{smcl} {* Dec 31st 2019} {hline} Help for {hi:sumstats} {hline} {title:Description} {p}{cmd:sumstats} easily generates a table of summary statistics with various {help if}-restrictions and prints them to a specified output file using {help putexcel}. {title:Syntax} {phang}{cmd:sumstats} ({it:varlist_1} [{help if}]) [({it:varlist_2} [{help if}])] [...] {break} {help using} {it:"/path/to/output.xlsx"} [{help weight}], stats({it:{help tabstat##statname:stats_list}}) [replace] {p_end} {title:Instructions} {p}{cmd:sumstats} will print to Excel the requested statistics for the specified variables in each list with the specified conditions for that list. Specify with {help using} the desired file path for the {help putexcel} output. {bf:aweights} and {bf:fweights} are allowed; statistics are calculated with {help tabstat}. {title:Example} {p 2}{stata sysuse auto.dta , clear:sysuse auto.dta , clear}{p_end} {p 2 4}{stata sumstats (price mpg if foreign == 0)(price displacement length if foreign == 1) using "test.xlsx" , replace stats(mean sd):sumstats} /// {break}(price mpg if foreign == 0) /// {break}(price displacement length if foreign == 1) /// {break}using "test.xlsx" , replace stats(mean sd) {p_end} {title:Author} Benjamin Daniels bbdaniels@gmail.com {title:Contributing} {p}{bf: sumstats} is open for development on {https://github.com/bbdaniels/sumstats":GitHub}. Submit bugs and feature requests {browse "https://github.com/bbdaniels/sumstats/issues":here}. If you like {bf:sumstats}, be sure to visit my {browse "http://www.benjaminbdaniels.com":homepage}.{p_end}