capture program drop twowayfeweights program twowayfeweights, eclass version 12.0 syntax varlist(min=4 numeric) [if] [in] [, type(string) test_random_weights(varlist numeric) controls(varlist numeric) path(string) weight(varlist numeric) other_treatments(varlist numeric) summary_measures] foreach p in gtools { qui cap which `p' if _rc != 0 { di as error "twowayfeweights requires the `p' package: " `"{stata ssc install gtools, replace}"' exit } } if "`other_treatments'"==""{ if "`type'"==""{ di as error"Please select the weights you want to estimate using type()" } if "`type'"!=""{ /// Preparing the data qui{ tempvar outcome group time meantreat tokenize `varlist' gen `outcome'=`1' gen `group'=`2' gen `time'=`3' gen `meantreat'=`4' if "`type'"=="fdTR" { tempvar treatment gen `treatment'=`5' } preserve *Keeping if sample if `"`if'"' != "" { keep `if' } * Account for the presence of weight vars in the data if strpos("`weight'", "weight") > 0 { cap rename `weight' var_weight local weight "var_weight" } cap confirm var weight if _rc == 0 { local p = 1 foreach v of varlist weight* { cap rename `v' weight_OG`p' local p = `p' + 1 } } if "`type'"!="fdTR" { * Keeping only sample used in estimation of regression foreach var of varlist `varlist' { drop if `var'==. } if "`controls'"!=""{ foreach var of varlist `controls' { drop if `var'==. } } } if "`type'"=="fdTR" { * Keeping only sample used in estimation of regression & observations with non missing D keep if (`time'!=.&`outcome'!=.&`meantreat'!=.)|`treatment'!=. if "`controls'"!=""{ foreach var of varlist `controls' { drop if (`time'!=.&`outcome'!=.&`meantreat'!=.)&`var'==. } } } *Replacing individual level treatment by (g,t)-level treatment capture drop treatment_gt treatment_sd_gt gegen treatment_gt=mean(`meantreat'), by(`group' `time') gegen treatment_sd_gt=sd(`meantreat'), by(`group' `time') sum treatment_sd_gt if r(mean)>0&r(mean)!=.{ noisily di as text "The treatment variable in the regression varies within some group * period cells." noisily di as text "The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) apply to two-way fixed effects regressions" _newline "with a group * period level treatment." noisily di as text "The command will replace the treatment by its average value in each group * period." noisily di as text "The results below apply to the two-way fixed effects regression with that treatment variable." noisily di as text "" replace `meantreat'=treatment_gt } drop treatment_gt treatment_sd_gt *Replacing individual level controls by (g,t)-level controls if "`controls'"!=""{ local count=1 foreach var of varlist `controls' { gegen `var'_gt=mean(`var'), by(`group' `time') gegen `var'_sd_gt=sd(`var'), by(`group' `time') sum `var'_sd_gt if r(mean)>0&r(mean)!=.{ noisily di as text "The control variable " `count' " varies within some group * period cells." noisily di as text "The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) on two-way fixed effects regressions" _newline "with controls apply to group * period level controls." noisily di as text "The command will replace control variable " `count' " by its average value in each group * period cell." noisily di as text "The results below apply to the regression with control variable " `count' " averaged at the group * period level." noisily di as text "" replace `var'=`var'_gt local count=`count'+1 } drop `var'_gt `var'_sd_gt } } *Creating the weight variable capture drop weight_XX if "`weight'"==""{ gen weight_XX=1 } if "`weight'"!=""{ gen weight_XX=`weight' } keep if weight_XX!=. /// Creating the weights variables /// feTR weights if "`type'"=="feTR"{ sum `meantreat' [aweight=weight_XX] scalar mean_D=r(mean) sum `outcome' [aweight=weight_XX] scalar nobs_XX=r(sum_w) gegen P_gt=total(weight_XX), by(`group' `time') replace P_gt=P_gt/nobs_XX gen nat_weight= P_gt*`meantreat'/mean_D areg `meantreat' i.`time' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`group') predict eps_1, residuals gen eps_1_E_D_gt=eps_1*`meantreat' sum eps_1_E_D_gt [aweight=weight_XX] scalar denom_W=r(mean) gen W=eps_1*mean_D/denom_W gen weight=W*nat_weight *Computing beta areg `outcome' i.`time' `meantreat' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`group') scalar beta=_b[`meantreat'] * Keeping only one observation in each group * period cell bys `group' `time': gen group_period_unit=(_n==1) drop if group_period_unit==0 drop group_period_unit } /// fdTR weights if "`type'"=="fdTR"{ sum `treatment' [aweight=weight_XX] scalar mean_D=r(mean) egen num_obs=total(weight_XX) sum num_obs scalar nobs_XX=r(mean) gegen P_gt=total(weight_XX), by(`group' `time') replace P_gt=P_gt/nobs_XX gen nat_weight= P_gt*`treatment'/mean_D reg `meantreat' i.`time' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX] predict eps_2, residuals // line below sets eps_2=0 for the first period when a group is observed, according to formula in paper replace eps_2=0 if eps_2==. *Computing beta areg `outcome' `meantreat' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`time') scalar beta=_b[`meantreat'] * Keeping only one observation in each group * period cell bys `group' `time': gen group_period_unit=(_n==1) drop if group_period_unit==0 drop group_period_unit egen newt=group(`time') sort `group' newt gen w_tilde_2=eps_2-eps_2[_n+1]*P_gt[_n+1]/P_gt if `group'==`group'[_n+1]&newt+1==newt[_n+1] //the condition newt+1==newt[_n+1] above ensures that the computation is right when panel has holes (a group there from period 1 to t0, then disappears, and reappears at t0+k). // line below sets w_tilde_2=eps_2 for the last period when a group is observed, according to formula in paper replace w_tilde_2=eps_2 if w_tilde_2==. gen w_tilde_2_E_D_gt=w_tilde_2*`treatment' sum w_tilde_2_E_D_gt [aweight=P_gt] scalar denom_W=r(mean) gen W=w_tilde_2*mean_D/denom_W gen weight=W*nat_weight } /// feS weights if "`type'"=="feS"{ sum `outcome' [aweight=weight_XX] scalar nobs_XX=r(sum_w) gegen P_gt=total(weight_XX), by(`group' `time') replace P_gt=P_gt/nobs_XX areg `meantreat' i.`time' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`group') predict eps_1, residuals gegen newt=group(`time') replace newt=newt-1 gen eps_1_weight=eps_1*weight_XX // Modif. Diego: replace the loop with a reverse sorting cumulative sum // gsort `group' -newt bys `group': gen E_eps_1_g_geqt_aux = sum(eps_1_weight) bys `group': gen weight_XX_aux = sum(weight_XX) gen E_eps_1_g_geqt = E_eps_1_g_geqt_aux / weight_XX_aux sort `group' newt drop eps_1_weight E_eps_1_g_geqt_aux weight_XX_aux *Computing beta areg `outcome' i.`time' `meantreat' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`group') scalar beta=_b[`meantreat'] * Keeping only one observation in each group * period cell bys `group' `time': gen group_period_unit=(_n==1) drop if group_period_unit==0 drop group_period_unit sort `group' `time' gen Delta_D=`meantreat'-`meantreat'[_n-1] if `group'==`group'[_n-1]&newt-1==newt[_n-1] *NB: the condition newt-1==newt[_n-1] ensures that the computation is right when panel has holes (a group there from period 1 to t0, then disappears, and reappears at t0+k). drop if Delta_D==. gen s_gt=(Delta_D>0)-(Delta_D<0) gen abs_Delta_D=abs(Delta_D) drop Delta_D gen nat_weight= P_gt*abs_Delta_D egen P_S=total(nat_weight) replace nat_weight=nat_weight/P_S gen om_tilde_1=s_gt*E_eps_1_g_geqt/P_gt sum om_tilde_1 [aweight=nat_weight] scalar denom_W=r(mean) gen W=om_tilde_1/denom_W gen weight=W*nat_weight } //fdS weights if "`type'"=="fdS"{ sum `outcome' [aweight=weight_XX] scalar nobs_XX=r(sum_w) gegen P_gt=total(weight_XX), by(`group' `time') replace P_gt=P_gt/nobs_XX reg `meantreat' i.`time' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX] predict eps_2, residuals *Computing beta areg `outcome' `meantreat' `controls' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`time') scalar beta=_b[`meantreat'] * Keeping only one observation in each group * period cell bys `group' `time': gen group_period_unit=(_n==1) drop if group_period_unit==0 drop group_period_unit gen s_gt=(`meantreat'>0)-(`meantreat'<0) gen abs_Delta_D=abs(`meantreat') gen nat_weight= P_gt*abs_Delta_D egen P_S=total(nat_weight) replace nat_weight=nat_weight/P_S gen W=s_gt*eps_2 sum W [aweight=nat_weight] scalar denom_W=r(mean) replace W=W/denom_W gen weight=W*nat_weight } // Modif Diego_weights: counting cells with non-zero treatment gen count_nat_weights = nat_weight != 0 sum count_nat_weights scalar tot_cells = r(sum) drop count_nat_weights /// Results * Adjusting positive and negative weights that are close to 0 local limit_sensitivity = 10^(-10) replace weight = 0 if abs(weight) < `limit_sensitivity' * Computing the sum and the number of positive/negative weights egen total_weight_plus=total(weight) if weight>0&weight!=. egen total_weight_minus=total(weight) if weight<0 sum total_weight_plus scalar nplus=r(N) scalar sumplus=r(mean) sum total_weight_minus scalar nminus=r(N) scalar summinus=r(mean) *Computing the sensitivity measure sum W [aweight=nat_weight] scalar sensibility=abs(beta)/r(sd) *Computing the number of weights scalar nweights=nplus+nminus * Regressing the variables in test_random_weights on the weights matrix A =0,0,0,0 if "`test_random_weights'"!=""{ foreach var of varlist `test_random_weights' { reg `var' W [pweight=nat_weight], cluster(`group') robust matrix A =A\_b[W],_se[W],_b[W]/_se[W], ((_b[W]>=0)-(_b[W]<0))*sqrt(e(r2)) } matrix B = A[2..., 1...] matrix colnames B = Coef SE t-stat Correlation matrix rownames B= `test_random_weights' } *Computing the new sensitivity measure if summinus<0{ keep if weight!=0 // Modif. Diego: change the loop with the cumulative sum gsort -W `group' `time' // Replicate the ordering sum W cap drop P_k gsort W -`group' -`time' gen P_k = sum(nat_weight) cap drop S_k gsort W -`group' -`time' gen S_k = sum(weight) cap drop T_k gsort W -`group' -`time' gen sq_weight = nat_weight * W^2 gen T_k = sum(sq_weight) drop sq_weight gsort -W `group' `time' // Replicate the ordering gen sens_measure2=abs(beta)/sqrt(T_k+S_k^2/(1-P_k)) gen ind=(W<-S_k/(1-P_k)) replace ind=0 if _n==1 // Filling holes replace ind=max(ind,ind[_n-1]) // Count egen tot_ind=total(ind) sum tot_ind sum sens_measure2 if _n==r(N)-r(mean)+1 scalar sensibility2=r(mean) } *Saving the results in a dataset, if requested if "`path'"!=""{ gen Group_TWFE= `group' gen Time_TWFE=`time' keep Group_TWFE Time_TWFE weight save "`path'", replace } restore *end of quietly condition } /// Displaying the results and saving them in e() if summinus == . { scalar summinus = 0 } local ctitle = "ATT" local row_1 = "" fit_str , str("Treat. var: `4'") len(24) out(row_11) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_11) fit_str , str("# `ctitle's") len(12) out(row_12) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_12) fit_str , str("`=uchar(931)' weights") len(12) out(row_13) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_13) local row_2 = "" fit_str , str("Positive weights") len(24) out(row_21) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_21) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nplus'") len(12) out(row_22) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_22) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f sumplus'") len(12) out(row_23) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_23) local row_3 = "" fit_str , str("Negative weights") len(24) out(row_31) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_31) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nminus'") len(12) out(row_32) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_32) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f summinus'") len(12) out(row_33) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_33) local row_4 = "" fit_str , str("Total") len(24) out(row_41) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_41) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nweights'") len(12) out(row_42) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_42) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f `=summinus + sumplus''") len(12) out(row_43) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_43) if inlist("`type'", "feTR", "fdTR") { local assumptions "Under the common trends assumption," } else if inlist("`type'", "feS", "fdS") { local assumptions "Under the common trends assumption and" _newline "the assumption that groups' treatment effects do not change over time," } di "" di as text "`assumptions'" di as text "the TWFE coefficient beta, equal to `=strtrim("`: di %9.4f beta'")', estimates a weighted sum of " nplus + nminus " `ctitle's. " _newline nplus " `ctitle's receive a positive weight, and " nminus " receive a negative weight." if tot_cells > nplus + nminus { di as text `=tot_cells' " (g,t) cells receive the treatment, but the `ctitle's of " `=tot_cells - (nplus + nminus)' " cells receive a weight equal to zero." } di as result "{hline 48}" di as result "`row_1'" di as result "{hline 48}" di as result "`row_2'" di as result "`row_3'" di as text 48 * "-" di as result "`row_4'" di as result "{hline 48}" if "`summary_measures'" != "" { local subscr = substr("`type'", 1, 2) local srow_1 "Summary Measures:" local discl "Reference: Corollary 1, de Chaisemartin, C and D'Haultfoeuille, X (2020a)" local srow_fe "TWFE coefficient (`=uchar(946)'_`subscr') = `: di %9.4f beta'" local srow_2 "min `=uchar(963)'(`=uchar(916)') compatible with `=uchar(946)'_`subscr' and `=uchar(916)'_TR = 0: `: di %9.4f sensibility'" di as result "" di as result "`srow_1'" di as result "`srow_fe'" di as result "`srow_2'" if summinus<0{ local srow_3 "min `=uchar(963)'(`=uchar(916)') compatible with treatment effect of opposite sign than `=uchar(946)'_`subscr' in all (g,t) cells: `: di %9.4f sensibility2'" di as result "`srow_3'" } di as text "`discl'" } ereturn clear matrix mret = J(3, 2, .) matrix mret[1,1] = nplus matrix mret[2,1] = nminus matrix mret[3,1] = nplus + nminus matrix mret[1,2] = sumplus matrix mret[2,2] = summinus matrix mret[3,2] = sumplus + summinus matrix coln mret = "N_ATTs" "Sum_weights" matrix rown mret = "Pos_Weights" "Neg_Weights" "Tot" ereturn matrix M = mret ereturn scalar lb_se_te = sensibility if summinus<0{ ereturn scalar lb_se_te2 = sensibility2 } ereturn scalar beta = beta ereturn scalar ot = 0 if "`test_random_weights'"!=""{ di as result _newline "Regression of variables possibly correlated with the treatment effect on the weights" matrix list B ereturn matrix randomweightstest1 = B } display _newline di as text "The development of this package was funded by the European Union (ERC, REALLYCREDIBLE,GA N°101043899)." } } if "`other_treatments'"!=""{ if "`type'"!="feTR"{ di as error"When the other_treatments option is specified, you need to specify the type(feTR) option." } if "`type'"=="feTR"{ /// Preparing the data qui{ tempvar outcome group time meantreat tokenize `varlist' gen `outcome'=`1' gen `group'=`2' gen `time'=`3' gen `meantreat'=`4' preserve *Keeping if sample if `"`if'"' != "" { keep `if' } * Account for the presence of weight vars in the data * if strpos("`weight'", "weight") > 0 { cap rename `weight' var_weight local weight "var_weight" } cap confirm var weight if _rc == 0 { local p = 1 foreach v of varlist weight* { cap rename `v' weight_OG`p' local p = `p' + 1 } } * Keeping only sample used in estimation of regression foreach var of varlist `varlist' { drop if `var'==. } if "`controls'"!=""{ foreach var of varlist `controls' { drop if `var'==. } } foreach var of varlist `other_treatments' { drop if `var'==. } *Replacing individual level treatment by (g,t)-level treatment capture drop treatment_gt treatment_sd_gt gegen treatment_gt=mean(`meantreat'), by(`group' `time') gegen treatment_sd_gt=sd(`meantreat'), by(`group' `time') sum treatment_sd_gt if r(mean)>0&r(mean)!=.{ noisily di as text "The treatment variable in the regression varies within some group * period cells." noisily di as text "The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) apply to two-way fixed effects regressions" _newline "with a group * period level treatment." noisily di as text "The command will replace the treatment by its average value in each group * period." noisily di as text "The results below apply to the two-way fixed effects regression with that treatment variable." noisily di as text "" replace `meantreat'=treatment_gt } drop treatment_gt treatment_sd_gt *Replacing individual level other treatments by (g,t)-level treatment local count=1 foreach var of varlist `other_treatments' { gegen `var'_gt=mean(`var'), by(`group' `time') gegen `var'_sd_gt=sd(`var'), by(`group' `time') sum `var'_sd_gt if r(mean)>0&r(mean)!=.{ noisily di as text "The other treatment variable " `count' " varies within some group * period cells." noisily di as text "The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) on two-way fixed effects regressions" _newline "with several treatments apply to group * period level treatments." noisily di as text "The command will replace other treatment variable " `count' " by its average value in each group * period cell." noisily di as text "The results below apply to the regression with other treatment variable " `count' " averaged at the group * period level." noisily di as text "" replace `var'=`var'_gt local count=`count'+1 } drop `var'_gt `var'_sd_gt } *Replacing individual level controls by (g,t)-level controls if "`controls'"!=""{ local count=1 foreach var of varlist `controls' { gegen `var'_gt=mean(`var'), by(`group' `time') gegen `var'_sd_gt=sd(`var'), by(`group' `time') sum `var'_sd_gt if r(mean)>0&r(mean)!=.{ noisily di as text "The control variable " `count' " varies within some group * period cells." noisily di as text "The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) on two-way fixed effects regressions" _newline "with controls apply to group * period level controls." noisily di as text "The command will replace control variable " `count' " by its average value in each group * period cell." noisily di as text "The results below apply to the regression with control variable " `count' " averaged at the group * period level." noisily di as text "" replace `var'=`var'_gt local count=`count'+1 } drop `var'_gt `var'_sd_gt } } *Creating the weight variable capture drop weight_XX if "`weight'"==""{ gen weight_XX=1 } if "`weight'"!=""{ gen weight_XX=`weight' } keep if weight_XX!=. /// Creating the weights variables sum `meantreat' [aweight=weight_XX] scalar mean_D=r(mean) sum `outcome' [aweight=weight_XX] scalar nobs_XX=r(sum_w) gegen P_gt=total(weight_XX), by(`group' `time') replace P_gt=P_gt/nobs_XX gen nat_weight= P_gt*`meantreat'/mean_D areg `meantreat' i.`time' `controls' `other_treatments' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`group') predict eps_1, residuals gen eps_1_E_D_gt=eps_1*`meantreat' sum eps_1_E_D_gt [aweight=weight_XX] scalar denom_W=r(mean) gen W=eps_1*mean_D/denom_W gen weight=W*nat_weight // Modif Diego_weights: counting cells with non-zero treatment gen count_nat_weights = nat_weight != 0 sum count_nat_weights scalar tot_cells = r(sum) drop count_nat_weights local j=1 foreach var of varlist `other_treatments' { gen weight_others`j'=W*P_gt*`var'/mean_D local limit_sensitivity = 10^(-10) replace weight_others`j' = 0 if abs(weight_others`j') < `limit_sensitivity' gen count_`j' = `var' != 0 sum count_`j' scalar tot_cells_`j' = r(sum) drop count_`j' local j=`j'+1 } *Computing beta areg `outcome' i.`time' `meantreat' `controls' `other_treatments' [aweight=weight_XX], absorb(`group') scalar beta=_b[`meantreat'] * Keeping only one observation in each group * period cell bys `group' `time': gen group_period_unit=(_n==1) drop if group_period_unit==0 drop group_period_unit * Adjust weights close to zero local limit_sensitivity = 10^(-10) replace weight = 0 if abs(weight) < `limit_sensitivity' * Computing the sum and the number of positive/negative weights egen total_weight_plus=total(weight) if weight>0&weight!=. egen total_weight_minus=total(weight) if weight<0 sum total_weight_plus scalar nplus=r(N) scalar sumplus=r(mean) sum total_weight_minus scalar nminus=r(N) scalar summinus=r(mean) drop total_weight_plus total_weight_minus scalar nweights=nplus+nminus local j=1 foreach var of varlist `other_treatments' { egen total_weight_plus=total(weight_others`j') if weight_others`j'>0&weight_others`j'!=. egen total_weight_minus=total(weight_others`j') if weight_others`j'<0 sum total_weight_plus scalar nplus_others`j'=r(N) scalar sumplus_others`j'=r(mean) sum total_weight_minus scalar nminus_others`j'=r(N) scalar summinus_others`j'=r(mean) scalar nweights_others`j'=nplus_others`j'+nminus_others`j' local j=`j'+1 drop total_weight_plus total_weight_minus } * Regressing the variables in test_random_weights on the weights matrix A =0,0,0,0 if "`test_random_weights'"!=""{ foreach var of varlist `test_random_weights' { reg `var' W [pweight=nat_weight], cluster(`group') matrix A =A\_b[W],_se[W],_b[W]/_se[W], ((_b[W]>=0)-(_b[W]<0))*sqrt(e(r2)) } matrix B = A[2..., 1...] matrix colnames B = Coef SE t-stat Correlation matrix rownames B= `test_random_weights' } *Saving the results in a dataset, if requested if "`path'"!=""{ capture drop Group capture drop Time gen Group= `group' gen Time=`time' keep Group Time weight weight_others* save "`path'", replace } restore *end of quietly condition } /// Displaying the results and saving them in e() if summinus == . { scalar summinus = 0 } local row_1 = "" fit_str , str("Treat. var: `4'") len(24) out(row_11) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_11) fit_str , str("# ATTs") len(12) out(row_12) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_12) fit_str , str("`=uchar(931)' weights") len(12) out(row_13) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_13) local row_2 = "" fit_str , str("Positive weights") len(24) out(row_21) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_21) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nplus'") len(12) out(row_22) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_22) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f sumplus'") len(12) out(row_23) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_23) local row_3 = "" fit_str , str("Negative weights") len(24) out(row_31) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_31) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nminus'") len(12) out(row_32) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_32) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f summinus'") len(12) out(row_33) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_33) local row_4 = "" fit_str , str("Total") len(24) out(row_41) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_41) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nweights'") len(12) out(row_42) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_42) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f `=summinus + sumplus''") len(12) out(row_43) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_43) di "" di as text "Under the common trends assumption," _newline "the TWFE coefficient beta, equal to `=strtrim("`: di %9.4f beta'")', estimates the sum of several terms." di "" di as text "The first term is a weighted sum of " nplus + nminus " ATTs of the treatment." _newline nplus " ATTs receive a positive weight, and " nminus " receive a negative weight." if tot_cells > nplus + nminus { di as text `=tot_cells' " (g,t) cells receive the treatment, but the ATTs of " `=tot_cells - (nplus + nminus)' " cells receive a weight equal to zero." } di as result "{hline 48}" di as result "`row_1'" di as result "{hline 48}" di as result "`row_2'" di as result "`row_3'" di as text 48 * "-" di as result "`row_4'" di as result "{hline 48}" ereturn clear matrix mret = J(3, 2, .) matrix mret[1,1] = nplus matrix mret[2,1] = nminus matrix mret[3,1] = nplus + nminus matrix mret[1,2] = sumplus matrix mret[2,2] = summinus matrix mret[3,2] = sumplus + summinus matrix coln mret = "N_ATTs" "Sum_weights" matrix rown mret = "Pos_Weights" "Neg_Weights" "Tot" ereturn matrix M1 = mret local j=1 foreach var of varlist `other_treatments' { foreach sign in plus minus { if sum`sign'_others`j' == . { scalar sum`sign'_others`j' = 0 } } local row_1 = "" fit_str , str("Other treat.: `var'") len(24) out(row_11) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_11) fit_str , str("# ATTs") len(12) out(row_12) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_12) fit_str , str("`=uchar(931)' weights") len(12) out(row_13) left local row_1 = "`row_1'" + r(row_13) local row_2 = "" fit_str , str("Positive weights") len(24) out(row_21) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_21) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nplus_others`j''") len(12) out(row_22) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_22) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f sumplus_others`j''") len(12) out(row_23) left local row_2 = "`row_2'" + r(row_23) local row_3 = "" fit_str , str("Negative weights") len(24) out(row_31) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_31) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nminus_others`j''") len(12) out(row_32) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_32) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f summinus_others`j''") len(12) out(row_33) left local row_3 = "`row_3'" + r(row_33) local row_4 = "" fit_str , str("Total") len(24) out(row_41) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_41) fit_str , str("`: di %9.0f nweights_others`j''") len(12) out(row_42) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_42) fit_str , str("`: di %9.4f `=summinus_others`j' + sumplus_others`j'''") len(12) out(row_43) left local row_4 = "`row_4'" + r(row_43) di "" di as text "The next term is a weighted sum of " nplus_others`j' + nminus_others`j' " ATTs of treatment " `j' " included in the other_treatments option." _newline nplus_others`j' " ATTs receive a positive weight, and " nminus_others`j' " receive a negative weight." if tot_cells_`j' > nplus_others`j' + nminus_others`j' { di as text `=tot_cells_`j'' " (g,t) cells receive the treatment, but the ATTs of " `=tot_cells_`j' - (nplus_others`j' + nminus_others`j')' " cells receive a weight equal to zero." } di as result "{hline 48}" di as result "`row_1'" di as result "{hline 48}" di as result "`row_2'" di as result "`row_3'" di as text 48 * "-" di as result "`row_4'" di as result "{hline 48}" matrix mret = J(3, 2, .) matrix mret[1,1] = nplus_others`j' matrix mret[2,1] = nminus_others`j' matrix mret[3,1] = nplus_others`j' + nminus_others`j' matrix mret[1,2] = sumplus_others`j' matrix mret[2,2] = summinus_others`j' matrix mret[3,2] = sumplus_others`j' + summinus_others`j' matrix coln mret = "N_ATTs" "Sum_weights" matrix rown mret = "Pos_Weights" "Neg_Weights" "Tot" local j=`j'+1 ereturn matrix M`j' = mret } ereturn scalar beta = beta ereturn scalar ot = `j' - 1 if "`test_random_weights'"!=""{ di as result _newline "Regression of variables possibly correlated with the treatment effect on the weights attached to the treatment" matrix list B ereturn matrix randomweightstest1 = B } display _newline di as text "The development of this package was funded by the European Union (ERC, REALLYCREDIBLE,GA N°101043899)." } } end cap program drop fit_str program define fit_str, rclass syntax , str(string) len(integer) out(string) [left] { if "`left'" == "" { local n_str = (`len' - length(abbrev("`str'", `len')))* " " + abbrev("`str'", `len') } else { local n_str = abbrev("`str'", `len') + (`len' - length(abbrev("`str'", `len')))* " " } } return local `out' = "`n_str'" end cap program drop twowayfeweights_out program define twowayfeweights_out, rclass version 12.0 syntax , saving(string) [standalone] cap confirm scalar e(ot) if _rc != 0 { di as err "twowayfeweights output not found in ereturn" exit } cap file close texout file open texout using `saving', write replace local nl = char(10) if "`standalone'" != "" { file write texout "\documentclass{standalone}`nl'" file write texout "\begin{document}`nl'" } file write texout "\begin{tabular}{lcc}`nl'\hline`nl'" file write texout "\hline`nl' & N. ATTs & Sum weights \\" local ot = e(ot) if `ot' == 0 { file write texout "`nl'\hline`nl'" file write texout "Positive weights & `:di %9.0gc e(M)[1,1]' & `:di %9.4gc e(M)[1,2]' \\ `nl'" file write texout "Negative weights & `:di %9.0gc e(M)[2,1]' & `:di %9.4gc e(M)[2,2]' \\ `nl'" file write texout "\hline`nl'Total & `:di %9.0gc e(M)[3,1]' & `:di %9.4gc e(M)[3,2]' \\ `nl'" } if `ot' != 0 { forv j = 1/`=`ot'+1' { file write texout "\hline `nl'" if `j' == 1 file write texout "\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Main Treatment}} \\ `nl'\hline `nl'" else file write texout "&& \\ `nl'\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Other Treatment `=`j'-1'}} \\ `nl'\hline `nl'" file write texout "Positive weights & `:di %9.0gc e(M`j')[1,1]' & `:di %9.4gc e(M`j')[1,2]' \\ `nl'" file write texout "Negative weights & `:di %9.0gc e(M`j')[2,1]' & `:di %9.4gc e(M`j')[2,2]' \\ `nl'" file write texout "\hline`nl'Total & `:di %9.0gc e(M`j')[3,1]' & `:di %9.4gc e(M`j')[3,2]' \\ `nl'" } } file write texout "\hline\hline`nl'\end{tabular}`nl'" if "`standalone'" != "" { file write texout "\end{document}" } file close texout di as text "Output saved in `saving'." end