Saves a matrix to a file ----------------------------
^svmatf^ ^, mat() fil(string) [row(string) varn(string) verb ]
Description -----------
^svmatf^ saves a matrix as a dataset. It can be saved as a separate dataset - or it can be added to an existing dataset.
The matrix can be added at the bottom (append) or to the right of existing observations.
Options -------
^mat(^matrix^)^ specifies the matrix that is to be saved
^fil(string)^ is the name of the file that will contain the matrix. If it exists, the data are appended.
^row^ specifies the variable name that will hold the row numbers
^varn^ specifies the variable names of the matrix columns. If not specified, they will be taken from the column names of the matrix
^verb^ is for verbose output, mostly debugging purposes.
Remarks ------- ^svmatf^ can be used to store a series of related matrices stacked on top of each other in one file.
The example shows how to compare results from a logistic regression models with different covariates.
Examples --------
.logit astma age gender .lrmatx .mat astma=r(or),r(ci) .svmatf , mat(astma) fil(result.dta)
.logit astma age gender region .lrmatx .mat astma=r(or),r(ci) .svmatf , mat(astma) fil(result.dta)
.logit astma age gender region hayfever .lrmatx .mat astma=r(or),r(ci) .svmatf , mat(astma) fil(result.dta)
Authors -------
Jan Brogger, University of Bergen, Norway