{smcl} {* *! version 1.0.2 11feb2011}{...} {* *! version 1.0.3 21jan2012}{...} {* *! version 1.0.4 25jan2016}{...} {* *! version 1.0.6 27jun2016}{...} {cmd:help xsmle postestimation} {right:also see: {helpb xsmle} } {hline} {title:Title} {p 4 16 2} {cmd:xsmle postestimation} {hline 2} Postestimation tools for xsmle{p_end} {title:Description} {pstd} The following postestimation commands are available after {cmd:xsmle}: {synoptset 13 notes}{...} {p2coldent :command}description{p_end} {synoptline} {synopt:{bf:{help estat}}}AIC, BIC, VCE, and estimation sample summary{p_end} INCLUDE help post_estimates INCLUDE help post_lincom INCLUDE help post_lrtest INCLUDE help post_margins INCLUDE help post_nlcom {synopt :{helpb xsmle postestimation##predict:predict}}predicted values{p_end} INCLUDE help post_predictnl INCLUDE help post_test INCLUDE help post_testnl {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {marker predict}{...} {title:Syntax for predict} {p 8 16 2} {cmd:predict} {dtype} {newvar} {ifin} [{cmd:,} {it:statistic}] {synoptset 28 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr :statistic} {synoptline} {syntab :Main} {synopt :{opt rf:orm}}reduced-form predicted values; the default{p_end} {synopt :{opt fu:ll}}predictions based on a full information set{p_end} {synopt :{opt li:mited}}predictions based on a limited information set{p_end} {synopt :{opt na:ive}}predictions based on the observed values of {bf:y}{p_end} {synopt :{opt xb}}linear prediction{p_end} {synopt :{opt a}}the fixed or random-effects{p_end} {synopt :{opt noie}}exclude fixed or random-effects from the prediction{p_end} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Options for predict} {dlgtab:Main} {phang} {opt rform} predicted values calculated from the reduced-form equation, y_it= (I-{it:rho}*W)^(-1)*(x_it*beta + a_i). {phang} {opt full} predicted values based on the full information set. This option is available only for a SAC model. {phang} {opt limited} predicted values based on the limited information set. This option is available only for a SAC model. {phang} {opt naive} predicted values based on the observed values of y_it, {it:rho}*W*y_it + x_it*beta + a_i. {phang} {opt xb} calculates the linear prediction x_it*beta + a_i. {phang} {opt a} estimates {it:a_i}'s, the fixed or random-effects. In the case of fixed-effects models, this statistic is allowed only when {opt type(ind)}. {phang} {opt noie} the estimated {it:a_i}'s are not included in the prediction. {marker remarks}{...} {title:Remarks} {pstd} The methods implemented in {cmd:predict} after {cmd:xsmle} are the panel data extensions of those available in Drukker, Prucha, and Raciborski (2013) for the cross-sectional case. See Kelejian and Prucha (2007) for more details. {title:Examples} {pstd}rform after SAR model with random-effects{p_end} {pstd}SAR model{p_end} {phang2}{cmd: use http://www.econometrics.it/stata/data/xsmle/product.dta, clear} {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: spmat use usaww using http://www.econometrics.it/stata/data/xsmle/usaww.spmat} {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: gen lngsp = log(gsp)} {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: gen lnpcap = log(pcap)} {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: gen lnpc = log(pc)} {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: gen lnemp = log(emp)} {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: xsmle lngsp lnpcap lnpc lnemp unemp, wmat(usaww)} {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: predict y_hat} {p_end} {pstd}full information predictor after SAC model with fixed-effects {p_end} {phang2}{cmd: xsmle lngsp lnpcap lnpc lnemp, fe model(sac) wmat(usaww) emat(usaww)}{p_end} {phang2}{cmd: predict y_hat, full}{p_end} {title:References} {phang} Drukker, D. M., I. R. Prucha, and R. Raciborski. 2013. Maximum likelihood and generalized spatial two-stage least-squares estimators for a spatial-autoregressive model with spatial-autoregressive disturbances. Stata Journal 13(2): 221–241. {phang} Kelejian, H. H., and I. R. Prucha. 2007. The relative efficiencies of various predictors in spatial econometric models containing spatial lags. Regional Science and Urban Economics 37(3): 363–374. {title:Authors} {pstd}Federico Belotti{p_end} {pstd}Centre for Economic and International Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata{p_end} {pstd}Rome, Italy{p_end} {pstd}federico.belotti@uniroma2.it{p_end} {pstd}Gordon Hughes{p_end} {pstd}University of Edinburgh{p_end} {pstd}Edinburgh, UK{p_end} {pstd}g.a.hughes@ed.ac.uk{p_end} {pstd}Andrea Piano Mortari{p_end} {pstd}Centre for Economic and International Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata{p_end} {pstd}Rome, Italy{p_end} {pstd}andrea.piano.mortari@uniroma2.it{p_end} {title:Also see} {psee} Online: {helpb xsmle}, {helpb spreg} (if installed), {helpb spivreg} (if installed){p_end}