       log:  /Volumes/ecxs2/users/baum/compustatcompann/UDCL7B09-2-9210.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:  17 Feb 2009, 15:34:16

. * read monthly series, fit GARCH(1,1) . use dlead,clear

. merge ym using infl,unique

. drop _merge

. tsset ym time variable: ym, 1979m1 to 2006m12 delta: 1 month

. // try fitting to d.dlead rather than detrended dlead . arch D.dlead LD.dlead, ma(1) arch(1) garch(1 2)

(setting optimization to BHHH) Iteration 0: log likelihood = -264.30647 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -255.60927 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -249.89833 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -244.44123 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -242.867 (switching optimization to BFGS) Iteration 5: log likelihood = -240.77876 Iteration 6: log likelihood = -240.27371 Iteration 7: log likelihood = -240.24341 Iteration 8: log likelihood = -240.2046 Iteration 9: log likelihood = -240.19943 Iteration 10: log likelihood = -240.19773 Iteration 11: log likelihood = -240.19753 Iteration 12: log likelihood = -240.19751 Iteration 13: log likelihood = -240.19751

ARCH family regression -- MA disturbances

Sample: 1979m3 - 2006m12 Number of obs = 334 Distribution: Gaussian Wald chi2(2) = 410.57 Log likelihood = -240.1975 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OPG D.dlead | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dlead | dlead | LD. | .887449 .0558989 15.88 0.000 .7778892 .9970087 _cons | .0269788 .0146057 1.85 0.065 -.0016478 .0556054 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ARMA | ma | L1. | -.7251101 .087835 -8.26 0.000 -.8972636 -.5529566 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ARCH | arch | L1. | .0755524 .0394282 1.92 0.055 -.0017253 .1528302 garch | L1. | .0497511 .1200645 0.41 0.679 -.1855709 .2850731 L2. | .7959234 .1452379 5.48 0.000 .5112624 1.080585 _cons | .0191234 .0179475 1.07 0.287 -.016053 .0542998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. predict double leadinc_v, variance

. arch infl L.infl, arch(1) garch(1) dist(t)

(setting optimization to BHHH) Iteration 0: log likelihood = 1575.0597 Iteration 1: log likelihood = 1584.0984 Iteration 2: log likelihood = 1588.7043 Iteration 3: log likelihood = 1590.3257 Iteration 4: log likelihood = 1591.1628 (switching optimization to BFGS) BFGS stepping has contracted, resetting BFGS Hessian (0) Iteration 5: log likelihood = 1591.4299 Iteration 6: log likelihood = 1591.431 (backed up) Iteration 7: log likelihood = 1591.4327 (backed up) Iteration 8: log likelihood = 1591.4988 (backed up) Iteration 9: log likelihood = 1591.5248 (backed up) BFGS stepping has contracted, resetting BFGS Hessian (1) Iteration 10: log likelihood = 1591.5389 Iteration 11: log likelihood = 1591.5462 (backed up) Iteration 12: log likelihood = 1591.5464 (backed up) Iteration 13: log likelihood = 1591.5517 (backed up) BFGS stepping has contracted, resetting BFGS Hessian (2) Iteration 14: log likelihood = 1591.5558 (backed up) (switching optimization to BHHH) Iteration 15: log likelihood = 1591.5558 (backed up) Iteration 16: log likelihood = 1591.5998 Iteration 17: log likelihood = 1591.6112 Iteration 18: log likelihood = 1591.6136 Iteration 19: log likelihood = 1591.6146 (switching optimization to BFGS) BFGS stepping has contracted, resetting BFGS Hessian (3) Iteration 20: log likelihood = 1591.615 Iteration 21: log likelihood = 1591.615 (backed up) Iteration 22: log likelihood = 1591.6151 (backed up) Iteration 23: log likelihood = 1591.6152 (backed up) Iteration 24: log likelihood = 1591.6152 (backed up) BFGS stepping has contracted, resetting BFGS Hessian (4) Iteration 25: log likelihood = 1591.6154 Iteration 26: log likelihood = 1591.6154 (backed up) Iteration 27: log likelihood = 1591.6154 (backed up) Iteration 28: log likelihood = 1591.6154 (backed up) Iteration 29: log likelihood = 1591.6154 (switching optimization to BHHH) Iteration 30: log likelihood = 1591.6154 Iteration 31: log likelihood = 1591.6155 Iteration 32: log likelihood = 1591.6155

ARCH family regression

Sample: 1979m3 - 2006m12 Number of obs = 334 Distribution: t Wald chi2(1) = 112.89 Log likelihood = 1591.615 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OPG | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- infl | infl | L1. | .512183 .0482055 10.62 0.000 .417702 .606664 _cons | .0012611 .0001618 7.80 0.000 .0009441 .0015782 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ARCH | arch | L1. | .1771953 .0622022 2.85 0.004 .0552813 .2991094 garch | L1. | .7985925 .0564895 14.14 0.000 .6878752 .9093098 _cons | 2.04e-07 1.21e-07 1.69 0.091 -3.25e-08 4.41e-07 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /lndfm2 | 1.524048 .568836 2.68 0.007 .4091499 2.638946 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- df | 6.590771 2.611396 3.505537 15.99844 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. predict double infl_v, variance

. replace infl_v=infl_v*1000 (336 real changes made)

. saveold udcl_irrc_garch, replace file udcl_irrc_garch.dta saved

. tscollap leadinc_v infl_v, to(y) Converting from M to Y time variable: y_y, 1979 to 2006 delta: 1 year

. rename y_y yeara

. tsset yeara time variable: yeara, 1979 to 2006 delta: 1 year

. keep if tin(1989,) (10 observations deleted)

. saveold udcl_irrc_macrovar, replace file udcl_irrc_macrovar.dta saved

. use UDCL_IRRC_2_9210,clear

. sort yeara

. merge yeara using udcl_irrc_macrovar, uniqusing variable yeara does not uniquely identify observations in the master data

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 1,544 5.75 5.75 3 | 25,287 94.25 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 26,831 100.00

. drop _merge

. encode cnum, gen(firmid)

. tsset firmid yeara panel variable: firmid (unbalanced) time variable: yeara, 1990 to 2007, but with gaps delta: 1 unit

. drop if yeara == 1989 (1 observation deleted)

. tab yeara

fiscal year | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1990 | 1,295 4.83 4.83 1991 | 1,262 4.70 9.53 1992 | 1,241 4.63 14.16 1993 | 1,346 5.02 19.17 1994 | 1,312 4.89 24.06 1995 | 1,365 5.09 29.15 1996 | 1,320 4.92 34.07 1997 | 1,236 4.61 38.68 1998 | 1,677 6.25 44.93 1999 | 1,527 5.69 50.62 2000 | 1,548 5.77 56.39 2001 | 1,457 5.43 61.82 2002 | 1,771 6.60 68.42 2003 | 1,719 6.41 74.83 2004 | 1,847 6.88 81.71 2005 | 1,749 6.52 88.23 2006 | 1,614 6.02 94.25 2007 | 1,544 5.75 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 26,830 100.00

. tabstat data1 data6 data12, by(yeara) stat(N mean)

Summary statistics: N, mean by categories of: yeara (fiscal year)

yeara | data1 data6 data12 ---------+------------------------------ 1990 | 1295 1295 1294 | 410.5145 5412.505 2785.859 ---------+------------------------------ 1991 | 1262 1262 1261 | 446.4708 5695.226 2836.501 ---------+------------------------------ 1992 | 1241 1241 1238 | 512.7269 6099.263 3001.48 ---------+------------------------------ 1993 | 1346 1346 1343 | 506.9415 6318.806 2925.401 ---------+------------------------------ 1994 | 1312 1312 1311 | 597.4196 6797.014 3210.411 ---------+------------------------------ 1995 | 1365 1365 1365 | 644.7314 7382.267 3481.154 ---------+------------------------------ 1996 | 1320 1320 1318 | 736.4439 8258.801 3842.047 ---------+------------------------------ 1997 | 1236 1236 1234 | 933.6695 9673.871 4369.542 ---------+------------------------------ 1998 | 1677 1677 1677 | 732.0968 8382 3610.375 ---------+------------------------------ 1999 | 1527 1527 1526 | 873.3474 10015.59 4259.678 ---------+------------------------------ 2000 | 1548 1548 1546 | 914.3891 10756.76 4749.993 ---------+------------------------------ 2001 | 1457 1457 1456 | 1148.368 12395.02 5025.66 ---------+------------------------------ 2002 | 1771 1771 1770 | 1201.286 11532.56 4156.732 ---------+------------------------------ 2003 | 1719 1719 1717 | 1379.393 13118.94 4600.4 ---------+------------------------------ 2004 | 1847 1847 1846 | 1497.934 14120.49 4927.771 ---------+------------------------------ 2005 | 1749 1749 1748 | 1706.116 15566.55 5574.3 ---------+------------------------------ 2006 | 1614 1614 1614 | 1897.003 17827.35 6376.46 ---------+------------------------------ 2007 | 1544 1544 1544 | 2202.118 21020.7 7126.291 ---------+------------------------------ Total | 26830 26830 26808 | 1064.66 10946.58 4358.773 ----------------------------------------

. saveold UDCL_IRRC_3_9210,replace file UDCL_IRRC_3_9210.dta saved

. log close log: /Volumes/ecxs2/users/baum/compustatcompann/UDCL7B09-2-9210.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 17 Feb 2009, 15:34:21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------