*! xteventplot.ado 3.1.0 July 11, 2024 version 13 program define xteventplot #d; syntax [anything], [ noci /* Supress confidence intervals */ nosupt /* Omit sup-t CI */ NOZEROline /* Supress line at 0 */ NONORMLabel /* Supress label for value of dependent variable at event time = -1 */ noprepval /* Supress p-value for pre-trends test */ nopostpval /* Supress p-value for leveling-off test */ suptreps(numlist integer max=1) /* Draws from multivariate normal for sup-t CI calculations */ overlay(string) /* Overlay plots: Trend, IV, or static */ y /* Plot for dependent variable in IV setting */ proxy /* Plot for proxy variable in IV setting */ LEVels(numlist min=1 max=5) /* Levels for multiple CIs */ SMpath(string) /* Options for smoothest path through confidence region */ overidpre(numlist >0 integer min=1 max=1) /* Test the leftmost coefficients as overid restriction */ overidpost(numlist >1 integer min=1 max=1) /* Test the rightmost coefficients as overid restriction */ SCATTERPLOTopts(string) CIPLOTopts(string) SUPTCIPLOTopts(string) SMPLOTopts(string) TRENDPLOTopts(string) STATICOVPLOTopts(string) addplots(string asis) /* Plots to overlay on coefficients scatter */ textboxoption(string) /* Option for adjusting text size of the test results */ * ] ; #d cr * Other options can be passed to graph *Add nodrawleftend and nodrawrightend * from eventols /* else if "`drawleftend'"=="nodrawleftend" | "`drawrightend'"=="nodrawrightend" { loc kmissadd "" if "`drawleftend'"=="nodrawleftend" loc kmissadd "`kmissadd' `kmin'" if "`drawrightend'"=="nodrawrightend" loc kmissadd "`kmissadd' `kmax'" loc kmiss "kmiss(`kmissadd')" } */ * Capture errors if "`=e(cmd2)'"!="xtevent" { di as err "{cmd:xteventplot} only available after {cmd:xtevent}" exit 301 } if "`ci'"=="noci" & `"`smpath'"'!="" { /* " */ di as err "options {bf:noci} and {bf:smpath} not allowed simultaneously" exit 301 } if "`overlay'"!="" & !inlist("`overlay'","trend","iv","static") { di as err "option {bf:overlay} can only be trend, iv, or static" exit 301 } if "`overlay'"=="trend" & ("`=e(trend)'"!="trend" | ("`=e(trend)'"=="trend" & "`e(trendsaveov)'"!="trendsaveov")) { di as err "option {bf:overlay(trend)} only allowed after {cmd:xtevent, trend(, saveoverlay)}" exit 301 } if "`overlay'"=="iv" & "`=e(method)'"!="iv" { di as err "option {bf:overlay(iv)} only allowed after {cmd:xtevent, proxy() proxyiv()}" exit 301 } * Set suptreps to 1000 if missing if "`suptreps'"=="" loc suptreps = 1000 * Get info from e loc df = e(df) tempname b V if inlist("`overlay'","trend","iv") { mat `b' = e(deltaov) mat `V' = e(Vdeltaov) } else if "`y'" !="" { if "`=e(method)'"!="iv" { di as err "{cmd:xteventplot, y} only available after IV estimation with a proxy." exit 301 } mat `b' = e(deltaov) mat `V' = e(Vdeltaov) } else if "`proxy'"!="" { if "`=e(method)'"!="iv" { di as err "{cmd:xteventplot, y} only available after IV estimation with a proxy." exit 301 } mat `b' = e(deltax) mat `V' = e(Vdeltax) } else { mat `b' = e(delta) mat `V' = e(Vdelta) loc komit = e(komit) } if "`ci'"=="noci" di as txt _n "option {bf:noci} has been specified. Confidence intervals won't be displayed" if "`supt'"=="nosupt" di as txt _n "option {bf:nosupt} has been specified. Sup-t confidence bands won't be displayed or calculated" if "`nozeroline'"=="nozeroline" di as txt _n "option {bf:nozeroline} has been specified. The reference line at 0 won't be displayed" if "`nonormlabel'"=="nonormlabel" di as txt _n "option {bf:nonormlabel} has been specified. The label for the value of the dependent variable at event time corresponding to the normalized coefficient won't be displayed" if "`prepval'"=="noprepval" di as txt _n "option {bf:noprepval} has been specified. The p-value for a pretrends test won't be displayed" if "`postpval'"=="nopostpval" di as txt _n "option {bf:nopostpval} has been specified. The p-value for a test of effects leveling-off won't be displayed" loc kmiss = e(kmiss) loc y1 = e(y1) * If user asks for plot options but the corresponding plot does not exist, ignore plot options if "`smplotopts'"!="" & `"`smpath'"'=="" { di as txt _n "option {bf:smplotopts} specified but option {bf:smpath} is missing. option {bf:smplotopts} ignored" loc smplotopts = "" } * " if "`ciplotopts'"!="" & "`ci'"=="noci" { di as txt _n "option {bf:ciplotopts} specified but option {bf:noci} is active. option {bf:ciplotopts} ignored" loc ciplotopts = "" } if "`suptciplotopts'"!="" & ("`supt'"=="nosupt" | "`ci'"=="noci" ) { di as txt _n "option {bf:suptciplotopts} specified but options {bf:nosupt} or {bf:noci} are active. option {bf:suptciplotopts} ignored" loc suptciplotopts = "" } if "`staticovplotopts'"!="" & "`overlay'"!="static" { di as txt _n "option {bf:staticovplotopts} specified but option {bf:overlay} is not static. option {bf:staticovplotopts} ignored" loc staticovplotopts = "" } if "`trendplotopts'"!="" & "`overlay'"!="trend" { di as txt _n "option {bf:staticovplotopts} specified but option {bf:overlay} is not trend. option {bf:trendplotopts} ignored" loc trendplotopts = "" } * Get standard errors, omitted variables tempvar coef se kxaxis ul ll smline post omitted fid fidget mata st_matrix("`se'",sqrt(diagonal(st_matrix("`V'")))') if "`komit'"=="" loc komit = -1 loc komitcomma: subinstr local komit " " ",", all if "`kmiss'"!="" loc kmiss: subinstr local kmiss " " ",", all else loc kmiss=. loc kgs : colnames `b' loc kgso = "`kgs'" loc kgs : subinstr local kgs "_k_eq_" "", all loc kgs : subinstr local kgs "m" "-", all loc kgs : subinstr local kgs "p" "", all loc kgso : subinstr local kgs "o." "", all if "`kgso'"!="`kgs'" { di "Warning: Some event-time dummies were omitted in the regression. These coefficients will be shown as zero in the plot. Check the window and the instruments, if any." } loc kgs = "`kgso' `komit'" mata: kgs=st_local("kgs") mata: kgs=strtoreal(tokens(kgs)) mata: kgs2=sort(kgs',1)' mata: kgs=invtokens(strofreal(sort(kgs',1)')) mata: st_local("kgs",kgs) loc kmin : word 1 of `kgs' loc ksize : list sizeof kgs loc kmax : word `ksize' of `kgs' * Omit right and left endpoints if trend if "`=e(trend)'"!="." { if "`kmiss'"=="." loc kmiss "`kmax',`kmin'" else loc kmiss "`kmiss',`kmax',`kmin'" } * Estimate static overlay if "`overlay'"=="static" loc ovs = 1 else loc ovs = 0 if `ovs' { di as text "Estimating static model..." tempname estimates bstatic Vstatic yhat samplevar gen byte `samplevar' = e(sample) loc cmdline = e(cmdline) parsecmdline `cmdline' samplevar(`samplevar ') loc cmdstatic = r(cmdstatic) loc cmdpredict = r(cmdpredict) loc depvar = e(depvar) *find name of policyvar loc policyvarp = r(policyvarp) *parse impute option loc impute = r(imputep) if "`impute'"=="." loc impute="" parseimp `impute' loc imptype = r(imptype) if "`imptype'"=="." loc imptype="" loc saveimp = r(saveimpl) if "`saveimp'"=="." loc saveimp="" loc depvarpredict: word 2 of `cmdpredict' loc cmdpredict: subinstr local cmdpredict "`depvarpredict'" "`yhat'", word qui est store `estimates' *the user didn't specify impute option if "`impute'"==""{ `cmdstatic' } *the user specified impute option else{ *the user indicated not to save the imputed policyvar if "`saveimp'"=="" { * Check for a variable named as the imputed policyvar cap unab oldkvars : `policyvarp'_imputed if !_rc { di as err _n "{bf:xteventplot, overlay(static)} requieres to temporarily add the imputed policyvar to the database to estimate the static overlay, but you already have a variable named `policyvarp'_imputed." di as err _n "Please drop or rename this variable before proceeding." exit 110 } *change to save the imputed policyvar loc cmdstatic="`cmdstatic' impute(`imptype', saveimp)" `cmdstatic' } *the user indicated to save the imputed policyvar else { loc cmdstatic=regexr("`cmdstatic'","policyvar\(*`policyvarp'*\)", "") loc cmdstatic="`cmdstatic'" + " policyvar(`policyvarp'_imputed)" * Check id the user dropped or renamed the imputed policyvar cap unab oldkvars : `policyvarp'_imputed if _rc { di as err _n "When running {bf:xtevent} you had created the variable {bf:`policyvarp'_imputed}, and then it was dropped or renamed. This variable is necessary to estimate the static model." exit 110 } `cmdstatic' } *change to not to save the imputed policyvar for the prediction loc cmdpredict="`cmdpredict' impute(`imptype')" } qui predict `yhat' *had temporarily added the policyvar, drop it if "`impute'"!="" & "`saveimp'"=="" drop `policyvarp'_imputed qui `cmdpredict' mat `bstatic' = e(delta) mat `Vstatic' = e(Vdelta) qui est restore `estimates' restoresample `samplevar' } * Get Wald CIs and place overlays in coef2 loc i=1 loc j=1 loc p=1 qui { gen double `coef' = . gen int `post' = . gen byte `omitted' = . if "`overlay'"=="iv" loc oviv=1 else loc oviv=0 if `oviv' | `ovs' { tempvar coef2 gen double `coef2' = . if `oviv' { tempname ovcoef mat `ovcoef' = e(deltaxsc) } } gen double `se' = . gen int `kxaxis'=. foreach k in `kgs' { replace `kxaxis' = `k' in `i' if inlist(`k',`komitcomma') { replace `coef' = 0 in `i' replace `se' = 0 in `i' replace `omitted' = 1 in `i' if `oviv' | `ovs' { replace `coef2' = 0 in `i' } } else if inlist(`k',`kmiss') { replace `coef' = . in `i' if `oviv' | `ovs' { replace `coef2' = . in `i' } replace `se' = . in `i' loc j=`j'+1 } else { replace `coef' = `b'[1,`j'] in `i' if `oviv' { replace `coef2' = `ovcoef'[1,`j'] in `i' } else if `ovs' { replace `coef2' = `bstatic'[1,`j'] in `i' } replace `se' = `se'[1,`j'] in `i' loc j=`j'+1 } if `k'>=0 { replace `post' = `p' in `i' loc ++ p } else { replace `post' = 0 in `i' } loc i=`i'+1 } * Define x axis labels, with plus at endpoints loc lbl "" forv k=`kmin'(1)`kmax' { if (`k'==`kmin' | `k'==`kmax') loc lbl `"`lbl' `k' "`k'+""' /* " */ else loc lbl `" `lbl' `k' "`k'""' /* " */ } loc xaxis=subinstr(`"`plotopts'"',"xlab","",.) /* " */ if `"`xaxis'"' == `"`plotopts'"' loc xaxis "xlab(`lbl')" /* " */ else loc xaxis "" * Confidence intervals if "`ci'"!="noci" { if `df'==. { * This should not happen di as err _n "Missing model degrees of freedom. Using t - value for large sample and 95% confidence to plot confidence intervals." loc ta2 = 1.96 } else loc ta2 = invttail(`df',0.5*(1-c(level)/100)) if "`levels'"=="" { loc mcolor "" gen double `ul' = `coef' + `ta2'*`se' gen double `ll' = `coef' - `ta2'*`se' loc cigraph "rcap `ul' `ll' `kxaxis', pstyle(p1)" } else if "`levels'"!="" { loc cigraph = "" loc levels : list sort levels loc tot: list sizeof levels loc j=1 foreach l in `levels' { loc ta2 = invttail(`df',0.5*(1-`l'/100)) tempvar ul`l' ll`l' gen double `ul`l'' = `coef' + `ta2'*`se' gen double `ll`l'' = `coef' - `ta2'*`se' loc cigraph "`cigraph' rcap `ul`l'' `ll`l'' `kxaxis', pstyle(p1)" if `j'!=`tot' loc cigraph "`cigraph' ||" loc ++j } } } else loc cigraph "" } * Get sup-t CIs qui { if "`ci'"!="noci" { if "`supt'"!="nosupt" { if "`levels'"!="" { di _n "Note: Sup-t confidence band drawn for system confidence level = `=c(level)'" } loc level=c(level)/100 mata: supt(`suptreps',"`se'","`V'",`level') tempvar ulsupt llsupt gen double `ulsupt' = `coef' + q*`se' gen double `llsupt' = `coef' - q*`se' loc cigraphsupt "rspike `ulsupt' `llsupt' `kxaxis', pstyle(p1)" } else loc cigraphsupt "" } } * Smoothest line through CI regions if `"`smpath'"'!="" { * " * Do not allow if left window is zero if `kmin'== -1 { di as err "Smoothest path cannot be calculated when the left window is zero." exit 301 } di _n "Note: Smoothest line drawn for system confidence level = `=c(level)'%" parsesmpath `smpath' loc postwindow = r(postwindow) loc maxorderinput=r(maxorder) loc plottype=r(plottype) cap _return drop smpathparse _return hold smpathparse qui count if `post'!=0 & `post'!=. if `=r(N)'<`postwindow' { mata: mata drop kgs kgs2 di as err "Window for smoothest line must be smaller than window for the estimates. For a line on the entire window, omit the {bf:postwindow} option" exit 301 } *error if user chooses order greater than 10 if `maxorderinput'>10{ di as err "The maximum allowed order is 10" exit 301 } if "`plottype'"=="." loc plottype "line" if !inlist("`plottype'","line","scatter","poly") { di as err _n "Only scatter, line or poly allowed in option {bf:linetype}" exit 301 } tempname omitmat matrix `omitmat' = (`komitcomma') if `postwindow'!=0 | "`kmiss'"!="." { * Coefs gen byte `fid' = !inlist(`kxaxis',`kmiss') if `postwindow'>0 qui replace `fid' = 0 if `post'>`postwindow' qui replace `fid' = . if `kxaxis' ==. qui putmata dhat= `coef' if `fid', omitmissing * Variance * strip beginning if nodrawleft if `fid'[1]==0 { matrix `omitmat' = `omitmat' - 1 mat `V' = `V'[2...,2...] } * strip end if nodrawright if `fid'[`=`i'-1'] == 0 { loc Vr = rowsof(`V')-1 loc Vc = colsof(`V')-1 mat `V' = `V'[1..`Vr',1..`Vc'] } qui mata: Vhat = st_matrix("`V'") qui mata: Vhat0=Vadd0(Vhat,kgs2[1..rows(dhat)],st_matrix("`omitmat'")) } else { qui putmata dhat= `coef', omitmissing qui mata: Vhat= st_matrix("`V'") qui mata: Vhat0=Vadd0(Vhat,kgs2,st_matrix("`omitmat'")) } _return restore smpathparse cap noi mata: polyline(1-st_numscalar("c(level)")/100,"r(maxiter)","r(technique)",dhat,Vhat0,"r(maxorder)",errorcodem=.,errorcodep=.,convergedm=.,convergedp=.,maxedout=.,param=.,WB=.,Wcrit=.,orderout=.) mata: st_numscalar("maxedout",maxedout) if !maxedout { mata: p=param if `postwindow'!=0 | "`kmiss'"!="." { getsm `fidget' `coef' `smline' p `fid' drop `fid' } else getsm `fidget' `coef' `smline' p mata: st_numscalar("errorcodem",errorcodem) mata: st_numscalar("errorcodep",errorcodep) if (errorcodem!=. & errorcodem !=0 & errorcodep!=. & errorcodep !=0) { if (errorcodem == 8 & errorcodep ==8) { * This one is common so separate warning di "Warning: Smoothest path optimization found a flat region." } else { loc errorcodem = errorcodem loc errorcodep = errorcodep di as txt _n "The optimization to calculate the smoothest path returned an error code." di as txt "Smoothest path won't be displayed." di as txt "Try changing the optimization options. For example, try -smpath(scatter, tech(dfp)-." di in smcl _n "Error code = `errorcodem'. See {help mf_optimize##r_error} to see what that means." di in smcl "Error code = `errorcodep'. See {help mf_optimize##r_error} to see what that means." } } else { if "`plottype'"=="scatter" { loc smgraph "scatter `smline' `kxaxis', pstyle(p2)" } else if "`plottype'"=="line" { loc smgraph "line `smline' `kxaxis', pstyle(p1line)" } } mata: mata drop p `fidget' } else { di as txt _n "Could not find a polynomial with order<=maxorder through the Wald confidence region." di as txt "Smoothest path won't be displayed." loc smgraph "" } mata: mata drop dhat Vhat Vhat0 convergedm convergedp errorcodem errorcodep param maxedout } else { loc smgraph "" } * Textbox option if "`textboxoption'"!="" loc textbox ", `textboxoption'" * P-value for pre-trends test and value of y in label if "`overlay'"!="trend" { if "`y'"=="" & "`proxy'"=="" & "`overlay'"!="static" & "`overlay'"!="iv"& "`=e(trend)'"=="." { if ("`prepval'"!="noprepval") | ("`postpval'"!="nopostpval") { * Skip this test if left window is zero if `kmin'!= -1 { qui xteventtest, overid loc pvalpre : di %9.2f r(pre_p) loc pvalpost: di % 9.2f r(post_p) } else { loc pvalpre = "" qui xteventtest, overidpost(2) loc pvalpost: di % 9.2f r(p) } if "`overidpre'"!="" { qui xteventtest, overidpre(`overidpre') loc pvalpre : di %9.2f r(p) } if "`overidpost'"!="" { qui xteventtest, overidpost(`overidpost') loc pvalpost : di %9.2f r(p) } } if ("`prepval'"!="noprepval") loc notepre "Pretrends p-value = `pvalpre'" else loc notepre "" if ("`postpval'"!="nopostpval") { loc notepost "Leveling off p-value = `pvalpost'" if "`notepre'"!="" loc notepost "-- `notepost'" } else loc notepost "" loc note "`notepre' `notepost'" } * P-value for constant effects test if overlay static else if "`overlay'"=="static" { qui xteventtest, constanteff loc pval : di %9.2f r(p) loc note "Constant effects p-value = `pval'" } loc note "note(`note' `textbox')" } else loc note "" if "`proxy'"!="" { loc y1plot : di %9.4g `=e(x1)' loc y1plot=strtrim("`y1plot'") loc y1plot `""0 (`y1plot')" "' } else { loc y1plot : di %9.4g `=e(y1)' loc y1plot=strtrim("`y1plot'") loc y1plot `""0 (`y1plot')" "' } * Overlay plot for trend if "`=e(trend)'"=="trend" & "`overlay'"=="trend" { mat mattrendy = e(mattrendy) mat mattrendx = e(mattrendx) tempname trendy trendx svmat mattrendy, names(`trendy') svmat mattrendx, names(`trendx') loc trendplot "lfit `trendy'1 `trendx'1, range(`=`kmin'+1' `=`kmax'-1')" } * Plot * coef2 is for overlay plots cap confirm var `coef2' if _rc loc coef2 "" * Do not display legend unless user requires it loc haslegend : subinstr local options "legend" "", all if `"`options'"'==`"`haslegend'"' loc legend "legend(off)" /* " */ else loc legend "" * Overlay static plots lines, other overlays plot scatter if "`overlay'"=="static" loc cmdov "line `coef2' `kxaxis', `staticovplotopts' || scatter `coef' `kxaxis'" else loc cmdov "scatter `coef' `coef2' `kxaxis'" * Line at zero by default, unless supressed if "`nozeroline'"=="nozeroline" loc zeroline "" else loc zeroline "yline(0, lpattern(dash) lstyle(refline))" * Label for value of y at -1 by default, unless supressed if "`nonormlabel'"=="nonormlabel" loc ylab "" else loc ylab "ylab(#5 0 `y1plot')" tw `smgraph' `smplotopts' || `cigraph' `ciplotopts' || `cigraphsupt' `suptciplotopts' || `cmdov' , xtitle("") ytitle("") `xaxis' pstyle(p1) `ylab' `note' msymbol(circle triangle_hollow) `scatterplotopts' || `addplots' || `trendplot' `trendplotopts' ||,`zeroline' `options' `legend' cap qui mata: mata drop kgs end * Program to parse smpath options program define parsesmpath, rclass syntax [anything] , [maxiter(integer 100) TECHnique(string) postwindow(real 0) maxorder(integer 10)] return local plottype "`anything'" return scalar maxiter=`maxiter' if `postwindow'<0 { mata: mata drop kgs kgs2 di as err "option {bf:postwindow} cannot be negative." exit 301 } return scalar postwindow = `postwindow' if "`technique'"=="" loc technique "nr 5 bfgs" return local technique "`technique'" return scalar maxorder = `maxorder' end * Program to get smline from mata program define getsm args fidget coef smline p fid gen long `fidget' = _n if "`fid'"!="" qui putmata `fidget' if !missing(`coef') & `fid' == 1 else qui putmata `fidget' if !missing(`coef') qui getmata `smline'=`p', id(`fidget') end * Program to repost sample program define restoresample, eclass ereturn repost, esample(`1') end * Program to parse cmdline and return commands for overlay static plot program define parsecmdline, rclass syntax anything [aw fw pw] [if][in], samplevar(string) [Window(string) savek(string) plot proxy(string) POLicyvar(string) impute(string) *] if "`if'"=="" loc ifs "if `samplevar'" else loc ifs "`if' & `samplevar'" loc cmdstatic `anything' [`weight'`exp'] `ifs' `in', policyvar(`policyvar') `options' proxy(`proxy') static loc cmdpredict `anything' [`weight'`exp'] `if' `in', policyvar(`policyvar') window(`window') `options' proxy(`proxy') return local cmdstatic = "`cmdstatic'" return local cmdpredict = "`cmdpredict'" return local policyvarp = "`policyvar'" return local imputep = "`impute'" end *program to parse impute option program define parseimp, rclass syntax [anything] , [saveimp] return local imptype "`anything'" return local saveimpl "`saveimp'" end mata /* Function to add 0 to variance matrix */ real matrix Vadd0(real matrix Vhat, real matrix k, real matrix komit) { real scalar k1, i, j, oi,oj real matrix kind, kindomit, V k1=k[1] kind=k:-k1:+1 kindomit=komit:-k1:+1 V=J(cols(k),cols(k),0) oi=0 for (i=1; i<=cols(k);i++) { if (!anyof(kindomit,kind[i])) { oj=0 for (j=1;j<=cols(k);j++) { if (!anyof(kindomit,kind[j])) { V[kind[i],kind[j]]=Vhat[kind[i-oi],kind[j-oj]] } else { oj++ } } } else { oi++ } } return(V) } /* Function to find the polynomial that minimizes Wald given a polynomial order, and return the polynomial and the Wald value */ void polywaldmin(trfit,W,a,F,dhat,Vhatinv,normalization,r) { real scalar p, jj real matrix k, Anorm, XX, Xy, A, b, aL p=rows(dhat) if (r==0) { trfit = J(p,1,0) W = dhat'*Vhatinv*dhat a=0 } else { k = range(0,p-1,1)/(p-1) F = J(p,1,1) for (jj=1; jj<=r; jj++) { F = F, k:^jj } Anorm = F[normalization,.] XX = 2*F'*Vhatinv*F Xy = 2*F'*Vhatinv*dhat A = (XX, Anorm' \ Anorm, J(rows(normalization),rows(normalization),0)) b = (Xy \ J(rows(normalization),1,0)) aL = qrsolve(A,b) a = aL[1..r+1] trfit = F*a W = (dhat-trfit)'*Vhatinv*(dhat-trfit) } } /* Function to find minimum order to get Wald below critical value */ void findorder(trfit,W0,order,F,a,dhat,Vhatinv,normalization,maxorder,Wcrit) { real scalar Wstart Wstart = 1e6 r=0 printf("Wald Critical Value %f\n",Wcrit) while (r<=maxorder & Wstart > Wcrit) { printf("Order %f\n",r) polywaldmin(trfit=.,W0=.,a=.,F=.,dhat,Vhatinv,normalization,r) printf("Wald value %f\n",W0) Wstart=W0 r++ } order=r-1 } /* Structure to hold inputs for optimization problem */ struct inputs { real matrix Fb,F1,F2,Ab,A1,A2,Vhatinv,delta real scalar d0, Wcrit } /* Intermediate functions with inputs for functions to be optimized */ real scalar d1(struct inputs scalar i,z) { real scalar y y = -2*(i.F2-i.F1*pinv(i.A1)*i.A2)'*i.Vhatinv*(i.delta-(i.Fb-i.F1*pinv(i.A1)*i.Ab)*z') return(y) } real scalar d2(struct inputs scalar i,z) { real scalar y y= (i.delta-(i.Fb-i.F1*pinv(i.A1)*i.Ab)*z')'*i.Vhatinv*(i.delta-(i.Fb-i.F1*pinv(i.A1)*i.Ab)*z') - i.Wcrit return(y) } /* Functions to be optimized */ void b2m(todo,z,struct inputs scalar i,y,g,H) { y = ((-d1(i,z)-sqrt(d1(i,z)^2-4*i.d0*d2(i,z)))/(2*i.d0))^2 } void b2p(todo,z,struct inputs scalar i,y,g,H) { y = ((-d1(i,z)+sqrt(d1(i,z)^2-4*i.d0*d2(i,z)))/(2*i.d0))^2 } /* Optimization if number of normalized coefficients < polynomial order */ void aresultless(Anorm,F,Vhatinv,delta,Wcrit,pn,a,order,errorcodem,errorcodep,convergedm,convergedp,maxiter,tech,aresult) { struct inputs scalar i real scalar a2m, a2p, a2, rc real matrix b2mp, b2pp, a1, b i.Vhatinv = Vhatinv i.delta = delta i.Wcrit = Wcrit i.Ab = Anorm[.,1..cols(Anorm)-pn-1] i.A1 = Anorm[.,cols(Anorm)-pn..cols(Anorm)-1] i.A2 = Anorm[.,cols(Anorm)] i.Fb = F[.,1..cols(F)-pn-1] i.F1 = F[.,cols(F)-pn..cols(F)-1] i.F2 = F[.,cols(F)] i.d0 = (i.F2-i.F1*pinv(i.A1)*i.A2)'*Vhatinv*(i.F2-i.F1*pinv(i.A1)*i.A2) S = optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S,&b2m()) optimize_init_which(S,"min") optimize_init_argument(S,1,i) optimize_init_technique(S,tech) optimize_init_params(S,a[1..cols(F)-pn-1,1]') optimize_init_conv_maxiter(S,maxiter) optimize_init_conv_nrtol(S,1e-6) optimize_init_singularHmethod(S, "hybrid") (void) _optimize(S) rc = optimize_result_errorcode(S) if (rc!=0 ) { errorcodem=rc } b2mp=optimize_result_params(S) convergedm=optimize_result_converged(S) S = optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S,&b2p()) optimize_init_which(S,"min") optimize_init_params(S,a[1..cols(F)-pn-1,1]') optimize_init_argument(S,1,i) optimize_init_technique(S,tech) optimize_init_conv_maxiter(S,maxiter) optimize_init_singularHmethod(S, "hybrid") (void) _optimize(S) rc = optimize_result_errorcode(S) if (rc!=0 ) { errorcodep=rc } b2pp=optimize_result_params(S) convergedp=optimize_result_converged(S) a2m = (-d1(i,b2mp)-sqrt(d1(i,b2mp)^2-4*i.d0*d2(i,b2mp)))/(2*i.d0) a2p = (-d1(i,b2pp)+sqrt(d1(i,b2pp)^2-4*i.d0*d2(i,b2pp)))/(2*i.d0) if (abs(a2m) < abs(a2p)) { a2 = a2m b = b2mp' } else { a2 = a2p b = b2pp' } a1 = -pinv(i.A1)*(i.Ab*b+i.A2*a2) aresult = (b\a1\a2) } /* Solution if number of normalized coefficients = polynomial order */ real matrix aresulteq(Anorm,F,Vhatinv,delta,Wcrit,pn) { real matrix A1,A2,F1,F2,a1,aresult real scalar d0,d1,d2,a2m,a2p,a2 A1 = Anorm[.,cols(Anorm)-pn..cols(Anorm)-1] A2 = Anorm[.,cols(Anorm)] F1 = F[.,cols(Anorm)-pn..cols(Anorm)-1] F2 = F[.,cols(Anorm)] d0 = (F2-F1*pinv(A1)*A2)'*Vhatinv*(F2-F1*pinv(A1)*A2) d1 = -2*(F2-F1*pinv(A1)*A2)'*Vhatinv*delta d2 = delta'*Vhatinv*delta - Wcrit a2m = (-d1-sqrt(d1^2-4*d0*d2))/(2*d0) a2p = (-d1+sqrt(d1^2-4*d0*d2))/(2*d0) if (abs(a2m) < abs(a2p)) { a2 = a2m } else { a2 = a2p } a1 = -pinv(A1)*(A2*a2) aresult = (a1\a2) return(aresult) } /* Main function */ /* dhat, Vhat, Vhat0 are brought to mata in xteventplot.ado */ void polyline(real scalar alpha, string scalar Maxiter, string scalar Tech, real matrix dhat, real matrix Vhat, string scalar Maxorder, real scalar errorcodem, real scalar errorcodep, real scalar convergedm, real scalar convergedp, real scalar maxedout, real matrix param, real matrix WB, real matrix Wcrit, real scalar orderout) { real matrix Vhatinv, F, a, delta, pos real scalar normalization, W0, order, maxiter, maxorder, pn string scalar tech Vhatinv = pinv(Vhat) pos = dhat:==0 normalization=selectindex(pos) maxorder = st_numscalar(Maxorder) pn = rows(normalization) Wcrit=invchi2(rows(dhat)-pn,1-alpha) findorder(trfit=.,W0=.,order=.,F=.,a=.,dhat,Vhatinv,normalization,maxorder,Wcrit) if (order==0) { maxedout = 0 param=J(rows(dhat),1,0) } else if (order==maxorder) { param=. maxedout=1 } else { maxedout=0 delta=dhat Anorm = F[normalization,.] maxiter = st_numscalar(Maxiter) tech = st_global(Tech) if (pn0) j1 = j:+1 j = j :* (j:>=1) _editvalue(j, 0, 1) j = j :* (j:<=N) _editvalue(j, 0, N) j1 = j1 :* (j1:>=1) _editvalue(j1, 0, 1) j1 = j1 :* (j1:<=N) _editvalue(j1, 0, N) return((1:-g):*X[p[j]] + g:*X[p[j1]]) } real colvector _mm_quantilew( real colvector X, real colvector w, real colvector P, real scalar altdef) { real colvector Q, pi, pj real scalar i, I, j, jj, J, rsum, W pointer scalar ww I = rows(X) ww = (rows(w)==1 ? &J(I,1,w) : &w) if (altdef) return(_mm_quantilewalt(X, *ww, P)) W = quadsum(*ww) pi = order(X, 1) if (anyof(*ww, 0)) { pi = select(pi,(*ww)[pi]:!=0) I = rows(pi) } pj = order(P, 1) J = rows(P) Q = J(J, 1, .) j = 1 jj = pj[1] rsum = 0 for (i=1; i<=I; i++) { rsum = rsum + (*ww)[pi[i]] if (iP[jj]*W | i==I) Q[jj] = X[pi[i]] else Q[jj] = (X[pi[i]] + X[pi[i+1]])/2 j++ if (j>J) break jj = pj[j] if (iJ) break } return(Q) } real colvector _mm_quantilewalt( real colvector X, real colvector w, real colvector P) { real colvector Q, pi, pj real scalar i, I, j, jj, J, rsum, rsum0, W, ub, g W = quadsum(w) + 1 pi = order(X, 1) if (anyof(w, 0)) pi = select(pi, w[pi]:!=0) I = rows(pi) pj = order(P, 1) J = rows(P) Q = J(J, 1, .) rsum = w[pi[1]] for (j=1; j<=J; j++) { jj = pj[j] if (P[jj]*W <= rsum) Q[jj] = X[pi[1]] else break } for (i=2; i<=I; i++) { rsum0 = rsum rsum = rsum + w[pi[i]] if (i=ub | X[pi[i]]==X[pi[i-1]]) Q[jj] = X[pi[i]] else { g = (ub - P[jj]*W) / (ub - rsum0) Q[jj] = X[pi[i-1]]*g + X[pi[i]]*(1-g) } j++ if (j>J) break jj = pj[j] if (iJ) break } return(Q) } end