help tknz                                                   also see:  tokenize


tknz -- Tokenize string into consecutively numbered named macros


tknz varlist|["]string["] [,parse(pchars) stub(string) nochar]

options Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------

stub(stub) stub to prefix numbered positional macros.

parse(pchars) parse character(s)

nochar drop non space parsing character


tknz tokenizes string into tokens, storing the results in the local macros stub1, stub2, etc. Tokens are determined based on the parsing characters pchars, which defaults to a space if not specified.

The number of tokens created is returned in s(items).

+---------+ ----+ Options +----------------------------------------------------------

stub(stub) specifies a stub for the macro names. This stub should be short enough for the complete names all to be legal. If stub is not included the default _1, _2 macro naming is used.

parse(pchars) specifies the parsing characters. If parse() is not specified, parse(" ") is assumed, and thus the string is split into words.

nochar specifies that the non space parsing character not be included in the consecutively numbered macros. (Stata's tokenize includes the non space parsing character in the string of tokens and this conveniently allows them to be stripped out)


. tknz `varlist', s(v) . tknz "one,two,three,four", s(v) p(,) nochar


Subsequent processing for each item on the list can easily be achieved by using:

forvalues i=1/`s(items)' { do something on `v`i'' // where v is the stub }

tknz uses the undocumented macro assignment command c_local which allows local macros created by tknz to be used within the context of the program, dofile, or command line call to tknz. However, they are not available to a new instance created by a subsequent program, which can lead to unexpected results or errors. For example, if you call tknz from the command line and then again in a subsequent program or dofile, the values you see from the command line by issuing macro dir are not those created by the subsequent program, but from the instance created by the previous command line call. Understanding this can save a lot of grief!


David C. Elliott, Nova Scotia Department of Health, Halifax


Nicholas J. Cox created the original tknz for adding stubs to the numbered positional macros and provided a number of suggestions for improving the routine and help file.