{smcl} {* 15Aug2007*}{...} {hline} help for {hi:twoway parea} {hline} {title:twoway parea} {p 4 4 2} {cmd:twoway parea} is a modification of standard Stata twoway area command. It uses some undocumented features of Stata to enable pattern fills (tested on Windows only). {title:Syntax} {p 8 53 2} {cmdab:tw:oway} {cmd:area} {it:yvar} {it:xvar} {ifin} [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {p2colset 9 31 33 2}{...} {it:options}{col 31}description {p2line} {cmd:pattern({it:pattern_name})}{...} {col 31}fill pattern; default is pattern10 (solid) {cmdab:vert:ical}{...} {col 31}vertical area plot; the default {cmdab:hor:izontal}{...} {col 31}horizontal area plot {cmd:base(}{it:#}{cmd:)}{...} {col 31}value to drop to; default is 0 {cmdab:nodropb:ase}{...} {col 31}programmer's option {cmd:sort}{...} {col 31}sort by {it:xvar}; recommended INCLUDE help gr_areaopt INCLUDE help gr_axlnk INCLUDE help gr_twopt {p2line} {pin} Option {cmd:base()} is {it:rightmost}; {cmd:vertical}, {cmd:horizontal}, {cmd:nodropbase}, and {cmd:sort} are {it:unique}; see {help repeated options}. {title:Description} {p 4 4 2} This command is a modified version of the standard {cmd:twoway area} command with the pattern fills enabled. All other options of {cmd:twoway area} should be supported as well. {title:Options} {p 4 4 2} {cmd:pattern({it:pattern_name})} specifies which pattern must be used for fills. Possible values are: {it:pattern1}, {it:pattern2},..., {it:pattern10}, {it:background}, and {it:none}. Value {it:pattern10} is the default value and corresponds to a solid fill. If separate areas must have different fills, combine several calls to parea with "||" symbol. {title:Examples} {cmd: . do pareademo} {cmd: . sysuse sp500} {cmd: . twoway parea high date, pattern(pattern8) || parea low date, pattern(pattern6) scale(0.5)} {cmd: . sysuse auto} {cmd: . twoway parea l w, sort pattern(pattern6)} {cmd: . twoway parea d w, sort pattern(pattern9) || parea l w if w<=3600, sort pattern(pattern6) || parea l w if w>=3600, sort pattern(pattern4) ,legend(rows(1))} {title:Author} Sergiy Radyakin, sradyakin(at)worldbank.org {title:Versions} Aug. 2007 First version for Stata 9 Apr. 2008 Corrected for some undocumented internal changes in Stata 10 (which prevented the legend keys to be rendered). {title:Also see} {psee} Manual: {bf:[G] graph twoway area} {psee} Online: {helpb twoway area} {p_end}