/*** {smcl} {marker title}{...} {title:Title} {phang} {cmdab:txt} {hline 2} Prints string and values of scalar expressions or macros in dynamic document. By default, the command writes a text paragraph. The primary purpose of the command is writing dynamic text to interpret analysis results in the dynamic document. This command belongs to {help Weaver} package, but it also supports the {help MarkDoc} package. The syntax for both packages is similar, but the {cmdab:txt} command behaves differently based on which package is in use. If Weaver log is on, {cmd:txt} functions for Weaver package only. This document only describes the __txt__ command in Weaver package. For using the command in {help MarkDoc} package [see the MarkDoc documentation on GitHub wiki](https://github.com/haghish/MarkDoc/wiki/txt) {marker syntax}{...} {title:Syntax} Prints dynamic text on the Weaver log or smcl log. The {opt c:ode} subcommand prints the output "as is" in the dynamic document. {cmdab:txt} [{opt c:ode}] [{it:display_directive} [{it:display_directive} [{it:...}]]] {pstd}where the {it:display_directive} is {help weaver_markup:Weaver Markup} {cmd:"}{it:double-quoted string}{cmd:"} {p 8 16 2}{cmd:`"}{it:compound double-quoted string}{cmd:"'}{p_end} [{help format:{bf:%}{it:fmt}}] [{cmd:=}]{it:{help exp}} {cmd:_skip(#)} {cmdab:_col:umn:(}{it:#}{cmd:)} {cmdab:_n:ewline}[{cmd:(}{it:#}{cmd:)}] {cmdab:_d:up:(}{it:#}{cmd:)} {cmd:,} {cmd:,,} {marker description}{...} Description =========== __txt__ prints dynamic text i.e. strings and values of scalar expressions or macros in the Weaver or the smcl log-file. {cmd:txt} also prints output from the user-written Stata programs. Any of the supported markup languages can be used to alter the string and scalar expressions. This command is to some extent similar to {cmd:display} command in Stata. For example, it can be used to carry out a mathematical calculation by typing {cmd:txt 1+1}. It also supports many of the display directives as well. Note that in contrast to the {help display} command that prints the {help scalar} unformatted, the {cmd:txt} command uses the default {bf:%10.2f} format for displaying the scalar. This feature helps the users avoid specifying the format for every scalar, due to popularity of this format. However, specifying the format expression can overrule the default format. For example: {cmd:. scalar num = 10.123} {cmd:. txt "The value of the scalar is " %5.1f num} {pstd} The example above will print the scalar with only 1 decimal number. This feature only supports scalar interpretation and does not affect the {help macro} contents. {title:Display directives} {pstd} The supported {it:display_directive}s are used in do-files and programs to produce formatted output. The directives are {synoptset 32} {synopt:{bf:{help weaver_markup:Weaver Markup}}}A simplified markup language for annotating the content of the HTML log{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:"}{it:double-quoted string}{cmd:"}}displays the string without the quotes{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:`"}{it:compound double-quoted string}{cmd:"'}}display the string without the outer quotes; allows embedded quotes{p_end} {synopt:[{cmd:%}{it:fmt}] [{cmd:=}] {cmd:exp}}allows results to be formatted; see {bf:{mansection U 12.5FormatsControllinghowdataaredisplayed:[U] 12.5 Formats: Controlling how data are displayed}}.{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:_skip(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}skips {it:#} columns{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:_column(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}skips to the {it:#}th column{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:_newline}}goes to a new line{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:_newline(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}skips {it:#} lines{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:_dup(}{it:#}{cmd:)}}repeats the next directive {it:#} times{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:,}}displays one blank between two directives{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:,,}}places no blanks between two directives{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} Mathematical notations ====================== The __txt__ command can be used for writing mathematical notations in Weaver package, both in HTML and LaTeX log files. Writing mathematical notations in the HTML log is made possible by including {bf:MathJax} engine, a JavaScript-based engine for rendering LaTeX notations in HTML format. To do so, notations should begin with "{bf:\(}" and end with "{bf:\)}" for rendering notations within the text and double dollar sign "{bf:$$}" or alternatively, the "{bf:\[}" and "{bf:\]}" for rendering notations in a separate line. For more information in this regard, see {help Weaver_mathematical_notation:mathematical notations} documentation. When Weaver package is running, the {opt c:ode} subcommand appends the dynamic text to the {marker examples}{...} Examples ======== {pstd}As a hand calculator: {phang2}{cmd:. txt 2 * 2} {pstd}As might be used in do-files and programs: {phang2}{cmd:. sysuse auto}{p_end} {phang2}{cmd:. summarize price}{p_end} {phang2}{cmd:. txt "mean of Price variable is " r(mean) " and SD is " %9.3f r(sd)}{p_end} {pstd}If the text only includes string and macro, the double quotations can be ignored. The {cmd:txt} command will interpret all of the {it:display_directives} and scalars as string (so it's not recommended): {phang2}{cmd:. local n 9.9}{p_end} {phang2}{cmd:. txt Not recommended, but you may also print the value of `n' without double quote}{p_end} Author ====== __E. F. Haghish__ Center for Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics University of Freiburg, Germany _and_ Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Southern Denmark haghish@imbi.uni-freiburg.de [Weaver Homepage](www.haghish.com/weaver) Package Updates on [Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/Haghish) - - - This help file was dynamically produced by {help markdoc:MarkDoc Literate Programming package} ***/ *capture program drop txt program define txt version 11 **************************************************************************** * Allowing Scalar interpretation **************************************************************************** /* if "$weaver" != "" { capture local m : display `0' if _rc == 0 { local 0 `m' } } */ **************************************************************************** * Processing "code" suffix * * - check if the "code" subcomman is defined after "txt" * - if there is no code subcommand, define local "code = 0" * - if yes, remove it and append the rest to Weaver log * - interpret the scalars in the command, if there is any * - define a local macro identifier "code = 1", if there is a code **************************************************************************** capture tokenize "`0'" // add quotes to avoid "comma" error if missing("`2'") local code = 0 if !missing("`2'") { if "`1'" == "c" | "`1'" == "co" | "`1'" == "cod" | "`1'" == "code" { local 0 : subinstr local 0 "`1'" "" local code = 1 } else { local code = 0 // no code tag } } **************************************************************************** * If Weaver package is in use and there is no code subcommand * * - change MathJax notation based on the markups * - print the text in Weaver log based on the Weaver markup * * Specifying the Mathematics Notation * =================================== * * It'd be nice to use a similar syntax for both ASCII and LaTeX notations, * but there are some challenges: * * - first of all, if the "$" is connected, Stata considers it as a * Global Macro, both in LaTeX and HTML log * * - if the "$" is specified for JavaScript engine in HTML log, JS will * remove the "$" of global macros in commands as well... So this notation * must no be specified in the JS engine. Besides, $ appears very often in * documents and is not a distinct sign * * - For ASCII math, MathJax supports "`" delimites which interfere with * Markdown syntax for mono-space font! Thus, it must not be used... * * - One solution is applying "\(" "\)" and "\[" "\]" for both ASCII and LaTeX * - Making "$$" available for both ASCII and LaTeX **************************************************************************** // Why not applying LaTeX syntax for all? if "$weaver" != "" { /* if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if "$weavermath" == "mathlatex" { local 0 : subinstr local 0 "§§" "$$", all local 0 : subinstr local 0 "###" "$$", all *local 0 : subinstr local 0 "##" "§", all } if "$weavermath" == "mathascii" { forvalues i = 1(1)20 { local 0 : subinstr local 0 "###" `"\("' local 0 : subinstr local 0 "###" "\) " local 0 : subinstr local 0 "§§" `"\("' local 0 : subinstr local 0 "§§" "\) " local 0 : subinstr local 0 "\[" `"\("' local 0 : subinstr local 0 "\]" "\) " local 0 : subinstr local 0 "$$" `"\("' local 0 : subinstr local 0 "$$" "\) " } } } */ tempname canvas cap file open `canvas' using `"$weaverFullPath"', write text append /* if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { cap file write `canvas' "

" cap file write `canvas' `"`macval(0)'"' cap file write `canvas' "

" _n } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { cap file write `canvas' _n `"`macval(0)'"' _n } */ if "`code'" == "0" & "$weaverMarkup" == "html" cap file write `canvas' "

" _c if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" cap file write `canvas' _n // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Engine // ===================================================================== local 0 : subinstr local 0 "`" "{c 96}", all local 0 : subinstr local 0 "'" "{c 39}", all tokenize `"`macval(0)'"' , parse(`"""') while `"`1'"' ~= "" { *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "//(" "\(", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 96}" "`", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 39}" "'", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers (macros) if "`test'" != "." cap file write `canvas' "`1'" _c if "`test'" == "." { if substr("`1'",1,2) != "_n" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_s" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_c" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_d" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_r" { // Non-Integer Scalars capture local test2 : display `1' // Integer Scalar capture local test3 : display int(`test2') } // `1' is an integer Scalar if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" == "`test2'" { if substr("`1'",1,2) != "_n" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_s" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_c" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_d" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_r" { capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' cap file write `canvas' "`1'" _c } } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 : display trim("`m'") // Avoid extra space cap file write `canvas' "`1'" _c } } // Several scalars or numeric macros else if !missing("`test2'") & missing("`test3'") { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 : display trim("`m'") // Avoid extra space cap file write `canvas' "`1'" _c } } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { // New Lines if substr("`1'",1,2) == "_n" { cap file write `canvas' `1' _c } //Duplicates else if substr("`1'",1,2) == "_d" { local memo "`1'" macro shift local memo2: display `memo' "`1'" cap file write `canvas' "`memo2'" _c } //Avoid _char() else if substr("`1'",1,6) =="_char(" { display as err _n(2) "`1' is not allowed" err 198 } // Other directives else if substr("`1'",1,2) == "_s" | /// substr("`1'",1,2) == "_c" | substr("`1'",1,2) == "_r" { cap file write `canvas' `1' _c } // All other strings else { cap file write `canvas' "`1'" _c } } } macro shift local test local test2 local test3 } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" & "`code'" == "0" cap file write `canvas' "

" _n if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" cap file write `canvas' _n } ************************************************************************ * MarkDoc: if Weaver package is NOT in use * * print the text output to smcl log anyway * if smcl log file is not on, notify the user ************************************************************************ if "$weaver" == "" | "$noisyWeaver" == "yes" { if "`code'" == "0" display as txt _n(2) `"> "' _c if "`code'" == "1" display as txt _n(2) ">~~~" _n ">" _c local 0 : subinstr local 0 "`" "{c 96}", all local 0 : subinstr local 0 "'" "{c 39}", all tokenize `"`macval(0)'"' , parse(`"""') while `"`1'"' ~= "" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 96}" "`", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 39}" "'", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers (macros) if "`test'" != "." display as txt "`1'" _c if "`test'" == "." { if substr("`1'",1,2) != "_n" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_s" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_c" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_d" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_r" { // Non-Integer Scalars capture local test2 : display `1' // Integer Scalar capture local test3 : display int(`test2') } // `1' is an integer Scalar if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" == "`test2'" { if substr("`1'",1,2) != "_n" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_s" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_c" & substr("`1'",1,2) != "_d" & /// substr("`1'",1,2) != "_r" { capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' display "`1'" _c } } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 : display trim("`m'") // Avoid extra space } display "`1'" _c } // Several scalars or numeric macros else if !missing("`test2'") & missing("`test3'") { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 : display trim("`m'") // Avoid extra space } display "`1'" _c } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { // New Lines if substr("`1'",1,2) == "_n" { display as txt `1' "> " _c } //Duplicates else if substr("`1'",1,2) == "_d" { local memo "`1'" macro shift display `memo' "`1'" _c } //Avoid _char() else if substr("`1'",1,6) =="_char(" { display as err _n(2) "`1' is not allowed" err 198 } // Other directives else if substr("`1'",1,2) == "_s" | /// substr("`1'",1,2) == "_c" | substr("`1'",1,2) == "_r" { display `1' _c } // All other strings else { display "`1'" _c } } } macro shift local test local test2 local test3 } if "`code'" == "1" display _n ">~~~" } // Check the Status of the log files for Weaver and MarkDoc /* qui log query if "`r(status)'" ~= "on" & "$weaver" == "" { di as txt _n(2) "{hline}" di as error "{bf:Warning}" _n di as txt "{p}log file is off! " _n di as txt "{c 149} If you wish to use {help weaver} package, turn the html log on" di as txt "{c 149} If you wish to use {help markdoc} package, turn the smcl log on" di as txt "{hline}{smcl}" _n } */ /* if "$weaver" == "" & "`code'" == "1" { capture local m : display `0' if _rc == 0 { local 0 `m' } display as smcl display ">~~~" _n `">`macval(0)'"' _n ">~~~" display in smcl } */ end // create the help file // ==================== *markdoc txt.ado, exp(sthlp) replace template(empty)