help for tarowi                                       (see also:  [R] tabulate)

tarowi, "t-a-rowi", tabulate by each row - immediate

tarowi (matrix definition syntax) OR existing matrix name , [options_tabulate(tabulate options) row_options_tabulate(tabulate options for tables by each row)]


tarowi tabulates row by column a table defined by the matrix definition syntax. Thereafter, provides, by each row level (row==1, row==2, ...) a 2Xn table where n equals the number of columns defined by the columns of the matrix definition. The two rows for each 2Xn table are row==i and all other.


options_tabulate(tabulate options) and row_options_tabulate(tabulate options for tables by each row) take options available to tabulate and are, in fact, passed directly to tabulate. Examples of tabulate options are: row, col, all, chi2, and exact.


the parentheses are required in: (matrix definition syntax) and the matrix definition must be valid or a vauge "syntax error" will result.

if existing matrix name is provided: 1) no parentheses are required and, if included, result in a syntax error. 2) the matrix labels are not used (as yet anyway).

currently tarowi is setup to return the p-value for the exact test, if exact is specified as an option in row_options_tabulate(tabulate options for tables by each row). The p-values, one for each 2Xn table, are called: exactp1 ... exactpi. These can be seen post tarowi by issuing the command return list.


. tarowi (1,7\5,4\4,4\1,1), o(row col) r(chi nokey) . tarowi (1,7\5,4\4,4\1,1) . tarowi (1 7 \ 5 4 \ 4 4 \ 1 1), r(col exact nokey) o(col) . tarowi (1 7 1\ 5 4 1\ 4 4 2\ 1 1 1), o(row) r(row exact nokey) . tarowi MatrixA , o(row col) r(chi nokey exact)


Allen Buxton, Assistant Statistician Children's Oncology Group Arcadia, CA

Also see

Manual: [R] tabulate

On-line: help for tabi tabulate matrix immed