capt log close set more off log using udcl9218-1, replace // udcl9218-1 examine Gindex for UDCL estimation sample, Compustat through 2007, IRRC through 2006 use udcl9218_estsample, clear desc su egen fcount = tag(firmid) count if fcount bys firmid: gen nobs = _N su nobs tab nobs bys firmid: g dgindex = (D.gindex != 0 & _n > 1) bys firmid: g sdgindex = sum(dgindex) bys firmid: g fdgindex = sdgindex[_N] if _n == _N & _N > 1 su dgindex sdgindex fdgindex l firmid gindex dgindex sdgindex fdgindex in 1/50, sepby(firmid) tab fdgindex // of the 1630 firms that have more than 1 observation in the estimation sample, // 519 (31.8%) have not changed their Gindex. 557 (34%) have changed it once, // 341 (21%) changed it twice, etc. log close set more on log2html udcl9218-1, replace