.- help for ^sumqi^ Version 2.1 .- Summarizes quantities of interest --------------------------------- ^sumqi^ varname1 [varname2 varname3...] [^if^ exp] [^in^ range], ^l^evel^(^#^)^ Description ----------- ^sumqi^ summarizes quantities of interest that have been stored as variables in memory. The command reports the mean, standard deviation, and a confidence interval for the simulated quantities of interest. Options ------- ^l^evel^(^#^)^ specifies the confidence level, in percent, for confidence intervals. The default is ^level(95)^ or the value set by ^set l^evel. For more information on ^set l^evel, see the on-line help for @level@. Example ------- To obtain the mean, standard deviation, and a 90% confidence interval for a variable called myvar, type . ^sumqi myvar, level(90)^ To get 80% confidence intervals for myvar1, myvar2, and myvar3, type . ^sumqi myvar1 myvar2 myvar3, level(80)^ Distribution ------------ ^sumqi^ is part of CLARIFY, a suite of Stata programs for interpreting statistical results, and is (C) Copyright, 1999-2003, Michael Tomz, Jason Wittenberg and Gary King, All Rights Reserved. You may copy and distribute this program provided no charge is made and the copy is identical to the original. To request an exception, please contact: Michael Tomz Department of Political Science Encina Hall, Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6044 We recommend that you distribute the current version of this program, which is available from http://GKing.Harvard.Edu. Reference --------- If you use this program, please cite: Michael Tomz, Jason Wittenberg, and Gary King. 2003. CLARIFY: Software for Interpreting and Presenting Statistical Results. Version 2.1. Stanford University, University of Wisconsin, and Harvard University. January 5. Available at http://gking.harvard.edu/ and Gary King, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. "Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation." American Journal of Political Science 44, no. 2 (April): 347-61.