*!ttitle.ado *!first version: 9/7/1998 *!last version: 16/10/2006 *!author: WvP * Derives a title from the variable label of a variable. * Used in autom. generation of a t1title in kapm.ado and a title incart./ado * previously called title.ado (this file still exists /* Syntax: ttitle varname [,f] f (optional) indicates that the title is used for kapm failure-curves. Result: S_1 contains the default title string S_2 short name as label in figure S_3 short name for recovery values */ program define ttitle version 9.0 syntax varname [, Fail ] global S_3 local varlab:variable label `varlist' local format:format `varlist' *Get rid of Date (of) or Datum (van) in the variable label if index(upper("`varlab'"),"DATE OF")==1 local varlab =substr("`varlab'",8,.) else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"DATE")==1 local varlab =substr("`varlab'",5,.) else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"DATUM VAN")==1 local varlab =substr("`varlab'",9,.) else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"DATUM")==1 local varlab =substr("`varlab'",6,.) local varlab=upper(substr("`varlab'",1,1))+ substr("`varlab'",2,.) /* first letter capital */ if index("`format'","d")>0 { /* 10/7/03 added for st data in kapm - can be extended and made smarter */ global S_1 `varlab' if `"`varlab'"'=="" global S_1 `varlist' global S_2 `varlist' global F_2 `varlist' } else if (index(upper("`varlab'"),"OVERALL SURV")>0 | index("`varlist'","os")>0)& index(upper("`varlab'"),"(EXT)")==0{ global S_1 Overall survival global S_2 OS global F_2 Dead } else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"OVERALL SURV")>0 | index("`varlist'","os")>0 { global S_1 Overall survival (ext) global S_2 OS (ext) global F_2 Dead (ext) } else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"DISEASE FREE SURV. FROM CR")>0 | index("`varlist'","dfs")>0 { global S_1 Disease free survival from CR global S_2 DFS global F_2 Rel/Dead } else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"DISEASE FREE SURV")>0 { global S_1 Disease free survival global S_2 DFS global F_2 Rel/Dead } else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"EVENT FREE SURV")>0 | index("`varlist'","efs")>0 { global S_1 Event free survival global S_2 EFS global F_2 Failure } else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"PROGRESSION FREE")>0 | index("`varlist'","pfs")>0 { global S_1 Progression free survival global S_2 PFS global F_2 Prog } else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"RELAPSE FREE FROM CR")>0 |"`varlist'"=="rfd" { if "`fail'"=="" global S_1 Relapse free from CR else global S_1 Relapse after CR global S_2 RF global F_2 Relapse } else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"WBC")>0 | index(upper("`varlist'"),"WBC")>0 local ttt WBC else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"PMN")>0 | index(upper("`varlist'"),"PMN")>0 local ttt PMN else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"ANC")>0 | index(upper("`varlist'"),"ANC")>0 local ttt ANC else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"HBM")>0 | index(upper("`varlist'"),"HBM")>0 local ttt HBM else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"PLA")>0 | index(upper("`varlist'"),"PLA")>0 local ttt Platelets else if index(upper("`varlab'"),"PLT")>0 | index(upper("`varlist'"),"PLT")>0 local ttt Platelets else { global S_1 `varlab' global S_2 = upper("`varlist'") } if "`ttt'"~="" { local tt2=substr("`varlab'",index("`varlab'",">"),.) local pm=index("`tt2'","-") if `pm'>1 { local tt2=substr("`tt2'",1,`pm'-1) } global S_1 Recovery `ttt'`tt2' global S_2 `ttt' global S_3 `ttt'`tt2' } end