Recent SSC-IDEAS Stata modules

"; print "SSC Stata modules
created or revised "; $currdt=$year.$cmp.$curmo.$dp.$dyb4; $prevdt=$yrb4.$mp.$monb4.$dp.$dyb4; print "$yrb4-$mp$monb4-$dp$dyb4 to $year-$cmp$curmo-$dp$dyb4


$xFile = file ("");
$yFile = file ("");
$st = count($xFile);
for ($i=0; $i < count($yFile); $i++) {
	$xFile[$st+$i] = $yFile[$i];
$zFile = file ("");
$st = count($xFile);
for ($i=0; $i < count($zFile); $i++) {
        $xFile[$st+$i] = $zFile[$i];
for ($i=0; $i < count($xFile); $i++) {
	if(ereg("^Title: (.+): Stata (.+)$",$xFile[$i],$matches)) {
		$name = $matches[1];
		$desc = $matches[2];
//		echo "
$name | $desc
"; $an = ""; } if(ereg("^Author-Name: (.+)$",$xFile[$i],$ma)) { $an = $an.chop($ma[1])." "; } if(ereg("^Creation-Date: (.+)$",$xFile[$i],$cd)) { $cred = $cd[1]; $cre=fmt($cred); } if(ereg("^Revision-Date: (.+)$",$xFile[$i],$rd)) { $revd = $rd[1]; $rev = fmt($revd); } if(ereg("^Handle: (.+)bocode:(.+)$",$xFile[$i],$han)) { if($cred > $prevdt | $revd > $prevdt) { echo "
$name $desc
"; echo "Authors: $an"; if($revd>$cred) { echo "
Revised: $rev
"; } else { echo "
Created: $cre
"; } $cred=""; $revd=""; $an=""; } } } print "\nEnd of recent additions and updates\n
"; function fmt($d8) { $y = floor($d8/10000); $m = floor($d8/100-$y*100); $d = floor($d8-$y*10000-$m*100); $mp = ($m<10) ? "0" : ""; $dp = ($d<10) ? "0" : ""; $df = $y."-".$mp.$m."-".$dp.$d; return $df; } ?>