help for twoway_estfit                                                 manual: 

Twoway prediction plots

twoway estfit yvar xvar [weight] [if exp] [in range] [, estcmd(command name) lfit_options]

estcmd(estimation command name) specifies the name of the Stata estimation command to use for fitting the model and creating the prediction line

lfit_options are any options allowed by twoway_lfit. The estopts and predopts now apply to whatever command is specified in estcmd


twoway estfit is a more flexible alternative to (cmd: lfit} -- it calculates and plots the prediction line from fitting yvar on xvar using the model specified in estcmd. For more detailed syntax and help see twoway_lfit,

estfit only differs from lfit because it allows you to specify a different estimator rather than regress that is built into lfit.


estcmd(estimation command name) specifies the name of the command to be run to estimate the model from which the line will be predicted. Choices include any Stata command that can be run using the the y and x vars. Common applications could include rreg or qreg for more robust linear fits than lfit provides, but can be any command that works with predict such as logit, probit, poisson, glm, or even user-written non-linear or maximum likelihood models.

estopts(model_options) as in lfit, specifies options to be passed along to estcmd to estimate the model.

predopts(predict_options) as in lfit, specifies options to be passed along to predict to obtain the predictions after estimation by estcmd.

Typical use

twoway estfit, like lfit, is primarily used in conjunction with other twoway plottypes, such as

. sysuse auto, clear

. scatter mpg weight || estfit mpg weight, estcmd(qreg)

Results are the same as typing

. qreg mpg weight . predict fitted . scatter mpg weight || line fitted weight

Also see

Manual: [G] graph twoway lfit

Online: help for twoway_lfit; twoway_qfit, twoway_fpfit, twoway_mband, twoway_mspline; twoway_lfitci;