       log:  /Volumes/ecxs2/users/baum/CompustatCompann/UDCL8509-3.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:   9 May 2008, 11:06:12

. local infile UDCL8509

. local outfile UDCL8509-2

. // work with original compann extract, ignoring IRRC . // merge with CPI series . // use udcl_irrc_macro, clear . // rename year yeara . // sort yeara . // save udcl_irrc_macro,replace . freduse CPIAUCSL (735 observations read)

. g ym = mofd(daten)

. format ym %tm

. tsset ym time variable: ym, 1947m1 to 2008m3 delta: 1 month

. tscollap CPIAUCSL, to(y) Converting from M to Y time variable: y_y, 1947 to 2007 delta: 1 year

. rename CPIAUCSL cpi

. rename y_y yeara

. tsset yeara time variable: yeara, 1947 to 2007 delta: 1 year

. save udcl_cpi, replace file udcl_cpi.dta saved

. . use `infile',clear

. sort yeara

. merge yeara using udcl_cpi,uniqusing variable yeara does not uniquely identify observations in the master data yeara was int now float

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 2 | 4 0.00 0.00 3 | 779,109 100.00 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 779,113 100.00

. drop if _merge<3 (4 observations deleted)

. drop _merge

. tab yeara

fiscal year | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1950 | 3,796 0.49 0.49 1951 | 3,796 0.49 0.97 1952 | 3,796 0.49 1.46 1953 | 3,796 0.49 1.95 1954 | 3,796 0.49 2.44 1955 | 3,796 0.49 2.92 1956 | 3,796 0.49 3.41 1957 | 3,796 0.49 3.90 1958 | 3,796 0.49 4.39 1959 | 3,796 0.49 4.87 1960 | 3,796 0.49 5.36 1961 | 3,796 0.49 5.85 1962 | 3,796 0.49 6.33 1963 | 3,796 0.49 6.82 1964 | 3,796 0.49 7.31 1965 | 3,796 0.49 7.80 1966 | 3,796 0.49 8.28 1967 | 3,796 0.49 8.77 1968 | 13,844 1.78 10.55 1969 | 13,844 1.78 12.32 1970 | 13,816 1.77 14.10 1971 | 13,816 1.77 15.87 1972 | 13,816 1.77 17.64 1973 | 13,816 1.77 19.42 1974 | 13,816 1.77 21.19 1975 | 13,816 1.77 22.96 1976 | 13,816 1.77 24.74 1977 | 13,816 1.77 26.51 1978 | 13,816 1.77 28.28 1979 | 13,816 1.77 30.06 1980 | 13,816 1.77 31.83 1981 | 13,816 1.77 33.60 1982 | 13,816 1.77 35.38 1983 | 13,816 1.77 37.15 1984 | 13,816 1.77 38.92 1985 | 13,816 1.77 40.70 1986 | 13,816 1.77 42.47 1987 | 26,459 3.40 45.87 1988 | 22,198 2.85 48.72 1989 | 22,198 2.85 51.56 1990 | 22,198 2.85 54.41 1991 | 22,198 2.85 57.26 1992 | 22,198 2.85 60.11 1993 | 22,198 2.85 62.96 1994 | 22,198 2.85 65.81 1995 | 22,198 2.85 68.66 1996 | 22,198 2.85 71.51 1997 | 22,198 2.85 74.36 1998 | 22,198 2.85 77.21 1999 | 22,198 2.85 80.06 2000 | 22,198 2.85 82.91 2001 | 22,198 2.85 85.75 2002 | 22,198 2.85 88.60 2003 | 22,198 2.85 91.45 2004 | 22,198 2.85 94.30 2005 | 22,198 2.85 97.15 2006 | 22,198 2.85 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 779,109 100.00

. saveold `outfile', replace file UDCL8509-2.dta saved

. log close log: /Volumes/ecxs2/users/baum/CompustatCompann/UDCL8509-3.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 9 May 2008, 11:06:26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------