{smcl} {* *! version 17.0 09may2024}{...} {title: Title} {cmdab:trim_vars} trims blanks in a varlist specified by the user. {title: Syntax} {cmdab:trim_vars} {varlist} {title: Description} The {cmdab:trim_vars} command removes leading and trailing Unicode whitespace characters and blanks, as well as multiple, consecutive internal blanks, from the list of variable[s] the user inputs. {cmdab:trim_vars} finds all of the string variables in the current dataset and performs trimming on them if {cmd:_all} or {cmd:*} are specified in {varlist}. {cmdab:trim_vars} performs trimming on the desired string variable[s] if a list of one or more string variables are specified in {varlist}. {cmdab:trim_vars} performs trimming only on the string variables if a combination of string and numeric variables are specified in {varlist}. However, {cmdab:trim_vars} issues an error if no string variables are found. {title: Examples} {cmd:trim_vars _all} // Trim all string variables in current dataset {cmd:trim_vars strvar1 strvar2 strvar3} // Trim string variables specified {cmd:trim_vars strvar1 strvar2 numvar1 numvar2} // Trim only the string variable specified {title: Remarks} See {help ustrtrim()} and {help stritrim()} for more on Stata's trim functions. See also {help ds} for more on listing variables with specified properties. {title: Author} Kaifeng Deng, Washington, DC, USA deng.28@outlook.com