help for tolerance                                    Peter Lachenbruch program

Generate tolerance intervals from input data tolerance varname [if exp] [in range] [,p(#) gamma(#)]

Description tolerance generates lower and upper tolerance limits for varname assuming it is normally distributed. It also produces the multiplier for the tolerance interval. The variable name is required.

You must have a data set in memory before using this command


p(#) Gives the value of the confidence level. Default=0.95 }

gamma(#) Gives the value of the coverage proportion. Default=0.9 It can be abbreviated by g(#)


95% 95% tolerance interval for price

tolerance price, p(.95) g(.95)

99% 95% tolerance interval for mpg

tolerance mpg, p(.99) g(.95)


Hahn, G. and Meeker, W. Q. Statistical Intervals 1991 New York:John Wiley & Sons


Peter A. Lachenbruch FDA/CBER/OBE peter.lachenbruch@fda.hhs.gov