*! xtdcce2 4.7 - 03.06.2024 *! author Jan Ditzen *! www.jan.ditzen.net - jan.ditzen@unibz.it *! see viewsource xtdcce2.ado for more info. /* Packages Required: - ivreg2 - moremata Changelog: 18.06.2015 Added lhs to variables which are cross sectioned 19.06.2015 Added option CD for CD test (xtcd2 test required). Added pooled variables to cross section if not specified cr() not specified. 23.06.2015 Changed calculation of partialling out. Now a regression with cholsolve is performed. Mata matrices are deleted 24.06.2015 - Pooled variables are now removed from rhs variables, thus pooled variables can appear in rhs as well - long Variablenames (>24 characters are allowed) - no output if pooled or mean group is empty. - Corrected Error in number of periods - Clustered SE work again 25.06.2015 - Added degrees of freedom - Added option noi, which showes the regression - Omitted Variables and their number saved in e() 01.12.2015 - added check if cce_lags > 0 and "local drop_before = (`=`tmin'-1*`tdelta'') + `cr_lags' * `tdelta'" when comuputing the number of lags xx.12.2015 - added IV 11.01.2016 - added e(cmd), fixed naming errors in macros for instruments and naming if varnames are too long, temp vars are removed 18.01.2016 - naming of matrices correct (in case of endogenous regressors) 28.01.2016 - fixed errors if noconstant is not active and constant is pooled variable 05.02.2016 - fixed error if "if" is used; "if `touse' " was missing when sperate was used. 11.02.2016 - changed option CD into nocd 15.02.2016 - partial out on unit level 15.02.2016 - unbalanced panels: missing values are added for balanced panel 17-20.02.2016 - long run effects included 21-22.02.2016 - ts added, all variables now in varlists 23.02.2016 - xtdcce_err program added 24.02.2016 - added trend 02.03.2016 - added xtpmg names option for lr_options 05.03.2016 - added post_full option 08.03.2016 - changed mata b[lr_index] = (b[lr_index] :/ lr_tmp) into mata b[lr_index] = -(b[lr_index] :/ lr_tmp) 07.04.2016 - check for moremata 29.05.2016 - partial out program added, option for reportconstant added Up to 19.10.2016 - Added function selectindex if Stata Version < 13 - Syntax for IV now as for ivreg2 - Replaced Mata matrices with temporary names and matrices are deleted - Revised error message if packages are missing. - Added version - Revised Output - minor bug fixes - factor variables support Up to 28.11.2016 - included predict and estat function 14.12.2016 - fixed error in t-identifier in case of unbalanced panel - added temporary options; fd and demean option 04.01.2017 - residuals are calculated predict, avoids error with jackknife 09.01.2017 - implemented fullsample option - fixed error in variance calculation if jackknife used - cov/variance from m_reg symmetric 14.01.2017 - wrapper for selectindex ----------------------------------------xtdcce113 04.03.2017 - error in F-Test Spacing ----------------------------------------xtdcce2131 May 2017 - Major overhaul including program for individual and mean group estimation June 2017 - fixed errors in unbalanced panel - Error in naming for LR b and V matrix when xtpmgnames used - removed options: cluster (correct SE for pooled), noomit (not needed), post_full (default bi and Vi are given) - replaced putmata and getmata with st_view and st_data. Only necessary for touse variable. Requires mm_which2 (xtdcce2 version). - options changed fill into showindividual and fulliv into e_ivreg2 changed. 05.07.2017 - added endogenous(), exogenous() and residual() for legacy ----------------------------------------xtdcce2132 07.07.2017 - bug in max. number of groups fixed. 18.07.2017 - bug if unbalanced panel and predict used fixed. Removed "tsfill". 20.07.2017 - fixed bug in predict command. replaced subinstr with subinword for var changes. 22.07.2017 - check for rank condition enabled 15.08.2017 - bug in xtdcce_m_meangroup fixed. 20.08.2017 - added option fast, does not calculate individual covariances. 20.09.2017 - bug if option showi used fixed. sd, sd_i, t and t_i now as row vectors. 10.10.2017 - bug if ecm mg, but rest of lr pooled. see lr_with_pooled_ecm file - bug if pooled used, no F and R2 are shown. ----------------------------------------xtdcce2133 16.10.2017 - bug with if statements fixed. 31.10.2017 - "Degrees of freedom per country" into "Degrees of freedom per cross-sectional unit" 02.11.2017 - bug with cr(_all) removed (strlower disabled) and option noomoit added again. 16.01.2018 - added xtset2 (N_g now set in beginning) - replaced var[_n-1] with L.var for calculation of RMA method - corrected calculation of time identifier Jan - February - added mata_varlist, matrix with detailed information about variables - added lr(ardl) function; changes to xtdcce_m_lrcalc and xtdcce_m_reg - new procedures for processing variable names - cr_lags() supports now variable specific lags 14.02.2018 - error in covariance with delta method fixed. off diagonals should have no minus, diagonal should - delta method for lr(ardl) implemented 19.02.2018 - bug in output fixed. wrong results for b_i and cov_i shown when IV + LR and full option 03.04.2018 - in m_reg for mg all (option 3), sd_i, t_i and stats are new tempname, otherwise they will be overwritten if pooled vars used. 21.08.2018 - output adjusted to Stata Journal version 28.08.2018 - check if dependend variable occurs multiple times on rhs. 29.08.2018 - added lr_pooled and lr_mg to hidden output for predict ----------------------------------------xtdcce2134 26.10.2018 - fixed bug that mean group variables are not showen for CS ARDL model - renamed p and estat to xtdcce2_p and xtdcce2_estat rather than including the version. - removed capture program drop for program definitions ----------------------------------------xtdcce2135/xtdcce2 2.0 23.01.2019 - added option "nodimcheck" to bypass dimension checks. 25.01.2019 - added program xtdcce_m_touseupdate for a more efficient and quicker way to update touse after restore and preserve - blockdiaguse option for use of block diagonal matrix in m_reg program (thanks to Achim Ahrens!) - fixed bug in jackknife in combination with if (thanks to Collin Rabe). Changed calculation of jackknife split time point. - capture around tsfill 13.02.2019 - fixed bug in alterantive for blockdiag use 14.02.2019 - fixed bug in jackknife, see https://github.com/JanDitzen/xtdcce2/issues/1 - added option trace instead of noi 21.02.2019 - fixed bug if binary variable and no reportconstant is used, partialling out can fail. if fails, then xtdcce2 restarts but does not partial the constant out 07.03.2019 - fixed bug if "if" used on panel ids. In old version the partialling out was done on the wrong units. 03.06.2019 - fixed bug in T. SSR and SSE were mixed up. - added option pooledvce(wpn) for westerlund et al standard errors for pooled regression with fixed T. 10.06.2019 - added R2 for pooled and mg regressions. - t-statistic in mg_reg was 1/t 28.06.2019 - new program for matrix inversion and solver. 13.07.2019 - added xtcse2 for estimation of alpha with option exponent ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 2.01 19.07.2019 - added options residuals for xtcse2, passthrough options for xtcse2 30.07.2019 - changed mm_which2 to xtdcce2_mm_which2 01.08.2019 - support for factor variables enabled again 22.08.2019 - auxiliary programs moved out, use findfile to find auxiliary.ado 11.10.2019 - error in calculation for cross-section unit specific standard errors fixed. was before assuming same s2 for all csu ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 2.1/3.0 02.12.2019 - error if mixed models used fixed 03.12.2019 - pooled and ardl works. 20.12.2019 - added nominus options for ARDL in lr_options. this is essentially an ECM, but with features of the ARDL (SE and sum of LR) 19.02.2020 - bug in predict program fixed if option nodivide was used 15.06.2020 - replaced selectindex with xtdcce_selectindex 08.07.2020 - bug with if/in and new CSA syntax corrected 24.07.2020 - moved option showomitted to estat. - added cluster csa and global csa. 03.10.2020 - if option jackknife used, check added if both halfs have the same number of cross-sectional units. 22.01.2021 - if xtdcce2 dropped units, e(bi) names were not correctly adjusted. bug fixed. ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 3.01 14.09.2021 - error if abbreviation is cr() used fixed. use fvunab ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.0 18.11.2021 - error in xtdcce2_mm_which2 fixed, xtdcce2_mm_which2 converted search and source to lower case. - added option fast2 for use of xtdcce2fast 18.03.2022 - added option mgmissing 20.02.2023 - added option rcce and bootstrap support ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.1 14.04.2023 - fixed bug when using different lag lengths for CSA ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.2 15.05.2023 - fixed bug in xtcd2 ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.3 21.05.2023 - fixed bug in var/cov estimation when using pooled coefficients and R matrix is zero ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.4 13.10.2023 - fixed bug in trend option ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.5 13.10.2023 - supports new reghdfe version ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.6 06.12.2023 - fixed bug in rcce option when using unbalanced panels 09.01.2024 - fixed bug when absorb() and cross section averages used ----------------------------------------xtdcce2 4.7 15.04.2024 - added rank condition indicator 15.04.2024 - support for factor variables in cross-section averages, added fvexpand2 progamm to obtain expanded factor list. 15.04.2024 - added information criteria 14.05.2024 - bug fixes: -- in fvexpand2 fixed. -- xtdcce2_mata2stata returned error when samples different */ program define xtdcce2 , eclass sortpreserve ** Stata Version check - version > 11.1 needed for putmata commands if `c(version)' < 11.1 { di in gr "xtdcce2 requires version 11.1 or higher." exit } version 11.1 local xtdcce2_version = 4.7 if replay() { syntax [, VERsion replay * ] if "`version'" != "" { di in gr "`xtdcce2_version'" *ereturn clear ereturn local version `xtdcce2_version' exit } if "`replay'" != "" { } } else { syntax anything [if] [in] , [ * fast2 ] if "`fast2'" != "" { xtdcce2fast `anything' `if' `in' , `options' } else { xtdcce2int `anything' `if' `in', `options' } } end program define xtdcce2int, eclass syntax anything [if/] [in/] , [ /* */ Pooled(string) /* lr(varlist ts fv) */ lr(string)/* */ CRosssectional(string) /* */ GLOBALCRosssectional(string) /* */ CLUSTERCRosssectional(string) /* */ NOCROSSsectional /* */ cr_lags(string) /* */ lr_options(string) /* */ IVREG2options(string) /* */ POOLEDConstant /* */ REPORTConstant /* */ NOCONSTant /* */ pooledvce(string) /* */ MGMISsing /* */ full /* keep for legacy, replaced by showindividual */ SHOWIndividual /* */ nocd /* */ EXPOnent /* */ XTCSE2options(string asis) /* options for xtcse2 */ NOIsily /* */ trace /* nondocumented, for checking purpose only */ trend /* */ POOLEDTrend /* */ fulliv /* keep for legacy, replaced by e_ivreg2 */ e_ivreg2 /* */ JACKknife RECursive fullsample /* */ ivslow /* */ fast /* */ absorb(string) /* */ BLOCKDIAGuse /* Use block diagonal rather than own routine. Much slower! */ NODIMcheck /* time dimension check */ NOOMITted /* option included again for omitting omitted variable tests. */ useqr useinvsym /* use qrinversion rather than invsym; or use invsym rather than cholinv */ showomitted /* detailed overview of omitted variables */ icopt(string) /* internal options for IC calculation For Legacy: */ EXOgenous_vars(varlist ts fv) ENDOgenous_vars(varlist ts fv) RESiduals(string) /* Working options: */ oldrestore demean demeant demeanid Weight(string) xtdcceold ] local xtdcce2v xtdcce2 local cmd_line `xtdcce2v' `0' ** save if and in local cmd_if `if' local cmd_in `in' * Legacy Locals if "`e_ivreg2'" != "" { local fulliv "fulliv" } if "`showindividual'" != "" { local full "full" } if "`trace'" != "" { local tracenoi "noisily" qui xtdcce2, version noi disp "Hello, this is version `e(version)'" } *Legacy for IV options and if "`exogenous_vars'`endogenous_vars'" != "" { tokenize "`0'" , parse(",") while "`3'" != "" { gettoken next 3: 3 if strmatch("`next'","*(`endogenous_vars')") == 0 & strmatch("`next'","*(`exogenous_vars')") == 0 { local op_woiv "`op_woiv' `next'" } } noi disp as text "Options 'endogenous_vars' and 'exogenous_vars' not supported since version 1.2." , _continue noi disp as smcl "See {help xtdcce2:help xtdcce2}." noi disp as text "Please run instead:" noi disp in smcl " {stata xtdcce2 `anything' (`endogenous_vars' = `exogenous_vars') `cmd_if' `cmd_in', `op_woiv'}" exit } if "`residuals'" != "" { local residuals_old `residuals' } * alternative vce estimator for pooled covariance if strlower("`pooledvce'") == "wpn" { local pooledvce = 1 } else if strlower("`pooledvce'") == "nw" { local pooledvce = 2 } else if strlower("`pooledvce'") == "ols" { local pooledvce = 3 } else { local pooledvce = 0 } if "`xtcse2options'" != "" { local exponent "exponent" } if "`absorb'" != "" { local noconstant noconstant } * fast option if "`fast'" == "fast" { local fast = 1 } else { local fast = 0 } *blockdiag option if "`blockdiaguse'" == "" { local blockdiaguse = 0 } else { local blockdiaguse = 1 } *change noomitted NOOMITted if "`noomitted'" == "" { local noomitted noomitted local omitted } *Check for moremata capture mata mm_nunique((10,1)) if _rc != 0 { **check if moremata works!! xtdcce_err 3499 , msg("moremata not installed.") msg2("To update, from within Stata type ") msg_smcl("{stata ssc install moremata, replace :ssc install moremata, replace}" ) } **check if xtset2 is installed capture xtset2, version if _rc != 0 { xtdcce_err 199 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("xtset2 not installed.") msg2("To update, from within Stata type ") msg_smcl(`"{net "describe xtset2 , from(https://janditzen.github.io/xtdcce2/) "}"') } ** add auto check: if in lr variables have joint base, but ECM used, change to ARDL if "`lr'" != "" & strmatch("`lr_options'","*forceecm*") == 0 & strmatch("`lr_options'","*ardl*") == 0 { qui tsrevar `lr', list tsunab lrunab : `lr' if wordcount("`r(varlist)'") != wordcount("`lrunab'") { disp "" disp "Multiple variables per base in long run vector detected. Changed to ARDL with option nominus to allow for single long run coefficient for variables with same base. Use option forceecm to prevent behaviour." disp "" local lr_options "ardl nominus" } } ** check if lr_options are ok. if ardl used, no nodivide and xtpmgnames cannot be used if strmatch("`lr_options'","*ardl*") == 1 & (strmatch("`lr_options'","*nodivide*") == 1 | strmatch("`lr_options'","*xtpmgnames*") == 1) { xtdcce_err 184 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("options ardl and xtpmgnames or nodivide may not be combined.") } ** check if lr_options are ok. if ecm used, nominus cannoot be used if strmatch("`lr_options'","*ardl*") == 0 & (strmatch("`lr_options'","*nominus*") == 1 ) { xtdcce_err 184 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("options ecm (default) and nominus may not be combined.") } ** Which inverter to use if "`useqr'" != "" & "`useinvsym'" != "" { xtdcce_err 184 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("options useqr and useinvsym may not be combined.") } if "`useqr'" == "" { local useqr = 0 } else { local useqr = 1 } if "`useinvsym'" != "" { local useqr = 2 } qui{ tempname m_idt tempvar id_t tvar idvar local mata_drop `m_idt' xtset2 local d_idvar `r(panelvar)' local d_tvar `r(timevar)' local d_balanced `r(balanced)' * create in program indicators for time and unit variable egen `idvar' = group(`d_idvar') *fill dataset to make sure gaps and missings are accounted for, *then create tvar. Important for all types of datasets if time identifier *is in date format. tempvar inital_touse gen `inital_touse' = 1 capture tsfill, full if _rc == 0 { egen `tvar' = group(`d_tvar') keep if `inital_touse' == 1 drop `inital_touse' `tracenoi' disp "Panel was unbalanced, now balanced." } else { xtdcce_err 199 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("Cannot balance panel. Please make sure neither `d_idvar' nor `d_tvar' contain missings.") } sort `idvar' `tvar' gen `id_t' = _n preserve marksample touse tempvar touse_start gen `touse_start' = `touse' tsset `idvar' `tvar' * save lr for later use local lr_save "`lr'" ***Assign lhs, rhs, exo and endo vars gettoken lhs 0 : anything while "`0'" != "" { gettoken next 0 : 0 , match(paren) if strmatch("`next'","*=*") == 1 { tokenize `next' , parse("*=*") local endogenous_vars `endogenous_vars' `1' local exogenous_vars `exogenous_vars' `3' } else { local rhs `rhs' `next' } } * process pooled options if strmatch("`pooled'","*_all*") == 1 { local uniq `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `lr' local pooled : list uniq uniq } *process crosssectional options *clustercrosssectional globalcrosssectional if "`crosssectional'`nocrosssectional'`clustercrosssectional'`globalcrosssectional'" == "" { xtdcce_err 198 , msg("option (cluster-|global-|)crosssectional() or nocrosssectional required") } else { if "`crosssectional'" == "" | strmatch("`crosssectional'","*_none*") == 1 { local nocrosssectional "nocrosssectional" local crosssectional "" } else if "`nocrosssectional'" == "nocrosssectional" { local crosssectional "" } else if strmatch("`crosssectional'`globalcrosssectional'`clustercrosssectional'","*_all*") == 1 { *** only use base of ts variables, omit fv variables fvexpand2 `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `lr', varlistomitted if "`r(fvops)'" == "true" { ** build list foreach var in `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `lr' { fvexpand2 `var', varlistomitted if "`r(fvops)'" != "true" { local tmplist `tmplist' `var' } } tsrevar `tmplist', list local uniq `r(varlist)' local uniq : list uniq uniq local crosssectional = subinstr("`crosssectional'","_all","`uniq'",.) local globalcrosssectional = subinstr("`globalcrosssectional'","_all","`uniq'",.) local clustercrosssectional = subinstr("`clustercrosssectional'","_all","`uniq'",.) } else { *** check for factor variables tsrevar `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `lr' , list local uniq `r(varlist)' local uniq : list uniq uniq local crosssectional = subinstr("`crosssectional'","_all","`uniq'",.) local globalcrosssectional = subinstr("`globalcrosssectional'","_all","`uniq'",.) local clustercrosssectional = subinstr("`clustercrosssectional'","_all","`uniq'",.) } } if "`crosssectional'`globalcrosssectional'`clustercrosssectional'" != "" { if "`crosssectional'" != "" { local init_lags "`cr_lags'" local 0 `crosssectional' syntax varlist(ts fv) , [cr_lags(numlist) RCCEindex rcce(string) RCCLassifier RCCLassifieropt(string)] fvunab scrosssectional : `varlist' *if "`rcce'`rcceindex'" != "" local scr_lags = 0 if "`init_lags'" == "" & "`cr_lags'" == "" { local scr_lags = 0 } else if "`init_lags'" != "" & "`cr_lags'" == "" local scr_lags `init_lags' else if "`init_lags'" != "" & "`cr_lags'" != "" local scr_lags `init_lags' else if "`init_lags'" == "" & "`cr_lags'" != "" local scr_lags `cr_lags' if "`scr_lags'" > "0" & "`rcceindex'`rcce'" != "" { noi disp "Option rcce() cannot be combined with cr_lags(). Ignore rcce()." local rcceindex "" local rcce "" } if "`scr_lags'" > "0" & "`norctest'`rcclassifieropt'" != "" { noi disp "Option rccl cannot be combined with cr_lags()." local rcopt "" local rcclassifieropt "" } *noi disp "`rcclassifier'" *local rcclassifier rcclassifier if "`rcclassifier'" == "" & "`rcclassifieropt'" != "" local rcclassifier rcclassifier if "`rcclassifieropt'" != "" local rcopt rcclassifieropt(`rcclassifieropt') *noi disp "rcclassifier `rcclassifier'" } if "`globalcrosssectional'" != "" { local 0 `globalcrosssectional' syntax varlist(ts fv) , [cr_lags(numlist)] fvunab globalcrosssectional : `varlist' if "`cr_lags'" == "" { local gcr_lags = 0 } else { local gcr_lags `cr_lags' } } if "`clustercrosssectional'" != "" { local 0 `clustercrosssectional' syntax varlist(ts fv) , [cr_lags(numlist) CLustercr(varlist) ] fvunab clustercrosssectional : `varlist' if "`clustercr'" == "" { xtdcce_err 198 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("No clustervariable set.") } local csa_cluster "`clustercr'" if "`cr_lags'" == "" { local ccr_lags = 0 } else { local ccr_lags `cr_lags' } } local crosssectional "`scrosssectional' `globalcrosssectional' `clustercrosssectional'" tempname cross_mat local mata_drop `mata_drop' `cross_mat' mata `cross_mat' = J(0,2,"") fvexpand2 `scrosssectional' local scrosssectional "`r(varlist)'" local n_cr = wordcount("`scrosssectional'") local n_crl = wordcount("`scr_lags'") forvalues i = 1(1)`n_cr' { local tmpcr = word("`scrosssectional'",`i') if `i' <= `n_crl' { local tmpcrl = word("`scr_lags'",`i') } fvunab tmpcr : `tmpcr' mata `cross_mat' = (`cross_mat' \ (tokens("`tmpcr'")' , J(cols(tokens("`tmpcr'")),1,"`tmpcrl'"))) } fvexpand2 `globalcrosssectional' local globalcrosssectional "`r(varlist)'" *local scr_exp `globalcrosssectional' local n_cr = wordcount("`globalcrosssectional'") local n_crl = wordcount("`gcr_lags'") forvalues i = 1(1)`n_cr' { local tmpcr = word("`globalcrosssectional'",`i') if `i' <= `n_crl' { local tmpcrl = word("`gcr_lags'",`i') } fvunab tmpcr : `tmpcr' mata `cross_mat' = (`cross_mat' \ (tokens("`tmpcr'")' , J(cols(tokens("`tmpcr'")),1,"`tmpcrl'"))) } fvexpand2 `clustercrosssectional' local clustercrosssectional "`r(varlist)'" *local scr_exp `clustercrosssectional' local n_cr = wordcount("`clustercrosssectional'") local n_crl = wordcount("`ccr_lags'") forvalues i = 1(1)`n_cr' { local tmpcr = word("`clustercrosssectional'",`i') if `i' <= `n_crl' { local tmpcrl = word("`ccr_lags'",`i') } fvunab tmpcr : `tmpcr' mata `cross_mat' = (`cross_mat' \ (tokens("`tmpcr'")' , J(cols(tokens("`tmpcr'")),1,"`tmpcrl'"))) } ** check for duplicates *mata st_local("dupcheck",strofreal(rows(uniqrows(`cross_mat'[.,1])):==rows(`cross_mat'))) *if `dupcheck' == 0 { * xtdcce_err 198 , msg("Variables cannot appear in more than cross-sectional average list.") *} mata st_local("cr_lags_min",strofreal(min(strtoreal(`cross_mat'[.,2])))) mata st_local("cr_lags_max",strofreal(max(strtoreal(`cross_mat'[.,2])))) } } *Check for IV and if ivreg2 is installed if "`exogenous_vars'" != "" & "`endogenous_vars'" != "" { local IV = 1 capture ivreg2, version if _rc != 0 { restore xtdcce_err 199 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("ivreg2 not installed.") msg2("To update, from within Stata type ") msg_smcl("{stata ssc install ivreg2, replace :ssc install ivreg2, replace}") } } else { local endogenous_vars "" local exogenous_vars "" local IV = 0 } *Check for bias correction if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" & "`recursive'" == "recursive" { restore xtdcce_err 184 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("options jackknife and recursive may not be combined.") } *Check for clustered SE *if "`cluster'" != "" { * local cluster "cluster(`cluster')" *} *Check for long run coefficients if "`lr'" == "" { local lr_options "" } local ardl_indic = 0 if strmatch("`lr_options'","*ardl*") == 1 { local ardl_indic = 1 } *markout varlists not defined as varlist in syntax markout `touse' `lhs' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `crosssectional' `pooled' `lr' xtset2 if `touse' , checkvars(`lhs' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `crosssectional' `pooled' `lr') local N_g = `r(N_g)' local N = `r(N)' local d_balanced `r(balanced)' *** show message for "large" panels if `N_g' > 500 | `N' > 50000 { noi disp "" noi disp "Large number of observations, xtdcce2 might be very slow and problems occur if maximum of matrix size is reached." noi disp as smcl "Consider the use of {help xtdcce2fast} instead of {help xtdcce2}." noi disp "" } *** make sure all var lists contain unique elements; ts and fvunabbrev here gettoken lr_1 lr_rest : lr , match(paren) foreach varl in rhs exogenous_vars endogenous_vars crosssectional pooled lr_1 lr_rest { fvunab `varl' : ``varl'', min(0) local `varl' : list uniq `varl' } **get lr without paren: local rest `lr' while "`rest'" != "" { gettoken next rest : rest , match(paren) local lr_wop `lr_wop' `next' } *** unab ts and fv vars local all_vars "`pooled' `crosssectional' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `lr_wop' `lhs' `rhs'" fvunab all_vars : `all_vars' local all_vars : list uniq all_vars local n_vars : list sizeof all_vars tempname mata_varlist local mata_drop `mata_drop' `mata_varlist' mata `mata_varlist' = (J(1,1,tokens("`all_vars'")') , J(`n_vars',11,"0")) **change var lists such that all vars only included once (with exception for crosssectional) **add indics local i = 3 * 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 foreach list in lhs rhs pooled crosssectional exogenous_vars endogenous_vars lr_1 lr_rest { if "``list''" != "" { fvunab tmp_list : ``list'' tempname mm_which_n mata `mm_which_n' = xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],tokens("`tmp_list'")) mata `mata_varlist'[`mm_which_n',`i'] = J(rows(`mm_which_n'),1,"1") mata mata drop `mm_which_n' } local i = `i' + 1 } mata st_local("full_list",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[.,1]')) **ts and fv check foreach var in `full_list' { fvexpand2 `var' if "`r(tsops)'" == "true" & "`r(fvops)'" != "true" { tsrevar `var' *fvrevar `var' local new_names `r(varlist)' tsunab change : `var' **insert list in col 2: mata `mata_varlist'[ xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1] , tokens("`change'")),2] = tokens("`new_names'")' } else if "`r(fvops)'" == "true" { **factor variables fvexpand2 `var', varlistomitted local fvname "`r(varlist)'" local fvname = subinstr("`fvname'","0b.","0.",.) *** get base variable from mata_varlist, then create factor var and copy over tempname factorbase factorbasei factorbase_i mata `factorbasei' = xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:=="`var'") mata `factorbase_i' = xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:!="`var'") mata `factorbase' = `mata_varlist'[`factorbasei',.] ** remove variable base name mata `mata_varlist'=`mata_varlist'[`factorbase_i',.] fvrevar `var' local fvrevar_tmpnames "`r(varlist)'" *** remove first var from both as it is base variable local num_fv = wordcount("`fvrevar_tmpnames'") *local num_fv = wordcount("`fvrevar_tmpnames'")-1 *gettoken first fvname: fvname *gettoken first fvrevar_tmpnames: fvrevar_tmpnames *drop `first' mata `factorbase' = J(`num_fv',1,`factorbase') mata `factorbase'[.,1] = tokens("`fvname'")' mata `factorbase'[.,2] = tokens("`fvrevar_tmpnames'")' mata `mata_varlist' = `mata_varlist' \ `factorbase' mata mata drop `factorbasei' `factorbase' `factorbase_i' local nodimcheck nodimcheck } } **get those with more than 24 string char mata st_local("list_long",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(strlen(`mata_varlist'[.,2]):>23),2]')) local i = 1 foreach var in `list_long' { tempname short_`i' rename `var' `short_`i'' mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:=="`var'"),2] = "`short_`i''" } *process lr list local rest "`lr'" tempname mata_indic while "`rest'" != "" { gettoken next rest : rest , match(paren) tsunab next: `next' mata `mata_indic' = xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],tokens("`next'")) **get base as identifiers for lags tsrevar `next', list **use only first base (in case different var names identify same base (eg> y d_y) mata `mata_varlist'[`mata_indic',12] = J(rows(`mata_indic'),1,"`=word("`r(varlist)'",1)'") } capture mata mata drop `mata_indic' ** make all other vars tempnames mata st_local("varsToChange",strofreal(rows(`mata_varlist'))) forvalues s = 1(1)`varsToChange' { mata st_local("VarTemp",`mata_varlist'[`s',2]) if "`VarTemp'" == "0" { mata st_local("VarToChange",`mata_varlist'[`s',1]) tempname short_`VarToChange' rename `VarToChange' `short_`VarToChange'' mata `mata_varlist'[`s',2] = "`short_`VarToChange''" } } **change varlists local i = 3 foreach list in lhs rhs pooled crosssectional exogenous_vars endogenous_vars lr_1 lr_rest { mata st_local("`list'",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,`i']:=="1"),2]')) local i = `i' + 1 } local lr `lr_1' `lr_rest' * all variables as doubles recast double `lhs' `rhs' `crosssectional' `pooled' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `lr' *Remove pooled variables from rhs local rhs : list rhs - pooled local rhs : list rhs - endogenous_vars local rhs : list rhs - exogenous_vars *Identify LR not in pooled, endogenous or exogenous vars local lr_single: list lr - pooled local lr_single: list lr_single - rhs local lr_single: list lr_single - endogenous_vars local lr_single: list lr_single - exogenous_vars local rhs `rhs' `lr_single' local endo_pooled: list endogenous_vars & pooled local exo_pooled: list exogenous_vars & pooled local endogenous_vars : list endogenous_vars - endo_pooled local exogenous_vars : list exogenous_vars - exo_pooled local pooled: list pooled - endo_pooled local pooled: list pooled - exo_pooled sort `idvar' `tvar' **Recursive Mean adjustment - before constant and trends are added if "`recursive'" == "recursive" { tempvar s_mean gen double `s_mean' = . local r_varlist `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `crosssectional' `endogenous_vars' `exogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' local r_varlist: list uniq r_varlist *noi disp "cons `constant'" *local r_varlist: list r_varlist - constant foreach var in `r_varlist' { by `idvar' (`tvar'), sort: replace `s_mean' = sum(L.`var') / (_n-1) if `touse' & L.`var' != . replace `var' = `var' - `s_mean' replace `s_mean' = . } sort `idvar' `tvar' markout `touse' `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `crosssectional' `endogenous_vars' `exogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' } *Add trend if "`pooledtrend'" != "" | "`trend'" != "" { tempvar trendv sum `d_tvar' gen double `trendv' = `tvar' / `r(max)' mata `mata_varlist' = (`mata_varlist' \ ("trend" , "`trendv'", J(1,10,"0"))) if "`pooledtrend'" == "" & "`trend'" != "" { local rhs `rhs' `trendv' mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"trend"),4] = "1" } else if "`pooledtrend'" != "" & "`trend'" == "" { local pooled `pooled' `trendv' mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"trend"),5] = "1" } else { restore xtdcce_err 184 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("options trend and pooledtrend may not be combined.") } } /* Constant/Intercept block if reportconstant is switched on, constant will be reported, otherwise it will be partialled out (if poolconstant not defined) or all variables will be demeaned to remove homogenous constant Types of constant: 0 no constant 1 heterogenous & partialled out 2 homogenous (pooled) & removed (set to zero) as it is zero (only in case of balanced panel) 3 heterogenous & displayed 4 homogenous & not displayed (calculated but supressed) 5 homogenous & displayed */ if "`noconstant'" == "" { tempvar constant mata `mata_varlist' = (`mata_varlist' \ ("_cons" , "`constant'", J(1,10,"0"))) if "`reportconstant'" != "reportconstant" { if "`pooledconstant'" != "pooledconstant" { gen double `constant' = 1 local constant_type = 1 *mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"_cons"),4] = "1" } else if "`pooledconstant'" == "pooledconstant" { *Check if all vars are in crosssectional mean, if so, no constant needed local lhsrhs `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' local const_check : list lhsrhs - crosssectional if "`d_balanced'" == "strongly balanced" & "`rhs'`endogenous_vars'" == "" & "`const_check'" == "" { local constant_type = 2 local noconstant noconstant } else { *tempvar constant gen double `constant' = 1 local pooled `pooled' `constant' local constant_type = 4 mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"_cons"),5] = "1" } } local noconstant_reg noconstant } else if "`reportconstant'" == "reportconstant" { *tempvar constant gen double `constant' = 1 local noconstant_reg noconstant if "`pooledconstant'" == "pooledconstant" { local pooled `pooled' `constant' local constant_type = 5 mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"_cons"),5] = "1" } else if "`pooledconstant'" != "pooledconstant" { *constant not pooled local rhs `rhs' `constant' local constant_type = 3 mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"_cons"),4] = "1" } ** add constant if report constant and long run if "`lr'" != "" { mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"_cons"),10] = "1" ** add base mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],"_cons"),12] = "_cons" local lr "`lr' `constant'" } } } else { local noconstant_reg noconstant local constant_type = 0 } if "`demeant'`demeanid'`fd'`demean'" != "" { local r_varlist `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `crosssectional' `endogenous_vars' `exogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' local r_varlist: list uniq r_varlist local r_varlist: list r_varlist - constant if "`demeant'`demeanid'`demean'" != "" { noi disp "Data is demeaned with `demeant'`demeanid'`demean'" foreach var in `r_varlist' { tempvar id_mean t_mean if "`demean'" != "" { egen double `id_mean' = mean(`var') if `touse' replace `var' = `var' - `id_mean' if `touse' drop `id_mean' } if "`demeanid'" != "" { by `idvar' (`tvar') , sort: egen double `id_mean' = mean(`var') if `touse' replace `var' = `var' - `id_mean' if `touse' drop `id_mean' } if "`demeant'" != "" { by `tvar' (`idvar') , sort: egen double `t_mean' = mean(`var') if `touse' replace `var' = `var' - `t_mean' if `touse' drop `t_mean' } } } } **add lags to var matrix if "`crosssectional'" != "" { mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],`cross_mat'[.,1]),11] = `cross_mat'[.,2] mata mata drop `cross_mat' } *Number of coefficients mata `mata_varlist'2 = strtoreal(`mata_varlist'[.,(3..cols(`mata_varlist'))]) mata st_local("num_rhs",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*`mata_varlist'2[.,2])))) mata st_local("num_pooled",strofreal(sum(`mata_varlist'2[.,3]))) mata st_local("num_lr_np",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*(`mata_varlist'2[.,7]+`mata_varlist'2[.,8]))))) mata st_local("num_exo_np",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*`mata_varlist'2[.,5])))) mata st_local("num_endo_np",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*`mata_varlist'2[.,6])))) mata st_local("num_crosssectional",strofreal(`N_g'*sum((`mata_varlist'2[.,4]:*(`mata_varlist'2[.,9]:+1))))) ** correct number of rhs if constant is in lr and rhs list if "`lr'" != "" & `constant_type' > 0 { mata st_local("constant_lr",strofreal((`mata_varlist'2[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:=="_cons"),2]:==1):*(`mata_varlist'2[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:=="_cons"),8]:==1))) if `constant_lr' == 1 { local num_rhs = `num_rhs' - `N_g' } } mata mata drop `mata_varlist'2 local num_mg_regression = `num_rhs' + `num_lr_np' + `num_exo_np' + `num_endo_np' local num_K = `num_mg_regression' + `num_pooled' **add constant here local num_partialled_out = `num_crosssectional' + `N_g' * (`=`constant_type'==1') local K_total = `num_K' + `num_partialled_out' ***Check if enough observations per cross sectional unit. If not, then remove unit and display message. if "`nodimcheck'" == "" { `noi' xtset2 if `touse' , matrix tempname PanelMatrix mata `PanelMatrix' = (st_matrix("r(PanelMatrix)"))[.,(1,2)] mata `PanelMatrix'[.,2] = (`PanelMatrix'[.,2] :+ (-`num_pooled' - `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' - `num_partialled_out' / `N_g')) mata `PanelMatrix' = `PanelMatrix'[xtdcce_selectindex(`PanelMatrix'[.,2]:<1),.] mata strofreal(rows(`PanelMatrix')) mata st_local("NUnitsToRemove",strofreal(rows(`PanelMatrix'))) if `NUnitsToRemove' > 0 { forvalues i = 1(1)`NUnitsToRemove' { mata st_local("iUnitToRemove",strofreal(`PanelMatrix'[`i',1])) replace `touse' = 0 if (`idvar' == `iUnitToRemove') sum `d_idvar' if `idvar' == `iUnitToRemove' local SummaryToRemove "`SummaryToRemove' `r(mean)'" *local N_g = `N_g' - 1 } noi disp "Units (`d_idvar') to be removed due to insufficient numbers of observations: `SummaryToRemove'" *** check if touse has non zero sum `touse' , meanonly if r(mean) == 0 { restore xtdcce_err 2001 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("No observations left.") } **refresh stats; no change in idvar necessary xtset2 `idvar' `tvar' if `touse' local N_g = `r(N_g)' local N = `r(N)' local d_balanced `r(balanced)' mata `mata_varlist'2 = strtoreal(`mata_varlist'[.,(3..cols(`mata_varlist'))]) mata st_local("num_rhs",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*`mata_varlist'2[.,2])))) mata st_local("num_pooled",strofreal(sum(`mata_varlist'2[.,3]))) mata st_local("num_lr_np",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*(`mata_varlist'2[.,7]+`mata_varlist'2[.,8]))))) mata st_local("num_exo_np",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*`mata_varlist'2[.,5])))) mata st_local("num_endo_np",strofreal(`N_g'*sum(((`mata_varlist'2[.,3]:==0):*`mata_varlist'2[.,6])))) mata st_local("num_crosssectional",strofreal(`N_g'*sum((`mata_varlist'2[.,4]:*(`mata_varlist'2[.,9]:+1))))) mata mata drop `mata_varlist'2 local num_mg_regression = `num_rhs' + `num_lr_np' + `num_exo_np' + `num_endo_np' local num_K = `num_mg_regression' + `num_pooled' local num_partialled_out = `num_crosssectional' + `N_g' * (`=`constant_type'==1') local K_total = `num_K' + `num_partialled_out' *noi disp "New dimension are: N_g=`N_g', T=`=`N'/`N_g'' with `K_total' regressors." } mata mata drop `PanelMatrix' } if `N' < `K_total' { restore xtdcce_err 2001 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("More variables (`K_total') than observations (`N').") } **Only working, for old results ( "0" { local cr_lags = words("`cr_lags'",1) replace `touse' = 0 if `tvar' <= `cr_lags' } } if "`icopt'" == "" local icopt . 0 if wordcount("`icopt'") == 1 local icopt `icopt' 0 tokenize `icopt' local icopt_MF = `1' local icopt_init = `2' if "`crosssectional'" == "" local icopt_init = -1 ******************************************************************************************************* ********************** Calculation of CSA ******************************************************************************************************* ***Specify sample - if fullsample then ignore touse tempvar tousecr if "`fullsample'" != "" { *gen `tousecr' = `touse_start' if "`cmd_if'" != "" & "`cmd_in'" == "" { gen `tousecr' = (`cmd_if') } else if "`cmd_in'" != "" & "`cmd_if'" == "" { gen `tousecr' = `touse' in `cmd_in' } else if "`cmd_in'" != "" & "`cmd_if'" != "" { replace `tousecr' = (`cmd_if') in `cmd_in' } else { gen `tousecr' = 1 } } else { gen `tousecr' = `touse' } *create CR Lags if "`crosssectional'" != "" { if "`scrosssectional'" != "" { mata st_local("scrosssectionalt",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],(tokens("`scrosssectional'"))'),2]')) tempname scsa *** Check if rcclassifier can be used local csaL0 = 0 foreach tmp in `scr_lags' { if `tmp' > 0 & `tmp' != . local csaL0 = 1 } if "`rcclassifier'`rcopt'" != "" & `csaL0' { noi disp "Rank Condition Classifier cannot be combined with dynamic panels. Ignore option rcclassifier()." local rcclassifier "" local rcopt "" } if "`rcce'" != "" local rcceOpt rcce(`rcce') `tracenoi' xtdcce2_csa `scrosssectionalt' , idvar(`idvar') tvar(`tvar') cr_lags(`scr_lags') touse(`tousecr') csa(`scsa') numberonly tousets(`touse') `rcceindex' `rcceOpt' `rcclassifier' `rcopt' mainvar(`lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled') local scsa `r(varlist)' local cr_lags "`r(cross_structure)'" if "`rcce'`rcceindex'`rcceOpt'" != "" { local rcce_Type `r(Type)' local rcce_NumPC `r(NumPc)' } if "`rcclassifier'" != "" { tempname rc_results rc_results_detail matrix `rc_results' = r(rcclassifier) matrix `rc_results_detail' = r(rctest_det) } } if "`globalcrosssectional'" != "" { tempvar touseglobal gen `touseglobal' = 1 mata st_local("globalcrosssectionalt",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],(tokens("`globalcrosssectional'"))'),2]')) tempname gcsa xtdcce2_csa `globalcrosssectionalt' , idvar(`idvar') tvar(`tvar') cr_lags(`gcr_lags') touse(`touseglobal') csa(`gcsa') numberonly local gcsa `r(varlist)' local gcr_lags "`r(cross_structure)'" drop `touseglobal' } if "`clustercrosssectional'" != "" { mata st_local("clustercrosssectionalt",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,1],(tokens("`clustercrosssectional'"))'),2]')) tempname ccsa xtdcce2_csa `clustercrosssectionalt' , idvar(`idvar') tvar(`tvar') cr_lags(`ccr_lags') touse(`tousecr') csa(`ccsa') cluster(`csa_cluster') numberonly local ccsa `r(varlist)' local ccr_lags "`r(cross_structure)'" } local clist1 `scsa' `gcsa' `ccsa' } *local N_csa = wordcount("`clist1'") **Add constant if heterogenous to list with variable to partialled out if "`constant_type'" == "1" { local clist1 `clist1' `constant' local crosssectional `crosssectional' `constant' } local num_adjusted = `num_partialled_out' *Restrict set and exclude variables with missings (25.1.2017 added clist) markout `touse' `lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' `clist1' ** Check for omitted variables if "`omitted'" == "" { local omitted `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `endo_pooled' _rmcoll `omitted' if `touse' , noconstant local omitted_N = r(k_omitted) local omitted_var `r(varlist)' local omitted_var : list omitted - omitted_var local rhs : list rhs - omitted_var local pooled : list pooled - omitted_var local endo_pooled : list endo_pooled - omitted_var } ** Check that lhs not in pooled, rhs, lr_1, lr_rest if "`fast'" == "0" { tempname check mata `check' = xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,2],"`lhs'") mata st_local("checker",strofreal(rows(`check'))) if `checker' > 1 { restore xtdcce_err 103 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("Dependent variable occurs multiple times.") } mata `check' = `mata_varlist'[`check',(4,5,7,8,9,10)] mata st_local("checker",strofreal(sum(strtoreal((`check'))))) if `checker' != 0 { restore xtdcce_err 103 `d_idvar' `d_tvar' , msg("Dependent variable occurs on right hand side.") } mata mata drop `check' } ********************************************************************************************************** ******************************************* Jackknife settings ******************************************* ********************************************************************************************************** if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" { tempvar jack_indicator_a jack_indicator_b sum `tvar' if `touse' local jack_T = int((`r(max)'-`r(min)') / 2) + `r(min)' gen `jack_indicator_a' = `touse' * (`tvar' <= `jack_T') gen `jack_indicator_b' = `touse' * (`tvar' > `jack_T') *** check if each id in both panels occurs tempname jackcheck_a jackcheck_b jackcheck_total mata `jackcheck_a' = uniqrows(st_data(.,"`d_idvar'","`jack_indicator_a'")) mata `jackcheck_b' = uniqrows(st_data(.,"`d_idvar'","`jack_indicator_b'")) mata `jackcheck_total' = uniqrows(st_data(.,"`d_idvar'","`touse'")) mata st_local("jackcheck",strofreal(((`jackcheck_a'==`jackcheck_total') & (`jackcheck_b'==`jackcheck_total')))) if `jackcheck' == 0 { mata st_local("N1",strofreal(rows(`jackcheck_a'))) mata st_local("N2",strofreal(rows(`jackcheck_b'))) mata st_local("N3",strofreal(rows(`jackcheck_total'))) mata st_local("jackcheck_a_list",invtokens(strofreal(`jackcheck_a''))) mata st_local("jackcheck_b_list",invtokens(strofreal(`jackcheck_b''))) mata st_local("jackcheck_t_list",invtokens(strofreal(`jackcheck_total''))) local missing_jack_a : list jackcheck_t_list - jackcheck_a_list local missing_jack_b : list jackcheck_t_list - jackcheck_b_list local missing_jack : list missing_jack_a | missing_jack_b xtdcce_err 451 `d_idvar' `d_tvar', msg("One or more cross-sectional units have no observations in one of the half panels. Missing panels are: `missing_jack'") msg2("Number of cross-sectional units are: `N3' (total), `N1' (first half), `N2' (second half), half point: `jack_T'.") } mata `mata_varlist' = (`mata_varlist', J(rows(`mata_varlist'),1,"")) foreach var in `lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' { tempvar `var'_jk gen double `var'_jk = `var' mata `mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,2]:=="`var'"),13] = "`var'_jk" local jackvars "`jackvars' `var'_jk" } } ********************************************************************************************************* ******************************************* Absorb ********************************************* ********************************************************************************************************** if "`absorb'" != "" { local indepdepvars `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' /*`crosssectional'*/ `clist1' `endogenous_vars' `exogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' local indepdepvars : list uniq indepdepvars ///local noconstant noconstant] gettoken 1 2: absorb, parse(",") gettoken 3 4: 2 `tracenoi' xtdcce2_absorb_prog `1' , `4' touse(`touse') vars(`indepdepvars') ///local indepdepvars `r(absorb_vars)' ///local spatial =word("`indepdepvars'",1) *** adjust touse *markout `lhs' `rhs' `pooled' `clist1' `endogenous_vars' `exogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' } *noi disp "jack vars `jackvars' - `clist1'" *noi disp "`lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled'" ********************************************************************************************************** ******************************************* Partialling Out ********************************************* ********************************************************************************************************** local rank_cond = 0 *only partial out if list with variables to partial out is not empty if "`clist1'" != "" { `tracenoi' disp "Before partial" `tracenoi' tabstat `lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' if `touse', s(N mean sd min max) save tempname mrk local mata_drop `mata_drop' `mrk' sort `idvar' `tvar' `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_partialout2("`lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled'","`clist1'","`touse'","`idvar'",`useqr',`mrk'=.) if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" { tempvar touse_ctry_jack gen `touse_ctry_jack' = `touse' * `jack_indicator_a' `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_partialout2("`jackvars'","`clist1'","`touse_ctry_jack'","`idvar'",`useqr',`mrk'=.) replace `touse_ctry_jack' = `touse' * `jack_indicator_b' `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_partialout2("`jackvars'","`clist1'","`touse_ctry_jack'","`idvar'",`useqr',`mrk'=.) drop `touse_ctry_jack' } mata st_local("rank_cond",strofreal(`mrk'[1,1])) **** If rank_cond fails, at least one variable is a dummy and reportc not used (const_type ==1), then restart but with reportc on if `rank_cond' == 1 & `constant_type' == 1 { ** Check if dummy variable foreach var in `lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' { sum `var' capture assert `var' == `r(max)' | `var' == `r(min)' if _rc == 0 { mata st_local("tmp_var",`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,2]:=="`var'"),1]) local dummy_var "`dummy_var' `tmp_var'" } } if "`dummy_var'" != "" { noi disp as error "xtdcce2 detected dummy or binary variables and constant partialled out." noi disp as error "Partialling failed likely due to binary variables." noi disp as text "binary variables are: `dummy_var'." noi disp as text "xtdcce2 restarts with option reportconstant." noi disp as text "********************************************" restore tsset `d_idvar' `d_tvar' noi `cmd_line' reportconst exit } } } `tracenoi' disp "Partialled out with touse" `tracenoi' tabstat `lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled' if `touse', s(N mean sd min max) save tempname PartialOutStat matrix `PartialOutStat' = r(StatTotal) cap mata st_local("RowNameP",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,2],tokens("`lhs' `pooled' `rhs' `exogenous_vars' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `exo_pooled'")),1]')) cap matrix colnames `PartialOutStat' = `RowNameP' ************************************************************************************************************* **************************************Regression************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************************* ** renew touse markout `touse' `rhs' `pooled' `endogenous_vars' `exogenous_vars' sort `idvar' `tvar' *noi sum `lhs' `rhs' if `touse' tempname cov_i sd_i t_i stats_i b_i RankReg UsedCols tempvar residuals_var local residuals `residuals_var' local mata_drop `mata_drop' `RankReg' `UsedCols' `useqr' matrix `UsedCols' = 0 *1 check if IV *2 run for IV and none IV 3 regressions: * i) all pooled, * ii) mix (as is), * iii) full mg *3 run program for mg calculation to correct b and V *** 1 - non IV case if `IV' == 0 { gen double `residuals' = 0 *i) all pooled if "`pooled'" != "" & "`rhs'" == "" { tempname eb_pi `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_reg(("`lhs'","`clist1'"),"`touse'","`idvar'","`rhs' `pooled'","`lr'","`lr_options'",(`num_adjusted',`icopt_MF',`icopt_init'),"`residuals'","`eb_pi'","`cov_i'","`sd_i'","`t_i'","`stats_i'","`jack_indicator_a' `jack_indicator_b'",`mata_varlist',`fast',"",`blockdiaguse',`useqr',"`RankReg'","`UsedCols'") matrix `b_i' = `eb_pi' } *ii) as is (inculdes all mg) if "`rhs'" != "" { tempname eb_asisi `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_reg(("`lhs' `rhs'","`clist1'"),"`touse'","`idvar'","`pooled'","`lr'","`lr_options'",(`num_adjusted',`icopt_MF',`icopt_init'),"`residuals'","`eb_asisi'","`cov_i'","`sd_i'","`t_i'","`stats_i'","`jack_indicator_a' `jack_indicator_b'",`mata_varlist',`fast',"",`blockdiaguse',`useqr',"`RankReg'","`UsedCols'") matrix `b_i' = `eb_asisi' } *iii) all MG (only needed if pooled var is used, needed for cov estimation). If all MG not used. better speed option * Use fast option which does not calculate residuals, covariance and stats. * *_i_pooled not necessary as not used for later use. if "`pooled'" != "" { tempname eb_mgi cov_i_1_pooled stats_i_pooled sd_i_pooled t_i_pooled `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_reg(("`lhs' `rhs' `pooled'","`clist1'"),"`touse'","`idvar'","","`lr'","`lr_options'",(`num_adjusted',`icopt_MF',`icopt_init'),"`residuals'","`eb_mgi'","`cov_i_1_pooled'","`sd_i_pooled'","`t_i_pooled'","`stats_i_pooled'","`jack_indicator_a' `jack_indicator_b'",`mata_varlist',1,"",`blockdiaguse',`useqr') } } ** 2 - IV case else if `IV' == 1 { tempname iv_stats iv_mg ***seperate data xtdcce2_separate , rhs(`rhs') exogenous_vars(`exogenous_vars') endogenous_vars(`endogenous_vars') /* */ touse(`touse') idvar(`idvar') local exo_list `r(exo_list)' local endo_list `r(endo_list)' local rhs_list `r(rhs_list)' ** jackknife lists if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" { foreach list in lhs pooled rhs endogenous_vars endo_pooled exogenous_vars exo_pooled { if "``list''" != "" { mata st_local("`list'j",invtokens((`mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,2],tokens("``list''")'),13])')) } } xtdcce2_separate , rhs(`rhsj') exogenous_vars(`exogenous_varsj') endogenous_vars(`endogenous_varsj') /* */ touse(`touse') idvar(`idvar') local exo_listj `r(exo_list)' local endo_listj `r(endo_list)' local rhs_listj `r(rhs_list)' } *i) all pooled if "`rhs'" == "" & "`exogenous_vars'" == "" & "`endognous_vars'" == "" { tempname eb_pi `noisily' ivreg2 `lhs' `pooled' `rhs' (`endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' = `exogenous_vars' `exo_pooled') if `touse' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `eb_pi' = e(b) predict double `residuals' if `touse' , xb matrix `cov_i' = e(V) matrix `cov_i'eb_pi = e(V) mata st_matrix("`sd_i'",sqrt(diagonal(st_matrix("`cov_i'")))) mata st_matrix("`t_i'",st_matrix("`eb_pi'")':/st_matrix("`sd_i'")) ** save stats _estimates hold `iv_stats' **jackknife if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" { matrix tmp_col : colnames `eb_pi' tempname ba bb tempvar xba xbb `tracenoi' ivreg2 `lhsj' `pooledj' `rhsj' (`endogenous_varsj' `endo_pooledj' = `exogenous_varsj' `exo_pooledj') if `jack_indicator_a' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `ba' = e(b) predict `xba' , xb `tracenoi' ivreg2 `lhsj' `pooledj' `rhsj' (`endogenous_varsj' `endo_pooledj' = `exogenous_varsj' `exo_pooledj') if `jack_indicator_b' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `bb' = e(b) predict `xbb' , xb matrix `eb_pi' = 2*`eb_pi' - 0.5*(`bb' + `ba') matrix colnames `eb_pi' = `tmp_colj' *correct y_hat (called residual) replace `residuals' = 2*`residuals' - 0.5*(`xba' + `xbb') } replace `residuals' = `lhs' - `residuals' } *ii) as is if "`rhs'" != "" | "`exogenous_vars'" != "" | "`endognous_vars'" != ""{ tempname eb_asisi `noisily' ivreg2 `lhs' `pooled' `rhs_list' (`endo_list' `endo_pooled' = `exo_list' `exo_pooled') if `touse' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `eb_asisi' = e(b) predict double `residuals' if `touse', xb matrix `cov_i' = e(V) matrix `cov_i'eb_asisi = `cov_i' mata st_matrix("`sd_i'",sqrt(diagonal(st_matrix("`cov_i'")))) mata st_matrix("`t_i'",st_matrix("`eb_asisi'")':/st_matrix("`sd_i'")) local tmp_col : colnames `cov_i' matrix rownames `sd_i' = `tmp_col' matrix rownames `t_i' = `tmp_col' ** save stats capture _estimates drop `iv_stats' _estimates hold `iv_stats' **jackknife if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" { local tmp_colj : colnames `eb_asisi' tempname ba bb tempvar xba xbb `tracenoi' ivreg2 `lhsj' `pooledj' `rhs_listj' (`endo_listj' `endo_pooledj' = `exo_listj' `exo_pooledj') if `jack_indicator_a' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `ba' = e(b) predict double `xba' , xb `tracenoi' ivreg2 `lhsj' `pooledj' `rhs_listj' (`endo_listj' `endo_pooledj' = `exo_listj' `exo_pooledj') if `jack_indicator_b' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `bb' = e(b) predict double `xbb' , xb matrix `eb_asisi' = 2*`eb_asisi' - 0.5*(`bb' + `ba') matrix colnames `eb_asisi' = `tmp_colj' *correct y_hat (called residual) replace `residuals' = 2*`residuals' - 0.5*(`xba' + `xbb') } replace `residuals' = `lhs' - `residuals' } *iii) all MG (only needed if pooled is used), no need for stats and residual if "`pooled'" != "" | "`exo_pooled'" != "" | "`endo_pooled'" != "" { if "`ivslow'" == "ivslow" { xtdcce2_separate , rhs(`pooled') exogenous_vars(`exo_pooled') endogenous_vars(`endo_pooled') /* */ touse(`touse') idvar(`idvar') tempname eb_mgi iv_mg local rhs_tmp `r(rhs_list)' local exo_tmp `r(exo_list)' local endo_tmp `r(endo_list)' local rhs_list2 `rhs_listj' `rhs_tmp' local exo_list2 `exo_listj' `exo_tmp' local endo_list2 `endo_listj' `endo_tmp' `noisily' ivreg2 `lhs' `rhs_list2' (`endo_list2' = `exo_list2' ) if `touse' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `eb_mgi' = e(b) ** save stats capture _estimates drop `iv_mg' _estimates hold `iv_mg' **jackknife if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" { xtdcce2_separate , rhs(`pooledj') exogenous_vars(`exo_pooledj') endogenous_vars(`endo_pooledj') /* */ touse(`touse') idvar(`idvar') local tmp_colj: colnames `eb_mgi' local rhs_tmp `r(rhs_list)' local exo_tmp `r(exo_list)' local endo_tmp `r(endo_list)' local rhs_list2j `rhs_list' `rhs_tmp' local exo_list2j `exo_list' `exo_tmp' local endo_list2j `endo_list' `endo_tmp' tempname ba bb `tracenoi' ivreg2 `lhsj' `rhs_list2j' (`endo_list2j' = `exo_list2j' ) if `jack_indicator_a' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `ba' = e(b) `tracenoi' ivreg2 `lhsj' `rhs_list2j' (`endo_list2j' = `exo_list2j' ) if `jack_indicator_b' , /* */ `cluster' `noconstant_reg' `ivdiag' `ivreg2options' sdofminus(`num_partialled_out') matrix `bb' = e(b) matrix `eb_mgi' = 2*`eb_mgi' - 0.5*(`bb' + `ba') matrix colnames `eb_mgi' = `tmp_colj' } drop `rhs_tmp' `exo_tmp' `endo_tmp' } else { tempname eb_mgi resid2 cov_i1 `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_reg(("`lhs' `endogenous_vars' `endo_pooled' `rhs' `pooled'","`clist1'"),"`touse'","`idvar'","","`lr'","`lr_options'",(`num_adjusted',`icopt_MF',`icopt_init'),"`resid2'","`eb_mgi'","`cov_i1'","`sd_i'","`t_i'","`stats_i'","`jack_indicator_a' `jack_indicator_b'",`mata_varlist',1,"`exogenous_vars' `exo_pooled' `rhs' `pooled'",`blockdiaguse',`useqr',"`RankReg'","`UsedCols'") } } *claculate long run coefficients if "`lr'" != "" { *run over all three possibilities for coefficients foreach mat in eb_asisi eb_mgi eb_pi { if "``mat''" != "" { tempname m_blr_names m_blr m_covlr *cov only needed for asisi and pooled case local ff = 1 if "``mat''" == "`eb_asisi'" | "``mat''" == "`eb_pi'" { local ff = 0 *noi disp "`ff'" } mata `m_blr' = st_matrix("``mat''") mata `m_covlr' = st_matrix("`cov_i'") mata `m_blr_names' = st_matrixcolstripe("``mat''")[.,2] qui mata `m_blr' = xtdcce_m_lrcalc(`m_blr',`m_covlr',`m_blr_names',"`lr'","`lr_options'",`ff',`mata_varlist',"`idvar'","`touse'") mata st_matrix("``mat''",`m_blr'[.,1]') mata st_matrixcolstripe("``mat''", (J(cols(`m_blr_names'),1,""),`m_blr_names'') ) if `ff' == 0 { mata st_matrix("`cov_i'`mat'",`m_blr'[.,2..cols(`m_blr')]) mata st_matrixcolstripe("`cov_i'`mat'", (J(cols(`m_blr_names'),1,""),`m_blr_names'') ) mata st_matrixrowstripe("`cov_i'`mat'", (J(cols(`m_blr_names'),1,""),`m_blr_names'') ) } mata mata drop `m_blr' `m_covlr' `m_blr_names' } } } **correct b_i, cov_i, sd_i and t_i if "`rhs'" == "" & "`exogenous_vars'" == "" & "`endognous_vars'" == "" { matrix `b_i' = `eb_pi' matrix `cov_i' = `cov_i'eb_pi mata st_matrix("`sd_i'",sqrt(diagonal(st_matrix("`cov_i'eb_pi")))') mata st_matrix("`t_i'",(st_matrix("`b_i'"):/st_matrix("`sd_i'"))) } if "`rhs'" != "" | "`exogenous_vars'" != "" | "`endognous_vars'" != ""{ matrix `b_i' = `eb_asisi' matrix `cov_i' = `cov_i'eb_asisi mata st_matrix("`sd_i'",sqrt(diagonal(st_matrix("`cov_i'eb_asisi")))') mata st_matrix("`t_i'",(st_matrix("`b_i'"):/st_matrix("`sd_i'"))) } local tmp_row : rownames `b_i' local tmp_col : colnames `b_i' matrix colnames `sd_i' = `tmp_col' matrix rownames `sd_i' = `tmp_row' matrix colnames `t_i' = `tmp_col' matrix rownames `t_i' = `tmp_row' *} *Creat Stats matrix tempname stats_i _estimates unhold `iv_stats' matrix `stats_i' = (e(rss),e(mss),e(yyc) , 0 , e(Fdf2), e(rmse) , e(F) , e(df_m) , `N_g' , e(N) , e(r2), e(r2_a) ) **Save stats if full iv used if "`fulliv'" == "fulliv" { foreach scal in N yy yyc rss mss df_m df_r r2u r2c r2 r2_a ll rankxx rankzz rankV ranks rmse F N_clust /* */ N_clust1 N_clust2 bw lambda kclass full sargan sarganp sargandf j jp arubin /* */ arubinp arubin_lin arubin_linp arubindf idstat idp iddf widstat arf arfp archi2 /* */ archi2p ardf ardf_r redstat redp reddf cstat cstatp cstatdf cons center partialcons partial_ct { if "`e(`scal')'" != "" scalar ivreg2_`scal' = e(`scal') } foreach macr in cmd cmdline ivreg2cmd version model depvar instd insts inexog exexog collin dups ecollin clist redlist partial small wtype /* */ wexp clustvar vcetype kernel firsteqs rfeq sfirsteq predict { if "`e(`macr')'" != "" local ivreg2_`macr' "`e(`macr')'" } foreach matr in S W first ccev dcef { if "`e(`matr')'" != "" matrix ivreg2_`matr' = e(`matr') } } } `tracenoi' display "Regression done" *** save row names for omitted output *noi matrix list `b_i' local bi_cols_omit : colnames `b_i' ******************************Regression End************************************ ***CD Test if "`cd'" == "" & "`fast'" == "0" { `tracenoi' display "Residuals" `tracenoi' sum `residuals' if `touse' tempname res_check matrix `res_check' = (r(N),r(mean),r(sd),r(min),r(max)) capture xtcd2 `residuals' if `touse', pesaran if _rc == 199 { noi display as error "xtcd2 not installed" local cd nocd } else if _rc != 0 { noi display as error "xtcd2 caused error. Please do test by hand." local cd nocd } else { tempname cds cdp matrix `cds'm = r(CD) matrix `cdp'm = r(p) scalar `cds' = `cds'm[1,1] scalar `cdp' = `cdp'm[1,1] } } if "`exponent'" != "" & "`fast'" == "0" { local xtcse2reps = 0 if strmatch("`xtcse2options'","*reps(*") == 0 { local xtcse2optionsp "`xtcse2options' reps(100)" local xtcse2reps = 100 } else { tokenize `xtcse2options' if strmatch("`1'","*reps(*") { local xtcse2reps= subinstr(subinstr("`1'","reps(","",.),")","",.) } local xtcse2optionsp `xtcse2options' } capture xtcse2 `residuals' if `touse' , nocd inprog residual `xtcse2optionsp' if _rc == 199 { noi display as error "xtcse2 not installed" local exponent noexponent } else if _rc != 0 { noi display as error "xtcse2 caused error. Please do estimation by hand." local exponent noexponent } else { tempname alphaM alphaSEM matrix `alphaM' = r(alpha) matrix `alphaSEM' = r(alphaSE) matrix colnames `alphaM' = "residuals" matrix colnames `alphaSEM' = "residuals" } } *noi mata `mata_varlist' if `ardl_indic' == 1 { tempname lr_pooled lr_bases lr_select lr1_check **if lr1 pooled, then check, otherwise all mg mata `lr1_check' = (`mata_varlist'[.,9]:!="0"):*(`mata_varlist'[.,5]:!="0") mata st_local("num_lr1_pooled",strofreal(colsum(`lr1_check'):==sum(`mata_varlist'[.,9]:!="0"))) **lr1 is mg, so lr_rest is mg too if `num_lr1_pooled' == 0 { mata st_local("lr_vars_mg",invtokens("lr_":+uniqrows(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,12]:!="0"),12])')) } else { **all lr1 vars pooled, so add to list for mean group program mata st_local("lr_vars_pooled","lr_":+uniqrows((`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex((`mata_varlist'[.,12]:!="0"):*(`mata_varlist'[.,9]:!="0")),12]))) mata `lr_bases' = uniqrows(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,12]:!="0"),12]) mata `lr_pooled' = colsum(strtoreal(J(1,rows(`lr_bases'),`mata_varlist'[.,5])):*(J(rows(`mata_varlist'),1,`lr_bases''):==`mata_varlist'[.,12])) mata `lr_pooled' = `lr_pooled' :/ colsum(J(rows(`mata_varlist'),1,`lr_bases''):==`mata_varlist'[.,12]) mata `lr_select' = xtdcce_selectindex(("lr_":+`lr_bases'):!="`lr_vars_pooled'") mata `lr_bases' = `lr_bases'[`lr_select'] mata `lr_pooled' = `lr_pooled'[`lr_select'] mata st_local("num_lr_vars_pooled",strofreal(sum(`lr_pooled':==1))) if `num_lr_vars_pooled' > 0 { mata st_local("lr_vars_pooled1",invtokens("lr_":+`lr_bases'[xtdcce_selectindex(`lr_pooled':==1)]')) } *check if no mg mata st_local("num_lr_vars_mg",strofreal(sum(`lr_pooled':!=1))) if `num_lr_vars_mg' > 0 { mata st_local("lr_vars_mg",invtokens("lr_":+`lr_bases'[xtdcce_selectindex(`lr_pooled':!=1)]')) } else { local lr_vars_mg "" } local lr_vars_pooled "`lr_vars_pooled' `lr_vars_pooled1'" } if "`lr_vars_pooled'" != "" { noi disp "No correct Standard Errors available for pooled variables in ARDL model!" } capture mata mata drop `lr_pooled' `lr_bases' `lr_select' `lr1_check' } if "`mgmissing'" != "" { local mgmissing "`UsedCols'" } if "`pooled'" != "" local mgmissing ***MG program tempname b_mg cov sd t `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_meangroup("`eb_asisi'","`eb_mgi'","`eb_pi'","`rhs' `endogenous_vars' `lr_vars_mg'","`pooled' `endo_pooled' `lr_vars_pooled'","`mgmissing'","`idvar'","`touse'","`b_mg'","`cov'","`sd'","`t'","`lr_vars_pooled'",`mata_varlist',`pooledvce',"`residuals'",`useqr' ) **read varlists back local i = 3 foreach list in lhs rhs pooled crosssectional exogenous_vars endogenous_vars lr_1 lr_rest { mata st_local("`list'",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,`i']:=="1"),1]')) local i = `i' + 1 } *read varnames back mata st_local("list_long",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(strlen(`mata_varlist'[.,1]):>23),1]')) local i = 1 foreach var in `list_long' { mata st_local("short",`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:=="`var'"),2]) rename `short' `var' } local rhs: list rhs - pooled local lr `lr_1' `lr_rest' mata st_local("old_list",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:!=`mata_varlist'[.,2]),1]')) mata st_local("change_list",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex(`mata_varlist'[.,1]:!=`mata_varlist'[.,2]),2]')) *Change names back for b_mg cov sd t b_i cov_i sd_i and t_i foreach mat in `b_mg' `cov' `sd' `t' { local tmp_row : rownames `mat' local tmp_col : colnames `mat' local i = 1 foreach var in `change_list' { local old_name = word("`old_list'",`i') local tmp_row = subinstr("`tmp_row'","`var'","`old_name'",.) local tmp_col = subinstr("`tmp_col'","`var'","`old_name'",.) local i = `i'+1 } local tmp_row = subinstr("`tmp_row'","`constant'","_cons",.) local tmp_col = subinstr("`tmp_col'","`constant'","_cons",.) matrix colnames `mat' = `tmp_col' matrix rownames `mat' = `tmp_row' } **seperate for unit specific matrices foreach mat in `b_i' `cov_i' `sd_i' `t_i' { local tmp_row : rownames `mat' local tmp_col : colnames `mat' local i = 1 foreach var in `change_list' { local old_name = word("`old_list'",`i') local tmp_row = subinstr("`tmp_row'","`var'","`old_name'",.) local tmp_col = subinstr("`tmp_col'","`var'","`old_name'",.) local i = `i'+1 } local tmp_row = subinstr("`tmp_row'","`constant'","_cons",.) local tmp_col = subinstr("`tmp_col'","`constant'","_cons",.) matrix colnames `mat' = `tmp_col' matrix rownames `mat' = `tmp_row' } local constant _cons **Remove omitted variables from variablelists *foreach var in rhs rhs_list pooled endogenous_vars exogenous_vars endo_list endo_pooled exo_pooled lr { * local `var' : list `var' - omitted *} *Remove constant if type 4 from pooled list and matrices if "`constant_type'" == "4" { local pooled: list pooled - constant } *Correct names if xtpmgnames option used if strmatch("`lr_options'","*xtpmg*") == 1 { gettoken lr_1 lr_rest : lr local lr = subinstr("`lr'","`lr_1'","ec",.) *change lists foreach liste in pooled endo_pooled endogenous_vars rhs { local `liste' = subinstr("``liste''","`lr_1'","ec",.) } *change b_mg cov sd and t foreach mat in `b_mg' `cov' `sd' `t' `b_i' `cov_i' `sd_i' `t_i' { local col_eq "" local row_eq "" local tmp_row : rownames `mat' local tmp_col : colnames `mat' local tmp_row = subinstr("`tmp_row'","`lr_1'","ec",.) local tmp_col = subinstr("`tmp_col'","`lr_1'","ec",.) matrix colnames `mat' = `tmp_col' matrix rownames `mat' = `tmp_row' *add rowcolumns only for cov if "`mat'" == "`cov'" | "`mat'" == "`sd'" { foreach row in `tmp_row' { if regexm("`lr_rest'",strtrim("`row'")) == 1 { local tmp "ec" } else { local tmp "SR" } local row_eq `row_eq' `tmp' } } foreach col in `tmp_col' { if regexm("`lr_rest'",strtrim("`col'")) == 1 { local tmp "ec" } else { local tmp "SR" } local col_eq `col_eq' `tmp' } matrix coleq `mat' = `col_eq' matrix roweq `mat' = `row_eq' *local lr_1 "ec" } } *Get Tmin, Tmax and Tmin in case of unbalanced dataset if "`d_balanced'" != "strongly balanced" { tempvar ts_stats by `touse' `idvar' , sort: gen `ts_stats' = _N sum `ts_stats' if `touse' local minT = `r(min)' local maxT = `r(max)' local meanT = `r(mean)' } mata st_view(`touse'=.,.,"`touse' `id_t'") mata `touse'_p = select(`touse'[.,2],`touse'[.,1]) restore sort `id_t' gen byte `touse' = 0 `tracenoi' mata xtdcce_m_touseupdate("`touse'","`id_t'",`touse'_p) mata mata drop `touse'_p `touse' } **************************************************************************** ***********************************Return*********************************** **************************************************************************** qui tsset `d_idvar' `d_tvar' matrix b = `b_mg' matrix V = `cov' **load stats local i = 1 foreach stat in SSR SSE SST S2 dfr rmse F K N_g N r2 r2_a IC1 IC2 PC1 PC2 { scalar `stat' = `stats_i'[1,`i'] local i = `i' + 1 } ** correct r2_pmg tempname yybar yybarv yybarm qui gen `yybarv' = `lhs' qui by `d_idvar' (`d_tvar') , sort : egen `yybarm' = mean(`yybarv') if `touse' qui replace `yybarv' = (`yybarv' - `yybarm')^2 qui sum `yybarv' if `touse', meanonly scalar `yybar' = r(sum) return clear ereturn clear cap mata st_local("hasmissb",strofreal(hasmissing(st_matrix("b")))) mata st_local("hasmissv",strofreal(hasmissing(st_matrix("V")))) if `hasmissb' > 0 | `hasmissv' > 0 { if "`mgmissing'" == "" noi disp "Missing values in estimated coefficients found. Coefficients set to zero. Check results for omitted variables." if "`mgmissing'" != "" noi disp "Missing values in estimated coefficients found. Coefficients removed from MG estimation. Check results for omitted variables." local tmp_row : colnames b mata st_matrix("b",editmissing(st_matrix("b"),0)) mata st_matrix("V",editmissing(st_matrix("V"),0)) matrix colnames b = `tmp_row' matrix colnames V = `tmp_row' matrix rownames V = `tmp_row' } ereturn post b V , obs(`N') esample(`touse') depname(`lhs') if `IV' == 1 { ereturn local insts "`exogenous_vars'" ereturn local instd "`endogenous_vars' " *ereturn local enogenous_vars `endogenous_vars' *ereturn local exogenous_vars `exogenous_vars' if "`fulliv'" == "fulliv" { foreach scal in N yy yyc rss mss df_m df_r r2u r2c r2 r2_a ll rankxx rankzz rankV ranks rmse F N_clust /* */ N_clust1 N_clust2 bw lambda kclass full sargan sarganp sargandf j jp arubin /* */ arubinp arubin_lin arubin_linp arubindf idstat idp iddf widstat arf arfp archi2 /* */ archi2p ardf ardf_r redstat redp reddf cstat cstatp cstatdf cons center partialcons partial_ct { cap confirm scalar ivreg2_`scal' if _rc == 0 ereturn scalar ivreg2_`scal' = ivreg2_`scal' } foreach macr in cmd cmdline ivreg2cmd version model depvar instd insts inexog exexog collin dups ecollin clist redlist partial small wtype /* */ wexp clustvar vcetype kernel firsteqs rfeq sfirsteq predict { cap confirm scalar ivreg2_`macr' if _rc == 0 ereturn scalar ivreg2_`macr' = ivreg2_`macr' } foreach matr in b V S W first ccev dcef { cap confirm scalar ivreg2_`matr' if _rc == 0 ereturn scalar ivreg2_`matr' = ivreg2_`matr' } } } *noi disp "`N_g' , `N'" novarabbrev { ereturn scalar N = N ereturn scalar N_g = N_g ereturn scalar T = e(N) / `N_g' if "`d_balanced'" != "strongly balanced" { ereturn scalar Tmin = `minT' ereturn scalar Tmax = `maxT' ereturn scalar Tbar = `meanT' scalar Ttmp = e(Tmax) } else { scalar Ttmp = e(T) } *** Calculation of r2_tmp scalar Ki = `num_pooled' + `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' + `num_partialled_out' / `N_g' ** Pooled if `num_pooled' > 0 & `num_mg_regression' == 0 { *** use Ki, error in HPY pooled only takes partialled out into account scalar r2_pmg = 1 - (SSE / (N_g * (Ttmp - Ki) ) ) / (`yybar' / (N_g * (Ttmp - 1))) ereturn scalar r2_pmg = r2_pmg } else if `num_pooled' == 0 & `num_mg_regression' > 0 { *** use Ki as it includes CSA, HPY do not include CSA in k, ignore -2 scalar r2_pmg = 1 - (SSE / (N_g * (Ttmp - Ki))) / (`yybar' / (N_g * (Ttmp - 1))) ereturn scalar r2_pmg = r2_pmg } ereturn scalar df_m = K ereturn scalar K_mg = K - `num_partialled_out' ereturn scalar K_partial = `num_partialled_out' ereturn scalar F = F ereturn scalar r2 = r2 ereturn scalar r2_a = r2_a ereturn scalar rmse = rmse ereturn scalar df_r = dfr ereturn scalar rss = SSR ereturn scalar mss = SSE if IC1 != . ereturn scalar IC1 = IC1 if IC2 != . ereturn scalar IC2 = IC2 if PC1 != . ereturn scalar PC1 = PC1 if PC2 != . ereturn scalar PC2 = PC2 if "`rcce'`rcceindex'" == "" { if "`scrosssectional'" != "" { ereturn local cr_lags "`scr_lags'" ereturn local csa "`scrosssectional'" } if "`globalcrosssectional'" != "" { ereturn local gcr_lags "`gcr_lags'" ereturn local gcsa "`globalcrosssectional'" } if "`clustercrosssectional'" != "" { ereturn local ccr_lags "`ccr_lags'" ereturn local ccsa "`clustercrosssectional'" ereturn local ccsa_cluster "`csa_cluster'" } } else { ereturn local cr_lags "0" ereturn local csa "`scrosssectional'" ereturn local rcce_NumPC "`rcce_NumPC'" ereturn local rcce_Type "`rcce_Type'" ereturn hidden local rcce_options "`rcceindex' `rcceOpt'" } if "`rcclassifier'" !="" { ereturn scalar rct = `rc_results'[1,1] ereturn scalar rct_p = `rc_results'[1,2] ereturn scalar rct_m = `rc_results'[1,3] ereturn hidden matrix rcclassifier = `rc_results' } if "`rcclassifier'" != "" ereturn hidden matrix rctest_details = `rc_results_detail' ereturn local gcr_lags = "`gcr_lags'" ereturn local ccr_lags = "`ccr_lags'" ereturn local cr_vars "" ereturn local indepvar "`pooled' `rhs'" ereturn local idvar = "`d_idvar'" ereturn local tvar = "`d_tvar'" ereturn local cmdline "`cmd_line'" ereturn local cmd "xtdcce2" ereturn local predict "xtdcce2_p" ereturn local estat_cmd "xtdcce2_estat" *ereturn local version = `xtdcce2_version' if "`pooled'`endo_pooled'" != "" { ereturn local pooled "`pooled' " ereturn scalar K_pooled = `num_pooled' } if "`lr'" != "" { ereturn local lr "`lr'" } if "`omitted'" != "" { ereturn local omitted_var "`omitted_var'" ereturn scalar K_omitted = `omitted_N' } ereturn matrix bi = `b_i' , copy ereturn matrix Vi = `cov_i' , copy if "`exponent'" != "" { cap ereturn matrix alpha = `alphaM', copy cap ereturn matrix alphaSE = `alphaSEM', copy } local p_pooled_vars : list pooled - exogenous_vars local rhs: list rhs - exogenous_vars **Hidden returns for estat and predict ereturn hidden local p_mg_vars "`rhs' `endogenous_vars'" ereturn hidden local p_pooled_vars "`p_pooled_vars' " ereturn hidden local p_cr_vars "`crosssectional'" ereturn hidden local p_lr_1 "`lr_1'" ereturn hidden local p_lr_vars_mg "`lr_vars_mg'" ereturn hidden local p_lr_vars_pooled "`lr_vars_pooled'" ereturn hidden local p_if "`cmd_if'" ereturn hidden local p_in "`cmd_in'" ereturn hidden scalar constant_type = `constant_type' ereturn hidden local lr_options "`lr_options'" if "`res_check'" != "" { ereturn hidden matrix ResidualStat = `res_check' } ereturn hidden matrix PartialOutStat = `PartialOutStat' ereturn hidden scalar useqr = `useqr' ereturn hidden local UnitsRemoved = "`SummaryToRemove'" if `icopt_init' >= 0 ereturn hidden scalar SigmaMF = `stats_i'_SMF if "`absorb'" != "" ereturn hidden local absorb "`absorb'" if "`cd'" == "" { cap ereturn scalar cd = `cds' cap ereturn scalar cdp = `cdp' } } *local pf = 1- chi2(`=`e(df_r)'-1',e(F)) local pf = Ftail(e(df_m),e(df_r),e(F)) **qui ends here! *} **************************************************************************** ***********************************Output*********************************** **************************************************************************** if "`pooled'" != "" { local textpooled "Pooled " } if "`rhs'`endogenous_vars'" != "" { local textmg "Mean Group" } if `IV' == 1 { local textiv " IV" } if `ardl_indic' == 1 { local textcsardl " (CS-ARDL)" } else if `ardl_indic' == 0 & "`lr'" != "" { local textcsardl " (CS-ECM)" } display as text "(Dynamic) Common Correlated Effects Estimator - `textpooled'`textmg'`textiv'`textcsardl'" **Assume standard of 80 and extend only if variable names larger than 80 and linesize sufficient. local maxline = c(linesize) **allow max linesize of 100 if `maxline' > 100 { local maxline = 100 } **get var length local maxlength = 0 foreach var in `endogenous_vars' `rhs' `lhs' `pooled' `endo_pooled' `lr' `lr_pooled' { local tmp = strlen("`var'") if `tmp' > `maxlength' { local maxlength = `tmp' } } *check if maxlength larger than 14 (standard) local abname = 14 if `maxlength' > 14 { local abname = 14+(`maxline'-80) if `abname' > `maxlength' { local abname `maxlength' } **66 is remaining lines for output } **set standard to 80, only if more vars needed, then extend. maximum is 100 local maxline = `abname' + 66 #delimit ; di _n in gr "Panel Variable (i): " in ye e(idvar) _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "Number of obs" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.0f e(N) ; di in gr "Time Variable (t): " in ye abbrev(e(tvar),`abname') in gr _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') "Number of groups" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.0g e(N_g) ; #delimit cr di "" if "`d_balanced'" == "strongly balanced" { #delimit ; di in gr "Degrees of freedom per group:" _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "Obs per group (T)" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.0f e(T) ; di in gr _col(2) "without cross-sectional averages" _col(37) "=" _col(39) e(T)-`num_pooled' - `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' - `num_partialled_out' / `N_g' + `num_crosssectional' / `N_g'; di in gr _col(2) "with cross-sectional averages" _col(37) "=" _col(39) e(T)-`num_pooled' - `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' - `num_partialled_out' / `N_g' ; #delimit cr } else { #delimit ; di in gr "Degrees of freedom per group:" _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr in gr "Obs per group:" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') ; di in gr _col(2) "without cross-sectional avg." _col(31) "min" _col(37) "=" _col(39) e(Tmin) -`num_pooled' - `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' - `num_partialled_out' / `N_g' + `num_crosssectional' / `N_g' _col(`=`maxline'-80+68-4') in gr "min = " _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.0f e(Tmin) ; di in gr _col(31) "max" _col(37) "=" _col(39) e(Tmax) -`num_pooled' - `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' - `num_partialled_out' / `N_g' + `num_crosssectional' / `N_g' _col(`=`maxline'-80+68-4') in gr "avg = " _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.2g e(Tbar) ; di in gr _col(2) "with cross-sectional avg." _col(31) "min" _col(37) "=" _col(39) e(Tmin) -`num_pooled' - `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' - `num_partialled_out' / `N_g' _col(`=`maxline'-80+68-4') in gr "max = " _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.0f e(Tmax) ; di in gr _col(31) "max" _col(37) "=" _col(39) e(Tmax) -`num_pooled' - `num_mg_regression' / `N_g' - `num_partialled_out' / `N_g' ; #delimit cr } if wordcount("`cr_lags'") > 1 { local cr_lags_disp "`cr_lags_min' to `cr_lags_max'" } else if wordcount("`cr_lags'") == 1 { local cr_lags_disp "= `cr_lags'" } else { local cr_lags_disp "none" } if `num_pooled' > 0 & `num_mg_regression' == 0 { local tmp_r2pmg = e(r2_pmg) local tmp_r2text "R-squared (P)" } else if `num_pooled' == 0 & `num_mg_regression' > 0 { local tmp_r2pmg = e(r2_pmg) local tmp_r2text "R-squared (MG)" } else { local tmp_r2pmg = e(r2_a) local tmp_r2text "Adj. R-squared" } #delimit ; di in gr "Number of " _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "F(`e(df_m)', `e(df_r)')" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.2f e(F) ; di in gr _col(2) "cross-sectional lags" _col(37) "`cr_lags_disp'" _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "Prob > F" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.2f `pf' ; di in gr _col(2) "variables in mean group regression" _col(37) "=" _col(39) e(K_mg) _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "R-squared" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.2f e(r2) ; di in gr _col(2) "variables partialled out" _col(37) "=" _col(39) "`num_partialled_out'" _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "`tmp_r2text'" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.2f `tmp_r2pmg' ; #delimit cr if e(K_omitted) != 0 { #delimit ; di in gr _col(2) "omitted Variables:" _col(37) "=" _col(39) `e(K_omitted)' _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "Root MSE" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.2f e(rmse) ; #delimit cr } else { di in gr _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "Root MSE" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye %9.2f e(rmse) } if "`cd'" == "" { #delimit ; di _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr "CD Statistic" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye in ye %9.2f e(cd) ; di _col(`=`maxline'-80+50') in gr " p-value" _col(`=`maxline'-80+68') "=" _col(`=`maxline'-80+71') in ye in ye %9.4f e(cdp) ; #delimit cr } local level = `c(level)' local col_i = `abname' + 1 local maxline = `maxline' - 2 di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c TT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" di as text %`col_i's abbrev("`lhs'",`abname') "{c |}" _c local col = `col_i' + 1 + 6 di as text _col(`col') "Coef." _c local col = `col' + 5 + 3 di as text _col(`col') "Std. Err." _c local col = `col' + 9 + 6 di as text _col(`col') "z" _c local col = `col' + 1 + 4 di as text _col(`col') "P>|z|" _c local col = `col' + 5 + 5 di as text _col(`col') "[`level'% Conf. Interval]" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" scalar cv = invnorm(1 - ((100-`level')/100)/2) if `ardl_indic' == 1 { local lr_np : list lr - pooled local lr_p : list lr - lr_np local rhs_vars `endogenous_vars' `rhs' `lr_np' local pooled_vars `pooled' `endo_pooled' `lr_p' local pooled_vars: list uniq pooled_vars local rhs_vars: list uniq rhs_vars } else { if strmatch("`lr_options'","*xtpmg*") == 1 { local lr_1 "ec" } local rhs_vars `endogenous_vars' `rhs' local pooled_vars `pooled' local pooled_vars : list pooled_vars - exogenous_vars local rhs_vars: list rhs_vars - pooled_vars local lr_p1: list lr_1 & pooled_vars local lr_mg1: list lr_1 - lr_p1 local pooled_vars : list pooled_vars - lr local rhs_vars : list rhs_vars - lr } if "`lr'" != "" { di as text _col(2) _col(2) "Short Run Est." _col(`col_i') "{c |}" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" local sr_text " " } if "`pooled_vars'" != "" { di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'Pooled: " _col(`col_i') " {c |}" foreach var in `lr_p1' `pooled_vars' { xtdcce_output_table `var' `col_i' `b_mg' `sd' `t' cv `var' } } if "`rhs_vars'" != "" { di _col(2) as text "`sr_text'Mean Group:" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" local lrcount = wordcount("`rhs_vars'") foreach var in `rhs_vars' { if "`full'" != "" { di "" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" } xtdcce_output_table `var' `col_i' `b_mg' `sd' `t' cv `var' if "`full'" != "" { local lrcount = `lrcount' - 1 di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c BT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" di as text "`sr_text'`sr_text'Individual Results" _col(`col_i') di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c TT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" forvalues j = 1(1)`N_g' { xtdcce_output_table `var'_`j' `col_i' `b_i' `sd_i' `t_i' cv `var'_`j' } if "`lr'" == "" & `lrcount' > 0 { di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" } } } } if strtrim("`lr'") != "" { if `ardl_indic' == 1 { local lr_p1: list lr_1 & lr_p local lr_mg1: list lr_1 & lr_np tsrevar `lr_1' , list local lr_1_ardl = word("`r(varlist)'",1) local lr_1_ardl "lr_`lr_1_ardl'" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" di as text _col(2) "Adjust. Term" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" if "`lr_p1'" != "" di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'Pooled: " _col(`col_i') " {c |}" if "`lr_mg1'" != "" di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'Mean Group:" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" xtdcce_output_table `lr_1_ardl' `col_i' `b_mg' `sd' `t' cv `lr_1_ardl' local lr_p1 local lr_mg1 local lr_pooled `lr_vars_pooled' local lr_rest `lr_vars_mg' } else if `ardl_indic' == 0 { local lr_pooled : list lr & pooled local lr_rest : list lr - lr_pooled di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" di as text _col(2) "Adjust. Term" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" if "`lr_p1'" != "" di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'Pooled: " _col(`col_i') " {c |}" if "`lr_mg1'" != "" di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'Mean Group:" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" xtdcce_output_table `lr_p1'`lr_mg1' `col_i' `b_mg' `sd' `t' cv `lr_p1'`lr_mg1' } ereturn hidden local lr_pooled "`lr_pooled'" ereturn hidden local lr_mg "`lr_rest'" *** remove lr_1 if ecm if `ardl_indic' == 0 { local lr_pooled: list lr_pooled - lr_1 local lr_rest: list lr_rest - lr_1 } if `ardl_indic' == 1 { local lr_pooled: list lr_pooled - lr_1_ardl local lr_rest: list lr_rest - lr_1_ardl } if "`rhs_vars'" != "" { di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" } di as text _col(2) "Long Run Est." _col(`col_i') " {c |}" di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" if "`lr_pooled'" != "" { di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'Pooled:" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" foreach var in `lr_pooled' { xtdcce_output_table `var' `col_i' `b_mg' `sd' `t' cv `var' } } if strtrim("`lr_rest'") != "" { di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'Mean Group:" _col(`col_i') " {c |}" local lrcount = wordcount("`lr_rest'") foreach var in `lr_rest' { xtdcce_output_table `var' `col_i' `b_mg' `sd' `t' cv `var' if "`full'" != "" { local lrcount = `lrcount' - 1 di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c BT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" di as text _col(2) "`sr_text'`sr_text'Individual Results" _col(`col_i') di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c TT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" forvalues j = 1(1)`N_g' { xtdcce_output_table `var'_`j' `col_i' `b_i' `sd_i' `t_i' cv `var'_`j' } if `lrcount' > 0 { di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c +}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" } } } } } di as text "{hline `col_i'}{c BT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i''}" if wordcount("`pooled'") > 0 | wordcount("`lr_pooled'") > 0 { *di as text "Pooled Variables: `endo_pooled' `pooled'" di as text "Pooled Variables: `pooled'" } if strtrim("`rhs'") != "" | strtrim("`lr_rest'") != "" { di as text "Mean Group Variables: `rhs'" } if strtrim("`crosssectional'") != "" & "`rcce'`rcceindex'" == "" { if "`scrosssectional'" != "" { local crosssectional_output "" if wordcount("`scr_lags'") > 1 { forvalues i = 1(1)`=wordcount("`scrosssectional'")' { local crosssectional_output "`crosssectional_output' `=word("`scrosssectional'",`i')'(`=word("`scr_lags'",`i')')" } } else { local crosssectional_output "`scrosssectional'" } display as text "Cross Sectional Averaged Variables: `crosssectional_output'" } if "`globalcrosssectional'" != "" { local crosssectional_output "" if wordcount("`gcr_lags'") > 1 { forvalues i = 1(1)`=wordcount("`globalcrosssectional'")' { local crosssectional_output "`crosssectional_output' `=word("`globalcrosssectional'",`i')'(`=word("`gcr_lags'",`i')')" } } else { local crosssectional_output "`globalcrosssectional'" } display as text "Global Cross Sectional Averaged Variables: `crosssectional_output'" } if "`clustercrosssectional'" != "" { local crosssectional_output "" if wordcount("`ccr_lags'") > 1 { local cluster_def `=word("`csa_cluster'",`i')' forvalues i = 1(1)`=wordcount("`clustercrosssectional'")' { local clusteri = word("`csa_cluster'",`i') if "`clusteri'" == "" { local clusteri `cluster_def' } else { local cluster_def `clusteri' } local crosssectional_output "`crosssectional_output' `=word("`clustercrosssectional'",`i')'(`=word("`ccr_lags'",`i')' - `clusteri')" } } else { local crosssectional_output "`clustercrosssectional'" } display as text "Clustered Cross Sectional Averaged Variables: `crosssectional_output'" } /* if wordcount("`cr_lags'") > 1 { tempname mata_cr_output mata `mata_cr_output' = `mata_varlist'[xtdcce_selectindex((`mata_varlist'[.,6]:=="1")),(1,11)] mata `mata_cr_output' = (`mata_cr_output'[.,1] :+ "(":+`mata_cr_output'[.,2]:+")") mata st_local("crosssectional_output",invtokens(`mata_cr_output'')) mata mata drop `mata_cr_output' } else { local crosssectional_output "`crosssectional'" } if "`constant_type'" == "2" | "`constant_type'" == "1" { if "`crosssectional_output'" != "" { display as text "Cross Sectional Averaged Variables: `crosssectional_output'" } } else { display as text "Cross-sectional Averaged Variables: `crosssectional_output'" } *ereturn hidden local cr_options "`crosssectional_output'" */ } if strtrim("`scrosssectional'") != "" & "`rcceOpt'`rcceindex'" != "" { display as text "`e(rcce_NumPC)' Regularized Cross-Section Averages from variables:" *if "`e(rcce_Type)'" != "none" local insertText " based on `=strupper("`e(rcce_Type)'")'" *display as text " Eigenvectors`insertText' from Variables:" display as text " `scrosssectional'" } if strtrim("`lr'") != "" { display as text "Long Run Variables: `lr_pooled' `lr_rest'" if `ardl_indic' == 0 { display as text "Cointegration variable(s): `lr_1'" } else { tsrevar `lr_1' , list local list1 `r(varlist)' tsunab tslistun : `lr_1' display as text "Adjustment variable(s): lr_`list1' (`tslistun')" } } if `IV' == 1 { *display as text "Endogenous Variables: `endo_pooled' `endogenous_vars'" *display as text "Exogenous Variables: `exo_pooled' `exogenous_vars'" display as text "Endogenous Variables: `endogenous_vars'" display as text "Exogenous Variables: `exogenous_vars'" } if strtrim("`omitted_var'") != "" { display as text "Omitted Variables:" cap mata st_local("omitted_var",invtokens(`mata_varlist'[xtdcce2_mm_which2(`mata_varlist'[.,2],tokens("`omitted_var'")'),1])) display as text _col(2) "`omitted_var'" } if "`constant_type'" == "1" { display as text "Heterogenous constant partialled out." , } if "`constant_type'" == "2" { display as text "Homogenous constant removed from model." , } if "`constant_type'" == "4" { display as text "Homogenous constant not displayed." , } if "`jackknife'" == "jackknife" { display as text "Jackknife bias correction used." , ereturn local bias_correction = "jackknife" } if "`recursive'" == "recursive" { display as text "Recursive mean adjustment used to correct for small sample time series bias." , _c ereturn local bias_correction = "recursive mean correction" } if `pooledvce' == 1 { display as text "Westerlund, Petrova, Norkute fixed-T standard errors for pooled coefficients." } if `pooledvce' == 2 { display as text "Newey-West standard errors for pooled coefficients." } if `pooledvce' == 3 { display as text "OLS standard errors for pooled coefficients." } ** check for failure of rank condition for CSA regression if `rank_cond' > 0 { display in red "Warning:" *display as text "Rank condition on matrix of cross product of cross sectional averages not satisfied!" _n "Only mean group estimates are consistent, unit specific estimates are inconsistent." /*_n "See Chudik, Pesaran (2015, Journal of Econometrics), Assumption 6 and page 398." */ display as text "Cross-Section Averages are not of full rank!" } ** check for failure of rank condition for main regression, only for non-IV case if `IV' == 0 { mata `RankReg' = st_matrix("`RankReg'") mata: st_local("rk_indic",strofreal(all(`RankReg'[.,1]:==`RankReg'[.,2]))) if `rk_indic' != 1 { display in red "Warning:" if "`mgmissing'" == "" display as text "Collinearities detected. One or more variables are dropped and set to zero." if "`mgmissing'" != "" display as text "Collinearities detected. One or more individual coefficients are excluded from MG regression." display as text in smcl "Use {stata estat ebistructure} to display more details." cap matrix colnames `UsedCols' = `rhs_vars' `pooled_vars' ereturn matrix omitted_var_i = `UsedCols' ereturn hidden matrix rankreg = `RankReg' } } if "`rcclassifier'" != "" { tempname rc_testr rc_p rc_m rc_all matrix `rc_all' = e(rcclassifier) scalar `rc_testr' = `rc_all'[1,1] scalar `rc_p' = `rc_all'[1,2] scalar `rc_m' = `rc_all'[1,3] di as text "{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'+6'}" di as text "Classifier for Rank Condition (De Vos, Everaert and Sarafidis, 2024)" local maxline = `maxline' - 2 di as text "{hline 14}{c TT}{hline `=`maxline'-`col_i'-7'}" di as smcl _col(6) "RC" _col(15) "{c |}" _col(20) "Estimated" di as text _col(2) "(1-I(g 0 { di as text "SE and CI bootstrapped with `xtcse2reps' repetitions." } else { di as text "SE and CI not available. Use option reps() to bootstrap SE and CI." } di "" } if "`tracenoi'" != "" { mata `mata_varlist' } foreach tmp in `mata_drop' `cov_i1'{ *capture mata mata drop `tmp' } if "`residuals_old'" != "" { predict `residuals_old' if e(sample) , residuals display as text "", _newline display as text "Option 'residuals()' not supported anymore. Residuals calculated using:" display as text in smcl "{stata predict `residuals_old' if e(sample) , residuals: predict `residuals_old' if e(sample) , residuals}" } end ** auxiliary file with auxiliary programs findfile "xtdcce2_auxiliary.ado" include "`r(fn)'" *capture program drop xtdcce_output_table program define xtdcce_output_table syntax anything tokenize `anything' local var `1' local col = `2' local b_p_mg `3' local se_p_mg `4' local t_p_mg `5' local cv `6' local i `7' di as text %`col's abbrev("`var' ",`=`col'-1') "{c |}" _continue local col = `col' + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 3 di as result _column(`col') %6.2f `t_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`t_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue scalar pval= 2*(1 - normal(abs(`t_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`t_p_mg',"`i'")]))) local col = `col' + 10 di as result _column(`col') %5.3f pval _continue local col = `col' + 10 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] - `cv'*`se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")]) _continue local col = `col' + 11 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] + `cv'*`se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")]) end **** Error program capture program drop xtdcce_err program define xtdcce_err syntax anything , msg(string) [msg2(string) msg_smcl(string)] tokenize `anything' local code `1' local idvar `2' local tvar `3' tsset `2' `3' di as error _n "`msg'" if "`msg2'" != "" { di as error "`msg2'" _c di in smcl `"`msg_smcl'"' } exit `code' end /* Mata OLS Program returns coefficient, error terms, covariance matrix, statistics v4 includes - variance/covariance matrix estimation - statistics - long run estimation - new method for blockdiag order for stats: SSR, SSE, SST, S2, dfr, rmse, F, K, N_g, N */ capture mata mata drop xtdcce_m_reg() mata: function xtdcce_m_reg ( string matrix variablenames, ///variable names, first var independent, from second vars mean group; 2nd col has CSA - 1 string scalar touse, ///touse - 2 string scalar id_var, /// idvar - 3 string scalar ccep, ///names of pooled vars - 4 string scalar lr_vars , /// names of long run variables - 5 string scalar lr_options, /// lr options - 6 real matrix input_no_partial, /// number of partialled out variables and CSA - 7 string scalar e_output_name, ///name of error term - 8 string scalar output_eb, /// names of b matrix - 9 string scalar output_cov_name, /// name of covariance matrix - 10 string scalar output_sd_name, /// name of sd matrix 11 string scalar output_t_name, /// name of t-sts - 12 string scalar output_stats_name, /// names of stats outpt - 13 string scalar jackknife_names, ///name of jackknife touse - 14 string matrix mata_var_names, /// name of mata matrix with var names - 15 |real scalar fast, /// if 1 then no cov and stats are calculated -16 string scalar input_exo, /// name of exogenous vars - 17 real scalar blockdiaguse, /// blockdiag is used rather than own program - 18 real scalar useqr, /// use qr for matrix inversion - 19 string scalar rank_name, /// name of rank matrix - 20 string scalar UsedCols_name) /// name of used columns matrix - 21 { if (cols(variablenames) == 2) CSAnames = variablenames[2] else CSAnames = "" variablenames = variablenames[1] "start m_reg" (variablenames , ccep , lr_vars) SigmaMFbar = input_no_partial[2] IC_init= input_no_partial[3] input_no_partial = input_no_partial[1] lhs = tokens(variablenames)[1] mg_d = 0 pooled_d = 0 exo = 0 num_K = 0 num_Kp = 0 num_Kmg = 0 if (cols(tokens(variablenames)) > 1) { rhs = tokens(variablenames)[2..cols(tokens(variablenames))] mg_d = 1 num_Kmg = cols(rhs) num_K = num_Kmg } if (cols(tokens(ccep)) > 0) { pooled = tokens(ccep) pooled_d = 1 num_Kp = cols(pooled) num_K = num_K + num_Kp } if (args() < 16) { fast = 0 } if (args() < 17) { if (input_exo != "") { exo_vars = tokens(input_exo) if (cols(exo_vars) > 0 ) { exo = 1 fast = 1 } } } else { input_exo = "" } if (args() < 18) { blockdiaguse = 0 } if (args() < 16) { if (fast == 1) { /// dummy output_cov output_cov = . } else { fast = 0 } } if (args() < 19) { useqr = 0 } /// arg 20 rank = . if (args() < 21) { UsedCols = 0 } else { UsedCols = st_matrix(UsedCols_name) } "mg - pooled " (mg_d , pooled_d) "fast, exo" (fast, exo) "rhs" (rhs) "blockdiag" (blockdiaguse) "K_mg , K_pooled, K_total" (num_Kmg , num_Kp, num_K) "args processed" id = st_data(.,id_var,touse) Y = st_data(.,lhs,touse) "data loaded" ///pooled estimation only if (pooled_d == 1 & mg_d == 0) { "only pooled" X = st_data(.,pooled,touse) X_p_X_p = quadcross(X,X) X_p_Y = quadcross(X,Y) XX_cov = X_p_X_p b_output = m_xtdcce_solver(X_p_X_p,X_p_Y,useqr,rank,UsedCols=0,method="") outputnames = pooled "inverter used:" method } if (mg_d == 1 ){ "rows X" (rows(X),cols(X)) "mg estimation" outputnames = J(1,0,"") X_o = st_data(.,rhs,touse) "dimension X_o" (rows(X_o),cols(X_o)) sum(X_o) b_output = J(0,1,.) XX_cov = J(0,0,.) uniqueid = uniqrows(id) "uniqueid names" uniqueid N = rows(uniqueid) if (exo == 0) { "exo = 0" "over following ids" uniqueid if (blockdiaguse==0){ /// build X block diagonal NT = rows(X_o) ///"num_k, N, T" ///(num_K,N,T) /// here no pooled vars. if mixed model, pooled vars will be added later X = J(NT,num_Kmg*N,0) XX_cov=J(num_Kmg*N,num_Kmg*N,0) "rows X, cols X" (rows(X),cols(X)) posCol = 1 posColC=1 posRow = 1 } "start doing cross specific reg" i = 1 rank = J(rows(uniqueid),2,.) UsedCols = J(rows(uniqueid),cols(X_o),0) while (i <= rows(uniqueid)) { indic = (id :== uniqueid[i]) tmp_x = select(X_o,indic) /// if mg only, do regression for each country seperately if (pooled_d == 0) { tmp_y = select(Y,indic) tmp_xx = quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_x) tmp_xy = quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_y) "start calculating bi" bii = m_xtdcce_solver(tmp_xx,tmp_xy,useqr,ranki=.,colni=0,method="") b_output = (b_output \ bii) "cols" colni "inverter used:" method if (colni == 0) { UsedCols[i,.] = J(1,cols(X_o),1) } else { UsedCols[i,colni] = J(1,cols(colni),1) } rank[i,.] = ranki //for covariance if (fast == 0) { "start cov" rows(bii) eii = tmp_y - tmp_x * bii Ti = rows(tmp_x) s2ii = eii'eii / (Ti-cols(tmp_x) - input_no_partial/rows(uniqueid)) if (blockdiaguse==0) { posColCEnd = posColC + num_Kmg-1 XX_cov[(posColC..posColCEnd),(posColC..posColCEnd)] = m_xtdcce_inverter(tmp_xx,useqr)*s2ii posColC = posColCEnd + 1 } else { XX_cov = blockdiag(XX_cov,m_xtdcce_inverter(tmp_xx,useqr)*s2ii) } } } /// now build X matrix for later use. needed if mixed model and for residual calculation if (blockdiaguse==0){ Ti = rows(tmp_x) ///posCol = num_K*i - num_K + 1 ///posRow = T*i - T + 1 posColEnd = posCol + num_Kmg-1 posRowEnd = posRow + Ti-1 X[(posRow..posRowEnd),(posCol..posColEnd)] = tmp_x posCol = posColEnd + 1 posRow = posRowEnd + 1 } else { X = blockdiag(X,tmp_x) } outputnames = (outputnames , (rhs:+"_":+strofreal(uniqueid[i]))) i++ } "cross specific done" UsedCols if (pooled_d == 1) { "pooled included, mixed" X = (X, st_data(.,pooled,touse)) //outputnames_pooled = pooled (rows(X),cols(X)) XX = quadcross(X,X) XY = quadcross(X,Y) b_output = m_xtdcce_solver(XX,XY,useqr,rank,UsedCols=0,method="") "inverter used" method /// Used Cols are zero, create a 1xK vector with ones if (cols(UsedCols)==1) { UsedCols = J(1,cols(X),1) } /// build matrix in case MG coefficients exist if (num_Kmg > 0) { "col check of omitted vars, if 0 problem" num_Kmg*N <= cols(UsedCols) num_Kmg*N , cols(UsedCols) //// problem: used cols too small! /// does not work? why if (num_Kmg*N > cols(UsedCols)) { "adjust UsedCols for mixed model" /// dirty solution UsedMG = J(1,N*num_Kmg,0) UsedPooled = J(N,num_Kp,0) UsedMGi = UsedCols[selectindex(UsedCols:<=N*num_Kmg)] UsedMG[1,UsedMGi] = J(1,cols(UsedMGi),1) UsedMG = rowshape(UsedMG,N) UsedPooledi = UsedCols[selectindex(UsedCols:>N*num_Kmg)]:-N*num_Kmg UsedPooled[.,UsedPooledi] = J(N,cols(UsedPooledi),1) UsedCols = UsedMG, UsedPooled } } "used cols" UsedCols outputnames = (outputnames , pooled) //for covariance if (fast == 0) { eii = Y - X * b_output Ti = rows(tmp_x) s2ii = eii'eii / (Ti-cols(tmp_x) - input_no_partial/rows(uniqueid)) XX_cov = m_xtdcce_inverter(XX,useqr)*s2ii } "done" } } else { "Exogenous vars used" /// This is only the mg all case and no covariance etc. is calculated (also only fast case!) X_o = st_data(.,rhs,touse) X = X_o Z_o = st_data(.,input_exo,touse) ///check for overid case (more instruments than instrumented vars), if overid, use GMM estimator i = 1 ///while (i <= rows(uniqrows(id))) { /// indic = (id :== i) uniqueid = uniqrows(id) while (i <= rows(uniqueid)) { indic = (id :== uniqueid[i]) tmp_x = select(X_o,indic) tmp_z = select(Z_o,indic) tmp_y = select(Y,indic) if (cols(tmp_x) == cols(tmp_z)) { tmp_zx = quadcross(tmp_z,tmp_x) tmp_zy = quadcross(tmp_z,tmp_y) tmp_b = m_xtdcce_solver(tmp_zx,tmp_zy,useqr) } else { tmp_zz = qrinv(quadcross(tmp_z,tmp_z)) tmp_zx = quadcross(tmp_z,tmp_x) tmp_xz = quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_z) tmp_zy = quadcross(tmp_z,tmp_y) upper = tmp_xz*tmp_zz*tmp_zy lower = qrinv(tmp_xz*tmp_zz*tmp_zx) "lower" (rows(lower),cols(lower)) "upper" (rows(upper),cols(upper)) tmp_b = m_xtdcce_solver(lower,upper,qrinv) } (rows(b_output),cols(b_output)) (rows(tmp_b),cols(tmp_b)) b_output = (b_output \ tmp_b ) "b done" outputnames = (outputnames , (rhs:+"_":+strofreal(uniqueid[i]))) i++ } } } "coeff done" /// Jackknife if (cols(tokens(jackknife_names)) == 2) { "jack main instance" jack_indic_a = tokens(jackknife_names)[1] jack_indic_b = tokens(jackknife_names)[2] variabaljack = invtokens((mata_var_names[xtdcce2_mm_which2(mata_var_names[.,2],tokens(variablenames)'),13])') if (pooled_d != 0) { ccep_jack = invtokens((mata_var_names[xtdcce2_mm_which2(mata_var_names[.,2],tokens(ccep)'),13])') } else { ccep_jack = "" } if (exo != 0) { input_exo_j = invtokens((mata_var_names[xtdcce2_mm_which2(mata_var_names[.,2],tokens(input_exo)'),13])') } else { input_exo_j = "" } "start regs" "vars for jack" variabaljack b_a = xtdcce_m_reg(variabaljack,jack_indic_a,id_var,ccep_jack,"","",(0,-1),"e","eb","cov","sd","t","st","jack1",mata_var_names,1,input_exo_j,blockdiaguse,useqr) "in jack" b_b = xtdcce_m_reg(variabaljack,jack_indic_b,id_var,ccep_jack,"","",(0,-1),"e","eb","cov","sd","t","st","jack2",mata_var_names,1,input_exo_j,blockdiaguse,useqr) "outputs" "first half" b_a "second half" b_b "adjust for jack" b_output = 2:*b_output :- 0.5:*(b_a :+ b_b) "jack done" } /// Return Part /// if jackknife nested, return b_output to mata, no other output needed if (cols(tokens(jackknife_names)) == 1) { return(b_output) } ////no output needed if jackknife else { "start output" K = rows(b_output) + input_no_partial N = rows(id) N_g = rows(uniqrows(id)) /// check if fast option is used if (fast == 0) { "start stats in non fast mode" if (missing(X) > 0) { "Missings detected, replaced by zero!!" _editmissing(X,0) } ///Error Term "dimension X" (rows(X),cols(X)) sum(X) sum(Y) "dimension b_output" (rows(b_output),cols(b_output)) sum(b_output) Xb_output = X * b_output Y_hat = Xb_output "dimension Y_hat" (rows(Y_hat),cols(Y_hat)) "Sum Y_hat" sum(Y_hat) "dimension Y" (rows(Y),cols(Y)) "error calculation" st_view(e_output=.,.,e_output_name,touse) "dimension error" (rows(e_output),cols(e_output)) "write error" e_output[.,1] = Y - Y_hat "error written and done" ///(Y, Y_hat, e_output) /// variance/covariance matrix and stats for entire sample SSE = e_output' * e_output "SSE is" SSE dfr = N - K s2 = SSE / dfr SST = sum((Y :- mean(Y)):^2) SSR = SST - SSE rmse = sqrt(s2) /// variance covariance matrix output_cov = XX_cov // check if constant has_c = 0 if (sum((colsum(X):==rows(X)))) { has_c = 1 r2 = 1 - SSE/SST } else { SSR = sum((Y_hat):^2) r2 = 1- SSR/SST } r2_a = 1 - (1-r2) * (N - 1) / (N - K - 1) F = SSR/(K-has_c) / (SSE/(N-K)) //// IC if (CSAnames != "" & IC_init >=0 ) { ICs = xtdcce2_ic(e_output,st_data(.,CSAnames,touse),id,touse,SigmaMFbar,SigmaMF,IC_init) st_numscalar(output_stats_name+"_SMF",SigmaMF) ///ICs = ICs[.,(1,2)] } else { ICs = .,.,.,. } } "outputnames before lr" outputnames "stats done" tmp = xtdcce_m_lrcalc(b_output,output_cov,outputnames,lr_vars,lr_options,fast,mata_var_names,id_var,touse) b_output = tmp[.,1] output_cov = tmp[.,2..cols(tmp)] outputnames = (J(1,cols(outputnames),"") \ outputnames)' "lr done" ///Output Coefficient (as 1 x K) st_matrix(output_eb,b_output') st_matrixcolstripe(output_eb,outputnames) "eb done" if (fast == 1) { "in fast - SD only 0s" output_cov = J(rows(outputnames),rows(outputnames),0) SD = sqrt(diagonal(output_cov))' st_matrix(output_sd_name,SD) st_matrixcolstripe(output_sd_name,outputnames) "sd done" t = SD:/b_output' st_matrix(output_t_name,t) st_matrixcolstripe(output_t_name,outputnames) "cov done" /// output_cov_name (rows(output_cov),cols(output_cov)) ///output cov st_matrix(output_cov_name,output_cov) st_matrixcolstripe(output_cov_name,outputnames) st_matrixrowstripe(output_cov_name,outputnames) "cov written" ///stats into matrix (K,N_g,N) stats = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, K, N_g,N,0,0,0,0,0) st_matrix(output_stats_name,stats) "done with fast SD" } if (fast == 0) { ///SD and T-Stat SD = sqrt(diagonal(output_cov))' st_matrix(output_sd_name,SD) st_matrixcolstripe(output_sd_name,outputnames) t = b_output':/SD st_matrix(output_t_name,t) st_matrixcolstripe(output_t_name,outputnames) ///output cov st_matrix(output_cov_name,output_cov) st_matrixcolstripe(output_cov_name,outputnames) st_matrixrowstripe(output_cov_name,outputnames) ///stats into matrix stats = (SSR, SSE, SST, s2, dfr, rmse,F, K, N_g,N,r2,r2_a,ICs) st_matrix(output_stats_name,stats) "output written" } } if (args() > 19) { st_matrix(rank_name,rank) } if (args() > 20) { "omitted list:" UsedCols st_matrix(UsedCols_name,UsedCols) colnames = (J(1,rows(UsedCols),"")\strofreal((1..rows(UsedCols))))' st_matrixrowstripe(UsedCols_name,colnames) } "m_reg done" } end /*Mata MG program 1. select coefficients for MG 2. calculate MG coefficients 3. build bi and b matrix 4. calculate Vi and V, correct if pooled 5. calculate sei and ti 6. Output b, V, sd and t directly into Stata with st_matrix and st_matrixrowstripe */ capture mata mata drop xtdcce_m_meangroup() mata: function xtdcce_m_meangroup( /// string scalar b_asis_name , /// 1. asis matrix name , matrix is 1xK string scalar b_mg_name , /// 2. all mg matrix name, matrix is 1xK string scalar b_pooled_name, /// 3. only pooled matrix name, matrix is 1xK string scalar input_mg_vnames, /// 4. names of mean group variables string scalar input_pooled_vnames, /// 5. names of pooled string scalar weights, ///6. for later use string scalar idvar, /// 7. name of id variable string scalar touse, /// 8. name of touse variable ///Output: post directly using st_matrix and st_matrixrowstripe string scalar output_eb, ///9. string scalar output_cov, /// 10 string scalar output_sd, /// 11 string scalar output_t, /// 12 | string scalar exclude_p_vars, /// 13 variables to be excluded for pooled covariance) string matrix mata_varlist , //// 14 varlist real scalar FixedTVCE_name , //// 15 fixed T VCE estimator for pooled models, 1 then WPN estimator used, 0 otherwise string scalar residuals_name, //// 16 name of residuals variable in stata. needed for fixed t vce estimator real scalar useqr) //// 17 useqr { FixedTVCE = 0 if (args() > 14) { FixedTVCE = FixedTVCE_name } if (args() < 17) { useqr = 0 } useweights = 0 if (weights!="") { weight_mat = st_matrix(weights) useweights = 1 } "start mean group program" id = st_data(.,idvar,touse) uniqueid = uniqrows(id) N = (rows(uniqueid)) input_pooled_vnames = tokens(input_pooled_vnames) input_mg_vnames = tokens(input_mg_vnames) "Pooled names" /// input_pooled_vnames /// pooled only if (cols(input_pooled_vnames) > 0 & cols(input_mg_vnames) == 0 ) { "pooled only" bi = st_matrix(b_mg_name) bi_names = st_matrixcolstripe(b_mg_name) bi_names = bi_names[.,2] v_names_mg= input_pooled_vnames bp = st_matrix(b_pooled_name) bp_names = st_matrixcolstripe(b_pooled_name) bp_names = bp_names[.,2] ///v_names_bp_mg = input_pooled_vnames ind_pooled = 1 } /// mg only else if (cols(input_mg_vnames) > 0 & cols(input_pooled_vnames) == 0) { "mg only" bi = st_matrix(b_asis_name) bi_names = st_matrixcolstripe(b_asis_name) bi_names = bi_names[.,2] v_names_mg = input_mg_vnames ind_pooled = -1 } /// mixed else if (cols(input_mg_vnames) > 0 & cols(input_pooled_vnames) > 0) { "mixed" bi = st_matrix(b_asis_name) bi_names = st_matrixcolstripe(b_asis_name) bi_names = bi_names[.,2] v_names_mg = input_mg_vnames bp = bi bp_names = bi_names bp_mg = st_matrix(b_mg_name) bp_mg_names = st_matrixcolstripe(b_mg_name) bp_mg_names = bp_mg_names[.,2] v_names_bp_mg = input_pooled_vnames ind_pooled = 0 } else { "error no case!!" } if (ind_pooled != -1 ) { "order pooled" i = 1 b_pooled = J(1,0,.) while (i<= cols(input_pooled_vnames)) { xtdcce_selectindex(bp_names:==input_pooled_vnames[1,i]) b_pooled = (b_pooled,bp[1,xtdcce_selectindex(bp_names:==input_pooled_vnames[1,i])]) i++ } } "beginning done" //loop over cross sectional units and mg vars "dimension bi" i = 1 b_mg_w = J(cols(v_names_mg),N,0) "bi names" /// bi_names "bi" /// bi "v_names_mg" /// v_names_mg "N" N "bi_mg_w dim" (rows(b_mg_w),cols(b_mg_w)) while (i <= cols(v_names_mg)) { j = 1 while (j <= N) { varn = v_names_mg[1,i]+"_"+strofreal(uniqueid[j]) b_mg_w[i,j] = bi[1,xtdcce_selectindex(bi_names:==varn)] j++ } i++ } "mg done" "calculate MG" /// useweights if (useweights == 0) { b_mg = mean(b_mg_w') } else { "weighted mean groups" weight_mat_sum = J(rows(weight_mat),1,1) b_mg = J(1,cols(b_mg_w'),.) for (vi =1; vi<=cols(b_mg_w');vi++) { b_mg[vi] = mean(b_mg_w'[.,vi],weight_mat[,vi]) weight_mat_sum = weight_mat_sum:*weight_mat[,vi] } } "weighting done" /// if pooled only then b_mg used for pooled b_1 = b_mg_w :- b_mg' b_1p = b_1 /// loop over additional mg if mixed if (ind_pooled == 0) { "additional loop" i = 1 b_mg_wmix = J(cols(v_names_bp_mg),N,0) while (i <= cols(v_names_bp_mg)) { j = 1 while (j <= N) { varn = v_names_bp_mg[1,i]+"_"+strofreal(uniqueid[j]) b_mg_wmix[i,j] = bp_mg[1,xtdcce_selectindex(bp_mg_names:==varn)] j++ } i++ } ///b_mg4p = mean(b_mg_wmix') if (useweights == 0) { b_mg4p = mean(b_mg_wmix') } else { "weighted mean groups" weight_mat_sum = J(rows(weight_mat),1,1) b_mg4p = J(1,cols(b_mg_wmix'),.) for (vi =1; vi<=cols(b_mg_wmix'); vi++) { b_mg4p[vi] = mean(b_mg_wmix'[.,vi],weight_mat[,vi]) weight_mat_sum = weight_mat_sum:*weight_mat[,vi] } } ///replace b_1p b_1p = b_mg_wmix :- b_mg4p' } "coff done" ///covariance for pooled vars if (ind_pooled != -1) { "in pooled" ///construct R and PSI for Cov if (args() >12) { exclude_p_vars if (exclude_p_vars[1]!= "") { "remove excluded p vars" exclude_p_vars= tokens(exclude_p_vars) indics = xtdcce2_mm_which2(input_pooled_vnames',exclude_p_vars') input_pooled_vnames_tmp = input_pooled_vnames input_pooled_vnames_tmp[indics'] = J(1,rows(indics),"") xtdcce_selectindex(input_pooled_vnames_tmp[1,.]:!="") input_pooled_vnames_tmp = input_pooled_vnames_tmp[1,xtdcce_selectindex(input_pooled_vnames_tmp:!="")] X = st_data(.,input_pooled_vnames_tmp,touse) X = (X,J(rows(X),cols(exclude_p_vars),0)) input_pooled_vnames = (input_pooled_vnames_tmp, exclude_p_vars) } else { X = st_data(.,input_pooled_vnames,touse) } } else { X = st_data(.,input_pooled_vnames,touse) } if (FixedTVCE == 0) { "standard vce" /// Standard VarianceCovarianceEstimator from Pesaran 2006, Eq 67 - 69. /// PSI is directly calculated as in gauss PSI = J(rows(b_pooled),cols(b_pooled),0) /// R is Omega HS in gauss file R = J(rows(b_pooled),cols(b_pooled),0) /// w contains weights, w_s is the sum of the squares. w = J(N,1,1/N) w_s = sum(w:^2) i = 1 while (i <= N) { ///weight w_i = w[i] w_tilde = w_i :/ sqrt(1/N :* w_s) b_i1 = b_1p[.,i] indic = (id :== uniqueid[i]) tmp_x = select(X,indic) tmptmp = quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_x):/ rows(tmp_x) /// eq. 68 Pesaran 2006 PSI = PSI :+ w_i :* tmptmp /// eq. 26 from Pesaran, Tosetti (2011); no difference as long as weights 1/N then w_tilde = 1 /// eq. 67 Pesaran 2006 ///tmp_R = w_tilde:^2 :* tmptmp*b_i1*b_i1'*tmptmp if (allof(b_i1,0)==0 & hasmissing(tmptmp*b_i1*b_i1'*tmptmp) == 0) { R = R :+ w_tilde:^2 :* tmptmp*b_i1*b_i1'*tmptmp } else { "no se for" i } i++ } ///divide by N-1 R = R / (N - 1) if (allof(R,0)) { "R matrix for COV calculation of pooled coefficients is zero!" R = J(rows(PSI),cols(PSI),0) } PSI1 = m_xtdcce_inverter(PSI,useqr) "psi" PSI1 "R" R //// eq. 69 Pesaran 2006 cov_p = w_s :* PSI1 * R * PSI1 } if (FixedTVCE == 1) { "wpn vce" /// fixed T covariance estimator, from Westerlund et. al 2019. /// follows Cov = sigma^-1 S sigma^-1 with /// S = 1/N sum VeeV (Eq. 11) /// sigma = 1/N sum VV (Eq. 10) /// where V is X partialled out with cross sectional averages e = st_data(.,residuals_name,touse) sigma= J(cols(X),cols(X),0) S = J(cols(X),cols(X),0) i = 1 while (i <= N) { indic = (id :== uniqueid[i]) tmp_x = select(X,indic) tmp_e = select(e,indic) sigma = sigma + quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_x) ///xe = quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_e) ///xexe = quadcross(xe,xe) S = S+ tmp_x' * tmp_e * tmp_e'*tmp_x ///S = S:+ quadcross(tmp_x',tmp_e) * quadcross(tmp_e,tmp_x) i++ } S = S sigma = sigma ///sigma1 = pinv(sigma) sigma1 = m_xtdcce_inverter(sigma,useqr) ///sigma = cholqrinv(sigma) cov_p = (sigma1*S*sigma1) } if (FixedTVCE == 2) { "NW estimator for pooled coefficients" /// Eq 50 - 52 from Pesaran 2006, with p = round(4 * (Ti/100)^(2/9)), see Gauss code e = st_data(.,residuals_name,touse) Sigma = J(cols(X),cols(X),0) Shat = J(cols(X),cols(X),0) w = J(N,1,1/N) i = 1 while ( i <= N) { /// select data indic = (id :== uniqueid[i]) tmp_x = select(X,indic) tmp_e = select(e,indic) tmp_xe = tmp_e :* tmp_x Ti = rows(tmp_x) w_i = w[i] p = round( 4 * (Ti:/100)^(2/9)) sij = 0 sij0 = quadcross(tmp_xe,tmp_xe) :/ Ti j = 1 while (j <= p) { tmp_xep = tmp_xe[j+1..Ti,.] tmp_xepJ = tmp_xe[1..Ti-j,.] /// error in gauss, T*N? tmp_tmp = tmp_xep' * tmp_xepJ :/ (Ti) sij = sij :+ (1- j/(p+1)) :* (tmp_tmp + tmp_tmp') j++ } ///tmp_tmp = tmp_tmp :/ Ti ///wi^2 here because it is in the sums Shat = Shat + w_i:^2 * (sij + sij0 ) tmp_xx = quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_x) //// Ti from tmp_xx, w_i from the sum Sigma = Sigma + 1/Ti * tmp_xx *w_i i++ } sigma1 = m_xtdcce_inverter(Sigma,useqr) //// Eq. 74 cov_p = 1/Ti * sigma1 * Shat * sigma1 "ee here" e'e } if (FixedTVCE == 3) { "OLS Estimator" e = st_data(.,residuals_name,touse) e2 = mean(e:^2) sigma= J(cols(X),cols(X),0) i = 1 while (i <= N) { indic = (id :== uniqueid[i]) tmp_x = select(X,indic) sigma = sigma + quadcross(tmp_x,tmp_x) i++ } cov_p = m_xtdcce_inverter(sigma,useqr) * e2 } "covariance for pooled done" cov_p if (args() >12) { if (exclude_p_vars[1]!= "") { "covariance for LR pooled vars start" cov_srp = cov_p[1..cols(input_pooled_vnames_tmp),1..cols(input_pooled_vnames_tmp)] i = 1 m_g = J(cols(exclude_p_vars),cols(cov_srp),0) while (i<=cols(exclude_p_vars)) { vari = exclude_p_vars[i] ///select bases indic = xtdcce_selectindex("lr_":+mata_varlist[.,12]:==vari) ///get varnames indic = mata_varlist[indic,2] ///get pos in input_pooled_vnames indic = xtdcce2_mm_which2(input_pooled_vnames,indic) m_g[i,indic] = J(1,rows(indic),1) i++ } ///cov_lrp = 1/N :* m_g * cov_srp * (1/N:*m_g)' cov_lrp = m_g * cov_srp * m_g' ///input_pooled_vnames = (input_pooled_vnames,exclude_p_vars) cov_p = blockdiag(cov_srp,cov_lrp) "lr cov with delta method" cov_p } } } ///covariance for mg vars if (ind_pooled != 1) { ///Divide by rows (N) as this is the variance of a sample mean (see Eberhardts xtmg for example), small sample adjustment (-1) done in quadvariance! ///Pesaran 2006, eq. (58) & Chudik Pesaran 2015, eq. (32) w_i = 1 cov_mg = quadvariance(b_1',w_i)/N "covariance for mg done" } /// select output b and cov matrix /// mixed if (ind_pooled == -1) { output_b = b_mg cov = cov_mg output_names = input_mg_vnames "Only MG output" } /// pooled only else if (ind_pooled == 1) { output_b = b_pooled cov = cov_p "this!!" input_pooled_vnames output_names = input_pooled_vnames "Only pooled output" } /// mixed else if (ind_pooled == 0) { output_b = (b_mg,b_pooled) cov = blockdiag(cov_mg,cov_p) output_names = (input_mg_vnames,input_pooled_vnames) "Mixed output" } else { "Error no b matrix output!" } output_names sd = sqrt(diagonal(cov)) t = output_b' :/ sd ///output st_matrix(output_eb,output_b) st_matrixcolstripe(output_eb,(J(cols(output_names),1,""),output_names')) ///covariance st_matrix(output_cov,cov) st_matrixcolstripe(output_cov,(J(cols(output_names),1,""),output_names')) st_matrixrowstripe(output_cov,(J(cols(output_names),1,""),output_names')) ///cov st_matrix(output_sd,sd') st_matrixcolstripe(output_sd,(J(cols(output_names),1,""),output_names')) st_matrix(output_t,t') st_matrixcolstripe(output_t,(J(cols(output_names),1,""),output_names')) } end **LR Computation program **program is called after IVreg2 or within xtdcce2_mreg program capture mata mata drop xtdcce_m_lrcalc() mata: function xtdcce_m_lrcalc( /// real matrix b_output , /// coefficients comes as Kx1 real matrix output_cov , /// covariance string matrix outputnames , /// col/rownames string matrix lr_vars, /// lr variables string matrix lr_options, /// options real matrix fast, /// fast option string matrix mata_varlist, /// name of mata matrix with varnames string matrix idvar, /// name of idvar string scalar touse /// name of touse ) { lr_vars = tokens(lr_vars) /// make sure b_output is Kx1 and outputnames is 1xK - required for later programs "start lr calc" if (cols(b_output)>1) { b_output = b_output' } if (rows(outputnames) > 1 ) { outputnames = outputnames' } if (cols(lr_vars)>1) { "Long Run corrections" //// ecm/pmg part if (strmatch(lr_options,"*ardl*") == 0) { if (strmatch(lr_options,"*nodivide*") == 0) { lr_1 = lr_vars[1] lr_rest = lr_vars[2..cols(lr_vars)] /// only +* to allow for pooled m_lr_1_indic = strmatch(outputnames,lr_1+"*") m_lr_1 = select(b_output,m_lr_1_indic') ///m_lr_1 = ( 1 :- m_lr_1) m_lr_1_index = xtdcce_selectindex(m_lr_1_indic) m_lr_tmp = m_lr_1 ///b_output ///outputnames m_g = I(rows(b_output)) i=1 while (i <= cols(lr_rest)) { /// only +* to allow for pooled m_lr_indic = strmatch(outputnames,lr_rest[i]+"*") "current var" lr_rest[i] m_lr_index = xtdcce_selectindex(m_lr_indic) ///check if running lr variable is pooled, if so, then take mean of lr_1 m_lr_tmp = m_lr_1 if (fast == 0) { /// diagonal elements /// error fixed: minus needs to be for diagonal elements, no minus for off diagonal m_g = xtdcce_PointByPoint(m_lr_index,m_lr_index, -(1:/ m_lr_tmp),m_g) /// off diagonal elements m_g = xtdcce_PointByPoint(m_lr_index,m_lr_1_index, ( b_output[m_lr_index] :/ (m_lr_tmp:^2)), m_g) } if (sum(m_lr_indic) == 1 ) { m_lr_tmp = mean(m_lr_1) "adjusted phi as running var pooled" } b_output[m_lr_index] m_lr_tmp "done with m_g" b_output[m_lr_index] = -(b_output[m_lr_index] :/ m_lr_tmp) i++ "b adjusted" } "b correction made" if (fast == 0 ) { output_cov = m_g'*output_cov*m_g "cov corrected" } } } ////cs ardl part else { "CS-ARDL estimator" /// get first lr, only names required lr_1 = mata_varlist[xtdcce_selectindex(mata_varlist[.,9]:=="1"),2] //basename lr_1_base = uniqrows(mata_varlist[xtdcce_selectindex(mata_varlist[.,9]:=="1"),12]) "basename lr1" lr_1_base b_lr1_tmp_indic = xtdcce_selectindex(strmatch(outputnames,lr_1[1]+"*")) b_lr1 = b_output[b_lr1_tmp_indic] if (fast == 0) { m_g_i1 = J(rows(b_lr1),cols(output_cov),0) m_g_i1 = xtdcce_PointByPoint((1..rows(m_g_i1)),b_lr1_tmp_indic,1,m_g_i1) } i = 2 while (i<=rows(lr_1)) { b_lr1_tmp_indic = xtdcce_selectindex(strmatch(outputnames,lr_1[i]+"*") ) if (fast == 0) { if (cols(b_lr1_tmp_indic) > rows(m_g_i1)) { "m_g_i1 adjusted" m_g_i1 = J(cols(b_lr1_tmp_indic),1,m_g_i1) } m_g_i1 = xtdcce_PointByPoint((1..rows(m_g_i1)),b_lr1_tmp_indic,1,m_g_i1) } b_lr1_tmp = b_output[b_lr1_tmp_indic] b_lr1 = b_lr1:+b_lr1_tmp i++ } if (strmatch(lr_options,"*nominus*") == 0) { /// correct b_lr1 such that - (1 - sum phi_i) [ minus corrected before output] b_lr1 = (1 :- b_lr1) "b_lr1" b_lr1 } else { b_lr1 = - b_lr1 } /// add to outputnames and b_output (here minus to stick with notation from xtpmg! b_output = (b_output \ - b_lr1) if (rows(b_lr1) == 1) { outputnames = (outputnames , ("lr_":+lr_1_base)) } else { "touse idvaf" touse idvar "before sss" uniqids = uniqrows(st_data(.,idvar,touse)) uniqids lr_1_base outputnames = (outputnames , ("lr_":+lr_1_base:+"_":+strofreal((uniqids')))) } "b_lr1 done" /// rest of lr vars, get basenames lr_rest = mata_varlist[xtdcce_selectindex(mata_varlist[.,10]:=="1"),(2,12)] lr_rest_base = uniqrows(lr_rest[.,2]) basei=1 "lr rest calc" "remaining base vars" lr_rest_base if (fast == 0) { "initalise m_g" "dim cov" (rows(output_cov),cols(output_cov)) "dim mg" (rows(m_g_i1),cols(m_g_i1)) m_g = (I(cols(output_cov)) \ m_g_i1) } while (basei <= rows(lr_rest_base)) { /// select vars for base lr_base_i = lr_rest_base[basei] "base i" lr_base_i lr_rest_tmpvars = lr_rest[xtdcce_selectindex(lr_rest[.,2]:==lr_base_i),1] "first var" lr_rest_tmpvars[1] //first of base_i b_lr_rest_tmp_indic = xtdcce_selectindex(strmatch(outputnames,lr_rest_tmpvars[1]+"*")) b_lr_rest = b_output[b_lr_rest_tmp_indic] "dim b_lr_rest" (rows(b_lr_rest),cols(b_lr_rest)) b_lr_rest if (fast == 0) { //m_g parts m_g_ir = J(rows(b_lr_rest),cols(output_cov),0) m_g_ir = xtdcce_PointByPoint((1..rows(m_g_ir)),b_lr_rest_tmp_indic,1,m_g_ir) } "start with next vars" i = 2 "rest vars" lr_rest_tmpvars while (i<=rows(lr_rest_tmpvars)) { "starting with i" i b_lr_rest_tmp_indic = xtdcce_selectindex(strmatch(outputnames,lr_rest_tmpvars[i]+"*")) "tempvar:" lr_rest_tmpvars[i] if (fast == 0) { if (cols(b_lr_rest_tmp_indic) > rows(m_g_ir)) { "m_g_ir adjusted" m_g_ir = J(cols(b_lr_rest_tmp_indic),1,m_g_ir) } m_g_ir = xtdcce_PointByPoint((1..rows(m_g_ir)),b_lr_rest_tmp_indic,1,m_g_ir) } b_lr_rest_tmp = b_output[b_lr_rest_tmp_indic] b_lr_rest = b_lr_rest:+ b_lr_rest_tmp i++ } /// variance calculation using delta method if (fast == 0) { blr_1_tmp = (1:/(b_lr1)) blr_rest_tmp = b_lr_rest :/ ((blr_1_tmp):^2) if (rows(blr_rest_tmp) > rows(m_g_i1)) { /// bl1 pooled, adjust m_g_i1 m_g_i1 = J(rows(blr_rest_tmp),1,m_g_i1) } if (rows(blr_1_tmp) > rows(m_g_ir) ) { /// bl rest pooled, adjust m_g_ir m_g_ir = J(rows(blr_1_tmp),1,m_g_ir) } m_g_i = m_g_ir :* (blr_1_tmp) :+ m_g_i1 :* (blr_rest_tmp ) "dimensions mg" (rows(m_g_i1),cols(m_g_i1)) (rows(m_g_i),cols(m_g_i)) m_g = (m_g \ m_g_i) } /// calcualte CS-ARDL(i), eq. 36, p. 102 Chudik et. al. 2016 with b_lr1 = 1 - sum phi ///b_lr_rest = b_lr_rest :/ (1:-b_lr1) b_lr_rest = b_lr_rest :/ (b_lr1) /// add to outputnames, b_output and cov_output b_output = (b_output \ b_lr_rest) if (rows(b_lr_rest) == 1) { outputnames = (outputnames , ("lr_":+lr_base_i)) } else { uniqids = uniqrows(st_data(.,idvar,touse)) uid = 1 "names before" outputnames while (uid <= rows(lr_base_i)) { outputnames = (outputnames , ("lr_":+lr_base_i[uid]:+"_":+strofreal(uniqids'))) uid++ } "names after" outputnames } /// next base basei++ } /// while loop ends here. if (fast == 0) { "delta method used mg * cov * mg'" "dimension: mg" ///m_g (rows(m_g),cols(m_g)) "dimension: cov" (rows(output_cov),cols(output_cov)) output_cov = m_g * output_cov * m_g' } else { output_cov = J(rows(b_output),rows(b_output),.) } } /// ARDL ends here } "lr done" if (fast == 1) { "fast cov created" output_cov = J(rows(b_output),rows(b_output),.) } "b output dimensions" (rows(b_output), cols(b_output)) "cov output dimensions" (rows(output_cov),cols(output_cov)) return((b_output,output_cov)) "lr calcualtions done" } end capture program drop xtdcce2_separate program define xtdcce2_separate , rclass syntax [anything] , [ /// rhs(string) /// exogenous_vars(string) /// endogenous_vars(string) /// touse(string) /// idvar(string) ] **empty output local rhs_list "" local endo_list "" local exo_list "" foreach var in `rhs' { qui separate `var' if `touse' , by(`idvar') gen(`var'_) local rhs_list `rhs_list' `r(varlist)' recode `r(varlist)' (missing = 0) if `touse' } foreach var in `exogenous_vars' { qui separate `var' if `touse' , by(`idvar') gen(`var'_) local exo_list `exo_list' `r(varlist)' recode `r(varlist)' (missing = 0) if `touse' } local exo_list `exo_pooled' `exo_list' foreach var in `endogenous_vars' { qui separate `var' if `touse' , by(`idvar') gen(`var'_) local endo_list `endo_list' `r(varlist)' recode `r(varlist)' (missing = 0) if `touse' } return local exo_list `exo_list' return local endo_list `endo_list' return local rhs_list `rhs_list' end *capture mata mata drop xtdcce_m_touseupdate() * This program updates touse. mata: function xtdcce_m_touseupdate(string scalar tousename, string scalar idname, real vector id_new) { st_view(touse=.,.,tousename) st_view(id=.,.,idname) done = 0 if (rows(id)==rows(id_new)) { if (mean(id:==id_new)==1) { "all good, copy touse over" touse[(1..rows(touse)),1] = J(rows(touse),1,1) done = 1 } } if (done==0) { "uneven dimensions" _sort(id_new,1) rownum = rows(id_new) i = 1 j = 1 while (j<=rownum) { if (id[i]:==id_new[j]) { touse[i] = 1 j++ i++ } else { touse[i] = 0 i++ } } } } end capture program drop xtdcce_output_table_alpha program define xtdcce_output_table_alpha syntax anything ,[noci] tokenize `anything' local var `1' local col = `2' local b_p_mg `3' local se_p_mg `4' local cv `5' local i `6' di as text %`col's abbrev("`var' ",`=`col'-1') "{c |}" _continue local col = `col' + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 3 di as result _column(`col') %9.8g `se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")] _continue local col = `col' + 8 + 5 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] - `cv'*`se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")]) _continue local col = `col' + 12 di as result _column(`col') %9.7g ( `b_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`b_p_mg',"`i'")] + `cv'*`se_p_mg'[1,colnumb(`se_p_mg',"`i'")]) end