RePEc documentation: Monitoring HoPEc First of all, get on he forward list of Main task is weed out false claims of authorship. Those are usually quite easy to spot. You get by email every new or modified template, thus if someone with a hotmail address claims to have published something, verify on HoPEc whether author names correspond. The monthly complete refresh of HoPEc also generates a list of "odd name correspondences". This list can be found on, account adnetec, at /home/adnetec/Ivan/gemini-pub/unmatched-authorship-claims-list Frauders ought to be deleted. To do so, remove their template in /home/adnetec/RePEc/per/pers/. Remove also bozos registering with funny names. Twice a year, I also email those who did not claim any papers. Among those, many have now invalid email addresses. They are also removed. Next task is doing a little quality control for the legit people. Check whether new registrants who claimed no papers but ought to have some did a poor job. If so, just add one paper that is obviously theirs so that they start getting the monthly emails. Do this to their template in /home/adnetec/RePEc/per/pers/. Also add any obvious affiliation. Finally, keep track of first time registrants with claimed items who fail to confirm from their email. The bottom of the email reveals if they have claimed items (RA0WA0: no research association, no work association, RA17WA2 17 and 2). Send them a gentle reminder after a day. Note that anybody loging into HoPEc is tracked, including his IP address. Log files are at /home/adnetec/HoPEc/pers-logs/. They are quite useful to help answer questions about the service. Finally, until we have a Last-Modified: field in person templates, modifying things in the templates is a bit tricky. Monthly mailings use the last modified date to customize reminders. Thus you do not want to modify templates directly. To do this, several tools are available in /home/adnetec/RePEc/per/pers/. They all increment the modification times just a little so as to get the templates mirrored: allows to delete, add or change one specific line in a specific template to do some bulk changes to do some bulk additions to do some bulk removals Author: Christian Zimmermann, 2002-05-19