help for ^xttrans2^

Tabulate xt data ----------------

^xttab^ varname [^if^ exp] [^,^ ^i(^varname^)^ ]

^xttrans2^ varname [^if^ exp] [^,^ ^i(^varname^)^ ^t(^varname^)^ ^f^req ^prob^ tabulate_options ]

Description -----------

If you have not read help for @xt@, please do so now.

^xttab^, a generalization of @tabulate@, performs one-way tabulations and decom > - poses counts into between and within components in cross-sectional time-series (xt) data. ^xttab^ is part of official Stata and untouched by the author.

^xttrans2^, another generalization of @tabulate@, reports transition probabilit > ies (the change in a single categorical variable over time). It differs from official Stata's ^xttrans^ only in detail: (a) options of ^tabulate^ other than ^row^ and ^freq^ also may be specified; (b) a matrix of probabilities may be saved; (c) it may not be called ^by^ varlist.

Options -------

^i(^varname^)^ specifies the variable name corresponding to i; see help @xt@.

^t(^varname^)^ specifies the variable name corresponding to t; see help @xt@.

^freq^, allowed with ^xttrans2^ only, specifies that frequencies as well as tra > nsi- tion probabilities are to be displayed.

^prob^ specifies that the matrix produced contain probabilities rather than frequencies.

tabulate_options are options of ^tabulate^ other than ^row^ and ^freq^. For example, it may be useful to use ^matcell^ to save the frequencies to a matrix.

Examples --------

. ^iis id^ . ^tis year^

. ^xttab race^ . ^xttab married^

. ^xttrans2 married, matcell(T)^

Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Also see --------

Manual: ^[R] xttab^ On-line: help for @xt@, @xtdes@, @xtsum@