*! 2.0.2 NJC DCE Oct 2006 * 2.0.1 NJC 17 March 2006 * 2.0.0 NJC 12 June 2005 program tknz, sclass version 8 // // stub() - optionally add a prefix to a positionally numbered macro // parse() - character(s) upon which to parse per normal tokenize // nochar - exclude parsing character from list // the program returns s(items) as the number of tokens returned // syntax anything(name=list everything id="list to parse required") /// [, Stub(str) noCHAR Parse(str) ] if "`parse'" == "" { local parse " " } tokenize `list' , parse(`parse') local i = 0 local j = 0 while "``++j''" != "" { c_local `stub'`++i' `"``j''"' if "`char'" == "nochar" & `"`parse'"' != " " { local ++j } } sreturn local items = `i' end