*! xtcse2, version 1.05, May 2024 *! author Jan Ditzen *! www.jan.ditzen.net - jan.ditzen@unibz.it /* Changelog **********1.01***************************** - support for unbalanced panels **********1.02 - added support for residuals (BKP 2019) - bug fixes - added option no center - added xtbalance2 to balance paneldataset. automatically balances with respect to N. **********1.03***************************** - unbalanced panels are now imputed rather than using xtbalance2. - removed option samesample. xtcd2 and xtcse2 impute panel independently. **********1.04***************************** - option nocenter affects xtcd2 as well **********1.04***************************** - bug when unbalanced panels fixed */ program define xtcse2, rclass syntax [varlist(default=none ts)] [if], [pca(integer 4) STANDardize nocd inprog size(real 0.1) tuning(real 0.5) Reps(integer 0) RESidual lags(integer 0) NOCENTER ] version 14 tempname xtdcceest xtdcceesttouse cap _estimates hold `xtdcceest' , restore copy varname(`xtdcceesttouse') preserve qui{ local varlisto `varlist' tempvar touseAll if "`varlist'" == "" { tempvar varl gen `touseAll' = e(sample) predict double `varl' if `touseAll' , residuals local varn "residuals" } else { gen `touseAll' = 1 tsrevar `varlist' local varl "`r(varlist)'" local varn "`varlist'" } if "`if'" != "" { keep `if' } keep if `touseAll' *** Get info local unbal = 0 qui xtset local idvar "`r(panelvar)'" local tvar "`r(timevar)'" tempvar tmpid tmpt *** Result matrix tempname ResultMatrix mata `ResultMatrix' = J(8,`=wordcount("`varl'")',.) local run = 1 foreach res in `varl' { tempvar touse tousecd sort `idvar' `tvar' gen `touse' = (`res' != . & `touseAll') gen `tousecd' = `touse' egen `tmpid' = group(`idvar') if `touse' egen `tmpt' = group(`tvar') if `touse' xtset2 if `touse' , checkvars(`res') if "`r(balanced)'" != "strongly balanced" { tempvar origi gen `origi' = 1 /* cap which xtbalance2 /// HERE TSFILL, FULL if _rc != 0 { noi disp as smcl "Please install {help xtbalance2} to balance unbalanced panel." noi disp as smcl `"Install from {net "des xtbalance2, from(https://janditzen.github.io/xtbalance2/)":github} or {stata ssc install xtbalance2:SSC}"' error 199 } tempname touse2 xtbalance2 `res' , gen(`touse2') */ qui tsfill, full replace `touse' = 1 if `touse' == . drop `tmpid' `tmpt' ** correct minimum egen `tmpid' = group(`idvar') if `touse' egen `tmpt' = group(`tvar') if `touse' local isbalanced `isbalanced' `res' } if "`residual'" == "" { *** Center variables so mean is zero if "`nocenter'" == "" { tempvar meantmp by `tmpid', sort: egen `meantmp' = mean(`res') if `touse' replace `res' = (`res' - `meantmp') if `touse' drop `meantmp' } *** standardize if "`standardize'" != "" { tempvar meantmp sdtmp by `tmpid', sort: egen `meantmp' = mean(`res') if `touse' by `tmpid', sort: egen `sdtmp' = sd(`res') if `touse' replace `res' = (`res' - `meantmp') / `sdtmp' if `touse' drop `meantmp' `sdtmp' } sort `idvar' `tvar' tempname xx PC tempname eigenval eigenvec sum `tmpt' if `touse' local T = `r(max)' mata `xx' = st_data(.,"`res'","`touse'") mata `xx' = colshape(`xx',`T')' mata st_local("Nt",strofreal(cols(`xx'))) if "`isbalanced'" != "" { mata `xx' = xtdcce2_EM(`xx',`Nt',`T',`pca',"`res'") } if `Nt' < `T' { mata eigensystem(`xx''*`xx',`eigenvec'=.,`eigenval'=.) mata `eigenvec' = Re(`eigenvec'[.,(1..`pca')]) mata `PC'= `xx' * `eigenvec' } else { mata eigensystem(`xx'*`xx'',`eigenvec'=.,`eigenval'=.) mata `PC' = Re(`eigenvec'[.,(1..`pca')]) } ***eit and mub tempvar partial eit tempname eitm eitt eitv gen double `partial' = `res' gen double `eit' = . tempvar tousei gen `tousei' = 0 mata `eitv' = . sort `idvar' `tvar' mata st_view(`eitv',.,"`eit'","`touse'") mata `eitm' = `xx' - `PC'*m_xtdcce_inverter(quadcross(`PC',`PC')) * quadcross(`PC',`xx') sum `tmpid' if `touse' forvalues i = 1(1)`r(max)' { *** eit replace `tousei' = (`tmpid' == `i' & `touse') mata `eitt' = xtdcce_selectindex(st_data(.,"`tousei'","`touse'")) mata `eitv'[`eitt',.] = `eitm'[.,`i'] replace `tousei' = 0 } mata mata drop `eitm' `eitt' `eitv' *** mata program which calcultes alpha and alpha hat tempname alphas sort `idvar' `tvar' mata `alphas' = xtdcce_m_alphaest("`res'","`eit'","`tmpid'","`tmpt'","`touse'",`size') drop `eit' } else { tempname alphas noi mata `alphas' = xtdcce_m_alpha_res("`res'","`tmpid'","`tmpt'","`touse'",`size',`tuning',`lags',`reps') sum `tmpt' if `touse' local T = `r(max)' sum `tmpid' if `touse' local Nt = `r(max)' } *** CD Test /*if "`cd'" == "" & "`inprog'" == "" { cap xtcd2 `res' if `tousecd', noest if _rc == 199 { noi display as error "xtcd2 not installed" local cd nocd } else if _rc != 0 { noi display as error "xtcd2 caused error. Please do test by hand." local cd nocd } else { tempname CD CDp scalar `CD' = r(CD) scalar `CDp' = r(p) } } */ mata `ResultMatrix'[(1..4),`run'] = `alphas' mata `ResultMatrix'[(7,8),`run'] = (`Nt' \ `T') *if "`cd'" == "" { * mata `ResultMatrix'[(5,6),`run'] = (`=r(CD)' \ `=r(p)') *} local run = `run' + 1 drop `touse' `tmpid' `tmpt' if "`isbalanced'" != "" { cap drop if `origi' != 1 drop `origi' } } } restore *cap _estimates unhold `xtdcceest', copy ** Output tempname alpha_circ alpha_circSE CDm CDpm Nm Tm alpham tm if "`residual'" == "" { mata st_matrix("`alpha_circ'",`ResultMatrix'[3,.]) mata st_matrix("`tm'",`ResultMatrix'[3,.]:/`ResultMatrix'[4,.]) mata st_matrix("`alpham'",`ResultMatrix'[(1..3),.]) mata st_matrix("`alpha_circSE'",`ResultMatrix'[4,.]) } else { tempname alpha_circLow alpha_circUp mata st_matrix("`alpha_circ'",`ResultMatrix'[1,.]) mata st_matrix("`alpha_circSE'",`ResultMatrix'[2,.]) mata st_matrix("`alpha_circLow'",`ResultMatrix'[3,.]) mata st_matrix("`alpha_circUp'",`ResultMatrix'[4,.]) } mata st_matrix("`CDm'",`ResultMatrix'[5,.]) mata st_matrix("`CDpm'",`ResultMatrix'[6,.]) mata st_matrix("`Nm'",`ResultMatrix'[7,.]) mata st_matrix("`Tm'",`ResultMatrix'[8,.]) foreach mat in alpha_circ alpha_circLow alpha_circLow alpha_circUp alpha_circSE CDm CDpm Nm Tm alpham tm { cap matrix colnames ``mat'' = `varn' } matrix rownames `alpha_circ' = "alpha" matrix rownames `alpha_circSE' = "alpha" matrix rownames `CDm' = "CD" matrix rownames `CDpm' = "CDp" matrix rownames `Nm' = "N_g" matrix rownames `Tm' = "T" cap matrix rownames `alpham' = "alpha hat" "alpha tilde" "alpha" cap matrix rownames `tm' = "t" *** Setting for Output local maxline = c(linesize) **allow max linesize of 100 if `maxline' > 100 { local maxline = 100 } **get var length local maxlength = 0 foreach var in `varl' { local tmp = strlen("`var'") if `tmp' > `maxlength' { local maxlength = `tmp' } } *check if maxlength larger than 14 (standard) local abname = 14 if `maxlength' > 14 { local abname = 14+(`maxline'-80) if `abname' > `maxlength' { local abname `maxlength' } **66 is remaining lines for output } **set standard to 80, only if more vars needed, then extend. maximum is 100 local maxline = `abname' + 66 *** Output if "`inprog'" == "" { noi disp as text "Cross-Sectional Dependence Exponent Estimation and Test" #delimit ; di _n in gr "Panel Variable (i): " in ye abbrev("`idvar'",`abname') in gr; di in gr "Time Variable (t): " in ye abbrev("`tvar'",`abname') ; #delimit cr di "" } noi disp as text "Estimation of Cross-Sectional Exponent (alpha)" local level = `c(level)' if "`residual'" != "" { local level 95 } local col_i = `abname' + 1 local maxline = `maxline' - 2 scalar cv = invnorm(1 - ((100-`level')/100)/2) di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c TT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'-15'}" di as text %`col_i's abbrev("variable",`abname') "{c |}" _c local col = `col_i' + 1 + 6 di as text _col(`col') "alpha" _c local col = `col' + 5 + 3 di as text _col(`col') "Std. Err." _c local col = `col' + 9 + 4 di as text _col(`col') "[`level'% Conf. Interval]" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'-15'}" foreach var in `varn' { if "`residual'" == "" { xtdcce_output_table `var' `col_i' `alpha_circ' `alpha_circSE' cv `var' } else { xtdcce_output_table_res `var' `col_i' `alpha_circ' `alpha_circSE' `alpha_circLow' `alpha_circUp' `var' } } di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c BT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'-15'}" di "0.5 <= alpha < 1 implies strong cross-sectional dependence." if "`residual'" != "" { if `reps' > 0 { di as text "SE and CI bootstrapped with `reps' repetitions." } else { di as text "SE and CI not available. Use option reps() to bootstrap SE and CI." } } if "`isbalanced'" != "" & "`noadjust'" != "" { noi disp "Imputed variables `isbalanced'." } if "`cd'" == "" { if "`cd'" == "" & "`inprog'" == "" { if "`nocenter'" != "" local xtcd2_noadjust noadjust xtcd2 `varlisto' , `xtcd2_noadjust' tempname cdres cdpres matrix `cdres' = r(CD) matrix `cdpres' = r(p) } /* di "" di as text "Pesaran (2015) test for weak cross-sectional dependence." di as text "H0: errors are weakly cross-sectional dependent." di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c TT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'-22'}" di as text %`col_i's abbrev("variable",`abname') "{c |}" _c local col = `col_i' + 1 + 6 di as text _col(`col') "CD" _c local col = `col' + 5 + 4 di as text _col(`col') "p-value" _c local col = `col' + 9 + 4 di as text _col(`col') "N_g" _c local col = `col' + 2 + 9 di as text _col(`col') "T" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'-22'}" foreach var in `varn' { xtdcce_output_tableCD `var' `col_i' `CDm' `CDpm' `Nm' `Tm' `var' } di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c BT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'-22'}" */ } if "`nocenter'" == "" { noi disp "Variables are centered around zero." } else if "`standardize'" != "" { noi disp "Variables are standardized." } *** Return if rowsof(`alpha_circ') == 1 { scalar `alpha_circ' = `alpha_circ'[1,1] return scalar alpha = `alpha_circ' scalar `alpha_circSE' = `alpha_circSE'[1,1] return scalar alphaSE = `alpha_circSE' } else { return matrix alpha = `alpha_circ' return matrix alphaSE = `alpha_circSE' } cap return matrix alphas = `alpham' if rowsof(`Nm') == 1 { scalar `Nm' = `Nm'[1,1] return scalar N_g = `Nm' scalar `Tm' = `Tm'[1,1] return scalar T = `Tm' } else { return matrix N_g = `Nm' return matrix T = `Tm' } if "`cd'" == "" & "`inprog'" == "" { *if colsof(`CDm') == 1 { * scalar `CDm' = `CDm'[1,1] * return scalar CD = `CDm' * scalar `CDpm' = `CDpm'[1,1] * return scalar CDp = `CDpm' *} *else { * return matrix CD = `CDm' * return matrix CDp = `CDpm' *} return matrix CD = `cdres' return matrix CDp = `cdpres' } end ** auxiliary file with auxiliary programs findfile "xtdcce2_auxiliary.ado" include "`r(fn)'" capture mata mata drop xtdcce_m_alphaest() mata: function xtdcce_m_alphaest ( string scalar x_name, string scalar eit_name, string scalar id_name, string scalar t_name, string scalar touse, real scalar a_size) { x = st_data(.,x_name,touse) ///xp = st_data(.,xp_name,touse) eit = st_data(.,eit_name,touse) id = st_data(.,id_name,touse) t = st_data(.,t_name,touse) idt = (id,t) T = rows(uniqrows(t)) N = rows(uniqrows(id)) /// cacluate sigma hat x bar (Eq. 10, BKP) /// sigma2 = 1/T sum (xbar(t) - xbar)^2, with xbar = 1/T sum x(t); xbar(t) = 1/N sum x(i,t) xbart = J(T,cols(x),.) et = J(T,cols(x),.) xm = J(T,N,.) i = 1 /// loop necessary because difference between xbart and xbar, need to get xbart /// build et here (see below) while (i <=T) { indic = xtdcce_selectindex(idt[.,2] :==i) xbartt = quadcolsum(x[indic,.]):/N xbart[i,.] = xbartt ett = quadcolsum(eit[indic,.]):/N et[i,.] = ett xm[i,.] = x[indic,.]' i++ } xbar = quadcolsum(xbart):/T /// add T-1 for small sample adjustment sigma2 = quadcolsum((xbart:-xbar):^2):/(T-1) /// alpha hat (eq 11 or 33, BKP) /// alpha = 1 + 1/2 * ln(sigma hat 2 xbar)/ln(N) ; in eq. 33 no 1/2?! alpha = 1 :+ 1:/2 :* ln(sigma2) :/ ln(N) /// alpha tilde (eq 34) /// alpha tilde = alpha hat - cn / (2 * ln(N) * N * sigma hat x) /// cnhat = 1/n sum sigma hat i, sigma hat i = 1/T sum u(i,t)^2, with the partialled out variables; /// just the sum over all divided by NT; doesnt work because sum will be zero! (see p. 940) /// use alternative for cn, using PCA; PCA done in Stata program /// cntilde = 1/T sum sqrt(N) (et(t) - sqrt(N) e)^2 /// with et = 1/N sum e(i,t); e = 1/T sum et e=quadcolsum(et):/T cntilde = 1:/(T-1) :* quadcolsum((sqrt(N):*(et:-e)):^2) alphatilde= alpha :- cntilde :/ (2:*ln(N) :* N :* sigma2) /// mu calculation /// Step 1, OLS of x on xbar xbart_I = (J(T,1,1),xbart) tmp_xx1 = quadcross(xbart_I,xbart_I) coef = m_xtdcce_inverter(tmp_xx1)*quadcross(xbart_I,xm) etmp = xm - xbart_I * coef s2 = etmp'etmp:/(T-cols(xbart_I)) se = sqrt(diagonal(s2*m_xtdcce_inverter(quadcross(xbart,xbart)))) /// step 2, calculate t stat t_test = (coef[2,.]:/se[1,.])' /// step 3, calculate xstr with cp = invnormal(1-p/(2 * (N-i)) [ Holms approach] size = J(N,1,0) x_str = J(T,1,0) order = (1::N) /// reverse order (i.e. largest to smallest) s_ttest = sort((abs(t_test),order),1)[(rows(t_test)..1),.] j=1 while(j<=cols(coef)) { p_n = a_size / (N-j+1) theta = invnormal(1-p_n/2) if (abs(s_ttest[j,1]) >= theta) { size[j,1]=1 } else { size[j,1]=0 } j++ } s_size = sort((size,s_ttest[.,2]),2) x_str = (s_size[.,1]':*xm)' x_str1 = x_str[xtdcce_selectindex(x_str[.,1]:!=0),.] /// step 4 if (x_str[1,1] == .) { "missings" theta = 1 } else { x_str1 = x_str1' x_strb = mean(x_str1')' theta = mean((x_strb:-mean(x_strb)'):^2) } alphacircle = alphatilde :- (1/2) :* ln(theta):/ln(N) /// standard error of alphacircle, from Appendix Eq. B47 p = ceil(T^(1/3)) x_bar1 = mean(xm')' x_bar1_c = x_bar1 std_x_bar1 = sqrt(diagonal(quadvariance(x_bar1_c))) x_bar = x_bar1_c :/ std_x_bar1 m_x_bar = mean(x_bar)' x_bar_stand = J(T,1,0) i=1 while (i<=T) { x_bar_stand[i,.] = x_bar[i,.] - m_x_bar i++ } /// As in Gauss/BKP use NW method x_bar_2m=x_bar_stand:^2 m_x_bar_2m=mean(x_bar_2m)' x_bar_2m_st=J(T,1,0) i = 1 while (i<=T) { x_bar_2m_st[i,.]=x_bar_2m[i,.]:-m_x_bar_2m i++ } x_bar_2m_st_lag=J(rows(x_bar_2m_st),p,0) i = 1 while (i<=p) { xbartmp = J(rows(x_bar_2m_st),1,.) xbartmp[(i+1..rows(xbartmp))] = x_bar_2m_st[(1..rows(x_bar_2m_st)-i),.] x_bar_2m_st_lag[.,i]=xbartmp i++ } v_all=(x_bar_2m_st,x_bar_2m_st_lag) v_1=v_all[(p+1..T),.] dv=v_1[.,1] rhs=v_1[.,(2..p+1)] b=m_xtdcce_inverter(quadcross(rhs,rhs))*quadcross(rhs,dv) s_b=colsum(b) e_nw=dv-rhs*b sse_nw=e_nw'*e_nw sig2_nw=sse_nw:/(T-cols(rhs)) v_f_2=sig2_nw:/(1-s_b)^2 ggg_o = round(N^alphatilde) if (ggg_o >= N ){ ggg_o = N } else if (ggg_o < 1) { ggg_o = 1 } c_avg = m_xtdcce_inverter(quadcross(x_bar,x_bar))*quadcross(x_bar,xm) c_avg_sel = (sort((c_avg',abs(c_avg')),2))[(rows(c_avg')..1),.] c_avg_sel = c_avg_sel[(1..ggg_o),1] m_c_avg_sel=mean(c_avg_sel)' frasel=J(1,ggg_o,0) i = 1 while (i <= ggg_o) { frasel[.,i]=(c_avg_sel[i,1]-m_c_avg_sel):^2 i++ } s_frasel=quadcolsum(frasel') ggg_t=round(N^(alphacircle)) if (ggg_t >= N) { ggg_t = N } else if (ggg_t<1) { ggg_t = 1 } c_avg_selt = (sort((c_avg',abs(c_avg')),2))[(rows(c_avg')..1),.] c_avg_selt=c_avg_selt[(1..ggg_t),1] m_c_avg_selt=mean(c_avg_selt)' fraselt = J(1,ggg_t,0) i = 1 while (i<=ggg_t) { fraselt[.,i]=(c_avg_selt[i,1]:-m_c_avg_selt):^2 i++ } s_fraselt=quadcolsum(fraselt') SE = ((1/T)*(v_f_2)+(4/N)*(N^(1-alphacircle)*s_fraselt/(ggg_t-1)))^(1/2)/(2*ln(N)) C = (alpha \ alphatilde\alphacircle \ SE) return(C) } end capture program drop xtdcce_output_table program define xtdcce_output_table syntax anything ,[noci] tokenize `anything' local var `1' local col = `2' local b_p_mg `3' local se_p_mg `4' local cv `5' local i `6' di as text %`col's abbrev("`var' ",`=`col'-1') "{c |}" _continue local col = `col' + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 5 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] - `cv'*`se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")]) _continue local col = `col' + 12 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] + `cv'*`se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")]) end capture program drop xtdcce_output_table_res program define xtdcce_output_table_res syntax anything ,[noci] tokenize `anything' local var `1' local col = `2' local b_p_mg `3' local se_p_mg `4' local cvlow `5' local cvup `6' local i `7' di as text %`col's abbrev("`var' ",`=`col'-1') "{c |}" _continue local col = `col' + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 5 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `cvlow'[1,colnumb(`cvlow',"`i'")] ) _continue local col = `col' + 12 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `cvup'[1,colnumb(`cvup',"`i'")] ) end capture program drop xtdcce_output_tableCD program define xtdcce_output_tableCD syntax anything tokenize `anything' local var `1' local col = `2' local CD `3' local CDp `4' local N `5' local T `6' local i `7' di as text %`col's abbrev("`var' ",`=`col'-1') "{c |}" _continue local col = `col' + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.3f `CD'[1,colnumb(`CD',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.3f `CDp'[1,colnumb(`CDp',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 1 di as result _column(`col') %9.0f `N'[1,colnumb(`N',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 9 di as result _column(`col') %9.0f `T'[1,colnumb(`T',"`i'")] end /// estimator for residual capture mata mata drop xtdcce_m_alpha_res() mata: function xtdcce_m_alpha_res ( string scalar resid_name, string scalar id_name, string scalar t_name, string scalar touse, real scalar a_size, real scalar delta, real scalar H, real scalar B) { r = st_data(.,resid_name,touse) id = st_data(.,id_name,touse) tvec = st_data(.,t_name,touse) idt = (id,tvec) t_uniq = uniqrows(tvec) T = rows(t_uniq) N = rows(uniqrows(id)) zm = J(T,N,.) i=1 if (H==0) { /// case of non dynamic panel (strong exogenous regressors) /// standardize residuals ///"no lags" while (i<=N) { indic = xtdcce_selectindex(idt[.,1]:==i) tindic = idt[indic,2] eit = r[indic,.] sd = sqrt(eit'eit:/rows(eit)) if (hasmissing(sd):==1) { "sd has missing" i } if (hasmissing(eit):==1) { "eit has missing in" i } tti = xtdcce2_mm_which2(t_uniq,tindic) zm[tti,i] = eit / sd i++ } } else { /// standardize residuals "with lags" while (i<=N) { indic = xtdcce_selectindex(idt[.,1]:==i) tindic = idt[indic,2] eit = r[indic,.] ii = (1::rows(eit)) /// standard error, sum over eit^2 over ii-1 for small sample adjustment sd = sqrt(quadrunningsum((eit:^2)):/(ii:-1)) tti = xtdcce2_mm_which2(t_uniq,tindic) zm[tti,i] = eit :/ sd i++ } } /// Point Estimate alpha=xtdcce_m_alphares_calc(zm,id,tvec,a_size,delta,H) /// Bootstrap for SE if (B > 0) { alphab = J(B,1,.) b = 1 while (b<=B) { /// resample columns of r indic = runiformint(1,cols(zm),1,cols(zm)) rb = zm[.,indic] alphab[b] = xtdcce_m_alphares_calc(rb,id,tvec,a_size,delta,H) b++ } if (hasmissing(alphab)==1) { alphab = alphab[xtdcce_selectindex(alphab:!=.)] } alphabq = mm_quantile(alphab,1,(1-c("level")/100, c("level")/100)) ///alphabq = mm_quantile(alphab,1,((100-c("level"))/2,(1-(100-c("level"))/2,(100-c("level"))/2)) alpha = (alpha \ sqrt(quadvariance(alphab)) \alphabq') } else { alpha = (alpha \ . \ . \ .) } return(alpha) } end capture mata mata drop xtdcce_m_alphares_calc() mata: function xtdcce_m_alphares_calc( real matrix z, real matrix id, real matrix tvec, real scalar a_size, real scalar delta, real scalar H) { idt = (id,tvec) T = rows(uniqrows(tvec)) N = rows(uniqrows(id)) rho = J(N,N,.) if (H==0) { /// case of strong exogenous regressors /// calculate rho_ij i=1 while (i<=N) { j = i + 1 while (j<=N) { zi = z[.,i] zj = z[.,j] indici = zi :!=. indicj = zj :!=. indic = xtdcce_selectindex(indici:*indicj) ///rhoij = quadsum(zi[indic,.]:*zj[indic,.]) :/ (rows(indic)) rhoij = quadcorrelation((zi[indic,.],zj[indic,.]))[2,1] rho[i,j] = rhoij rho[j,i] = rhoij j++ } i++ } } else { /// case of weak exogenous regressors /// correct H if H > T if (H> rows(z)) { H = rows(z)-1 } /// calculate rho_ij i=1 while (i<=N) { j = i + 1 while (j<=N) { zi = z[(H..rows(z)),i] zj = z[(H..rows(z)),j] indici = zi :!=. indicj = zj :!=. indic = xtdcce_selectindex(indici:*indicj) rhoij = quadsum(zi[indic,.]:*zj[indic,.]) :/ (rows(indic)-H) ///rhoij = quadcorrelation((zi[indic,.],zj[indic,.]))[2,1] :* rows(indic) :/ (rows(indic-H)) rho[i,j] = rhoij rho[j,i] = rhoij j++ } i++ } } /// calcualte indicator n = 0.5*N*(N-1) cp = invnormal(1-(a_size/2)/(n:^delta)):/sqrt(T) indic = ((abs(rho) :> cp)) rho = abs(rho):*indic _editmissing(rho,0) /// make diagonal to 1 deltaij = rho _diag(deltaij,1) tau = J(N,1,1) alphatilde = ln(tau' * deltaij * tau) :/ (2*ln(N)) return(alphatilde) } end