help for ^trinary^

Extensions to generate to implement three-way logic ---------------------------------------------------

^egen^ [type] newvar ^=^ fcn^(^stuff^)^ [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [^,^ options]

Description -----------

(This is the general specification copied from the help for ^egen^.)

^egen^ creates newvar of the optionally specified storage type equal to fcn^(^stuff^)^. Depending on fcn^( )^, stuff refers to an expression, varlist, or a numlist and the options are similarly function dependent.

Note that ^egen^ may change the sort order of your data.

^egen^ functions --------------

(The option ^by(^byvarlist^)^ means that computations are performed separately for each group defined by byvarlist.)

^rtvor(^varlist^)^ [^, lib^eral] creates the (row) three-valued OR result of the variables in varlist. ^rtvand(^varlist^)^ [^, lib^eral] creates the (row) three-valued AND result of the variables in varlist. ^tvor(^exp^)^ [^, by(^varlist^) lib^eral] creates a constant (within ^varlist^) containing the three-valued OR result of the values in exp. ^tvand(^exp^)^ [^, by(^varlist^) lib^eral] creates a constant (within ^varlist^) containing the three-valued AND resul > t of the values in ^exp^.

^tvnot(^exp^)^ creates the three-valued logical negation of ^exp^. All of these will impose a default type of byte on the result.

Note that NOT is a unary operation, and therefore tvnot does not perform any combining of values. It is neither a row-wise nor column-wise operation.

OR and AND are ostensibly binary operations, but since they are associative (even in their three-valued versions), they can take an arbitrary number of inputs. Essentially...

The OR result is true if any input is true. It is false if all inputs are false. It is missing if there is is at least one missing input and all other inputs are either false or missing.

The AND result is false if any input is false. It is true if all inputs are true. It is missing if there is is at least one missing input and all other inputs are either true or missing. The ^lib^eral option changes this somewhat. This causes the operation to be performed on only the nonmissing inputs. It yields missing only if all inputs are missing. This is appropriate for reducing a multitude of similar indicators to one.

Finally note that, while these functions greatly simplify the construction of three-valued logic expressions, they can only do one type of operation at a time. So more complex expressions need to be built up in stages. For example, the three-valued logic equivalent of gen byte k = a & (b | c | d)

would be...

tempvar t1 egen `t1' = rtvor(b c d) egen k = rtvand(a `t1')

Author ------

David Kantor Institute for Policy Studies Johns Hopkins University dkantor@@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu

Also see --------

Manual: [R] egen On-line: help for @egen@, @functions@, @varlist@