Packs values and labels into a new string variable - --------------------------------------------------
^vallab^ varname [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] ^, g^en^(^str^)^ [ ^sep(^str^) sp^aces^(^#^)^ ]
Description - -----------
^vallab^ takes a labelled numeric variable and packs its numeric values and their associated labels into a new string variable.
The result may be useful for tabulation.
Options - -------
^gen(^str^)^ is in fact essential and specifies the name of the new string variable.
^sep(^str^)^ specifies one or more characters (other than spaces) to be used as a separator between value and label. The default is an empty string ^""^.
^spaces(^#^)^ specifies the number of spaces to be used in a separator. The default is a single space. ^spaces(0)^ is possible.
If both ^sep^ and ^spaces^ are specified, spaces follow the non-space separator.
Examples - --------
. ^vallab socclass, gen(soc)^ . ^vallab socclass, gen(soc) sep(,)^ . ^for leftfte health: vallab @@, gen(@@l)^
Author - ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham