capture log close set more off estimates clear set scheme s2color matrix drop _all log using sug_groups_tenure, replace version 9.1 // - stata user's group - july 2006 // logit example of gender differences in tenure // Scott Long - 20Jul2006 // #1 // descriptive statistics spex tenure01, clear vardesc tenure female year yearsq select articles prestige presthi // #2 // estimation logit tenure female year yearsq select articles presthi, nolog listcoef articles female, help // #3 // preditions with predict using pseudo-observations set obs 2946 replace female = 1 if _n==2946 replace articles = 0 if _n==2946 replace year = 7 if _n==2946 replace yearsq = 49 if _n==2946 // year squared replace select = 4.97 if _n==2946 // mean level replace presthi = 0.05 if _n==2946 // mean level predict prob in 2946 list prob female articles year yearsq select presthi in 2946, clean drop in 2946 /* Or you can use _N to determine the observation to be added. local newn = _N + 1 set obs `newn' replace female = 1 if _n==`newn' replace articles = 0 if _n==`newn' replace year = 7 if _n==`newn' replace yearsq = 49 if _n==`newn' // year squared replace select = 4.97 if _n==`newn' // mean level replace presthi = 0.05 if _n==`newn' // mean level predict prob in `newn' list prob female year yearsq select articles presthi in `newn', clean drop in `newn' */ // #4 // preditions with prvalue prvalue, x(female=1 articles=0 year=7 yearsq=49) rest(mean) // #5 // multiple prvalues prvalue, x(articles= 0 female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) brief prvalue, x(articles= 5 female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) brief prvalue, x(articles=10 female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) brief prvalue, x(articles=15 female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) brief prvalue, x(articles=20 female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) brief // #6 // returns from prvalue prvalue, x(articles= 0 female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) brief return list // #7 // automating multiple prvalue's use forvalues gen plotx = . label var plotx "Number of articles" gen plotp1 = . label var plotp1 "Pr(tenure for women in year 7)" local i = 0 forvalues artval = 0(5)40 { local ++i prvalue, x(female=1 year=7 yearsq=49 articles=`artval') replace plotx = `artval' if _n==`i' replace plotp1 = r(p1) if _n==`i' } graph twoway connected plotp1 plotx, /// xlabel(0(5)40) ylabel(0(.1).8) /// ytitle("Pr(tenure for women in year 7)") graph export sug_groups_07_prvalue.emf, replace * add marker gen plotp2 = plotp1 if _n==1 twoway (connected plotp1 plotx) /// (connected plotp2 plotx, msym(Sh) msize(large) clcol(red)) /// , xlabel(0(5)40) ylabel(0(.1).6) legend(off) /// ytitle("Pr(tenure for women in year 7)") graph export sug_groups_07_prvalue_eg.emf, replace // #8 // plot with prgen prgen articles, from(0) to(40) gap(5) generate(m0) x(female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) label var m0p1 "Pr(tenure for women in year 7)" label var m0x "Number of articles" graph twoway connected m0p1 m0x, /// xlabel(0(5)40) ylabel(0(.1).6) graph export sug_groups_08_prgen.emf, replace drop m0* // #9 // plot with logit using ci's prgen articles, from(0) to(40) gap(5) generate(m0) /// x(female=1 year=7 yearsq=49) ci label var m0p1 "Pr(tenure for women in year 7)" label var m0x "Number of articles" label var m0p1lb "95% lower bound" label var m0p1ub "95% upper bound" * using shading to show confidence interval graph twoway /// (rarea m0p1lb m0p1ub m0x, color(gs14)) /// (connected m0p1 m0x, msymbol(i)), /// subtitle("Probability of tenure with 95% confidence interval") /// yscale(range(0 .6)) ytitle("Pr(tenure for women in year 7)") /// xlabel(0(5)40) legend(off) graph export sug_groups_09_prgenci.emf, replace // #10 // change in predictions prchange female, x(year=7 yearsq=47) quietly prvalue, x(female=0 year=7 yearsq=47) save prvalue, x(female=1 year=7 yearsq=47) dif // // single predictor of tenure // // #11 // variables in articles only model spex tenure01, clear sort male by male: sum tenure female f_articles male m_articles by male: vardesc tenure year yearsq select articles presthi // #12 // estimate logit model by group logit tenure female f_articles male m_articles, nolog nocon // #13 // incorrect chow test listcoef f_articles m_articles test f_articles = m_articles // #14 // compute predictions at different #s of articles * predictions with 5 articles quietly prvalue, x(fem=1 f_art=5 male=0 m_art=0) save prvalue, x(fem=0 f_art=0 male=1 m_art=5) dif matrix drop _all foreach art of numlist 0(2)50 { quietly prvalue, x(fem=1 f_art=`art' male=0 m_art=0) matrix y_fem = nullmat(y_fem) \ pepred[2,2] quietly prvalue, x(fem=0 f_art=0 male=1 m_art=`art') matrix y_mal = nullmat(y_mal) \ pepred[2,2] matrix x_art = nullmat(x_art) \ `art' } svmat x_art label var x_art1 "Number of Articles" svmat y_fem label var y_fem1 "Women" // Pr(for women) svmat y_mal label var y_mal1 "Men" // Pr(for men) // #15 // plot predictions at different #s of articles twoway (connected y_fem x_art, msym(i) clcol(red)) /// (connected y_mal x_art, msym(i) clcol(blue)) /// , ytitle(Pr(tenure)) xlabel(0(10)50) /// ylabel(0(.2)1.) yline(0 1) legend(pos(11) ring(0) cols(1)) graph export sug_groups_15_artprob.emf, replace * cleanup matrix drop _all capture drop x_art1 y_fem1 y_mal1 // #16 // compute discrete change and ci (sb_groups_m1ci.log) foreach art of numlist 0(2)50 { quietly prvalue, save /// for women x(fem=1 f_art=`art' male=0 m_art=0) quietly prvalue, diff /// for men x(fem=0 f_art=0 male=1 m_art=`art') matrix y_mal = nullmat(y_mal) \ pepred[2,2] matrix y_fem = nullmat(y_fem) \ pepred[4,2] matrix y_dc = nullmat(y_dc) \ pepred[6,2] matrix y_ub = nullmat(y_ub) \ peupper[6,2] matrix y_lb = nullmat(y_lb) \ pelower[6,2] matrix x_art = nullmat(x_art) \ `art' } // #17 // plot discrete change and ci (sb_groups_m1ciplot.log) foreach v in x_art y_dc y_ub y_lb y_fem y_mal { svmat `v' } label var x_art "Number of Articles" label var y_fem "Women" // Pr(for women) label var y_mal "Men" // Pr(for men) label var y_dc "Difference" // Pr(for men) - Pr(for women) label var y_ub "95% confidence interval" label var y_lb "95% confidence interval" twoway /// (connected y_dc x_art, msym(i) clcol(green)) /// (connected y_ub x_art, msym(i) clcol(brown) clpat(dash)) /// (connected y_lb x_art, msym(i) clcol(brown) clpat(dash)) /// , legend(pos(11) ring(0) cols(1) order(1 2)) /// ytitle("Pr(men) - Pr(women)") ylabel(-.1(.1).8) yline(0) /// xlabel(0(10)50) graph export sug_groups_17_artdc.emf, replace // // M2 articles and hiprestige as a predictor // // #18 // logit estimated (sb_groups_m2logit.log) matrix drop _all spex tenure01, clear logit tenure female f_art f_presthi /// male m_art m_presthi, nolog nocon // #19 // chow tests test f_art = m_art test f_presthi = m_presthi // #20 // compute predictions at both levels of presthi (sb_groups_m2pred.log) foreach art of numlist 0(2)50 { * lower prestige jobs quietly prvalue, save /// for women x(fem=1 f_art=`art' male=0 m_art=0 f_presthi=0 m_presthi=0) quietly prvalue, diff /// for men x(fem=0 f_art=0 male=1 m_art=`art' f_presthi=0 m_presthi=0) matrix xlo_art = nullmat(xlo_art) \ `art' // articles matrix ylo_mal = nullmat(ylo_mal) \ pepred[2,2] // pr men matrix ylo_fem = nullmat(ylo_fem) \ pepred[4,2] // pr women matrix ylo_dc = nullmat(ylo_dc) \ pepred[6,2] // difference matrix ylo_ub = nullmat(ylo_ub) \ peupper[6,2] // upper limit matrix ylo_lb = nullmat(ylo_lb) \ pelower[6,2] // lower limit * high prestige jobs quietly prvalue, save /// for women x(fem=1 f_art=`art' male=0 m_art=0 f_presthi=1 m_presthi=0) quietly prvalue, diff /// for men x(fem=0 f_art=0 male=1 m_art=`art' f_presthi=0 m_presthi=1) matrix xhi_art = nullmat(xhi_art) \ `art' matrix yhi_mal = nullmat(yhi_mal) \ pepred[2,2] matrix yhi_fem = nullmat(yhi_fem) \ pepred[4,2] matrix yhi_dc = nullmat(yhi_dc) \ pepred[6,2] matrix yhi_ub = nullmat(yhi_ub) \ peupper[6,2] matrix yhi_lb = nullmat(yhi_lb) \ pelower[6,2] } foreach v in xlo_art ylo_fem ylo_mal ylo_dc ylo_ub ylo_lb /// xhi_art yhi_fem yhi_mal yhi_dc yhi_ub yhi_lb { svmat `v' } label var xlo_art1 "Number of Articles" label var ylo_fem1 "Women - not distinguished" label var ylo_mal1 "Men - not distinguished" label var yhi_fem1 "Women - distinguished" label var yhi_mal1 "Men - distinguished" label var ylo_dc1 "Male-Female - not distinguished" label var ylo_ub1 "95% confidence interval" label var ylo_lb1 "95% confidence interval" label var yhi_dc1 "Male-Female - distinguished" label var yhi_lb1 "95% confidence interval" label var yhi_ub1 "95% confidence interval" // #21 // four probability curves (sb_groups_m2plotprob.log) twoway /// (connected yhi_fem xhi_art, msym(i) clcol(red) clpat(solid)) /// (connected ylo_fem xlo_art, msym(i) clcol(red) clpat(shortdash_dot)) /// (connected yhi_mal xhi_art, msym(i) clcol(blue) clpat(solid)) /// (connected ylo_mal xlo_art, msym(i) clcol(blue) clpat(shortdash_dot)) /// , legend(pos(11) order(2 1 4 3) ring(0) cols(1) region(ls(none))) /// ylabel(0(.2)1.) yline(0 1) ytitle(Pr(tenure)) xlabel(0(10)50) graph export sug_groups_21_prprsthi.emf, replace // #22 // two DC curves (sb_groups_m2dcplot.log) twoway /// (connected ylo_dc xlo_art, msym(i) clcol(green)) /// (connected yhi_dc xhi_art, msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// , legend(pos(11) ring(0) cols(1) order(1 2)) xlabel(0(10)50) /// ytitle("Pr(men) - Pr(women)") ylabel(-.1(.2).9) yline(0) graph export sug_groups_22_dcprst.emf, replace // #23 // plot discrete change with ci's (sb_groups_m2dcplotsig.log) * case as missing if not significant gen ylo_sigdc = ylo_dc if ylo_lb>=0 & ylo_lb!=. gen yhi_sigdc = yhi_dc if yhi_lb>=0 & yhi_lb!=. label var ylo_sigdc "Not distinguished" label var ylo_dc "if not significant" label var yhi_sigdc "Distinguished" label var yhi_dc "if not significant" twoway /// (connected ylo_sigdc xlo_art, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(green) ) /// (connected yhi_sigdc xhi_art, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// (connected ylo_dc xlo_art, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(green) ) /// (connected yhi_dc xhi_art, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// , legend(pos(11) order(2 4 1 3) ring(0) cols(1) region(ls(none))) /// ytitl("Pr(men) - Pr(women)") xlab(0(10)50) ylab(-.1(.2).9) ylin(0) graph export sug_groups_23_dcsigprsthi.emf, replace // // full model // // #25 // estimate full model (sb_groups_m3logit.log) matrix drop _all spex tenure01, clear logit tenure male m_year m_yearsq m_select m_articles m_prestige /// fem f_year f_yearsq f_select f_articles f_prestige, nolog nocon // #26 // compute means for rhs variable (sb_groups_m3means.log) foreach v in year yearsq select art prestige { quietly sum `v' local mn_`v' = r(mean) } local mn_yr = 7 // year for predictions local mn_yrsq = `mn_yr' * `mn_yr' // year squared local f_at_mn "f_year=`mn_yr' f_yearsq=`mn_yrsq' f_select=`mn_select'" local m_at_mn "m_year=`mn_yr' m_yearsq=`mn_yrsq' m_select=`mn_select'" local m_at_0 "mal=0 m_art=0 m_year=0 m_yearsq=0 m_select=0 m_prestige=0" local f_at_0 "fem=0 f_art=0 f_year=0 f_yearsq=0 f_select=0 f_prestige=0" // #27 // compute predictions at year 7 foreach p in 1 2 3 4 5 { // prestige level di "prestige at `p'" foreach art of numlist 0(2)50 { // loop through articles quietly prvalue, save /// x(fem=1 f_art=`art' f_prestige=`p' `f_at_mn' `m_at_0') quietly prvalue, diff /// x(mal=1 m_art=`art' m_prestige=`p' `m_at_mn' `f_at_0') matrix x`p'_art = nullmat(x`p'_art) \ `art' matrix y`p'_mal = nullmat(y`p'_mal) \ pepred[2,2] matrix y`p'_fem = nullmat(y`p'_fem) \ pepred[4,2] matrix y`p'_dc = nullmat(y`p'_dc) \ pepred[6,2] matrix y`p'_ub = nullmat(y`p'_ub) \ peupper[6,2] matrix y`p'_lb = nullmat(y`p'_lb) \ pelower[6,2] } foreach v in x`p'_art y`p'_dc y`p'_ub y`p'_lb y`p'_fem y`p'_mal { svmat `v' } label var x`p'_art1 "Number of Articles" label var y`p'_mal1 "Men" label var y`p'_fem1 "Women" label var y`p'_dc1 "Male-Female difference" label var y`p'_ub1 "95% confidence interval" label var y`p'_lb1 "95% confidence interval" } // end of prediction loop // #28 // probability plots by level of prestige foreach p in 1 2 3 4 5 { // prestige level twoway /// (connected y`p'_fem x`p'_art, msym(i) clcol(red)) /// (connected y`p'_mal x`p'_art, msym(i) clcol(blue)) /// , subtitle("Plotted at prestige = `p'",pos(11)) /// legend(pos(11) order(2 1) ring(0) cols(1) region(ls(none))) /// ytitle(Pr(tenure)) xlabel(0(10)50) /// ylabel(0(.2)1.) yline(0 1) graph export sug_groups_28_probprst`p'.emf, replace * discrete change in probability twoway /// (connected y`p'_dc x`p'_art, msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// (connected y`p'_ub x`p'_art, msym(i) clcol(brown) clpat(dash)) /// (connected y`p'_lb x`p'_art, msym(i) clcol(brown) clpat(dash)) /// , subtitle("Plotted at prestige = `p'",pos(11)) /// legend(pos(11) order(2 1) ring(0) cols(1) region(ls(none))) /// ytitle("Pr(men) - Pr(women)") xlabel(0(10)50) /// ylabel(-.1(.2).7) yline(0) graph export sug_groups_28_dcprst`p'.emf, replace } // loop over prestige // #29 // plot of multiple prestige levels * case as missing if not significant foreach p in 1 2 3 4 5 { gen y`p'_sigdc = y`p'_dc if y`p'_lb>=0 & y`p'_lb!=. } label var y1_sigdc "Weak (prestige=1)" label var y1_dc " (not significant)" label var y2_sigdc "Adequate (prestige=2)" label var y3_sigdc "Good (prestige=3)" label var y4_sigdc "Strong (prestige=4)" label var y5_sigdc "Distinguished (prestige=5)" label var y5_dc " (not significant)" twoway /// (connected y1_sigdc x1_art, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(red)) /// (connected y2_sigdc x2_art, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// (connected y3_sigdc x3_art, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(green)) /// (connected y4_sigdc x4_art, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(blue)) /// (connected y5_sigdc x5_art, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(purple)) /// (connected y1_dc x1_art, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(red)) /// (connected y2_dc x2_art, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// (connected y3_dc x3_art, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(green)) /// (connected y4_dc x4_art, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(blue)) /// (connected y5_dc x5_art, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(purple)) /// , legend(pos(11) order(1 2 3 4 5) ring(0) cols(1) region(ls(none))) /// ytitle("Pr(men) - Pr(women)") xlab(0(10)50) ylab(.0(.1).5) ylin(0) graph export sug_groups_29_dcprst.emf, replace // #30 // compute predictions at year 7 for various levels of publications local a = 0 foreach art in 0 10 20 30 40 50 { // articles local ++a // to number variables that are created di "articles = `art'" foreach p of numlist 1(.2)5 { // loop through prestige quietly prvalue, save /// x(fem=1 f_art=`art' f_prestige=`p' `f_at_mn' `m_at_0') quietly prvalue, diff /// x(mal=1 m_art=`art' m_prestige=`p' `m_at_mn' `f_at_0') matrix x`a'a_prst = nullmat(x`a'a_prst) \ `p' matrix y`a'a_mal = nullmat(y`a'a_mal) \ pepred[2,2] matrix y`a'a_fem = nullmat(y`a'a_fem) \ pepred[4,2] matrix y`a'a_dc = nullmat(y`a'a_dc) \ pepred[6,2] matrix y`a'a_ub = nullmat(y`a'a_ub) \ peupper[6,2] matrix y`a'a_lb = nullmat(y`a'a_lb) \ pelower[6,2] } // prestige level } // end of articles loop // #31 // plot of multiple article levels * create variables to plot foreach a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 { foreach v in x`a'a_prst y`a'a_dc y`a'a_ub y`a'a_lb y`a'a_fem y`a'a_mal { svmat `v' } label var x`a'a_prst "Job Prestige" label var y`a'a_mal "Men" label var y`a'a_fem "Women" label var y`a'a_dc "Male-Female difference" label var y`a'a_ub "95% confidence interval" label var y`a'a_lb "95% confidence interval" } * create new variable to indicate significance foreach a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 { gen y`a'a_sigdc = y`a'a_dc if y`a'a_lb>=0 & y`a'a_lb!=. } * creaet plot label var y1a_sigdc "no articles" label var y1a_dc " (not significant)" label var y2a_sigdc "10 articles" label var y3a_sigdc "20 articles" label var y4a_sigdc "30 articles" label var y5a_sigdc "40 articles" label var y6a_sigdc "50 articles" label var y6a_dc " (not significant)" */ twoway /// (connected y1a_sigdc x1a_prst, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(red)) /// (connected y2a_sigdc x2a_prst, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// (connected y3a_sigdc x3a_prst, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(brown)) /// (connected y4a_sigdc x4a_prst, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(green)) /// (connected y5a_sigdc x5a_prst, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(blue)) /// (connected y6a_sigdc x6a_prst, clpat(solid) msym(i) clcol(purple)) /// (connected y1a_dc x1a_prst, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(red)) /// (connected y2a_dc x2a_prst, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(orange)) /// (connected y3a_dc x3a_prst, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(brown)) /// (connected y4a_dc x4a_prst, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(green)) /// (connected y5a_dc x5a_prst, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(blue)) /// (connected y6a_dc x6a_prst, clpat(dash) msym(i) clcol(purple)) /// , legend(pos(11) order(1 2 3 4 5 6) ring(0) cols(2) region(ls(none))) /// ytitle("Pr(men) - Pr(women)") xlab(1(1)5) ylab(.0(.1).5) ylin(0) graph export sug_groups_31_dcart.emf, replace /* // #0 // installing spost net from // or: findit spost9 */ */ log close