cd "~/Box Sync/PEEQ/Paper #2/Code/Replication/" // Reset to directory clear cap log close /* This .do file replicates results from von Hippel, Paul T. & Bellows, Laura. (2018). "How Much Does Teacher Quality Differ Among Teacher Preparation Programs? Reanalyses from 6 States" Economics of Education Review, in press. */ // Install _gwtmean and caterpillar from SSC // Note that caterpillar requires _gwtmean *ssc install _gwtmean *ssc install caterpillar use caterpillar_replication, clear // The replication dataset includes all states in von Hippel & Bellows (2018), except for MO. // Graph CIs, Bonferroni-corrected CIs, and null distribution for all NYC teacher preparation programs (TPPs) in math // Specify graph option to make nice graph caterpillar est se tpp if state=="NYC" & subject=="Math" & size=="All", graph center // Re-graph without the outlier. The Q test becomes non-significant, and the heterogeneity and reliability estimates go to 0. use caterpillar_replication, clear caterpillar est se tpp if state=="NYC" & subject=="Math" & size=="All" & est<.4, graph center // Generate same output (except for graph) for all states, all models, and all SE inflation factors. use caterpillar_replication, clear caterpillar est se tpp, by(state subject size schlfe experienced se_inflation) center saving(tpp_estimates, replace) save replication_after_caterpillar, replace // The columns added by the caterpillar command will be useful later. // List output for all TPPs in all states, with FL and LA limited to the most plausible SE inflation factors. // This replicates Table 2a in von Hippel & Bellows (2018) use tpp_estimates, clear list state subject schlfe experienced se_inflation Q df p tau rho if size=="All" /// & ( (se_inflation==0 & inlist(state,"NYC","TX","WA")) | (se_inflation==18 & state=="LA") | (se_inflation==100 & state=="FL")) // Do the same for large TPPs. This replicates Table 3a list state subject schlfe experienced se_inflation Q df p tau rho if size=="Large" /// & ( (se_inflation==0 & inlist(state,"NYC","TX","WA")) | (se_inflation==18 & state=="LA") | (se_inflation==100 & state=="FL")) /************* This completes our demonstration of the caterpillar command. The rest of this file replicates other results in von Hippel & Bellows (2018) using the loneway command, which here compares TPP point estimates in different subjects. */ // First, estimate the heterogeneity and reliability of the estimates for large TPPs in NYC use replication_after_caterpillar, clear loneway contrast tpp if state=="NYC" & size=="Large" & se_inflation==0 /* The "estimated SD of the TPP effect" is the heterogeneity SD. */ /* The "intraclass correlation" is the reliability of individual TPP estimates. */ // Now do the same thing for all states, and for both large and small TPPs. // Use a loop, and get estimates from the r() results. matrix table2b = J(4,3,.) matrix table3b = J(4,3,.) local i = 1 local states TX WA NYC LA foreach s in `states' { foreach t in All Large { qui count if state=="`s'" & size=="`t'" & se_inflation==0 if r(N)!=0 { loneway contrast tpp if state=="`s'" & size=="`t'" & se_inflation==0 if "All"=="`t'" { matrix table2b[`i',1] = `r(sd_b)' matrix table2b[`i',2] = `r(rho)' matrix table2b[`i',3] = 2*(1-normal(abs(`r(rho)'/`r(se)'))) } else { matrix table3b[`i',1] = `r(sd_b)' matrix table3b[`i',2] = `r(rho)' matrix table3b[`i',3] = 2*(1-normal(abs(`r(rho)'/`r(se)'))) } } } local i = `i' + 1 } foreach y in table2b table3b { matrix rownames `y' = `states' matrix colnames `y' = heterogeneity_SD reliability p } // Replicate Table 2b in von Hippel & Bellows (2018) matrix list table2b, format(%9.2f) // Replicate Table 3b matrix list table3b, format(%9.2f)