{smcl} {* 28aug2007}{...} {* @@ Written by Elliott Lowy, mostly on the US government's dime (17 US Code ยง 105).}{...} INCLUDE help also_vlowy {title:Title} {pstd}{bf:uniq} {hline 2} Unique combinations of variables {title:Syntax} {pstd}{cmd:uniq} {it:{help varelist}} {ifin} [ {cmd:,} {opt c:ount} ] {title:Description} {pstd}For the specified {it:{help varelist}}, {cmd:uniq} counts the number of distinct value-combinations in the dataset. It can be used with the {cmd:by} prefix. {pstd}If {opt c:ount} is specified, the total number of records will be displayed as well. {pstd}{cmd:uniq} does not count missing values. {title:Examples} {cmd:. uniq firstname lastname} {cmd:. uniq name if female} {cmd:. bysort state: uniq county}