EForm /* */Verbose /* */noCleanupmata /* */BText(string) /* */Names(string asis) /* matprint options */Style(passthru) /* */Decimals(passthru) /* */TItle(passthru) /* */TOp(passthru) /* */Undertop(passthru) /* */Bottom(passthru) /* */Replace(passthru) /* */noEqstrip /* */noZero /* */toxl(passthru) /* */todocx(passthru) /* */] if "`verbose'" != "" macro dir if `"`adjustments'"' == "" local adjustments `""""' if "`quietly'" != "" { mata __showcode = 1 mata __addquietly = 0 } else { mata __showcode = 0 mata __addquietly = 1 } mata __keep = 1 if "`drop'" != "" { local __str_colnames "`drop'" mata __keep = 0 } if "`keep'" != "" { local __str_colnames "`keep'" mata __keep = 1 } local __str_colnames = strlower(`"`__str_colnames'"') local __str_colnames : list uniq __str_colnames local values b se ci p if ! `:list __str_colnames in values' { local __str_colnames = "" mata __keep = 1 } mata: __str_slct = invtokens(tokens(st_local("__str_colnames")), "|") mata: __str_slct = regexm(__str_slct, "^b") ? "^" + __str_slct : __str_slct // keep b implies selecting se(b) BUG! mata: __str_slct = subinstr(__str_slct, "|b", "|^b") // keep b implies selecting se(b) BUG! mata: __str_slct = subinstr(__str_slct, "ci", "CI") mata: __str_slct = subinstr(__str_slct, "p", "P") mata __names = J(1,0,"") if `"`names'"' != "" capture mata: __names = `names' if _rc mata __names = J(1,0,"") local eform = ("`eform'" != "") mata: __regressions = J(0,length(tokens(`"`adjustments'"')),"") foreach exposure in `exposures' { mata _row = J(1,0,"") foreach adj in `adjustments' { mata _row = _row, `"`_cmd' `outcome' `exposure' `adj' `_options'"' } mata __regressions = __regressions \ _row } mata: __regmattbl = nhb_mt_run_regressions(__regressions, "`base'" == "", /// `eform', __showcode, __addquietly, `"`btext'"', __names) mata: st_rclear() mata: st_eclear() local adjnbr = 1 foreach adj in `adjustments' { if "`adj'" == "" return local Adjustment_`adjnbr' = "Crude" else return local Adjustment_`adjnbr++' = "`adj'" } mata: __regmattbl = nhb_mt_tolabels(__regmattbl, "`labels'" != "") mata: __regmattbl = __regmattbl.regex_select(__str_slct, __keep, 1, 0) mata: __regmattbl.row_equations("") mata: __regmattbl.to_matrix("r(regmat)") *** matprint *************************************************************** matprint r(regmat) `using', `style' `decimals' `title' `top' `undertop' /// `bottom' `replace' `eqstrip' `zero' `toxl' `todocx' **************************************************************************** return add if "`verbose'" != "" local cleanupmata cleanupmata if `"`cleanupmata'"' == "" capture mata: mata drop __* end mata class nhb_mt_labelmatrix scalar nhb_mt_run_regressions( string matrix regs, | real scalar nobase, real scalar eform, real scalar __showcode, real scalar __addquietly, string scalar btext, string rowvector names) { real scalar r, c, R, C, rc, N string scalar exposure class nhb_mt_labelmatrix scalar tmp, column, out R = rows(regs) C = cols(regs) N = cols(names) for(c=1;c<=C;c++) { column.clear() for(r=1;r<=R;r++) { if ( regexm(tokens(regs[r,c])[2], "^(.+)\.(.+)$") ) { exposure = regexs(2) } else { exposure = tokens(regs[r,c])[2] } rc = nhb_sae_logstatacode(regs[r,c], __showcode, __addquietly) tmp = nhb_mc_post_ci_table(eform, st_numscalar("c(level)")) if ( rc == 430 ) tmp.values(J(rows(tmp.values()), 5, .)) if ( nobase ) tmp = tmp.regex_select(exposure).regex_select("b\.",0) //drop base tmp = tmp.regex_select(exposure).regex_select("o\.",0) //drop omitted if ( column.empty() ) column = tmp else column.append(tmp) } if ( c > N ) column.column_equations(sprintf("Adjustment %f", c)) else column.column_equations(names[c]) if ( c == 1 ) out = column else out.add_sideways(column) } if ( btext != "") { out.column_names(regexr(out.column_names(), "^b$", btext)) out.column_names(regexr(out.column_names(), "^se\(b\)$", sprintf("se(%s)", btext))) } return(out) } end