.- help for ^svytabform^ .- Create tables of means, standard deviations and confidence intervals for servey data ----------------------------------- ^svytabform^ varlist using filename [if] [in] [aw fw], [ by(varname) sd se ci level(#) ^not^otal bdec(#) ^sdb^racket ^cib^race ^mt^est ^mtp^rob ^mts^e ^mtb^dec ^ver^tical ] Description ----------------------------------- ^svytabform^ requires that the survey-designed variables be identified using svyset ^svytabform^ creates tables of means, standard deviations, and confidence intervals corrected by probability weights and put them in the following format: | Item1 | Item2 | Item3 | Item4 | .... --------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|--------------- mean mean mean mean mean (sd) (sd) (sd) (sd) (sd) [lb;ub] [lb;ub] [lb;ub] [lb;ub] [lb;ub] --------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|--------------- Options Description ----------------------------------- ^sd^ reports standard deviations ^se^ reports standard errors of means. Either ^sd^ or ^se^ can be specified ^ci^ reports confidence intervals ^level^ specifies the level of significance for the confidence intervals; The default is 95% ^nototal^ specifies not to report overall statistics when using with by() ^bdec^ specifies the number of digits after the decimal for the standard deviations and the confidence intervals. ^sdbracket^ puts standard deviations (or standard errors of means) in [] rather than () ^cibrace^ puts confidence intervals in {} rather than [] ^mtest^ performs t tests on the equality of means (of the current category and the rest). By default, the level of significance is indicated by stars (* significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%). ^mtprob^ p-values of the test statistic are included instead of stars. ^mtse^ SEs of the test statistic are included instead of stars. Either ^mtprob^ or ^mtse^ can be speficied. ^mtbdec^ specifies the number of digits after the decimal for the p-values and the SEs of the mean-difference test. ^vertical^ presents variables in the table vertically (the default is horizontally). Remark ------- If neither ^sd^ nor ^ci^ is specified, the command report means Examples ------- ^. svytabform item1 item2 item3 using Test.xls, sd^ ^. svytabform item1 item2 item3 using Test.xls, by(month) sd ci level(90) bdec(2) nototal sdbracket cibrace^ Author ------- Le Dang Trung ld.trung@yahoo.co.uk