       log:  /Volumes/ecxs2/users/baum/compustatcompann/UDCL7A03-2-9210.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:  17 Feb 2009, 15:30:46

. * organize IRRC gov dataset for merge into UDCL data . * try merge with both cusip and ticker . * cfb 7A03 rev 9216 to pick up IRRC for 2006 and Compustat for 2007 . use ../irrcgov/gset,clear

. * create values for missing years by filling prior year . expand 3 if year==1990 | year==1995 (5926 observations created)

. bysort cn6 year: replace year=year+1 if _n==2 (2963 real changes made)

. bysort cn6 year: replace year=year+2 if _n==2 (2963 real changes made)

. expand 2 if inlist(year,1993,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006) (11035 observations created)

. bysort cn6 year: replace year=year+1 if inlist(year,1993,1998,2000,2002,2004, > 2006) & _n==2 (11035 real changes made)

. rename cn6 cnum

. rename ticker smbl

. rename year yeara

. rename coname company

. sort cnum yeara

. save UDCL_IRRC_9210,replace file UDCL_IRRC_9210.dta saved

. . * merge compustat with IRRC on cusip as first priority . use UDCL7A03-9216, clear

. sort cnum yeara

. merge cnum yeara using UDCL_IRRC_9210 variables cnum yeara do not uniquely identify observations in the master data

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 297,227 90.57 90.57 2 | 4,036 1.23 91.80 3 | 26,927 8.20 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 328,190 100.00

. save testmerge1,replace file testmerge1.dta saved

. . * now check to see if there are firms who have changed cusip but not ticker . use UDCL_IRRC_9210,clear

. sort smbl yeara

. save UDCL_IRRC_9210,replace file UDCL_IRRC_9210.dta saved

. . use testmerge1, clear

. rename _merge mergecusip

. sort smbl yeara

. * merge compustat + IRRC(cusip) with IRRC(smbl) . merge smbl yeara using UDCL_IRRC_9210 variables smbl yeara do not uniquely identify observations in the master data

. rename _merge mergeticker

. tab mergeticker mergecusip

mergeticke | mergecusip r | 1 2 3 | Total -----------+---------------------------------+---------- 1 | 296,040 0 7,033 | 303,073 3 | 1,187 4,036 19,894 | 25,117 -----------+---------------------------------+---------- Total | 297,227 4,036 26,927 | 328,190

. g matched = (mergeticker==3 | mergecusip==3)

. tab matched

matched | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 302,632 90.40 90.40 1 | 32,150 9.60 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 334,782 100.00

. keep if matched (302632 observations deleted)

. duplicates list cnum yeara

Duplicates in terms of cnum yeara

+---------------------------------+ | group: obs: cnum yeara | |---------------------------------| | 1 1231 023608 2007 | | 1 1236 023608 2007 | | 2 1275 025537 2007 | | 2 1283 025537 2007 | | 3 4462 092113 2007 | |---------------------------------| | 3 4469 092113 2007 | | 4 24139 464288 2007 | | 4 31454 464288 2007 | | 5 27065 748356 2007 | | 5 27070 748356 2007 | +---------------------------------+

. duplicates drop smbl yeara, force

Duplicates in terms of smbl yeara

(750 observations deleted)

. keep if data1<. & fairprice<. (4566 observations deleted)

. saveold UDCL_IRRC_matched_9210, replace file UDCL_IRRC_matched_9210.dta saved

. desc

Contains data from testmerge1.dta obs: 26,834 vars: 120 17 Feb 2009 15:30 size: 12,477,810 (97.6% of memory free) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dnum int %8.0g industry classification code cnum str6 %6s cusip issuer code cic str3 %3s cusip issue number and check digit smbl str8 %9s stock ticker symbol spdrc str2 %2s s&p lt domest. issuer credit rating- cur spdrcf str1 %1s ftnt- s&p lt dom issuer cred rating- cur subdbt str1 %1s s&p subordinated debt rating - current spcprc str3 %3s s&p st domest. issuer credit rating- cur date int %dD_m_Y fiscal year data1 double %10.0g cash and short-term investments (mm$) data2 double %10.0g receivables - total (mm$) data5 double %10.0g current liabilities - total (mm$) data6 double %10.0g assets - total (mm$) data9 double %10.0g long-term debt - total (mm$) data10 double %10.0g preferred stock - liquidating value(mm$) data12 double %10.0g sales (net) (mm$) data13 float %9.0g operating income before deprec. (mm$) data14 float %9.0g depreciation and amortization (mm$) data15 float %9.0g interest expense (mm$) data16 float %9.0g income taxes - total (mm$) data17 float %9.0g special items (mm$) data18 float %9.0g income before extraordinary items (mm$) data21 float %9.0g dividends - common (mm$) data25 float %9.0g common shares outstanding (mm) data34 double %10.0g debt in current liabilities (mm$) data35 float %9.0g deferred tax & invest tax credit...(mm$) data46 float %9.0g research and development expense (mm$) data50 float %9.0g deferred taxes (income account) (mm$) data51 float %9.0g investment tax credit (income acct)(mm$) data54 float %9.0g common shares used to calculate eps (mm) data56 double %10.0g preferred stock - redemption value (mm$) data79 float %9.0g debt - convertible (mm$) data108 float %9.0g sale of common and pref. stock... (mm$) data111 double %10.0g long-term debt - issuance... (mm$) data114 double %10.0g long-term debt - reduction... (mm$) data115 float %9.0g purchase of common and pref. stock (mm$) data128 float %9.0g capital expenditures (scf) (mm$) data129 double %10.0g acquisitions (statement of cf) (mm$) data130 float %9.0g preferred stock - carrying value (mm$) data179 float %9.0g working capital (balance sheet) (mm$) data180 float %9.0g working capital change - total(soc)(mm$) data192 float %9.0g extraordinary items (mm$) data199 double %10.0g price -- fiscal year -- close ($&c) data236 float %9.0g working capital change- other... (mm$) data274 float %9.0g cash & cash equiv- increase(dec)...(mm$) data280 byte %8.0g s&p lt domestic issuer credit rating data283 int %8.0g s&p st dom. issuer credit rating- hist data301 double %10.0g changes in current debt (scf) (mm$) coname str28 %28s company name yeara float %8.0g fiscal year gvkey str6 %6s Global Company Key datadate str8 %8s Data Date indfmt str12 %12s Industry Format consol str2 %2s Level of Consolidation - Compan popsrc str2 %2s Population Source datafmt str12 %12s Data Format cusip str10 %10s CUSIP curcd str4 %4s ISO Currency Code costat str2 %2s Active/Inactive Status Marker sic str4 %4s Standard Industry Classificatio company str48 %48s company name blankcheck byte %8.0g blank check preferred cboard byte %8.0g classified board fairprice byte %8.0g fair price supermajor byte %8.0g supermajority to approve merger antigreen byte %8.0g antigreenmail lwcnst byte %8.0g limit ability to act by written consent lspmt byte %8.0g limit ability to call special meeting dutiesnf byte %8.0g director's duties--nonfinancial impact dualclass byte %8.0g dual class common stock uneqvote byte %8.0g unequal voting rights lachtr byte %8.0g limit ability to amend charter ppill byte %8.0g poison pill advnr byte %8.0g advance notice requirements confvote byte %8.0g confidential voting exsvchg byte %8.0g change in control provisions sparachute byte %8.0g silver parachute pparachute byte %8.0g pension parachute cumvote byte %8.0g cumulative voting labylw byte %8.0g limit ability to amend bylaws compplan byte %8.0g compensation plan with change in control cumvotess byte %8.0g substantial shareholder gparachute byte %8.0g golden parachutes oo_buscomp byte %8.0g opt out of buscomb/freezeout law oo_cashout_pa byte %8.0g opt out of control share cashout law (pa) oo_csa byte %8.0g opt out of control share acquisition law(csa) oo_duties byte %8.0g opt out of directors duties law oo_fairprice byte %8.0g opt out of fair price law oo_rprofits byte %8.0g opt out of recapture of profits law oi_bc_ga byte %8.0g opt in to buscomb/freezeout law(ga) oi_fp_ga byte %8.0g opt in to fair price law(ga) oi_csa byte %8.0g opt in to control share acquisition law(csa) exch str6 %6s stocke exchange dirind byte %8.0g director indemnification dirindc byte %8.0g indemnification contracts dirliab byte %8.0g director liability execsv byte %8.0g executive severance agreement state str2 %2s state of incorporation de_inc byte %8.0g delaware incorporation sl_buscomp byte %8.0g business combination law sl_fairprice byte %8.0g fair price law sl_csa byte %8.0g control share acquisition law sl_rprofits byte %8.0g recapture of profits law sl_cashout byte %8.0g cash out law sl_duties byte %8.0g director's duties law date1 long %dD_m_Y beginning day. date used to create range of time when irrc data is applicable. date2 long %dD_m_Y ending day. date used to create range of time when irrc data is applicable. gindex byte %8.0g governance index (gompers, ishii, metrick) secretballot byte %8.0g combined secret ballot goldenparachute byte %8.0g combined golden parachutes severance byte %8.0g combined severance page int %8.0g irrc page number yr_reinc byte %8.0g year of reincorporation ecumvote byte %8.0g eliminate cumulative voting empc byte %8.0g employee contracts scrtbt byte %8.0g secret ballot cik str10 %10s cik mergecusip byte %8.0g mergeticker byte %8.0g matched float %9.0g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved

. summ

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- dnum | 26834 4569.11 1798.005 100 9997 cnum | 0 cic | 0 smbl | 0 spdrc | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- spdrcf | 0 subdbt | 0 spcprc | 0 date | 25286 14086.74 1782.753 10958 16802 data1 | 26834 1064.526 8116.97 -.156 292147 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data2 | 25096 3432.299 25037.99 0 917361 data5 | 21249 1087.694 5680.49 0 329795 data6 | 26834 10946.84 57303.38 1.144 2187631 data9 | 25229 1914.26 12718.11 0 486876 data10 | 25236 48.68268 250.8895 0 9108 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data12 | 26812 4358.782 13144.48 -4234.472 375376 data13 | 24694 781.1813 2809.041 -5743 89492 data14 | 25657 208.5862 740.6552 -7.909 21577 data15 | 22473 187.302 1412.588 0 56943 data16 | 25265 134.2881 537.1998 -5878 27902 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data17 | 23938 -48.32435 589.1953 -51066.2 15006 data18 | 26816 250.3468 1257.016 -56121.9 40610 data21 | 25173 95.12195 449.2572 0 36968 data25 | 25214 147.0762 449.4925 0 10862 data34 | 25233 1597.614 15668.58 -882 499293 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data35 | 23594 259.7642 1091.993 -71.665 36713 data46 | 12496 162.5663 598.8358 0 12183 data50 | 22601 6.415079 171.3281 -6570 5268 data51 | 14556 1.90365 25.05518 -.899 2400 data54 | 25158 146.7484 448.7862 .001 10839 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data56 | 25242 48.96394 253.4667 -.52 9108 data79 | 23122 48.66904 211.5346 0 8050 data108 | 22836 50.84223 213.7624 -3.143 10413 data111 | 22649 700.8933 6431.94 -.204 347108 data114 | 22914 525.793 4911.944 0 280864 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data115 | 22161 113.2876 580.1901 -.905 29558 data128 | 24802 279.9598 1052.643 -28.61 33143 data129 | 22142 92.97105 579.1773 -4971 21570 data130 | 25270 37.16364 207.5724 -79 9108 data179 | 21112 318.5705 1314.215 -33780 55597 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data180 | 0 data192 | 24926 -12.83208 429.8927 -54235 2534 data199 | 25190 66.82162 1594.816 .001 109990 data236 | 0 data274 | 23557 31.44609 527.1468 -24785 23209 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- data280 | 14115 10.90776 3.689734 2 29 data283 | 6070 102.4662 1.284313 101 111 data301 | 13068 32.17695 2403.978 -174455 98688 coname | 0 yeara | 26834 1999.053 5.129813 1990 2007 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- gvkey | 0 datadate | 0 indfmt | 0 consol | 0 popsrc | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- datafmt | 0 cusip | 0 curcd | 0 costat | 0 sic | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- company | 0 blankcheck | 26834 .8612581 .3456834 0 1 cboard | 26834 .5823955 .4931734 0 1 fairprice | 26834 .2668257 .4423087 0 1 supermajor | 26834 .163673 .3699854 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- antigreen | 26834 .0475889 .2128987 0 1 lwcnst | 26834 .3556309 .478713 0 1 lspmt | 26834 .3728479 .4835711 0 1 dutiesnf | 26834 .074905 .2632429 0 1 dualclass | 26834 .0968175 .2957146 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- uneqvote | 26834 .0174778 .1310458 0 1 lachtr | 26834 .0278751 .164618 0 1 ppill | 26834 .5338004 .4988655 0 1 advnr | 26834 .5143847 .4998023 0 1 confvote | 26834 .0918611 .2888351 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- exsvchg | 26834 .5391295 .4984758 0 1 sparachute | 26834 .0248938 .1558043 0 1 pparachute | 26834 .0231423 .1503581 0 1 cumvote | 26834 .1234255 .3289311 0 1 labylw | 26834 .1864798 .3895007 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- compplan | 26834 .656965 .4747319 0 1 cumvotess | 26834 .0026459 .0513711 0 1 gparachute | 26834 .0702094 .2555044 0 1 oo_buscomp | 26834 .0262726 .1599479 0 1 oo_cashout~a | 26834 .0031304 .055863 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- oo_csa | 26834 .0464709 .2105065 0 1 oo_duties | 26834 .0059253 .0767491 0 1 oo_fairprice | 26834 .0045465 .0672753 0 1 oo_rprofits | 26834 .0171424 .1298045 0 1 oi_bc_ga | 26834 .002944 .05418 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- oi_fp_ga | 26834 .0029068 .053837 0 1 oi_csa | 26834 .001118 .0334182 0 1 exch | 0 dirind | 26834 .2805023 .449253 0 1 dirindc | 26834 .1076992 .3100059 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- dirliab | 26834 .4884475 .4998758 0 1 execsv | 26834 .0670045 .2500345 0 1 state | 0 de_inc | 26834 .5439741 .4980718 0 1 sl_buscomp | 26834 .8963628 .304795 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sl_fairprice | 26834 .3359171 .4723189 0 1 sl_csa | 26834 .2807632 .4493804 0 1 sl_rprofits | 26834 .1527167 .3597209 0 1 sl_cashout | 26834 .034024 .1812942 0 1 sl_duties | 26834 .0453156 .2079994 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- date1 | 26834 14125.08 1830.339 11201 16802 date2 | 23672 14576.77 1551.54 12234 16801 gindex | 26834 9.044049 2.742002 1 19 secretballot | 26834 .0956622 .2941329 0 1 goldenpara~e | 26834 .6093389 .4879077 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- severance | 26834 .0863457 .2808791 0 1 page | 20076 851.994 504.6152 3 1923 yr_reinc | 23672 6.48551 22.9452 0 99 ecumvote | 23672 .0675482 .2509742 0 1 empc | 23672 .0219246 .1464406 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- scrtbt | 23672 .0043089 .0655019 0 1 cik | 0 mergecusip | 26834 3 0 3 3 mergeticker | 26834 2.476932 .8789564 1 3 matched | 26834 1 0 1 1

. tab year

fiscal year | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1990 | 1,295 4.83 4.83 1991 | 1,262 4.70 9.53 1992 | 1,241 4.62 14.15 1993 | 1,346 5.02 19.17 1994 | 1,312 4.89 24.06 1995 | 1,365 5.09 29.15 1996 | 1,320 4.92 34.06 1997 | 1,236 4.61 38.67 1998 | 1,677 6.25 44.92 1999 | 1,527 5.69 50.61 2000 | 1,548 5.77 56.38 2001 | 1,457 5.43 61.81 2002 | 1,771 6.60 68.41 2003 | 1,719 6.41 74.82 2004 | 1,847 6.88 81.70 2005 | 1,749 6.52 88.22 2006 | 1,614 6.01 94.23 2007 | 1,548 5.77 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 26,834 100.00

. . log close log: /Volumes/ecxs2/users/baum/compustatcompann/UDCL7A03-2-9210.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 17 Feb 2009, 15:30:58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------