{smcl} {txt}{net "from http://repec.org/bocode":SSC} Stata modules created or revised 2025-01-22 to 2025-02-22 {hline} {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/gmd":GMD} {txt} module to access and manipulate data from the Global Macro Database{txt} Authors: Mohamed Lehbib Req: Stata version 14 {txt} Created: 2025-02-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/goprobit2":GOPROBIT2} {txt} module to perform generalized ordered probit regression{txt} Authors: Jacob Triplett Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Created: 2025-02-18 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/multisite":MULTISITE} {txt} module to install the three components of the multisite poackage {txt} Authors: Clement de Chaisemartin Antoine Deeb Bingxue Li Req: Stata version 12 {txt} Created: 2025-02-21 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/multisite_regitt":MULTISITE_REGITT} {txt} module to compute the coefficients from a regression of site-level ITTs on site-level characteristics in multi-site randomized trials{txt} Authors: Clement de Chaisemartin Antoine Deeb Bingxue Li Req: Stata version 14.2 {txt} Created: 2025-02-12 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/symbionet":SYMBIONET} {txt} module to build a symbiotic (or symmetric) correlation network from a list of variables{txt} Authors: Nadia Von Jacobi Charlie Joyez Req: Stata version 9 {txt} Created: 2025-02-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/myrank":MYRANK} {txt} module to generate axis variable base on ranks {txt} Authors: Nicholas J. Cox Req: Stata version 8.1 {txt} Created: 2025-02-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/e/euromod":EUROMOD} {txt} module to connect to EUROMOD (Windows only){txt} Authors: Hannes Serruys Req: Stata version 15.1 for Windows {txt} Revised: 2025-02-19 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/l/loevh2":LOEVH2} {txt} module to calculate Loevinger's H for two dichotomous variables{txt} Authors: Dirk Enzmann Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Created: 2025-02-10 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/crosswalk":CROSSWALK} {txt} module to recode variable based on crosswalk table (bulk recoding){txt} Authors: Ben Jann Req: Stata version 14 and moremata from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Created: 2025-02-08 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/p/power_step":POWER_STEP} {txt} module to compute power for a step intervention with AR(1) Error{txt} Authors: Ariel Linden Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Created: 2025-02-08 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtdhazard":XTDHAZARD} {txt} module to perform Own-Differences IV/CF Estimation of the Discrete-Time Hazard Model{txt} Authors: Harald Tauchmann Req: Stata version 14 {txt} Created: 2025-02-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/cfbinout":CFBINOUT} {txt} module to perform Control Function Estimation of Binary Outcome Models{txt} Authors: Elena Yurkevich Harald Tauchmann Req: Stata version 14 {txt} Created: 2025-02-04 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/ginidecomp":GINIDECOMP} {txt} module to decompose the Gini coefficient by population subgroups{txt} Authors: Vesa-Matti Heikkuri Matthias Schief Req: Stata version 10 {txt} Created: 2025-03-01 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/b/box":BOX} {txt} module to find and set the Box local folder as Stata's working directory {txt} Authors: Giacomo Zanello Req: Stata version 10 {txt} Created: 2025-01-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/a/appmlhdfe":APPMLHDFE} {txt} module to estimate asymmetric Poisson regression with high dimensional fixed effects{txt} Authors: Matthew Clance J.M.C. Santos Silva Req: Stata version 11.1, ppmlhdfe and reghdfe from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Created: 2025-01-25 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/geoflow":GEOFLOW} {txt} module for generating spatial arcs{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and graphfunctions from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Created: 2025-01-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/geoboundary":GEOBOUNDARY} {txt} module for administrative boundaries{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Revised: 2025-01-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/w/winsor4":WINSOR4} {txt} module to winsorize a variable based on outliers defined by either percentiles or interquartile range{txt} Authors: Adrien Matray Pablo E. Rodriguez Req: Stata version 13 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/e/evstudydd":EVSTUDYDD} {txt} module to estimate event studies in D-i-D settings {txt} Authors: Adrien Matray Pablo E. Rodriguez Req: Stata version 13 and reghdfe from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2025-02-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/stackdid":STACKDID} {txt} module to estimate Stacked Difference-in-Differences Regression{txt} Authors: Jacob Triplett Req: Stata version 11.2 and reghdfe, ppmlhdfe, ftools from SSC {txt} Revised: 2025-02-17 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/r/reghdfejl":REGHDFEJL} {txt} module to estimate high-dimensional fixed-effect linear models using Julia{txt} Authors: David Roodman Req: Stata version 15, julia from SSC, Julia 1.11 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-20 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/j/julia":JULIA} {txt} module to provide interface to Julia{txt} Authors: David Roodman Req: Stata version 14.1 and Julia 1.11 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-20 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/d/did_multiplegt_dyn":DID_MULTIPLEGT_DYN} {txt} module to estimate event-study Difference-in-Difference (DID) estimators in designs with multiple groups and periods, with a potentially non-binary treatment that may increase or decrease multiple times{txt} Authors: Clément de Chaisemartin Diego Ciccia Xavier D'Haultfoeuille Felix Knau Mélitine Malézieux Doulo Sow Req: Stata version 12 and gtools from SSC (q.v.avity2) {txt} Revised: 2025-02-11 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/d/dirtree":DIRTREE} {txt} module to display the content of a directory as a tree{txt} Authors: Maarten L. Buis Req: Stata version 14 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-21 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/staggered":STAGGERED} {txt} module implementing R staggered package based on Roth and Sant'Anna (2023){txt} Authors: Mauricio Caceres Bravo Jonathan Roth Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna Req: Stata version 14.1 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-05 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/chimchar":CHIMCHAR} {txt} module to thoroughly clean string variables{txt} Authors: Tommy Morgan Req: Stata version 14 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-19 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/c/circlebar":CIRCLEBAR} {txt} module to produce polar bar graphs{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace from SSC {txt} Revised: 2025-01-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/spider":SPIDER} {txt} module for spider plots{txt} Authors: Asjad Naqvi Req: Stata version 15 and palettes, colrspace from SSC {txt} Revised: 2025-01-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtbunitroot":XTBUNITROOT} {txt} module to perform unit root tests for panel data with structural breaks{txt} Authors: Pengyu Chen Yiannis Karavias Req: Stata version 12 {txt} Revised: 2027-07-29 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/m/mkproject":MKPROJECT} {txt} module to create a project folder with some boilerplate code and research log{txt} Authors: Maarten L. Buis Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-04 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/t/testjfe":TESTJFE} {txt} module to perform test for instrument validity in the Judge fixed effects design{txt} Authors: Brigham Frandsen Req: Stata version 13 and crossfold from SSC (q.v.) {txt} Revised: 2025-02-20 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/stpp":STPP} {txt} module to compute Pohar-Perme non-parametric estimate of marginal relative (net) survival{txt} Authors: Paul Lambert Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-12 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/i/iscogen":ISCOGEN} {txt} module to translate ISCO codes{txt} Authors: Ben Jann Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-08 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtgeebcv":XTGEEBCV} {txt} module to compute bias-corrected (small-sample) standard errors for generalized estimating equations{txt} Authors: John A. Gallis Fan Li Elizabeth L. Turner Req: Stata version 16 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-12 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/s/summtab":SUMMTAB} {txt} module to compute summary statistics overall and/or across levels of a categorical variable {txt} Authors: John A. Gallis Req: Stata version 15 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-13 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/gintreg":GINTREG} {txt} module to perform Generalized Interval Regression {txt} Authors: James McDonald Jacob Triplett Req: Stata version 13 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-17 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/e/eurostatuse":EUROSTATUSE} {txt} module to import data from Eurostat repository into Stata{txt} Authors: Sébastien Fontenay Sem Vandekerckhove Req: Stata version 11 {txt} Revised: 2025-01-23 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/r/regsave":REGSAVE} {txt} module to save regression results to a Stata-formatted dataset {txt} Authors: Julian Reif Req: Stata version 8 {txt} Revised: 2025-01-24 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/o/oglm":OGLM} {txt} module to estimate Ordinal Generalized Linear Models{txt} Authors: Richard Williams Req: Stata version 11.2 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-17 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/g/gologit2":GOLOGIT2} {txt} module to estimate generalized logistic regression models for ordinal dependent variables{txt} Authors: Richard Williams Req: Stata version 11.2 {txt} Revised: 2025-02-17 {net "describe http://repec.org/bocode/x/xtabond2":XTABOND2} {txt} module to extend xtabond dynamic panel data estimator {txt} Authors: David Roodman Req: Stata version 7.0 (with 21jun2002 update); version 9.0 for Mata version {txt} Revised: 2025-02-09 {hline} {txt} End of recent additions and updates