/* xtidt VERSION 2.0 15dec2011 */ VERSION 10 INCLUDE _std_large DEFINE _dlght 320 INCLUDE header HELP hlp1, view("help xtidt") RESET res1 SCRIPT show_xtset BEGIN create STRING note note.setvalue `"For a population-averaged model,"' note.append `" correlation structures other than"' note.append `" "exchangeable" and "independent""' note.append `" require that a time variable be specified."' note.withvalue create CHILD xtset, message(`"" " `"@"'"') END DIALOG main, label("xtidt - Create Identification Panel Data Variables") /* */ tabtitle("Main") BEGIN BUTTON bu_xtset _xsetbu _top _setbuwd ., /// onpush(script show_xtset) /// label("Panel settings...") BUTTON bu_mi_xtset _xsetbu _top _setbuwd ., /// onpush("view dialog mi_xtset") /// label("Panel settings...") GROUPBOX gb_step _lft _ls _iwd _ht5, /* */ label("Specify Positive Value for:") SPINNER sp_t _ilft _ss _spwd ., /* */ min(3) max(500) default(3) /* */ option("t") /* */ label("Number of Years") TEXT tx_t _spsep @ _sprb ., /* */ label("Number of Years") SPINNER sp_id _ilft _ms _spwd ., /* */ min(4) max(1000) default(4) /* */ option("id") /* */ label("Number of Panels") TEXT tx_id _spsep @ _sprb ., /* */ label("Number of Panels") */ VARNAME vn_panel _ilft _xxls 120 ., /// label("Panel") /// option(panel) TEXT tx_panel 150 @ 300 ., /// label("Panel ID Variable") VARNAME vn_year _ilft _ls 120 ., /// label("Year") /// option(year) TEXT tx_year 150 @ 300 ., /// label("Year ID Variable (Time)") GROUPBOX gb_opt _lft _ss _iwd _ht10 , /* */ label("Options:") VARNAME vn_time _ilft _ms 120 ., /// label("time") /// option(time) TEXT tx_time 150 @ 300 ., /// label("Time Trend Variable") EDIT vl_dumcs _ilft _ls 120 ., /// label("dumcs") /// option(dumcs) TEXT tx_dumcs 150 @ 300 ., /// label("Cross Section Dummy Variables (Prefix Name)") EDIT vl_dumts _ilft _ms 120 ., /// label("dumts") /// option(dumts) TEXT tx_dumts 150 @ 300 ., /// label("Time Series Dummy Variables (Prefix Name)") CHECKBOX ck_list _ilft _ms 200 ., option("list") /* */ label("Display Panel and Time ID Variables") END INCLUDE ifin PROGRAM command BEGIN put "xtidt " put " " /program ifin_output require main.vn_panel require main.vn_year beginoptions optionarg main.sp_t optionarg main.sp_id optionarg main.vn_panel optionarg main.vn_year optionarg main.vn_time optionarg main.vl_dumcs optionarg main.vl_dumts option main.ck_list endoptions END