*- to Prof. Baum * Yujun Lian, * v1 2021.5.27 copy ssc.ado and mirar modify * v2 2021.6.13 add cnsscget to download ancillary files * provide more information after cnssc install * cnssc describe * two servers: SSC and lianxh.cn *------------------ *- Test cnssc.ado *------------------ cap global p "D:\Github\pubcmds\cnssc" // modify folder cap global p "D:\Github\pubcmds\_submit_ssc\cnssc" cap global p "D:\Github\pubcmds\_submit_ssc\_Lian_SSC_15June2021\cnssc" adopath + "$p" cd $p cap mkdir testPlus // save plus files net set ado "$p/testPlus" adopath + "$p/testPlus" cd $p cap mkdir data cd "$p/data" /* cd $p/_update clear input update 20210614 20210520 end save "cnssc_update.dta", replace */ *-basic which cnssc help cnssc cnssc new // = ssc new cnssc hot, n(20) // = ssc hot, n(20) cnssc hot, n(40) author(Baum) cnssc hot, n(20) author(Yujun) *-describe cnssc des a cnssc des _ cnssc des x cnssc des winsor cnssc des ivreg2 cnssc des ihelp //lianxh.cn pkg cnssc des wwwc //error cnssc des *-install cnssc install ivreg2 cnssc install ivreg2, all cnssc install ivreg2, replace cnssc install ihelp cnssc install ihelp, replace cnssc install //error cnssc install abc //error *-uninstall cnssc uninstall ivreg2 /* package not found r(111); */ *-install packages in [lianxh.cn], not in SSC cnssc install rdbalance /* cnssc install: "rdbalance" not found at SSC, now turn to lianxh.cn server ... checking rdbalance consistency and verifying not already installed... installing into D:\Github\pubcmds\_submit_ssc\cnssc/testPlus\... installation complete. */ which ihelp cnssc install ihelp which ihelp *-type cnssc des firthlogit cnssc type asseryanis.do cnssc des ivreg2 cnssc type cs_ivreg29.do cnssc type cs_ivreg2_4.1.11.do *-copy cnssc copy cs_ivreg29.do cnssc copy cs_ivreg29.do, replace *-get - NEW program drop _all which cnssc *- SSC packages cnssc des firthlogit cnssc get firthlogit, replace cnssc get firthlogit, replace force * no ancillary files cnssc des xtbalance cnssc get xtbalance *- lianxh.cn packages cnssc des rdbalance cnssc get rdbalance, replace cnssc get rdbalance, replace force *-test cnget_FileList.ado cnget_FileList firthlogit *-test Chinese cnssc get testget cnssc des testget *-cnssc install, lianxh // lianxh option program drop _all which cnssc cnssc install winsor2 set trace on cnssc install rdbalance, li cnssc install imusic cnssc install imusic, li replace cnssc install imusic2 cnssc install ivreg2, li cnssc get rdbalance cnssc get rdbalance, li cnssc get ivreg2 cnssc get ivreg2, li cnssc get ivreg3, li // error