*! version 1.1.3 2may2007 * This program is almost identical with official Stata's newey_p.ado file. program define xtscc_p version 6, missing /* Step 1: place command-unique options in local myopts Note that standard options are LR: Index XB Cooksd Hat REsiduals RSTAndard RSTUdent STDF STDP STDR noOFFset SE: Index XB STDP noOFFset */ local myopts XB Index STDP REsiduals /* Step 2: call _propts, exit if done, else collect what was returned. */ /* takes advantage that -myopts- produces error * if -eq()- specified w/ other that xb and stdp */ _pred_se "`myopts'" `0' if `s(done)' { exit } local vtyp `s(typ)' local varn `s(varn)' local 0 `"`s(rest)'"' /* Step 3: Parse your syntax. */ syntax [if] [in] [, `myopts' noOFFset] /* Step 4: Concatenate switch options together */ local type `xb'`index'`stdp'`residuals' local args /* Step 5: quickly process default case if you can Do not forget -nooffset- option. */ if "`type'" == "" | "`type'" == "index" | "`type'" == "xb" { if "`type'" == "" { di in gr "(option xb assumed; fitted values)" } _predict `vtyp' `varn' `if' `in', `offset' label var `varn' "Fitted values" exit } /* Step 6: mark sample (this is not e(sample)). */ marksample touse /* Step 7: handle options that take argument one at a time. Comment if restricted to e(sample). Be careful in coding that number of missing values created is shown. Do all intermediate calculations in double. */ /* Step 8: handle switch options that can be used in-sample or out-of-sample one at a time. Be careful in coding that number of missing values created is shown. Do all intermediate calculations in double. */ if "`type'" == "stdp" { _predict `vtyp' `varn' `if' `in', `offset' stdp label var `varn' "S.E. of prediction of `e(depvar)'" exit } if "`type'" == "residuals" { tempname xb qui _predict double `xb' `if' `in' gen `vtyp' `varn' = `e(depvar)' - `xb' `if' `in' label var `varn' "Residuals" exit } /* Step 9: handle switch options that can be used in-sample only. Same comments as for step 8. */ /* Step 10. Issue r(198), syntax error. The user specified more than one option */ error 198 end