help for ^svytabs^                                             

Create Tables for export Combining Multiple Survey Tabulations --------------------------------------------------------------

^svytabs^ varlist [if] [, ^by^(varname) ^sub^pops^(^varlist^)^ ^vc^ol2(varlist) ^mu^lti ^st^ars ^row(^int^)^ ^ci^ ^se^ ^lev^el^(^int^)^ ^deff^ ^nr^aw ^np^op ^chk^val ^ifchi(^str^)^ ^fl^agerr^(^int^) > ^ ^sc^reen ^ct^itle^(^str^)^ ^text(^str^)^ no^ti^tle ^sav^ing(filename) ^app^end ^rep^lace ^det^ail ]

Description -----------

^svytabs^ generates a variety of tables using calls to Stata's ^svytab^ command > . It's advantages over svytab are in convenience and formatting. A single svytabs command can generate a table that would require many ^svytab^ commands and tedious assembly of results. By default, tables of percentages are created in a comma delimited format that can be saved to a text file for importing to other documents. Statistically significant differences can be flagged with asterisks. Standard errors, confidence intervals, design effects, and population counts can also be produced. Detailed output can be logged while tables are saved in separate files.

Essentially, svytabs issues a separate svytab command for each variable in varlist tabulated against the single variable specified in the by option. The subpops option allows specifying mutliple subpopulations that are sequentially passed to svytab, creating multiple columns of output. The output is arranged so that each variable in varlist is a row, each category of byvar is a column and each variable in subpops is a supercolumn (containing a column for each level of byvar).

[-----subpopvar1----] [----subpopvar2----]..[----subpopvarn----] byvarcat1..byvarcatn byvarcat1..byvarcatn byvarcat1..byvarcatn var1 var2 ... varn

By default, svytabs expects dichotomous variables in varlist and extracts from each svytab command the proportions in the second row of output (corresponding to the higher category, typically meaning yes or true). If results for a multi-category variable are desired, then the varlist can contain only one variable and the ^multi^ option must be specified.

Additional options are provided to: format the results for readability on the screen; add rows for standard errors, confidence intervals, and design effects; add titles; set options for saving the table; specify a special condition for tests of statistical significance; check the value of the variable being tabulated; flag results with confidence intervals wider than a set percentage; and include a second varlist that parallels the first varlist in the output.

Options -------

^by(^varname^)^ specifies the second (column) variable to be used in all svytab commands. If no variable is specified, then svytabs creates a dummy variable (=1) in order to make the svytab command work, but no statistics are calculated.

^subpops(^varlist^)^ is used to specify one or more subpopulations of interest.

^vcol2(^varlist^)^ allows specification of a second varlist that parallels the main varlist (and must have the same number of variables) creating an additional set of columns. For example, variables representing current and lifetime drug use can be combined into one table with the lifetime variables listed as the varlist and the corresponding current variables listed in the same order under ^vcol2^.

^multi^ specifies that the main varlist contains one variable but has multiple categories of interest. This option changes the output so that each category is a row.

^stars^ specifies that asterisks should be displayed next to results that are statistically significant -- defined by the p value of the Pearson Chi-Squared test performed by svytab. One asterisk indicates significance at p<.05 and two asterisks indicates p<.01. The asterisks are placed next to the last column within each byvar.

^ifchi(^string^)^ specifies an additional condition to use only for testing statistical significance. For example, if one wanted a table displaying 3 years of survey results, but only wanted to test the past 2 years for statistical differences, then ^ifchi(year!=1)^ would accomplish this goal. The ^ifchi^ condition is displayed in a note at the bottom of the table.

^row(^rownumber^)^ specifies the row of output from the svytab command to extract. The default is row number 2. The user must be careful that the default or specified row number is the result of interest (see ^chkval^ option).

^chkval^ adds a column to the output that shows, for each variable in the primary varlist, the value of that variable that has been used from the ^svytab^ results. This option allows one to check whether the desired result is being extracted from ^svytab^.

^ci^,^se^, ^deff^, ^level(^conf.level^)^ specify that confidence intervals, standard errors, and/or design effects are to be displayed in rows directly beneath each row of output. The ^level^ option sets the confidence level and defaults to the current Stata default (95% unless otherwise set with set level).

^flagerr(^#^)^ specifies that a tilde (~) be used to flag any result that has a confidence interval wider than # percentage points. It can be used as a complement to ^stars^ to indicate results with particularly large uncertainty. ^nraw^ calculates the number of observations used in each result. The minimum and maximum of these counts across the variables in varlist are reported in the final row of the table as a range.

^npop^ calculates the number of observations in each by group of each subpop. It ignores the varlist, providing a single population count for each column, added to the top of the table.

^ctitle(^columntitle^)^ allows the user to specify a title for the first column of output (i.e., the column listing the variables).

^saving(^filename^)^ saves the resulting table in filename.log. The filename is also used to create a title row. The table also includes supercolumn (subpop) and column (byvar) headings and the results in a comma-separated format suitable for bringing into a word processor or spreadsheet that can parse on commas and create a table.

^append^,^replace^ are options for saving, allowing the user to append to an existing file or replace an existing file.

^text(^titletext^)^ lets the user add descriptive text to the table title, in addition to the default file name.

^notitle^ specifies that the saving file name should not be used to create a title for the table.

^screen^ tells svytabs to format the output for the screen instead of the usual, nearly unreadable, comma delimited output. The resulting output will usually be readable, but be imperfect for the ci and nraw options.

^detail^ specifies that all of the svytab commands generated should be displayed along with their results. This option can create lots of output and so a log file must be open.

Other Options/Features ----------------------

^svytabs^ also has two optional features that may prove useful.

^global macros^: Many svytab options can be set with global macros so that large do files of svytabs commands can be run with or without these options without needing to edit each command.

Global macro ^tabdir^ sets the path where all tables will be saved Example: ^global tabdir "c:/mydata/tables/"^. Note, forward slashes should be used in the path, regardless of OS.

Global macros ^tabnpop^, ^tabnraw^, ^tabse^, ^tabci^, ^tabdeff^, ^tabdet^, and ^tabchkv^ set the options npop, nraw, se, ci, deff, detail, and chkval "on" if they equal 1. global ^tabflag^ sets flagerr to its value.

^characteristics^ if the characteristic ^tablab^ is set for any variable in the main varlist, it will be used instead of the variable name to label the row. This approach essentially uses an alternative variable label, which may be preferred if variable labels are needed for other purposes and don't serve well for the output. Example: char mari[tablab] "Marijuana"

Notes -----

subpops vs. by

The subpops option is sometimes needed as an alternative to byvar with multiple categories when a straight cross-tab won't provide exactly what you want. For example, if you wanted a breakout by grade and gender you could just create a variable with categories for each combination of grade and gender and use the by option. But if you also wanted columns for groups of grades or overall by gender, then you could leave byvar blank and specify the subpops option with dummy variables for each grade/gender and for any other desired columns.

Example -------

(one line command broken for display purposes)

.. ^svytabs marilife inhalife psyclife narclife cokeblif amphlife^ ^trnqlife sterlife methlife mdmalife, ifchi(year!=1993) ^ ^subpops(grade78 grade912) by(year) stars saving(Table2) ^ ^text(Lifetime Drug Use) ctitle(Substance) npop replace^

(output shown on screen and saved in table1.log, replacing existing file:)

Table 2. Lifetime Drug Use ,grade78,grade78,grade78,grade912,grade912,grade912 Substance,1993,1996,1999,1993,1996,1999 ,(n=1954),(n=2047),(n=2354),(n=3367),(n=3637),(n=3472) Marijuana/Hashish,14.5,19.4,14.6*,38.2,51.7,50.2 Inhalants,24.7,23.8,17.3**,21.9,20.4,15.6** Psychedelics,3.3,3.0,4.2,8.4,15.4,17.1 Narcotics,3.1,3.0,2.8,5.5,8.4,9.6 Coke/Crack,4.9,3.5,3.9,5.4,5.9,8.2** Amphetamines,4.6,4.2,4.7,7.3,11.8,11.6 Tranquilizers,12.9,13.5,9.9*,17.0,24.1,19.6** Steroids,3.2,2.5,3.1,2.1,2.3,3.8* Methamphetamine,--,1.6,2.0,--,3.5,4.5 MDMA,--,1.7,3.1,--,6.5,14.7** statistically signficant differences by year (year!=1993) flagged: *=(p<.05) ** > =(p<.01)

(example note: tablab characteristic was set for all variables in varlist, making output more directly useful)

Author ------ Michael Blasnik Blasnik & Associates mblasnik@@110.net