{smcl} {hline} help for {hi:vartyp} {hline} {title:Set or list variable types (characteristics) for the {cmd:codebook2} command} {p 8 17}{cmd: vartyp} [{it:varlist}] [, {cmdab:s:et}({it:type}) | {cmdab:l:ist}({it:type})] {p_end} {p 8 } Where "type" id one of:{p_end} {p 16 } disc - discrete{p_end} {p 16 } cont - continuous{p_end} {p 16 } ord - ordinal{p_end} {p 16 } date - elaspsed date{p_end} {p 16 } id - identification{p_end} {p 16 } undef - undefined type{p_end} {p 16 } clear - clear a set type{p_end} {title:Description} {p} The {cmd:vartyp} command is used to set or list the variable type(s) used by the {cmd:codebook2} command. With no variables or options specified, {cmd:vartyp} will simply list all variables and their types. {cmd:vartyp} can also be used to clear types that have already been set. {p_end} {title:Saved Results} Variables listed or set are returned in r(varlist). {title:Examples} List all variables: {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp}{p_end} List specific variables: {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp idnum var1 weight}{p_end} List variables of a specific type: {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp ,l(cont)}{p_end} {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp ,l(id)}{p_end} List variables that have no type set: {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp, l(undef)}{p_end} Set a type for a variable: {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp idnum, s(id)}{p_end} {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp birthdate weddate, s(date)}{p_end} Clear a type set for a variable: {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp var1, s(clear)}{p_end} If you simply want to change a variable's type, you only need to set it to the new type, you do not have to clear it first. The {cmd:vartyp} command can work nicely with the {cmd:ds3} command to set types for many variables at a time: Set the type to "cont" for all variables that do not have a value label: {p 8 12}{inp:. ds3, not(vall)}{p_end} {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp `r(varlist)', s(cont)}{p_end} Set the type to "date" for all varaibles with the word "date" in the variable label: {p 8 12}{inp:. ds3, has(varl "*date*")}{p_end} {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp `r(varlist)', s(date)}{p_end} Now set all the remaining variables to "disc": {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp, l(undef)}{p_end} {p 8 12}{inp:. vartyp `r(varlist)', s(disc)}{p_end} {hline} {title:Author} Paul H. Bern, Syracuse University, phbern@syr.edu {title:See Also:} Help for: {help char: characteristic} Net Search: {net search ds3: ds3} Net Search: {net search codebook2: codebook2}