help for wtdml

Maximum likelihood estimation with Waiting Time Distribution data

wtdml, [prevd(fr_dens) hdens(inc_dens) ddens(exit_dens) cens(cens_type) norobust robust level(#) ml_model_opts]


wtdml is for use with Waiting Time Distribution data; see help wtd. You must wtdset your data before using this command; see help wtdset.

Notes on syntax

fr_dens is one of

exp | lnorm | wei

inc_dens is one of

exp | unif

exit_dens is one of

exp | unif

In the current version inc_dens must equal exit_dens.

cens_type is one of

depphi | dep | indep | none

ml_model_opts are (some!) options allowed with ml model, see help ml, such as maximum number of iterations, maximization technique, etc. You should rarely need this, and please keep in mind that no thorough validation have been made to ensure that all options will work!


wtdml performs maximum likelihood estimation for Waiting Time Distribution (wtd) data; see help wtd. wtdml without options and no ',' redisplays the results from the previously estimated model. On the other hand wtdml, without options fits the simplest possible model, as described below.

Options for wtdml

prevd(fr_dens) specifies the forward recurrence density to use. They are named after their corresponding interarrival density, i.e. exp means Exponential, lnorm means Log-Normal, and wei means Weibull. The forward recurrence density f(t) for an interarrival density g(t) is given by

f(t) = S(t) / mu

where S(t) is the survivor function for g(t) and mu is the mean for g(t). If not specified it defaults to exp.

The actual parametrizations used are:


f(t) = exp(-(eb * t)) * eb

where eb = exp(beta).


f(t) = exp(-(eb * t) ^ea - lngamma(1 + 1/ea)) * eb

where ea = e(alpha) and eb = exp(beta).


f(t) = normprob(-(ln(x) - mu)/exp(lns)) / exp(mu + exp(2 * lns)/2)

where lns = ln(sigma).

hdens(inc_dens) specifies the incidence density over the observation interval to be Exponential or Uniform. If not specified it defaults to exp.

ddens(exit_dens) specifies the exit density over the observation interval to be Exponential or Uniform. If not specified it defaults to exp, if cens() is not set to none.

cens(cens_type) specifies the dependency structure between event and exit times. depphi implies dependency on both initial disease status and long term dependency between event and exit times among non-prevalents (as measured by the parameter phi, hence the name). dep implies dependency on initial disease status only. indep implies full independence between event and exit times regardless of initial treatment status. none implies that no model should be fitted for exit times, and only event times be considered.

robust specifies that the Huber/White/sandwich estimator of variance is to be used in place of the traditional calculation in the estimation. robust combined with cluster() (must be set with wtdset) further allows observations which are not independent within cluster (although they must be independent between clusters). See help wtdset for further information.

norobust specifies that the estimation should not use the Huber/White/sandwich estimator of variance, even though this was specified in the wtdset statement, see help wtdset.

level(#) is the standard confidence-level option. It specifies the confidence level, in percent, for confidence intervals of the coefficients. The default is level(95) or as set by set level; see help level.


A more detailed description of the parameters is given in the paper by Støvring and Vach (2005), see help wtd. Briefly, the parameters are:

p is prevalence

lambda is incidence rate

d[i] is i'th exit rate (1 is for prevalents, 0 for non-prevalents, and if i is missing then it is the joint rate for all)

phi measures departure from independence between event and exit times among non-prevalents

alpha, beta, mu, and sigma are the parameters of the forward recurrence density

Note that the maximization procedure involves numerical integration. This is implemented through the use of a Monte Carlo technique with antithetic sampling. This results in rather fast code yielding high precision (although it may still take a while depending on problem, problem size, and hardware), but it does result in small (usually very small) random error in estimates. Thus, on a re-run with exact same data, you will observe a small change in estimates. This should be considered a feature, as it allows for direct evaluation of the uncertainty due to the numerical integration, but can be avoided by setting the seed prior to maximization, see help seed.


. wtdset event exit, i(id) start(31dec1996) end(31dec1997) scale(365)

. wtdml, prevd(wei) cens(depphi)

. wtdml, prevd(exp) hdens(exp) cens(none)

. wtdml, /* same as above */

. wtdml /* redisplays results */

Also see